Black Swan

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Mia and Mina were on stage at Mnet as they were practicing a duet performance together. They both did a mix of ballet and hip hop dancing on stage after singing their song. Soon, they went to take a short break. Mia went to get some water to drink. "I hope Mina and I can do well on this performance," she says.

Tiki gives her a towel and says, "You got this Mia. I think a collaboration with Twice's Mina is fantastic. I know for sure Chanyeol would love to see the performance." Mia turns red as she whispers, "Tiki!" Tiki giggles at Mia as she hides in Mia's bag.

Chanyeol is practicing in a different room because he is going to be a guest MC for the show. "Why do we have to come here and host this thing again?!" Plagg asks as he eat his Camembert. Chanyeol says, "Because it's my job. You'd understand if you were human and were a performer like me."

Plagg says, "Nah it's too much work. Unless they pay in Camembert." "Well that's all you think about, isn't it?" Chanyeol asks, giving Plagg the can of Camembert, "Now hide here. No one can see you you what so ever!" Plagg nods as he gets into the bag.

Mina was putting away her lucky ballet slippers and said, "See you same time tomorrow Mia?" "You bet!" Mia says. Once Mina left, Mia looked in her wallet and whispered, "Tiki. I think I have enough money to get us some food to eat on the way home." "Great Mia!" Tiki says, then hides when she sees someone. Mia asks, "Tiki?" then feels a tap on her shoulder.

It was Chanyeol smiling at her. He says, "Hey Mia. I just wanted to say you did amazing on your performance with Mina. It's great that I'm hosting the night you perform." Mia stood there frozen as she said, "Wow. Uh I. Thanks. I. Really appreciate you liking the performance Chanyeol!" She then nervously giggled.

Chanyeol says, "Yeah. You don't have to be nervous. Here." He pulls out a bracelet and puts it on her wrist, saying, "It's a bracelet Noona gave to me when I got into SM. She told me to wear it when I get nervous." "Thank you," Mia says. She then exits the building, and says, "Wow! Tiki! Did you just see what Chanyeol did!" and looks at her wrist.

Tiki says, "Uh-huh! That's a sign Mia. He must love you for him to give it to you!" "Me?" Mia says, "Chanyeol's been my friend for years, I'm not even sure he feels the same way about me." "Nonsense girl. Maybe Chanyeol is as nervous as you, now come on. I'm hungry!" Tiki says. Mia smiles and says, "Okay Tiki."

Chanyeol was gathering his things as Plagg says, "Did you really have to give your friend that bracelet Chanyeol? After all, it was a gift from your sister." "I know Plagg, it's just Mia looked so nervous," Chanyeol says, "and plus, Noona wouldn't mind, after all, she's known Mia since we were younger. We practically grew up with each other."

"That explains a lot," Plagg says, "come on, I want to get some delicious Camembert on the way home." "I hope one of these days, I don't end up writing a song about Camembert," says Chanyeol, grabbing his bag and walking out of the room with Plagg in the bag.

Mina is at JYP practicing the routine when a young female trainee comes by. "Hello Mina Unnie," she says. Mina says, "Oh, hello Sora," and continues dancing. Sora asks, "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to perfect the routine Mia and I are doing for Inkigayo," says Mina, "and I would like some peace and quiet."

"Sorry Unnie," Sora says, "just hope the crowd doesn't make fun of you." Mina asks, "And what's that suppose to mean?" "I mean you should make it look less sloppy," Sora says. Mina says, "Excuse you, but I know what I'm doing. I've been doing ballet since I was five!"

"Maybe you must've forgotten how to do it since you were five then, because it doesn't look as good as you think," Sora says, "keep working at it." Sora leaves as Mina angrily says, "How would you know what to do?! You can't even do what I do, Sora!"

Hawkmoth observes this and says, "Well, well. It seems as if frustration has taken over this graceful swan. Frustration is the perfect thing for my akuma." He charges a butterfly with his energy and says, "Fly away my little akuma, and evilize that upset ballerina!"

