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Mia was in her parents' pastry shop so she can make some cream filled pastries for Chanyeol. "I hope he loves these," Mia says, almost squealing, "I have to make sure each one doesn't have too much cream." "Why are you so worked up on impressing Chanyeol anyways Mia?" Tiki asks.

Mia says, "Shh. Stay low Tiki. *whispering* I've had a crush on Chanyeol every since me and him attended acting school together before making the audition for SM. And I want to do everything I can to impress him." "Girl you are no different form Marinette," Tiki says.

When she gets finished filling the last pastry with cream, she puts them in a baby blue box, and wrapped it up in a green bow. Then, Mia kisses her mother's cheek and says, "Love you Eomma. Thanks for letting me make these." "Love you too Mia," Yuan Bao says, "and you can make pastries here anytime dear." Mia bows and heads for the building.

Chanyeol buys a small can of Camembert cheese and puts it into his bag. Plagg opens it, and says, "You are the best Chanyeol!" and eats his Camembert. Chanyeol says, "When we get there, you better be quiet. I have nosy band mates that will be asking questions."

He then looks at the newspaper article with him and Ladybug. "Ugh! Please don't tell me I have to deal with another Ladybug lovesick fool!" Plagg says. Chanyeol blushes and says, "What are you talking about?" Soon, they entered the building.

Mia puts her bag up and saw Xin Mei using nunchucks in the dance practice room. She asks, "What's going on Xin Mei?" "I'm practicing for an audition for a role in a martial arts action movie, and I want to be able to pass it," Xin Mei says, "so I'm practicing my Wushu."

"You should be able to make it," Mia says, "after all, besides Tao, you're one of the best Wushu martial artists I know." Just then, Kai, Sehun, and Chanyeol enter the room. "Hey girls," Chanyeol says. Mia nearly froze in spot and said, "Oh. My phone is ringing *pulls out phone awkwardly* hello Cousin Marinette! You need to talk to me in private. Okay-!" And tries to run, but Xin Mei pulls her back and says, "Bye Cousin Marinette." and points to Chanyeol.

"Uh-uuhh," Mia says, almost stuttering, "H-Hey Chanyeol. How's it you. I mean uh---how are going!" Then she smiles awkwardly as Xin Mei shakes her head. Chanyeol says, "I'm fine." Looking at her shoes, Mia gave Chanyeol the box and says, "I made you some cream pastries this morning. I hope you love them!"

Chanyeol opens the box, takes one out, and eats it. He says, "Wow! They are so good!" "Really?" Mia asks. Chanyeol says, "Really. Maybe tomorrow after work, you can show me how to make them." He then leaves as Mia stood there smiling like an idiot. Hyunmi and Jimin come in and say, "What's wrong with her?" "Chanyeol liked the pastries Mia made and asked if she can teach him how to make them," Xin Mei says.

Mia says, "Oh my goodness! Chanyeol wants me to help him! Then afterwards, we'll feed the pastries to each other, get married, have two children, and a puppy!!!!!" "Just get making the pastries with him out of the way first," Jimin says. Xin Mei says, "I have to leave! My audition is today!" She grabs her nunchucks and bag, running out if the building.

Everyone leaves the building as well, and Mia goes to the pastry shop to ask her mother and father if she can bring Chanyeol to the kitchen. "Sure Mia," Junghan says, "It would be good to see Chanyeol again." "Oh I agree, especially after how much you-!" Yuan Bao says before Mia yells, "Eomma!" The couple laugh at their daughter.

Mia grabs her phone, at her house, to text Chanyeol. Tiki pops out and says, "I think baking with him is a fabulous idea Mia!" "I just hope when he does talk, I don't lose track of what I'm doing," Mia says. Tiki flies around and says, "How about you compliment him as he makes them?"

"Tiki, can you imagine the words that would come out of my mouth if I told Chanyeol that?" Mia asks. Tiki says, "Wow Chanyeol, I think y-you, ah-blah!" "Exactly," Mia says, "It's silly. We've been friends since acting school, and I turn red at even the thought of Chanyeol." Tiki says, "Don't worry, Marinette was the same way when she started liking Adrien, only she was a nervous train wreck when it came to him."

Chanyeol was playing the piano as he got a text from Mia. He says, "I guess I can learn how to make these delicious pastries tomorrow. Speaking of which, I'm going to pop the last three I have in my mouth now." When he opens the box, Chanyeol sees Plagg with a full belly, and one more pastry, exclaiming, "Plagg!" "Sorry, Chanyeol," Plagg says, "they were so good, I couldn't resist." He burped, and then gave the last one to Chanyeol.

After eating it, Chanyeol says, "At least I found one thing other than Camembert that you like. Don't worry little buddy. Tomorrow, I'll be able to learn how to make these delicious pastries by scratch, and we can eat as much as we want." Chanyeol starts to play his piano as Plagg floats beside him.

Meanwhile, Xin Mei rushed into the room where the auditions were held. The director says, "Okay. So you're Xin Mei of Cupid right?" "Yes," Xin Mei says. The director then says, "Okay. So you're trying out for the part of Tori Wu. And for your audition, you're gonna show of some of your Wushu?" "Yes," Xin Mei says.

