Author's Note: Thank You for 500 Views!

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I was suppose to do this at 200 views. Now it's 500 instead~ Decided to quickly make a Sentinel & Guides with Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics AU with our favorite protagship couple, Minato and Souji. Thanks for the views everyone! (Other ships are in here too. They aren't the main focus.)


Sentinels: Beings that have their four senses, hearing, touch, taste, and smell enhanced. Alphas have all four senses enhanced. Betas have three. Omegas have one or two only. 

Guides: Beings that keep Sentinels under control and focused through touch, smell, and compassion. Guides are ranked by their compassion, with Omega being the lowest. 


    Born as an Omega Guide, Minato always had to fend off other Sentinels that wanted to bond with him. Being an unbonded Guide was dangerous, but Minato didn't care. He was looking for the one. Someone whom he could rely and feel protected by. Perhaps this was considered "wishful thinking" by others around him. At times, the blunette thought the same thing. 

   Getting ready for his shift at Chagall Cafe, Minato dressed himself with a blue sweater, brown boots, and black jeans. Luckily his employer wasn't too picky about forcing employees to wear certain articles of clothing. As long as they had a name tag and not naked, that is all that matters. A co-worker of his announced that the day shift was starting and all Minato could do was sigh in annoyance.

   The day was actually going well, customers that he recognized as regulars came trickling in one by one. Being a barista wasn't too bad. He preferred this job than running around and taking everyone's orders. Pouring roasted coffee beans into a coffee grinder, he noticed someone staring at him for the past thirty minutes. It was creepy and shivers crawled up his spine from the thought of it. His friends and co-workers have noticed and the blunette could see them glancing and glaring at that person. All his friends were bonded, much to Minato's dismay. Being reminded that he was unbonded was not his cup of tea. Luckily, they have helped him out of situations with rowdy customers. Whether it be out of pity or because he was good friends with them, he wouldn't know. 

    The day shift was coming to an end. Just a couple of minutes and another trial done in Minato's to-do list. The afternoon rush was over and only a few customers and employees remained in the cafe. That person was still here and Minato wanted to leave as fast as possible. 

    "You smell distressed." 

    "Souji, you know me too well." the other lightly chuckled at that from across the counter. Souji was an Alpha Sentinel. Well loved by everyone in the cafe, he often came to visit and unwind. 

    "Well... want to share?" Souji asked with a curious expression.

    Minato fidgeted slightly in his seat and hesitantly spoke, "T-there's this one guy... He's been staring at me a lot and been here all day." A frown appeared on Souji's face. His eyes narrowed and there was no doubt that he wanted to start a fight. "Don't. I don't want to be fired from this job." 

    "I understand. But this is dangerous. There's no doubt that he's after you. You're good-looking and relaxing to be around, so he actually doesn't have bad taste."  replied Souji who was now laughing at the blush that crept onto his companion's features. Minato pouted and punched the other's arm. "Ow... Remind me to not to piss you off." 

    Revenge accomplished, Minato went back to his usual smile. It was odd, but he always felt relaxed when he was around the other too. He would have loved to become Souji's Guide.  Except he knew that he deserved better. He deserved an Alpha Guide who was just as empathetic and powerful as him. A couple of his friends tend to tease him about his unintended crush sometimes. It drives Minato nuts, so they give him chocolates to calm him down after. 

   Speaking of his friends, Yukari came to tell Minato that the shift was over. Souji was reluctant to leave him alone, but the blunette told him that it would be fine. That was a mistake. The street he was strolling on was quiet and rather peaceful. A refreshing breeze was swirling around him. It was picking up any leaves that have fallen onto the ground as a result of the season. The colors of red, orange, and yellow mixed together was a sight to behold. While he was thinking about bringing a camera next time, he was assaulted and pinned to the ground. Nearly knocked unconscious he recognized the culprit as the person from earlier. He was in big trouble now. Feeling his hands on his waist he screamed and tried to shake free. But the person wouldn't budge and he couldn't do anything as the person picked him up. Footsteps were heard, but he couldn't see who that was as he was dropped to the ground and knocked out. 

   When he woke, Minato was in an unfamiliar place and bed. The room was huge and was decorated with a lot of knick-knacks from all over the world. It seemed comfy here. Though that thought was shattered upon remembering what happened to him. A state of panic filled him as he struggled to move. 

    "Easy there. You're still recovering." 

    "H-huh? What are you doing here?" Souji gave a long sigh and came to sit on the bed. His fingers brushed over Minato's arm and it brought shivers to his spine. 

