Chapter Three

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POV; Fawnkit

Fawnkit paced around the nursery, anxious to go out into the camp and play with someone. Mama wake up soon, please! She had woken up a few hours ago and no one else had woken up yet. As the sun slowly rose higher into the sky, it's warm light filled the nursery. It flashed across her paws and moved slowly up her body. Suddenly, Bumblekit bounded up to her.

"Ahh! Bumblekit! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Fawnkit mewled. She cuffed him over the ears playfully. Bumblekit was much bigger than her, but ever since she had opened her eyes, they had been inseparable.

"Aww, but it's so much fun! I wish you were becoming an apprentice soon. Now we won't be in the same den for three whole moons!" he whined.

Fawnkit gazed at him in thought. I wonder if there's a way we could be in the same den... Maybe if there are too many apprentices or maybe if they have room in the apprentice den... "I have an idea! What if we asked Dewstar if we could find a place for a new den for apprentices and older kits." she mewed.

"I think that sounds like a good idea! Maybe we should ask her when you are three moons old though." Bumblekit said.

Fawnkit sighed and batted at a mossball that had gotten hooked on her claw. She raised her paw and threw it towards Bumblekit, who wasn't paying attention.

"Hey! What'd you do that for?" he mewed. He pounced on the mossball and batted it back towards Fawnkit.

Soon, the other kits had awoken and were coming over to play too. Aspenkit bounded over to them and leaped at Fawnkit. She batted at her playfully and pinned her down.

Fawnkit struggled underneath the larger kit, but finally managed to get out from underneath her. "Ha! I guess you're not as strong as you look." she mewled triumphantly.

Suddenly, she heard a loud mewling sound. "Do you guys hear that?"

"Hear what? Is the little kit trying to play pretend?" Haykit taunted.

"No, I heard a kit mewling," Fawnkit growled, stamping her paw on the ground. The mewling sound started again.

"Reaaaaally? 'Cause I have better hearing than you do. Maybe the water messed up your brain and now you're delusional," she smirked.

"Leave her alone, Haykit," Shadowkit mewed, coming out of the den.

"What are you gonna do about it? Tell your mommy?" she growled.

"No, we're gonna leave and go where your hateful attitude isn't affecting the atmosphere." she hissed.

The four kits padded off towards the fresh-kill pile. Fawnkit heard the mewling again, this time it was louder. "Guys, will you help me sneak out of camp to go see what that noise is?" she whispered.

"No way! I don't wanna get in trouble!" Aspenkit mewed.

Fawnkit glared at Aspenkit. "Just this once? Please? If we are successful, they won't ever know we were gone." she mewed impatiently.

"I'll help. I mean, that is if we all go with you." Bumblekit mewed.

"Fine. But one of us needs to stay close to the camp and be on the lookout." Aspenkit mewed, finally agreeing to help.

Fawnkit saw Shadowkit open her mouth to say something, but right as she was saying something, a wail spread through the camp. "Does anyone else here the wailing?" she mewled.

"No...? Fawnkit, are you okay?" Bumblekit asked her.

She hadn't realized that she was now on the ground shaking, with fear. She slowly stood back up, not knowing what was going on with her.

"Let's go. We can sneak through the camp entrance when no cat's watching." she mewed.

When no one was looking, they silently crept toward the entrance. Shadowkit stepped on a stick, but it didn't draw any attention towards them. They kept going towards the entrance and finally were out of the camp.

"The moors! The leaves! The water! I've never seen anything so amazing!" Aspenkit mewed with joy.

"SHHHHHHH!" Shadowkit hissed. "You don't want the whole clan to hear us!"

"Sorry!" Aspenkit whispered. She walked ahead of the group, admiring all of WindClan's beauty.

"Alright, I'm gonna go towards the mewling and you guys keep watch. I'll be back soon!" she said.

Fawnkit ran off towards the open moors, trying to find the kit who probably wasn't much older or younger than her. Her small legs allowed her to stay close to the ground, but they didn't allow her to run fast. She heard a noise behind her and turned around, startled.

"Wh-who's there!?" she mewed.

Suddenly, a red blur flashed in front of her eyes. She slowly crept towards it, curious as to what it was.

"Please don't hurt me!" the red creature shrieked.

Fawnkit studied the animal before her. It was a cat, no older than her. It, no she, was small like her and she had black stockings, ears, and tail tip. She looked kind of like her mother and Shadowkit combined into one cat. Why is she here? Who is she?

"I'm here because my a fire went through my clan and killed everyone, although I'm not really sure what that means. I'm the only one left!" she wailed. "My father told me to come here. He told me that I would be welcome here."

Fawnkit stared at her, astonished that she knew what she was thinking. Why was she told to come here? Why not ThunderClan, or ShadowClan, or anywhere else besides here?! What will Dewstar think if I bring this cat back to camp? She'll know that I left camp before I was apprenticed!

"Please, can you take me to your camp? I have nowhere else to go, and I won't tell your leader that you found me. I'll just say I found you in the dirtplace and you agreed to bring me to your camp. Oh, by the way, I'm Flarekit." she mewed.

Fawnkit nodded and mumbled, "I'm Fawnkit, almost two moons old, and I had two siblings, but they died. Follow me, I'll take you back to camp."

Fawnkit led the way through bushes, under branches, and across the open moor until they met up with the others. When the others saw that there was another cat with her, their eyes went wide in shock.

"Uh, Fawnkit? Who's that with you?" Aspenkit asked a bit loudly.

"Aspenkit! Remember, we have to be quiet." she whispered. "This is Flarekit. She was told to come here by her father and she, well, she's the only surviving member of her clan after a fire killed every cat."

Fawnkit saw Shadowkit glaring at Flarekit and wondered why she would be glaring at her. Duh, she's an outsider. Anyone would be worried about an outsider coming to their clan.

Flarekit sighed and glanced at Shadowkit. "Yes, I am Sunfur's daughter, and yes, I'm telling the truth."

Shadowkit's jaw dropped as she heard what Flarekit was saying. She slowly closed her mouth and turned towards camp.

"Guys, we need to get back to camp, before anyone realizes we're gone." Bumblekit mewed.

Suddenly, a patrol of WindClan cats ran towards them. "Bumblekit, Shadowkit, Aspenkit, Fawnkit! You all are in big trouble for sneaking out of camp and disobeying clan rules!" Lightwhisker mewed sternly.

Oh no. What have we gotten ourselves into...

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