After saying the lines, Xin Mei then demonstrates her Wushu a spare of her audition. Then, after a while, Xin Mei falls, causing an injury to her wrist. She is wincing in pain as she got back up, and tried to continue. But the director tells her, "Alright Xin Mei. No need to push yourself. You did okay--." "No," she says, "I have to continue my audition. It can't be okay!"

"But you can't continue with your wrist hurt like that," the director says, "now go home and get it healed." Sad, Xin Mei runs out of the building with her nunchucks, crying. Once she stops by an alley, she sits down, looking at her swollen wrist, saying, "I'm not going to make it as a martial artist actress! I never will! They aren't going to accept me for my screw up!"

Just then, Hawkmoth observes this and says, "Such disappointment in a skilled martial artist in her mistake. Eventually, disappointment leads to anger." He uses his dark magic to evilize a butterfly, and says, "Fly away my little akuma and evilize her!"

As the butterfly flies away, Mia leaves the restaurant with a bag of fries and burgers, giving a small size of fries and a burger to Tiki in her purse. Tiki eats a fry and says, "Thanks Mia. I was starving!" As Mia eats her burger, she says, "Your welcome Tiki. Come on, before we head home, I want to check on Xin Mei to see how her audition went." She goes to find Xin Mei.

As Xin Mei was sobbing with her face in her knees, the akuma touches her nunchucks. A faint butterfly mask appears around her eyes as Hawkmoth says, "Hello Ninjetta, I am Hawkmoth. I'm giving you powers to use your Wushu and nunchucks to seek revenge on those who upset you. In return, you have to bring me the ladybug and cat Miraculouses." "Yes Hawkmoth," Xin Mei says, transforming into Ninjetta, taking the appearance of a female ninja.

Chanyeol was playing Overwatch on his laptop in his room when he gets a phone call from his sister. "Noona?" Chanyeol asks, "Why are you calling?" Yoora says, Hey Chanyeol. I just wanted to tell you before I go to the studio, I got a huge scoop for my story tonight! "Really? Of what?" Chanyeol asks.

Well, my boss asked me since people are interested in Ladybug and Black Cat since they moved here to Seoul to protect us, he wants me to get more scoops on their stories, Yoora says, and I just arrived to a scene of a villain even before Ladybug and Black Cat! "A villain?! Who?!" Chanyeol asks. Yoora explains, I'm not sure about her real identity or why she's akumatized, but, all I know is that her name is Ninjetta. I gotta go, I have to get footage for my story.

Chanyeol, after Yoora hangs up, stops his game and looks at Plagg. "I hope your batteries are charged Plagg, because Seoul needs us," Chanyeol says. Plagg says, "Just say the words." Chanyeol exclaims, "PLAGG! CLAWS OUT!" as Plagg gets inside his ring.

As Mia runs towards the building, she bumps into Hyunmi, who has a pen, her phone, and a picture of Mia transformed into Ladybug. "Sorry Mia, I didn't see where I was going," Hyunmi says. Mia says, "It's fine Hyunmi, but where are you going?"

"Did you not hear on the news," Hyunmi says, "some people who held auditions for the new martial arts action movie got kidnapped by a bad guy, and I know Ladybug will be there with Black Cat as well. I'm not missing it!" "A bad guy?!" Mia asks.

Hyunmi says, "Yeah. Apparently she is skilled in martial arts like Xin Mei, and goes by Ninjetta. Well, see ya!" As Hyunmi runs off, Mia exclaims, "Ninjetta?!" "Uh-oh!" Tiki says, flying out of Mia's purse, "I think Ninjetta is a villain Hawkmoth created with his akuma." "And I think I know who Ninjetta really is," Mia says, "TIKI! SPOTS ON!" transforming into Ladybug.

At the Han River, Ninjetta has the director and two producers hanging on the side of the bridge, tied to a staff she pulled from her bag. Laughing evilly, Ninjetta says, "Tell me. Who's the best martial now, weaklings?!" "Ninjetta!" the three men said out of fear. Hawkmoth says to Ninjetta holding the men hostage, "Excellent Ninjetta. This is the perfect lure for Ladybug and Black Cat."

Ninjetta then says to the cameras form the helicopter, "Listen up Ladybug and Black Cat! I have three bozos here who don't appreciate the true art of Wushu that are about to take a swim to their death! If you want them to see another day, you must come here and bring me your Miraculouses, or else---!"

A ladybug yo-yo comes flying towards Ninjetta's direction, grabbing the staff, and pulling it to the surface of the bridge. Ninjetta sees Mia and Chanyeol as Ladybug and Black Cat. Mia says, as she brings her yo-yo back towards her, "Or else what? You know you're better than this Xin Mei. Why are you upset?"

"I'm not the Xin Mei that screws up and makes mistakes anymore, I am Ninjetta! The best martial artist in the world!" Ninjetta says. Hawkmoth tells her, "Don't just sit there Ninjetta! Get their Miraculouses!" "Once I'm done with you two, I'll be known as the best martial artist ever!" Ninjetta says to them proudly, "I'm going to take your Miraculouses as a trophy as well!"

