The Grand Magic Games!

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((Chose one for what your wearing))

(F/C)=favorite color
(2/F/C)= second favorite color

****(Y/N)'s P.O.V.****
As you got off the train holding Sting up, Rogue, Orga, Rufus, and Yukino and the three exceeds walked behind you and Sting. They had all gone to different places to train and were returning home, you had visited Sting and Rogue which is why you were there. When Sting started to walk on his own you all went to the guild since you would be staying there. You Sting and Rogue were using the rooms in the guild, Sting calming down after the 'incident'. So you had your old room in the guild back. You set your stuff down the walked over to Yukino.

"Hey Yukino-chan, do you want to go shop with me?"

"I'm sorry (Y/N)-chan I can't"

"That's fine, I'll make Sting come with me."

She giggled at that and the two of you smiled then you waved saying good bye walking towards Sting's room.

"Onii-chan go shopping with me and (E/N)."

"Go with Yukino."

"She's busy"

"Go with (E/N) then"

"Alone? Where pervs could get me?"

"I'm coming with you! And so is Rogue!"

"Why did you just assume Rogue wanted to come?"

"Because I'm not going alone shopping with you, I know better than to do that."

You laughed remembering the time you and Sting went shopping and you made him try on a bunch of random stuff.

"I'll go get the exceeds!"

You smiled and ran to get the exceeds. After you got the exceeds you walked back to Sting's room where he was waiting with Rogue.

"Let's go!"

You said as the six of you left the hotel. You walked along with Sting on your right side and Rogue on your left (E/N) was on your shoulder, Rogue was carrying Frosh and you had Lector on your other shoulder. When you got to one of the shops you smiled seeing all the clothes. After a while of looking at stuff you saw a gorgeous (F/C) bikni with (2/F/C) dots and a black straps went around the egdes of the Bikni. You smiled and grabbed it showing it to Sting.

"Look at this Onii-chan! Isn't it pretty!"

"Sure its pretty but, you can't have it you would be showing WAY to much skin."

"But I want it."

You said with puppy dog eyes he sighed and said he would get it for you. You smiled and hugged him thanking him before looking at other clothes. You tryed on a (F/C) top with some jean shorts that had (F/C) lace on the bottom of them, and showed Sting and Rogue.

"What do you guys think?"

"You look great!"-Sting

"*nods as Sting talks* what he said"-Rogue.

You could tell Rogue was slightly uncomfortable and bored but, this wasn't the first time you had all shoped together so it wasn't to uncomfortable. You picked out the bikni, two (F/C) tops, a pair of jeans, the jean shorts with lace, and some jewelery.

"Are you done yet?"

Sting asked, it had taken you two hours to do all your shopping, plus you made Sting pay for all the clothes(( >:3 )).

"Yeah I'm done."

You replied, but Sting obviously didn't hear you as he and Rogue were now in a fight. You sighed as you held your shopping bags. Lector and Frosh were cheering them on.

"Boys" -(E/N)


The two of you sat and watched as Sting and Rogue beat those dudes up. Then a pick haired boy, blonde girl and blue exceed came up to the circle. As Lector explained the generations you looked at the time realizing that Sting and Rogue needed to get back you looked at Sting interrupting his little gloat session.

"It's almost midnight hurry up your gloat session and let's go."-you

"Fine, And it wasn't a gloat session!"-Sting

"Surrreee it wasn't"-you

"It wasn't! Let's just go."-Sting


You picked Lector and Frosh up and started walking away with Rogue as Sting finished saying what ever he wanted to say the pink haired boy he called 'Natsu-san'. You didn't understand why he had always liked him so much and looked up to him so much when he was younger but now thought that he was nothing. Sting caught up to you to and whinned about how you to left him.

"You took to long"-Rogue

"We have plenty of time!"-Sting

"We will be hard pressed for time to get back to the guild before 12:00, do you even know what time it is?"-Rogue

"It doesn't matter that I don't know the time!"-Sting

"You two will be late if you keep bickering, and you will need to run to get back in time. So start running, I can walk back with the exceeds."-you

"And we'll keep (Y/N)-chan safe!"-Lector

"Fro thinks so to!"-Frosh((but you already knew that I bet)).

"We'll all be fine so go."-(E/N)

The two nodded and ran off to get to the guild. You walked back with the exceeds humming happily as you walked.

"What a pretty little thing we have here." A drunk man said smiling.

His buddies nodded looking you up and down. You looked at the exceeds and set them down.

"Run, don't worry about me. It'll be more trouble to watch out for you and fight so fly towards the guild. Ok?"

They nodded and you smiled before turning around requiping your sword. You looked at them and smiled 'this will be easy' you thought. The leader smiled

"So we got a wizard here, well let's give her a taste of real magic."

the leader of the three men had a purplish glowing flames around his hand. You got into a fighting stance ready to fight these drunk losers. The leader smiled then held lunged and you... ((In case you forgot this is the sword.))

Word count:1017

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