The akuma flies to JYP Entertainment, and reaches the dance practice room where Mina was. She angrily ties her ballet slippers on her foot, and then the akuma touches the right slipper. Soon, a butterfly outline appears on her face.

"Hawkmoth is my name, and now yours is Black Swan," Hawkmoth says, "you have the power to seek revenge on those who wronged you by using your grace. Just make sure you get me Ladybug and Black Cat's Miraculouses in return." "Yes Hawkmoth," Mina says. After transforming, Black Swan goes to find Sora.

After seeing Black Swan, Sora drops her water bottle and asks, "Who are you?!" She says, "Hey kiddo. Wanna dance!" Black Swan does a small dance, causing some feathers from her dress to attack Sora. However, they miss. Sora screams and says, "SOMEONE HELP ME!" while running away. Black Swan furrows her brows as used the wings attached on her outfit to fly to Sora.

Mia sits on a bench at the park while eating some street food with Tiki. Tiki says, "This food is better than what they serve in France!" "Hopefully this can help you maintain your energy so I can transform soon," Mia says, throwing her trash away as she takes Tiki home. Tiki says, "But nothing is wrong. Well nothing yet at least."

Walking by JYP Entertainment, Mia sees Sora run out. "Run for your lives! A monster is attacking me!" Sora screams. Mia asks, "A monster?" Soon, Mia and Tiki notice Black Swan dash out and fly towards Sora's direction. Mia looks closely at the "M" on each slipper Black Swan was wearing, saying, "Mina?!"

"It's Hawkmoth's doing again," Tiki says, flying out of Mia's bag to see what was wrong, "he must've used his akuma on Mina this time." Mia says, "I have find a place to hide and transform," and goes behind a post on the sidewalk and says, "TIKI! SPOTS ON!" After transforming, Mia goes to where Black Swan is.

Chanyeol was walking on the sidewalk when he notices his sister is filming something with her phone. "Noona? What are you doing?" Chanyeol asks Yoora. Yoora says, "Getting footage for a news story." Before he could ask of what, Chanyeol sees Black Swan corner Sora. Soon, Ladybug drops in.

"Chasing down an innocent teenager!" Mia says, "That's not a graceful thing any ballerina should do, Mina!" "I'm not Mina! I'm Black Swan!" Black Swan angrily says, "And this teenager is going to pay for what see said about me!" "I take it back! You're the best ballerina ever! Just don't hurt me!" Sora says.

Chanyeol's jaw drops as Yoora whispers, "Close your mouth little bro, you'll let flies in." He runs behind a newsstand, then Plagg pops out, and Chanyeol says, "Time to transform. PLAGG! CLAWS OUT!" Chanyeol extends his staff, and drops it towards where Mia was.

Mia says, "Nice of you to drop in kitty kitty," while spinning her yo-yo. Chanyeol smirks and says, "Always happy to assist you my lady. I guess now it's time to dance." Black Swan does a certain dance that causes more feathers to fly from her ballerina dress. When Mia and Chanyeol jump to avoid the feathers, they explode. Mia says, "She gets her powers from her dancing, which allows her to use the feathers on her dress as a weapon."

"Since most ballerinas wear their ballet slippers when dancing, do you think we should take the slippers to stop her from dancing?" Chanyeol asks, "I'm also guessing the akuma is hiding in her right slipper as well." "Ah, smart thinking kitty," Mia says, petting under Chanyeol's chin as if he was a cat, causing him to purr.

As Black Swan was looking for them, Chanyeol says, "Hey there you bag of feathers! How about we take this flock elsewhere!" "I'm not letting you get away from me that easy!" Black Swan says. Hawkmoth tells her, "What are you waiting for Black Swan?! Seize his Miraculous!"

