Guildless but, Not Friendless

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
A man bumped into you. You fell and landed in a large pile of snow. The snow flew up all around the both of you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you up. He grinned as you tried to get him to let go while covering yourself. You started to cry as his eyes roamed over you. He was about to grab your right breast when a voice rang out.

"Get your hands off her!"

It was Natsu.

You turned to see Natsu, Mira, Erza, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, and an exceed. They all looked at you. Natsu ran up and punched the man. The man let go of your arm and you used it to cover yourself. Mira ran up to you and gave you her coat.


"Why are you out here nude?! We expected you to be out here since you said you would be kicked out of your guild if Sting and Rogue lost but, we didn't expect to see you nude!"

"The master said I wasn't worth my clothes and to go work the corner."

She looked at you the gasped. Then her eyes fell on your sides and stomach.

"Why do you have whip marks?!?!?!"

"The master whipped me whilst I was nude and before I was kicked out."

The others all gasped and took you back to the inn they were staying at.

"Why didn't Sting help you?"Erza asked.

"He was still asleep."

When you got there everyone stared at you in confusion.

"Why is a Saber here Erza?" A small man asked.

"Former Saber...."

After Erza got done explaining what had happened they all looked horrified.

"Are you ok child?" The small man asked you.

"It's not the worst the master has ever done to me. He uses me to get Sting to fight harder, I feel worthless. It's for the best I got kicked out. I'm too weak."

They all looked shocked at hearing what you said.

"What Master would whip one of the members of their guild?" The small man growled.

You shifted your weight from one foot to the other uncomfortable. Everyone was staring at you and all you wore was a coat.

"You may stay here and, if you like it here you can join. I understand if you don't wish to, just know the offer stands."

"Thank you very much."

"Your welcome."

Mira took you to a bathroom and said that she would go get clothes. You started bathing your self while letting water run into the bathtub. After you were done you sank into the warm water sighing in contentment. Mira came back and you realized you were naked in font of your sorta crush and blushed, she was blushing as well as she set clothes down and left. 


As you dried yourself off you saw the clothes she brought you. A set of matching white bra and panties, black shorts, a blue(or whatever color you want.) Long shirt and a hair tie. The shorts reached 1/3 of the way down your thigh the shirt went over your butt and ended 1/4 down your thigh. You fixed your hair and walked out of the bathroom. You saw Mira and called out to her. She turned around and smiled motioning you to follow her. You walked over to her and followed her as she turned and began walking down the stairs.

"Do the clothes fit ok?"

"Yeah, they fit just fine. Thanks for the clothes and for saving me."

"No problem, that's a tough situation, defend yourself but show everything or cover yourself and not be able to defend yourself."

The two of you arrived in the bar part of the inn. Mira told you to go sit down and that she'd be back. You saw Erza and walked over slowly, Erza saw you and got up smiling. She walked over to you and grabbed your hand dragging you over to a table with Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, and three exceeds one blue, one white, one black. You felt sad, you didn't know if Sting, Rogue or (E/N) were ok. You sat down beside Erza when Nastu looked up and saw you, he looked worried.

"Are you ok? Your crying."

You put your hand on your face and felt tears, he was right.

"I was thinking about my exceed. Her name is (E/N). I am worried that the Master could have hurt her or Sting or Rogue."

They nodded and offered sad smiles. Gajeel suddenly burst though the doors and grabbed Nastu and Wendy telling them to go with him((I don't remember what exactly happened so sorry.)). Erza, Gray, Lucy, and the exceeds went along with them. As they got up Mira walked over to you with hot soup. She told you that you could get sick and that you needed food and to stay out of the snow. You nodded and the two of you talked while you ate your soup.

You enjoyed you time with Mira, she made you happy. Her cheerful personality made you feel better and not worry as much about (E/N) and Sting. You may be guildless but, you weren't friendless everyone at fairytail was so nice. It shocked you how different things were here. You liked it here a lot.

"Mira, why is everyone so happy and loud? At my guild if we were this loud the Master would be furious."

"It's just the way things are at Fairytail."

"I like it here, its warm and happy."

"That's good, you can stay with us all long as you need."

"Thank you so much Mira."

"It's fine, besides you needed help I would feel horrible if I didn't help you."

Word Count: 963

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