This is Definitely a Strange Dream

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So it like, had something to do with K.O as a ghost (a few of you should know what that's referencing) but it soon changed to Steven? Like, something bad happened him that made him a ghost but nobody remembers him and the only thing Greg cares about is getting his van back(????)

But...Like...Other things happen and then me and other people were trying to text Steven or something. The world was also lighting up whenever something happened and it was visible from space(?)

Also I can't remember if I was the ghost or Steven was the ghost, but something was going on and the ghost was required to be on the side with the most lights, and the ghost really west (left) side for whatever reason.

And that's all I remember, and the first paragraph actually gives me an idea for something in a future story, but idk yet.

It was in interesting but...weird dream xD

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