Black Swan nods as she pulls her wings from her dress to fly towards Chanyeol. "Come back here pussycat!" Black Swan says, "Give me your Miraculous before I use my feathers on you!" "Dream on, Tweety!" Chanyeol says, "You have to come and catch me first!" He leaps away from Sora's direction to distract Black Swan.

As Black Swan was chasing Chanyeol, Mia follows Sora to Baekhyun's house. Sora opens the door and says, "Help me! I'm in danger!" "Poor girl, come inside," Baekhyun says, "Chen, Xiumin. Close the doors and windows. Before they could close one if the windows, Mia flies in and says, "Sorry for barging in, but I had to protect this young JYP trainee Baek-I mean young man."

"Wait a minute! You're!" Baekhyun says, as Mia was freaking out while frantically shaking her head "no", "You're Ladybug! The girl who saved my life a few weeks ago." "Woe, she's even prettier in person," Chen says.

Taeyeon comes from upstairs and asks, "Baekhyun. What's going on? Ladybug?!" "Sorry Jagi," says Baekhyun, "but Ladybug came into our house!" "I have an emergency, and I need to talk to you in the living room about this," Mia says. As everyone goes into Baekhyun's living room, Mia video calls Chanyeol.

As he was fighting Black Swan, Chanyeol managed to use a hula hoop he found on the sidewalk near a park, and use it to keep Black Swan in place. He then answers the video call as he ran to a building far away from Black Swan. "Missing me already Bugaboo?" Chanyeol sweetly asks Mia.

Mia says, "Stop playing around and calling me weird names. I called because I arrived at the home of EXO's Baekhyun. Sora ran here for help, and I need you over here to help me keep guard in case Black Swan shows up." "On my way," Chanyeol says, "after all, I need to tend to two damsels in distress." He then leaps towards Baekhyun's house.

As soon as he arrives, Mia says, "Listen. This girl is the target of an akumatized villain, and needs a place to hide at until Black Cat and I fix this mess up." Chen takes a selfie with her, saying, "Sorry, I'm just a fan." Mia slightly slumps over while groaning, "Anyways, Baekhyun, is alright if you, your band mates, and Tae-I mean, your girlfriend, let her stay here?"

"No problem," Taeyeon says, Baekhyun puts his hand on Taeyeon's shoulders as he says, "We'll be happy to help anyway we can, Ladybug." "We already locked the doors and windows," says Xiumin. Chanyeol says, "Good. Make sure you close the curtains too. Black Swan could easily find Sora here."

"Taeyeon, is it okay if you let Sora take a shower in the bathroom to get her scent off of her and borrow your clothes?" Mia asks, "I'll need to borrow Sora's clothing as well." "Sure thing Ladybug," Taeyeon and Sora say. Taeyeon takes Sora to the upstairs bathroom, and Mia waits by the door with some clothes Taeyeon lent her. Sora puts out her arm with her clothes and says, "Here's my clothing." "Thanks Sora," Mia says.

Chanyeol says, as Mia comes downstairs, "I already had Baekhyun, Chen, and Xiumin go upstairs so they can stay out of danger as well." Mia says, "Okay. We need to go to a place where we can throw Black Swan off guard to keep her away from Sora, and capture the akuma in the ballet slipper."

Black Swan uses a sharp feather from her dress to get the hula hoop off of her. She does a dance that will allow her to use her dress to track Sora's scent. This leads Black Swan to the basement of JYP Entertainment. She looks around with an angry face as the sensors on her dress sent it to a dummy dressed up in Sora's clothing. "What is this?!" Black Swan asks, "Wait! This looks like a trap!"

She looks up to see Mia and Chanyeol on the railing. Mia nods to Chanyeol, who leaps towards Black Swan. Black Swan uses a feather sword to fight Chanyeol. "I need to help Black Cat," Mia says, "LUCKY CHARM!" A Ladybug yo-yo toy lands in Mia's hands. She says, "A Ladybug yo-yo toy? Okay."

