How About a One-Shot?

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I just thought I'd write a short one-shot about Luan offing herself because I'm bored. (keep in mind this is a one-shot and this is all there is to it, nothing more than what I write down)

Luan Loud always dealt with a bullying problem, from the moment she was in fifth grade up until now, people were always mean to her. They called her names, they took things from her, and they even got physical with her, although despite everything that has happened to her, she refuses to ask for help. Why she avoids help, she doesn't really know, maybe it's the fact she's scared of what her bullies would do to her, or maybe it's because she feels like nobody could understand her.

That's where her jokes came in.

Everyone has their ways of coping, from avoiding certain thoughts to harming themselves, and like other people, Luan had her own ways of coping. She has learned to laugh her pain away, and her jokes were the best way to do that. She knows that nobody else found her jokes funny, but she didn't do it for their laughs, she did it for her own.

Though as time went on, the jokes didn't seem to help her as much as they used to. Even when she told jokes, she didn't feel the happiness that they made her feel a few years ago.

She felt emptiness.

The only reason she continued to tell jokes was because it became a habit for her, and she also hoped that despite her feeling empty whenever she told them, that they would still help her through her bullying problem and that they would help her forget what was said to her.

Recently, though, the bullying has gotten to a point where Luan never thought it'd go. Lately people have been getting more violent with her and have been telling her to kill herself, and she's had enough of it.

She stood in the middle of her bedroom floor, holding a rope in her hands. Everyone else was downstairs watching TV, so Luan knew she had enough time to do what she was planning without being interrupted.

She grabbed one of her stools and stood on it, setting the rope down on the dresser in front of her. She removed one of her comedy props that she had hanging from the ceiling and set it down next to the rope. She sighed again, picking the rope back up and hanging it where she hung the prop that she removed.

She looked around the room before slowly sticking her head into the noose and kicking away the stool. The rope grew tight around her neck and Luan whimpered as her legs started to kick. Tears started to form in her eyes as she felt her chest start to burn. Eventually, the pain in her chest became numb and the world around her grew darker. She knew that everyone would finally be happy she was gone, and that thought made a small smile cross her face as the world around her because complete darkness and she stopped moving.

No, this is not going to be an actual story or anything, just a small thing I thought of :3

(also I'm working on a Luna Loud x Fem!Reader xP)

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