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Being in charge of a village wasn't easy, it never had been for the young girl, she was sixteen and her grandparents already had put her in that position of taking lead of the village.

But you see, it's a more complicated place, see slaves and people who weren't accepted by the humans lived here. The place bustled with magic and people that had gone through a lot, though Ava was never meant to be in this position she was.

You see she was the youngest out of three siblings, her older brother, Jason. He went missing when he was thirteen. And Elaine, her older sister and her were shipped off to be slaves on another island, seeing as the two held magic energy, they were useful to the person that bought them off their father. Ava was a witch, and Elaine came from a long line of witches.

But, that's not why she's here, her brother had been relocated and he lived in the town, but Jason was not eligible for the spot of Lord, seeing as he was adopted into the family, meaning it was illegitimate. Her older sister was meant to take the role of: 'Lady Elaine of the Aurum village.' Not many people knew about this village as it was an escape for many. And if they were to be exposed, so many people would suffer.

Ava sighed as she opened the door to her house, her familiar — a puppy Rottweiler called Harper — trotted beside her as she walked into her childhood home, for all of the first, what, four-ish years of her life - give or take - there were so many good memories, but they were mainly drained out by the bad photos.

It was all her fathers doing this, he could've saved her mother, but he didn't, because he was selfish, he could've kept Jason, but he didn't. And he didn't have to sell Elaine and Ava off, but he did anyway. All because he was selfish to the core.

He didn't care about their mother, he married her so he could be in control of the village. He hated witches, so why would he marry to one? It was all for the power.

Ava stopped at a painting of the family, a tall slender pale man. Her father, he was dressed up well, next to him was her mother, a tall blonde woman with brunette tips and green sparkling eyes, a smile on her face. In between the two was the eldest, Jason. He was pale, green eyed, fairly tall and dork-ish, you could tell he was adopted for he was a werewolf, visible with his fluffy ears and tail that were neatly groomed. In front of the two was a small brunette girl, two violet eyes and an opal dangling from her neck, she was the youngest there. And she was smiling while holding hands with her sister, an average sized girl, she had freckles, green eyes and blonde hair, she was stunning.

They all looked so happy, except for her father, Ava's mind flashed with scarring and traumatic memories, so much that she didn't realise that she had grabbed the painting off the wall and threw it onto the floor, her body shaking and breathes picking up, she was panicked and she was upset, luckily for the teen she hadn't broken the painting.

She just hit the floor, bringing her knees to her chest and her arms around her knees head on top of them, her whole body was aching from being so angered and so upset and so built up about all that had happened to her, though Ava was lucky. She met some people who broke her free from her slave chains and helped her find her place, their names were Mystic, Tar and Jet.

Mystic, he was tall, brunette, blue eyed and a werewolf toon! Mystic was the first one she was too meet and honestly they had fallen in love by the time they found her home town, Aurum.

And so they all came with her, she was next to meet Jet, he was half-dragon, he was tan, had bright blue hair and orange eyes, he was in love with the person she'd meet last, Tar.

Tar, was an... Interesting character from the start, his ears and tail had been cut off, he was a werewolf too, but, he had jet black hair, brown eyes, nearly the same colour as his hair though and he was pale. Tar wasn't his real name, but she didn't care. As long as he didn't try to kill everyone he'd be fine. Tar was a destructive person, he always had been. It was the way he was raised, he was brought up in fear and pain.

The lot of them had been through a lot. But they all still were friends, and that was the remarkable thing, four closed off people, hung by a thread would fight for each other even passed the days end, but they'd still have room to argue and fight with each other, but they were pretty funny to her around.

After loosing most of her family, she had learnt to find family again in those that she knew would always be there, like she found love in Mystic, Ava had found companionship in Jet and somehow resilience in Tat, maybe it was because they were all so beaten down that they were stronger together.

Ava didn't know the answers to a lot of things and she didn't know what would happen to them, but she knew that she would keep the friends she's got and they place where she is for the world, and nothing could change her mind about that.

Harper had seen Ava freak out, and padded over to her, laying beside her and just rest her head on the girl, letting her get all her stress and all her pain out, well. A small portion at least, Ava couldn't possibly deal with all her monsters in one sitting that was too much, but just enough for now.

And that's what Ava had strived to be.

Just enough.

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