"Go Rufus!"

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((Chose an outfit. Btw its been awhile since I saw these episodes so if the fights are on the wrong day tell me please.))

****(Y/N)'s P.O.V.****
You woke up and got dressed still slightly mad at Sting. You knew you wouldn't be able to hide it from him forever, but hopefully the GMG would be over by then and it could be dealt with quietly. You got (E/N) up and she got ready as you cleaned your wound and bandaged it again. She was siting on your shoulder as you walked into the lobby place thing and out the door. You wanted to be there and get a good seat so you could see Sting win you just didn't want to talk to him. That was the main reason. Plus you didn't want to have to deal with the master telling you how to cheer. You told (E/N) about what had happened and asked her opinion on the matter.

"I think your both at fault, he is to overprotective and you don't want to worry him but, still want to learn to fend for yourself. That just worries him even more though. In the end both of you need to see each others view better."

You nodded in acknowledgement of her statement. As the two of you got closer to the arena you could see a long line of people already waiting to get in. You and (E/N) walked right past them and up to the front of the line. You showed your guild mark and they let you in without having to wait. You walked in while listening to a story (E/N) was telling you. You sat near the Sabertooth balcony on the opposite side of where the guild would be so that the master couldn't see you and tell you how to cheer. You had heard that only one or two people who weren't on the team could be there but, they had to be direct kin. In only a few minutes the stands filled up and the judges were announcing teams. When they announced the first team Fairytail you felt sorry for them and wished you could cheer them on and give them some encouragement but, you would be kicked out of the guild so you couldn't do it. When you found out they had two teams you were shocked to say the least, you were also confused as to why they had two teams in the first place. When Sabertooth was called up you smiled but didn't actually cheer, you weren't by the master so he couldn't get at you for not cheering. As the teams made their way to the stands you smiled when you heard what the first game was. You figured they would send Rufus, and you were right you smiled and cheered.

"Go Rufus!" -you

"Beat them all up!!"-(E/N)

Rufus, Orga, Sting, Rogue and, Yukino all looked at you two in surprise.

" Didn't think you two had that much guild spirit." Orga said.

"Come up onto the balcony sis."


"Because I asked."

"And that matters why?"

"Just do it."


You said sighing before you and (E/N) walked over to them.

"Why were you over their in the first place (Y/N)-chan??" Yukino asked.

"I didn't want the master to tell me how to cheer."


You smiled and both of you turned to watch the game, if you were right it was called hidden. It was interesting, until Rufus beat everyone.

"At least he let them squabble amongst themselves before wiping them out." You said watching them all leave the area.

The others looked at you strangely.

"It's what they were doing." You told them.

They all nodded looking at you. As you watched the battle between who you believed to be Flare and Lucy it surprised you when the blonde lost.

"Man that blondie is weak! She couldn't even pull off her spell."

"Orga vs. Warcry!"

"Why is his name Warcry, Sting?"

You could tell it hurt him to have you call him by his name instead of Onii-chan but, you didn't care. You had told yourself you would only call him Sting and not Onii-chan.

"Watch him, you'll see." He told you.

Then Warcry began crying, like sobbing. He acted like his wife, sister or parents just died or something.

"Is he alright?? Did Orga already hit him?? How did he hit him the match hasn't even started! Is he that scared of Orga?"

You asked looking at Sting confused.

"That's his magic. He just explained, for each tear he gains power."

"So the longer the fight the harder it is to beat him?"



You watched him cry for a little more before getting K.O.ed by Orga. Lector cheered Orga on and Sting told him he should have made the battle more interesting, so Orga started to sing.

"Not what I meant!!" Sting yelled.

You weren't paying much attention to them though, you were looking at another balcony where a white haired woman stood. If you remembered correctly her name was Mirajane Strauss. She was well still is a model, and a Fairytail mage as well. She was on team B if you were right. She and a blonde male Laxus, looked over at you. When Mirajane smiled you could feel your cheeks heat up. You had never felt this way before and you weren't sure if you liked it. You broke eye contact, leaned over the railing and held your head in your hands with your elbows resting on the railing. Your head hurt trying to process it all and the butterflys in your stomach were making you want to puke, the loud noise was getting to you and it was all to much.

"Are you ok?"

Sting asked putting his hand on your back. You looked at him and said 'I'm fine just hungry and tired. I'm going to go get a snack.' before walking off the balcony.

****Rufus's P.O.V.****
I watched (Y/N) look over to the Fairytail team B balcony, she looked as though she was watching someone. Laxus and Mirajane looked over and she blushed. 'Hmmmm (Y/N) must have a crush on Laxus, interesting. No wait, it was when Mirajane smiled. She likes Mira, I wonder how that'll go down.'

Word count: 1065

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