Chapter Nine: New Assistant

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Note: *coughs* This is totally not a teaser for the third and final world of the series. Nope. *coughs* Welp, things just got more intense. Hopefully, nothing happens with Chie...~ Look forward to the summer festival everyone. It's going to be great! Everyone is apologizing to each other in this chapter...~ Oh by the way, don't expect updates on this for awhile. I need to catch up with my other works!

Souji's Point of View

    "This is a nice place." said the boy which made Souji laugh out loud. He had to admit, it was a nice place. Just the state of it right now isn't the greatest.

    "Yeah, totally. Would you like a drink?" he asked since the blue haired boy looked like he was going to faint at any moment.

    "Yes please. I would like that." Souji went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

    "Orange juice? Or do you want lemonade?" Minato shrugged and replied with that it didn't matter. The teen just picked the beverage closest to him which was lemonade. He poured the drink into a glass cup. "...So, what's up? I haven't seen you this tired before." The boy stared at his glass of lemonade. He didn't respond which made Souji worry, "...Minato?" he raised a hand and waved it in front of his face.

     "Ah... Sorry about that," he brought the cup to his lips and took a sip out of it. "did you make this? Tastes great."

     "Y-yeah. I had a craving for lemonade yesterday evening." Minato laughed at that comment. Seeing him laugh brought a fluttering feeling to his chest. What could that be? The boy still looked fatigued, but somewhat better than before at least. 

     Minato sighed, "...Phew, feeling much better now," he set the cup back onto the counter. He looked around the kitchen with curiosity, "it's just like back in the dorms..." he murmured with a fond tone.

     "Back in the dorms?" the other looked shocked then calmed down back into his usual neutral state.

     "Yeah. I used to live in a dorm with some Gekkoukan High students. There were unique situations to say the least." Minato had a thin smile appear on his face. 

     "Do you miss them?" he asked. This may have been a sensitive subject for the boy though. "I can find them at some point for you if you want."

     "I'd rather not meet them again. They've moved on. It's really kinda depressing..." 

     "I see..." for the sake of the boy next to him, he decided to drop it for now. "Guess I should give you those cookies to you now?"

     "That would be nice, but you don't need to." he replied with a content expression.

     "Well... I don't need to bake them since I have earlier."

    Minato seemed amused, "Oh? You've been busy."

     "Not really. I-I was planning to give you some. Too much to eat on my own." Souji rummaged around in one of the kitchen's many cupboards and found the cookies. They were nicely placed in a small goodie bag.

     "Who in their right mind would make too many for themselves?" he asked, more entertained than before.

     "S-shut up." the other smiled at Souji's embarrassment. 

     Minato got up from his seat and stretched, "Well, thanks anyway for the thought. I appreciate it." he seemed contemplative for a few moments until he took one of Souji's hands. "...Do you mind if I tell you something?"

     The teen raised an eyebrow at that. He was being awfully weird today, "Of course you can." he responded with a curious face. Minato sighed and squeezed the hand he was holding. 

     "There's something I want you to know," he said while getting quieter. The silver haired teen had to listen attentively just to hear one word. "I never meant to make you worry. I'm sorry." 

     Souji was surprised to say the least. This was the first time that Minato ever apologized to him like this. He cheerfully smiled, "It's okay. As long as you're fine, then I'm happy." 

     Minato's eyes widened, "Whoa, major déjà vu." after the initial shock, he resumed back to his indifferent state. 

     He was curious as to why the other had that sense of familiarity, "Did I say that back then?"

     Minato nodded, "Yeah... You said that all the time. You were always the optimist in our group." he let go of Souji's hand only to wrap his arms around his back. "I've missed you."

     Something about what he said really made him happy. He wasn't sure why, but it happened. Instead, he opted to feel the soft blue strands of the other's hair. His hair really was as soft as it looked, "Sorry to have kept you waiting." Souji could feel the corners of Minato's mouth tugging upwards against his chest. 

      "You're always like this..." Minato let go after saying that. The teen had to admit, he missed the contact. Sensing his disappointment, the boy laughed. "We can hug more later." he blushed a little and Souji wondered why.

      "You're adorable when you're blushing." 

      Minato huffed and pouted. Souji decided not to go any further since it would ruin the mood. Instead, he continued his contact with the boy's hair much to the amusement of him. "Is my hair that nice to feel?"

      "Hah, I'd be happy touching it all day." the blue haired boy smiled before he frowned. The teen tilted his head at the sudden mood change. 

      "Nao... Now...? But..." he murmured and Souji felt a pang of jealousy. He knew he shouldn't feel that way. The boy sighed with one of his hands touching his earphones. Minato gave an apologetic look, "I'm sorry... I really ruined the mood there." 

      The teen bitterly smiled while still feeling that jealousy, "I-it's cool. Who was that?" 

      The boy sighed, "...Someone." that didn't help what he was feeling. Except he kept quiet about it. He didn't want Minato to think he was a selfish person. Though somehow Minato's face said otherwise, "It's not what you think."

       "You're a really great 'husband'. You know that?" Souji huffed and left the kitchen. 

Minato's Point of View

    He screwed up. After Souji left, Minato was beyond angry with Nao. He could still feel her tugging at his soul to respond, "Nao, goddammit. Why did you have to call me at that particular time?!"

