Lost It

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"No. I told you!" Layla blurted out. Tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Layla please. Give me another chance!" Chase pleaded. He to was close to tears.

"No. I told you it was me or the alcohol." She said with sudden anger in her voice. "I've put up with you and alcohol for three long damn months. I warned you several times." She seethed and poked his chest for every word.

They were standing in his room when Layla saw the empty beer bottles. His bed was a mess as was the rest of the room. Chase's window was slightly cracked as the warm afternoon wind filtered through the room.

"You said you stopped drinking a week ago! And what do I find!? Beer bottles Chase. Beer bottles." She said through gritted teeth. Her long brown hair drifted over her shoulder and she angrily shoved it over her back.

Chase stood motionless with guilt written on his sharp features. Layla may have been only 5'4 against his 6'0 statue but her attitude raised her up greatly. "Layla I'm - " but he was cut off.

"No Chase. Don't you dare say that you're sorry." Layla spoke with a deadly tone. "You're 18 Chase. And you're already screwing up your life. You have several scholarships for your football career and alcohol will close all those futures. Because of alcohol you're losing your future," She added the last part quietly, "and me."

Chase's eyes opened widely.  "Lay don't go please." He begged.

Layla ignored him as she moved past him to his bedroom door.

Chase turned to stop her.

She opened the door and turned around. "I loved you." She seethed as a single tear slipped down her cheek. She turned and ran down the stairs.

Chase heard the front door slam shut. Her last words rang through his head like an alarm clock he couldn't turn off. He crumpled to the ground as a tear slipped down his chiseled face.

Sadness then anger coarsed through his veins. He stood and with a roar he curled his hand into a fist and punched the wall, making a hole. He pulled his now bloody fist back and pulled back to punch it again. But before he did his hand fell as a silent sob escaped his mouth. He gripped his hair tightly even though his fist was throbbing.

One week later

Layla showed up at school yet again with no sign of him. She truly was getting worried. She found his best friend Markus. He was by his locker talking to two other seniors.

They're seniors. I'm a junior. But it's ok. You can do this. Layla thought to herself.

She marched up to Markus and dragged him away from the other two. Literally. Grabbing his ear she pulled him to the end of the hallway where it was empty.

" Where is he?" She asked with a deadly tone.

Markus leaned against the wall. " I thought you knew." He said with worry written on his face. "He hasn't answered my calls or texts." He said pulling out his phone. " See." He pulled up his texts and showed Layla.

Nothing. Zip. No answer.

"What happened?" He asked quietly. "Is he..." He trailed off.

Layla realized what he meant and her eyes widened with horror. Would he? Her mind said.

Markus realized her change in emotions and spoke quickly. "He wouldn't do that."

Layla's breath started to quicken with fear. "Oh my god. I have to go."

Markus nodded. "Please let me know if he's ok." He said.

Layla gave him a reassuring head nod before running of down the hallway. She didn't care that there were still two more periods at school as she ran out of the school and to her car.

Starting up her small Volkswagen she sped off to his house praying he was still there.

She saw his house up ahead a few minutes later and came to a stop at the front of the house.

Layla hopped out of the car and ran up to the front door.

Locked. She groaned and knocked quickly.

Chase's mother opened the door with confusion. Miranda's eyes widened as she saw Layla standing there.

Miranda beckoned Layla inside. She closed the door and hugged Layla tightly. "He hasn't stepped outside his room. It's been a week. I leave him food outside his room but he only eats a little bit of it." She spoke quickly. "I'm worried." Miranda pulled back.

Layla smiled affectionately at her. "I'll go talk to him." She said with a hint of fear in her voice. Miranda nodded and left to go to the kitchen.

Layla slipped her shoes off and sped up the stairs. Fear coursed through her veins as she neared his room. She stopped at his door and gulped.

She raised her hand and knocked quietly. She heard shuffling and saw the door handle move.

Looking up as the door opened she saw the mess he was in. Bags under his eyes and disheveled hair, he stood before her broken. "Layla?"  His voice was hoarse as he opened the door wider.

Layla didn't waste her time in reaching up gripping his shirt. With a swift motion she pulled him down and crashed her lips on his.

Even though he was startled, Chase quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer while Layla tangled her fingers in his golden hair.

"Please don't leave me." He said quietly against her lips.

Layla opened her eyes to see green eyes staring at her with sorrow. Her heart melted at the sight of him now. "Promise me that you'll stop with the alcohol." She replied.

Chase smiled a genuine smile. "I promise baby girl."

Layla smiled at the nickname and kissed him again.

Chase picked Layla up and brought her into the room. He set her down and pulled away just a bit.

Layla saw more empty beer bottles. She looked back up at Chase.

He saw where she looked and lowered his head and closed his eyes.

"I fucking lost it, when I lost you." He said with a gulp. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso. Opening his eyes he saw Layla nuzzled in to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her small figure.

They remained silent as they stayed in each other's arms.

"I love you Lay Lay." He whispered in her hair.

-'excerpt from a book I'll never write'

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