My Lucifer Pt. 1

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I bustled around the small cafe, cleaning tables, helping customers. A normal day as I'd call it. The smell of cinnamon bread and coffee wafted through the air of the brown walled building. Dim lights made the space seem relaxing and calm, as the only sounds being the coffee pot and the low conversations between the few demons and angels who came here regularly.

The Middle Cafe became the cross point between demons and angels. I had repeatedly expressed how there would be no quarrels in my cafe.


It had started when a demon had appeared after hours. Not realizing his weird state I had made the off looking being a cup of coffee and scone, on the house. He had merely looked at me, took the items, and seemingly poofed away. Strange as it was I never felt threatened, therefore I did not feel the need to fear.

Then he started to come regularly. Bringing friends or telling other demons of my little business. It was nice. Hearing the tales of their home and simply laughing with them. I soon closed shop to humans at 5 every night. Closing the blinds I opened the shop to demons to come and enjoy themselves. It was nice to have the company. Most were men when they had come. All seemingly passed the six foot height, compared to my 5'7 heighth, were gentle around me. With god like bodies I would be kidding myself if I didn't admire them. They spoke softly as if they were the human customers I had during the day, personalities that made me question if they really were demons. But their black beady eyes always confirmed their demon status. It was always peaceful whenever they came.

Until the day a messenger demon had come.

It happened to be right after I closed shop to humans that he had appeared, the first one today. Pale skin and black beady eyes his clothes were tattered like the rest. Black cloth hung around his tall and sculpted body. I had gone to make him a cup of coffee when he spoke.

"Excuse me Miss Taylor?" He had asked kindly.

Now that confused me. No demon addressed me like that. Stopping my working hands I had turned to him from behind the counter.

Having my full attention he continued. "Our Lord Lucifer would like to know if it would be all right if he were to come here." He had stated.

My blood ran cold. Yes I was used to the many demons who came in here, but the Lucifer? Ruler of hell. Could brake me in two if he wishes. That was a major step up.

Slack jawed I stared at the demon silently. Was he serious? Did he really wish to come here?

Coming to my senses I straightened myself out. "As long as he obeys my rules he is welcome anytime." I had managed to get out smoothly.

The demon smiled before poofing away with a small flash and grey smoke.

I got to work of fixing myself, straightening the loose ends of my clothes and disheveled hair, hoping to look at least a bit presentable.

With a much larger puff of smoke and seemingly no flash stood a tall and we'll built man. Standing nearly six and a half feet tall I looked into the eyes of the demon king himself.

Grey eyes.

Now that was very different. He had grey eyes. Like a human's eyes but with a grey storm seeming to brew in his irises. Hair, black as night that hung messily across his pale forehead. Arms that seemed too large to be on any man, broad shoulders that looked as if they were too big to fit through a door. His clothes, torn and black, draped across his body.

But I came back to his eyes. His grey eyes.

His gaze locked with mine. Something glazed over his eyes. Some kind of emotion that drew me closer to him.

"I was told that this was the best coffee shop in all the worlds." And his silky voice had me completely captivated.


That day had completely changed everything for me. No other demons had come in leaving it just myself and Lucifer for hours.

We had grown close over the years that'd he come in, once a week.

Now he'd show up whenever, whether there were demons here or not.

Many said he had a soft spot for me. That they had never seen him act so kind to a human ever. If only they knew the truth though.

The last demon had left for the night as I finished wiping down the counters. Throwing the paper napkin away I started wiping down the expresso machines carefully. Exhausted was an understatement. It was nearing midnight as the demons and angels wished to stay longer tonight.

I heaved a sigh as I scrubbed off the old coffee stains.

A pair of large arms wrapped around my torso as a body pressed against my back.

Smiling, I continued trying to get the stains out as a head rested on my shoulder.

"Hello my Love." His deep, silky voice greeted me as he enveloped me in his arms tighter.

To be continued.....

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