It's Been a Year, Guys

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So, I'm not sure if you know, but tomorrow, December 4th, will be mark the point where I've had this account for a year. It still amazes me how this account, out of all of mine, is the one I decided to stay on. I don't think I could've done it without you guys being there for me

I just really want to thank all of you for everything. You've stayed with me throughout my rough times, supported me, and even made me feel good about writing the types of Fanfictions I like and caused me to stop writing them as "just a vent" (and using it as an excuse, too)

Anyway, I want thank some specific people. Please don't feel bad if your user wasn't listed here, I honesty do thank all of you and wish I could thank you all like this, but the list is way too long to write down

The first person is my first ever follower on this account, YadeyadeyaJrade. I might not know you or ever spoke to you, and I'm not sure if you're even active, but thank you for being my first ever follow. Because of your follow, you helped me out, and you're one of the most important people on here. Thank you :>

Next is my friend, rosythecat, who's been my best friend since my first (not technically my first but I really wanna forget about my accounts before then) account, YingYang43. You're one of the few people who's been by my side since the very beginning, and I can't express how much I appreciate that. You know me well, and I'm glad we're the friends we are. Thank you ^.^

mysticcrybaby You're an amazing and kind person, and you're really good at art. You might not have been my friend as long as some other people, but you're an amazing person who definitely deserves more friends and hugs. You deserve more followers than what you already have, you really do

ball_of_sin_, MadameOfFanFiction, Hei_Ski, TKO_EMO_GIRL, KOTHESMOLBEAN You're all some great honorable mentions. I don't have much to say about you personally, but I can say you're all amazing people, friends, and everything else. You're all such kind people who deserve to be treated better. I just want to thank you for being such amazing people and for everything else. You deserve it :)

And to everyone - once again I have to thank everyone here. You have no idea how grateful I am for you guys and how much I love and appreciate you. Words really can't express how I feel, they really can't

Thank you all so, so much. I hope you have an amazing rest of the day / night ^.^

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