The END.

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You felt a tear slide down your cheek and you looked up at him. You wished you really could see Mira again but, it was all just a fantasy.

The knife touched your skin the coldness of the knife seeping into your skin.

He pressed the knife down and broke your skin. You struggled to move and get your head away, the strap over your mouth wouldn't budge though. You cried as he continued to cut. He was almost to your temple. He went on and just barley avoided your temple. You screamed as best you could. He went further and further. He went back up to the middle of your forehead and stared down the left side of your head. You thrashed more and more as he went further and further down. He grinned at you, he got a sick please out of this and it disgusted you.

Suddenly the ceiling was crumbling and fallling all round you. Mira dropped down in her she-devil form. She grabbed his face and squeezed until it popped. Blood went everywhe-

"Come on (Y/N) let's go!"

"I'm finishing up my story though!"

"The one where we have magic and stuff?"


She sighed and hugged you from behind.

"You can finsh it later, we have to go pick up the kids right now."

"I know I know *sigh* let's go."

"I call shotgun!"

"But I don't want to have to drive!"

You shot up in bed, panting and confused. Mira had gone to get milk(whos milk though?) when she heard you. She walked in and smiled.

"You ok (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, I just had a wierd dream that I got kidnapped after visiting you and then I was writing a book."

"Huh well, I can comfort you if you want. I know how hard and stressful missions can be. The one that Fairytail and Sabertooth teamed up on was especially hard, it may have caused the dream."

"Yeah you're probably right."

Mira say on the bed and held you.

You woke up in Miras arms. She smiled and kissed your nose, you blushed bright confused.

"I like you (Y/N)"

"I love you Mira"

"I love you too. :)"

You smiled then used her boobs as pillows.

The End

Thanks for reading my crappy story! I planed on keeping it under 25 chapters so sorry. I just felt like it was a good point to end the story at.

Word Count: 419

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