Not again

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The next day, Fuego stayed home while Mirabela, Teresa, Guillermo, and Bruno went to the mall after lunch. They reached Sparkling Spirits, a nice place to drink juice, smoothies, frozen drinks, or even coffees. There were many different flavor recipes, and the customers could ask for them in any form they wanted. Once the family was inside, they looked at the menu, and there were different recipes: Ruby Frutti, Berry Blast, Apple Watermelon, Kiwi Gooseberry, and many more.

Meanwhile, Ruby, Noemi, Xanti, and Mr. Godfrey were walking through the mall. Ruby was disappointed that nobody came to her party yesterday.

"I can't believe nobody came to my party," Ruby whined. "I worked hard on everything, even the invitations."

"Well, dear, the next time you have a party, you might want to proofread the invitations before printing them," Mr. Godfrey said. "You can't expect everyone to know how to find our house if they don't know the address."

"Okay, Daddy," Ruby said. "Well, school is closed tomorrow, so I'll have to wait until Tuesday to see what everyone did over the weekend."

As the family passed Sparkling Spirits, something in the window caught Noemi's eye. "Maybe not everyone," she sneered.

Through the window, the family could see Mirabela standing at the register as she watched the cashier write something down.

"How sad," Ruby scoffed. "She's trying to pretend she's not sad that nobody came to her party yesterday for my benefit."

Inside the restaurant, the cashier handed Mirabela a paper menu. "Okay, dear, anything with an X over it has raspberries, so stay away from those," he said.

"Okay, thank you," Mirabela smiled. She went over to her parents and grandfather and showed them the menu she had.

Ruby smirked at Mirabela, who looked over the menu with her family. She was positive Mirabela was just hiding her pain over nobody at Peacock High coming to her party.

"Okay, princesa, keep this menu safe in your purse," Bruno said. "We're going to need it in the future."

"Okay, Abuelo," Mirabela said. She was just about to go up to the register, and she placed her family's orders before paying for them. She stood aside to wait for the order only to hear a voice she didn't want to hear outside of school.

"Mirabela!" Ruby called.

Mirabela groaned as though she were sick with pneumonia, and she turned to find Carly with her friends. "Hola, Ruby," she sighed. The next thing she knew, her parents and grandfather came up, ready to bring down the Godfreys.

"So, what are you up to?" Xanti asked.

"Oh, we were just ordering some drinks," Teresa replied.

"Just ordering drinks?" Noemi asked. "It looked like that guy was giving Mirabela some letter."

"What did he give you?" Mr. Godfrey asked.

"Just the Sparkling Spirits menu," Mirabela replied.

"May we see it please?" Ruby asked.

"Well, okay," Mirabela said as she took out the paper menu.

The Godfreys looked at the menu Mirabela was carrying, and all the writing on it really threw them off. Some of the drinks had big black X's on them.

"Excuse me, what's with all the writing?" Xanti asked.

"Yeah, Mirabela, why do some of the drinks have big X's on them?" Ruby asked.

"I can't touch those," Mirabela replied. "They have raspberries." She put the menu in her purse.

"What's wrong with raspberries?" Ruby asked.

"They make me suffer anaphylaxis," Mirabela replied.

"What's that?" Noemi asked.

"A life-threatening allergic reaction," Mirabela replied. "If I eat raspberries, not only do I break out in a burning rash, but my throat puffs up, so it's hard for me to swallow or even breathe."

"So, you Colombians really do think you're special, telling poor workers what you're sensitive to," Xanti sniffed.

"If you had a food allergy, Xanti, you wouldn't be complaining like that," Bruno snapped, which shut Xanti right up. "You see that sign?"

There was a sign at the register stating "Please notify us if you have a food allergy before placing an order".

"Mirabela just did what she knew had to be done, and all you can do is complain about others helping her," Teresa frowned.

"Do you even have lives of your own?" Mirabela sneered. "Isn't that why you're prying into mine?"

The Godfreys froze in shock and saw that everyone in the restaurant was glaring at them. They were all angry with them for acting like that to Mirabela, and the family had to get out of this.

"Oh, would you look at the time?" Noemi asked, looking at her wrist as though she had a watch. "We'd better get home now. I have a lot of papers to grade."

"And I have to study for a test," Ruby lied. "See you at school tomorrow." Then she and her family went off before anything could happen, to everyone's disgust.

"I'm hoping school is the only place I'll be seeing you," Mirabela muttered.

The manager whispered something to the employee, who gave Mirabela's family their drinks but then asked, "Sweetheart, do you have any other allergies we should know about?"

"No, just raspberries," Mirabela replied.

"How about a nice dessert on the house?" the manager offered.

Mirabela was surprised that the workers were offering her a free dessert after what she had just gone through. "Oh, okay, gracias—thank you," she smiled. She saw a case with many different desserts, like cheesecakes, and cupcakes, and she picked out a slice of chocolate cheesecake to take home. After being given her dessert, she thanked the workers before leaving with her parents and grandfather.

But at home, Mirabela just put her frozen Berry Blast drink and cheesecake in the refrigerator before going up to her bedroom. She just lay on her bed with her glasses on the bedside table and her boots off her feet. She didn't feel safe at school because of Ruby and Noemi Godfrey, but after her encounter with them at the mall today, she didn't feel safe in Peacock City at all. Suddenly, she heard Fuego bark right outside her door.

"Entre," Mirabela called.

The door opened, and in entered, Teresa, Guillermo, and Bruno.

"Mi vida, you okay?" Teresa asked.

"No, Mami," Mirabela sighed. "I thought school was already bad enough because I have to deal with Ruby and Noemi, but now I'll never know where I'll see their faces when I'm not in school. Fíjense, I'm not safe anywhere in Peacock City."

Seeing Mirabela like this upset the family more than anything. Fuego got up on Mirabela's bed and licked her face, which made her smile.

"Seeing how everyone at Sparkling Spirits looked at the Godfreys, I doubt they're going to be safe in Peacock City if they keep making a scene like that, especially towards you," Guillermo said.

"Sí, mi reina," Bruno agreed. He picked up Mirabela's glasses and put them on her. "Someday, those cabrones are going to find themselves living in the streets for their behavior. We came here, so we could be safe from the conflicts in Colombia, not so you could feel unsafe. Remember, you can always rely on us when you're in any danger."

"Your abuelo is right," Teresa said.

Mirabela smiled at her family. She knew she could count on them if she ever found herself with her back up against the wall. "Okay, gracias," she smiled.

"Now there's a frozen Berry Blast and a cheesecake slice waiting for you downstairs," Bruno said, putting Mirabela's boots on for her.

"Okay," Mirabela smiled.

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