Chanyeol says, "A little help could be useful my lady!" Mia uses her lucky vision. Just then, an old building sign on top of a shelf was glowing, as well as the feathers on Black Swan's dress, Mia's yo-yo, and the yo-yo in the plastic box. "Black Cat! Destroy that shelf the giant building sign is on top of!" Mia says.

Chanyeol says, "CATACLYSM!" and touches the shelf, causing the sign to land on the ground two feet away from Black Swan, who turns to Mia spinning both if her yo-yos. "Come and get me, but I must warn you. I'm two times as dangerous!" Mia says.

Black Swan dances and makes numerous sharp feathers fly in Mia's direction. Mia uses the yo-yos to shield herself and prevent the attacks. Just as Black Swan caused multiple feathers to come off her dress at once, Mia jumps up, and hits the feathers, causing them to pin Black Swan to a wall.

Chanyeol unties the right slipper, taking it off of Black Swan's foot, saying, "I'll take that," and tosses it to Mia. She tears the slipper into two, causing the akuma to fly out. "Your days are over little akuma!" Mia says, "De-evilization time!" Mia captures the akuma in the yo-yo. Once it purifies, Mia releases the butterfly and tosses the toy yo-yo in the air, saying, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Everything turns back to normal afterwards, and Black Swan turns back into Mina, who says, "What am I doing down here?" She notices Mia giving Mina back her lucky ballet slipper while smiling. Hawkmoth says, "Don't be doing your victory dance yet Ladybug! One day, I will take your Miraculous, and you and Black Cat will be dancing on your graves!"

The next day, Chanyeol was onstage at Inkigayo, hosting that night's show. Mia was backstage with Mina while they are dressed up in their outfits. "You ready Mina?" Mia asks. Mina says, "As always Mia." "Ladies and gentlemen," Chanyeol says, "put your hands together for Mia of Cupid and Mina of Twice!" He gets off stage to let the two girls do their song and dance.

After they get done, Mia and Mina bow on stage as they received their applause. Sora goes to where Mina is and says, "Sorry for what I said Mina Unnie. You did wonderful. I guess I was just jealous of how great you did." "It's okay Sora, I forgive you," Mina says, "and thanks. I appreciate you loving the performance." "I gotta head home Mina, see you later," Mia says, going to the dressing room to get changed and grab her things. Since they were the last act, Chanyeol was gathering his things too.

At the door, Mia talks to Tiki and says, "That was so much fun!" "Tell me about it," Tiki says, "and from the way the audience was cheering you and Mina on, I can tell you did great. Who knows maybe you and Chanyeol will work on a duet together." Mia blushes then hears someone call her name. She says, "Tiki, hide."

Once Tiki hides, Mia turns around to see Chanyeol. "Oh, hey Chanyeol," Mia says, "how are you?" "Great actually. I just wanted to say you did wonderful out there," Chanyeol says to a now blushing Mia. Mia says, "Oh, um. Thank you Chanyeol," and takes off the bracelet, "You must be wanting this back huh?"

"Nonsense, you keep it," says Chanyeol, putting the bracelet back on Mia, "I gave it to you for good luck, not to use for only one performance. I insist Mia." She looks up at him while touching her heart and blushing hard. Chanyeol says, "I'll walk you home."

When they arrive to her place, Mia says, "Bye," as Chanyeol walks home. Mia lays in her bed and says, "Oh my gosh, Tiki! What just happened?!" "Well for one, you almost fainted because of Chanyeol," Tiki says, "and two, did you hear the compliment he gave you?!"

Mia rises up while squealing and kicking her feet, saying, "I know! I can't believe he thought I did amazing! And this bracelet! I'm never taking it off my wrist!" Tiki lays Mia down while pulling her comforter over her, saying, "Wow! You really are in love, aren't you Mia?" Mia kisses Tiki's head and says, "Good night Tiki." Mia smiles in her sleep as Tiki says, "That's my girl." Tiki falls asleep herself.

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