    "After you left... I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. So I followed you for a bit. Just for safety precautions," Minato felt ashamed that he had to be protected. He could handle his own in a fight, it was just that one moment where he couldn't. "when I heard you scream. I came up to the dude and you should have seen his face. He was terrified. I guess no one wants to mess with an Alpha Sentinel huh?" Souji stated as he brought Minato's chin up so he could see his eyes. "I'm glad that you're safe though. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you got hurt." Souji noticed as Minato's eyes became misty and filled with tears. "Aw, don't cry... It's going to ruin your pretty face." The blunette stopped crying, but punched him again for the second time. He recoiled and smiled to see him cheering up. If there was anything in the world that could make Souji forget everything, it was Minato. He  decided, that tomorrow would be the day.

    The next day came and Minato was back at work and healthy. His friends fussed over him as they were curious as to why he came late and he told them the entire story. Needless to say, they got overprotective fast and made sure to voice their anger at anyone who seemed to be hitting on Minato. Much to his amusement, they even did some double checks on their regulars. That was not an exception to even Souji.

    "Hey! Souji! Don't you even dare...."

    "I-I'm not! I swear I'm not Shinji! SHINJI!" Minato couldn't help but giggle at their antics. Yesterday has changed a lot of things. Maybe it was moving too quickly for the blunette's liking. "Um... mind meeting me at the park later?" Souji appeared nervous and for the first time, Minato wondered if he did something to annoy him.

     "Sure. Why?"

     "You'll see." he replied with a radiant smile much to Minato's relief. Though the wrath that came from his friends after was hilarious to see as he left. Minato was curious as to what he wanted to say.

      Now in the park after his shift, Minato decided to sketch the park in a notepad while waiting for him. It was cold, but the scenery in front of him was appealing. What he didn't notice was his friends following him to the park, interested to see what Souji had to say.

      "Okay. Are those two finally getting together? Because if yes, that took forever." Yukari uttered while holding onto her Alpha Sentinel's hand, Mitsuru. Mitsuru and everyone snickered at the statement. 

      "Seriously though. I hope they get together. They seem like a pretty good match. Just like me and Chidori! Right Chidori?" Chidori beamed and gently hugged her lover while Yukari rolled her eyes and laughed. She thought Stupei would never get an Omega Guide or even a Guide.

       Akihiko and Shinjiro were lagging slightly behind, but they weren't in a hurry. If anything, they were taking in the scenery. It was beautiful today. "Souji picked a good time." remarked Akihiko as he walked side by side with Shinjiro. 

       "Took him long enough. Sheesh, I was thinking I had to put them on a blind date or something." 

       "I guess it's easy for you. I don't even know how we ended up together. We're both Sentinels"

        "Having second doubts?"

        Akihiko appeared hurt, "Of course not! I love you! How could you even-?!" 

        "Shush! He's here!" yelped Junpei.

         Finishing his sketch, Minato peered upwards to find Souji amused. He sat right next to him and Minato couldn't help but notice how his hair was being messed up by the wind. There was something in his hands too. 

         "What's in your hands?" the blunette couldn't see what it was as it was hidden quite well. Souji fidgeted and for once, he was the one who couldn't maintain his composure.

          "I'm nervous as hell for this." he stated as he chucked nervously. Minato had no idea what he was talking about and Souji could smell his curiosity and confusion. This was killing him. Taking a deep breath in and sighing out, he opened the box with a sapphire ring nestled in the middle of it. Minato's eyes widened. 

         "Okay, you know I'm pretty bad at this... I'm probably going to screw up, so bear with me. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you for the first time. You're hilarious, kind, lovable, honest, and beautiful. You steal the very breath from my lungs and invade my thoughts so often that you wouldn't believe how many times I think of you smiling. I know what you think and no don't think that. You are a perfect Guide. Minato, I love you. Will you be my Guide?  The long silence afterwards made Souji regret this decision in a large number of ways. Perhaps he was too forward? That thought was broken as he instantly realized that Minato was crying. "Oh god... Minato...? Don't cry... Sorry, I was moving too quic-"

         "No. I love you too... I would love to be your guide." Souji felt a huge weight being lifted off his chest. He was the happiest person in the world right now and he thought that nothing could ruin this moment.

         Then that is when they find out where their friends are hiding...


Goodbye World... I'll leave you all to make your own ending. I'm working on the next chapter. Don't feel like I'm forgetting about it.

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