     "Oh my goodness! Did I interrupt a romantic moment?! I'm so sorry!" she apologized with a sad tone. Did she seriously still think they were a couple? 

     "Ugh, now he's pissed with me." 

     "I wanted to call you since that new person just arrived in the life stream! But... I'm sorry... I got too excited. Why don't you bring Souji here and then we'll sort things out?" 

      "That is if I can get him to come. I'll be there soon, Nao." he replied while walking around the house. He found the teen resting on a couch in a room that he assumed was his. He took a step in, "Souji..."

     "Sorry, I shouldn't have reacted like that." he was now smiling much to the relief of the boy. He would have no idea what to do if he was still angry, "But seriously. What was going on there? How were you even able to talk with that 'Nao' person?" 

     He was defeated and he knew that deep inside he would have to tell him eventually. He didn't want him to get involved like he was. However that was a losing battle, "How about I show you instead of telling? It's faster that way." Souji seemed confused and he took the other's hand. "Close your eyes." the teen blinked and closed his eyes. Minato focused his will into one point of his mind and out popped a portal. He led Souji into the portal and soon the familiar setting of white appeared around him. He let go of his hand, "We're here."

      He didn't miss the surprise in the other's features. Souji looked genuinely interested about where they were, "H-huh? What... Where... Wow!" 

      Minato laughed at the reaction, "Welcome to the life stream. Where I disappear off to at times when I'm not in The Velvet Room. It can be awfully stuffy in there." the boy jumped onto the next platform while gesturing Souji to do the same. The teen followed him as they hopped from one platform to another. Eventually, the pair reached a door. The door was still the same with that same antique pattern. Why was he not surprised? The boy turned the knob of the door revealing what was in it.

      Nao stood with another white haired man who looked older than him, but younger than Nao. He approached the two at the middle of the white platform alongside Souji. "Minato, you're here. Sorry about earlier." 

      The man next to her frowned, "She told me about what happened. Pardon my intrusion. I would be happy to resolve anything that may have resulted from our shortcoming." Minato blinked in awe, this guy was really polite. 

      Souji smiled at the man, "We've resolved our issues. Don't worry about it." 

      The man smiled back, "Ah, that's good. I wouldn't want to get in the way of love after all." Nao is the most evil person in the universe. Minato could tell that Souji was panicking a little. He took the teen's hand and squeezed it. "Whoops, I was too forward wasn't I?" the man with white hair asked.

     Minato laughed, "You'll never be as forward as Nao." 

     The man grinned in response and nodded. It seemed like he already knew first-hand how overbearing she can be at times. 

     The only lady in the room coughed to direct attention back to her, "I think we should introduce ourselves first, so Souji won't think we're complete strangers."

     Souji gasped, "Wow, you already know my name? Do you talk about me that much, Minato?" the boy face palmed in response.

     "Well, I'm Nao. I think you've already heard my name though. It's nice to meet you!" she smiled with an angelic face, but Minato knew it was a ruse. She was really... a trickster with a playful attitude.

     The man went next, "My name is Robin or Rufure as some called me. As for what else um..." he seemed contemplative about what to say.

     "Why don't you tell us about the life you had before?" Minato asked.

     Robin nodded, "I used to be an amnesiac who got taken in by a prince of a place named Ylisse. I served as their army's tactician for awhile. Hm... That actually sums it up without going into battle or war details..." 

    Everyone else around him nodded, "That's cool that you're a tactician! Does that mean you're good at chess?" Souji asked with a cheerful expression.

    Robin laughed at his enthusiasm, "Yes, I'm quite fond of chess. One of the soldiers would challenge me once in awhile." The man went quiet as he looked up at the stream of lights. "I would need to go back soon, won't I?" 

    Nao responded, "Yes. Don't worry about it, the three of us will support you from here on in."

    The white haired man gently smiled, "Thank you. I will be sure to help out with duties here as much as I can." Souji and Minato looked at each other with a grin. This was one wacky group. 

    Nao looked happy, "It's really awesome to meet you, Robin! Though now we should probably let Souji and Minato leave."

    Robin looked over to the two, "Yes, it was nice meeting you two. I hope we see each other soon." he admitted as he continued watching the lights above. Minato knew that the lights were mesmerizing and it seemed like it caught Souji's attention too. The boy placed a firm hand on the other's shoulder. 

    "We'll definitely meet again soon." stated Minato as he led Souji to one of the three doors at the back.

     "Yeah! Look forward to it!" the teen exclaimed as the pair went into the door. Soon, they were back in Souji's room. 

Souji's Point of View

     The silver haired teen laughed, "That was one heck of an experience. Can't believe you hid that from me for so long." 

      Minato sighed, "Yeah, Nao is not as angelic as she seems." 

     Souji gave a questioning look, "Really? Hm..." he thought about what the other said. He did know her for far longer. Instead, he checked his phone. He frowned at one of the messages, "M-Minato... It can't be..."

      The blue haired boy took a look over his shoulder. His eyes widened, "No... This can't be happening..."

Dear Souji,

Miracle is a system dedicated to reading the future and preventing unfortunate situations. However, we will only tell the future of those whom you're acquainted with. Whether you can stop or change these events is up to you.

-Chie was pulled into another world. If not found soon, she will die from fatal wounds.

That is all. Have a fantastic day.

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