She takes out her nunchucks and starts to combat Mia and Chanyeol. As they fight, Mia says, "Black Cat. Use your claws to free those men from the bindings." "Okay LB," Chanyeol says. Chanyeol uses two of his claws to carefully tear the ropes. After freeing the men, Chanyeol says, "Get out of here while you still can!" The men nod as the run off the bridge. Chanyeol takes out his stick and extends it so he can combat Ninjetta.

Mia flings her yo-yo towards Ninjetta's direction, but Ninjetta keeps blocking them with the nunchucks. Mia also remembers seeing Xin Mei practice with the nunchucks at the studio. "Of course! Xin Mei's nunchucks!" Mia says, "Black Cat! Do everything in your power to get those nunchucks! That's where the akuma is hiding!"

"Break the nunchucks, free the akuma. Got it!" Chanyeol says. Ninjetta rolls a smoke bomb she pulled from her bag towards Chanyeol. After is explodes, some ropes shoot out to bind him. Ninjetta smirks as Hawkmoth tells her through telepathy, "Take Black Cat's Miraculous, Ninjetta! The ring!" "Right!" Ninjetta says, "Here kitty, kitty. Time for you to hand over your Miraculous."

Before Ninjetta could take the ring, Chanyeol lifts his left leg up in the air as Mia jumps over him. Mia grabs his leg with her yo-yo and takes him to the top of a near by building. She unties the ropes as they flee towards the top of the building where auditions were held.

"I assume you have a plan My Lady?" Chanyeol asks. Mia says, "Ninjetta is very skilled and has amazing stealth. It won't be easy to take the nunchucks containing the akuma from her. So we need to." "Figure out a way for us to force them out of her paws," Chanyeol says, "smart thinking. You're an amazing superhero my Bugaboo," and winks at her while smirking.

Mia lightly face palms herself. "LUCKY CHARM!" Mia exclaims, throwing her yo-yo up in the air, causing a ladybug printed box filled with cream puff pastries to land in her hand. Mia asks, "A box of pastries, what am I suppose to do with this?"

"So we're going to be defeated by ninja queen, but we'll at least be fed?" Chanyeol asked. Evilly laughing, Ninjetta appears while spinning her nunchucks, saying, "You really believe you can defeat me with a dessert! You're crazy Ladybug!"

Mia uses her lucky vision to spot how to use the lucky charm. The soles of Ninjetta's shoes lit up, and so did her gloves, and the box of pastries. "I may seem crazy, but I doubt you'll defeat me!" Mia says, "Black Cat. Her extra weapons come from her bag! Destroy it!"

"Cataclysm!" Chanyeol exclaims, swiping the bag Ninjetta was wearing, destroying it. Ninjetta says, "You'll pay for this Ladybug and Black Cat!" As she runs towards Mia, Mia is squeezing each pastry so the cream can come out, and throws them towards Ninjetta.

Ninjetta catches them but throws then away, and she tries to grab her nunchucks, but the cream on her hands made it too slippery to do so. As Ninjetta was trying to run towards her while trying to get a hold of her nunchucks, Mia already threw the rest of the parties on the ground, causing Ninjetta to slip.

The nunchucks flew out of her hands as Mia catches them. "Get out of there you nasty bug!" Mia says, snapping the chain of the nunchucks over her knee, freeing the akuma, "Your days are over little akuma! De-evilization time!" She capture the akuma then frees it, throwing the box in the air, saying, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

A big swarm of ladybugs turns everything back to normal, and Ninjetta turns back into Xin Mei, who asks, "What? How did I get here?" "Pound it!" Mia and Chanyeol say while fist-bumping. Hawkmoth screams, "No! I was so close to obtaining the Miraculouses! Just you wait Ladybug! Someday, it will be me who will be the true master! I will destroy you and Black Cat!"

The next day, as Mia set up the kitchen at the bakery after closing time, Xin Mei runs in while her wrist is in a cast. She holds up a paper and says, "Mia! Guess what! I got the part!" "Really? Wow!" Mia says, "They must've been impressed! Way to go Xin Mei."

"They said even though I injured my wrist, I was determined to keep going and they were impressed with what I did," Xin Mei explains, "so as soon as my injury heals, we're going to start filming the movie. See you later Mia." "Bye Xin Mei," Mia says. Once Xin Mei leaves, Tiki pops out and says, "Wow. Even through her mistake, Xin Mei was able to pass. You have some amazing friends Mia."

"Tell me about it Tiki," Mia says while smiling, then she hears footsteps, "Hide Tiki!" Tiki hides as Chanyeol walks into the room. "I'm ready to learn how to make those delicious pastries," he says. Mia stutters a little and says, "Oh! Uh I. Let's get to work."

They start to follow a simple recipe as they make the dough from scratch. Chanyeol uses the rolling pin to roll out the dough and cut them as Mia rolls them up. She then place the pan in the oven to let them bake. Once the pastries were done, Mia and Chanyeol begin to squeeze the cream into each pastry.

After letting them cool, Chanyeol pops a pastry into his mouth and says, "Wow! These taste so good!" "Well, now that you know how to make them, you can bake them any time and have them," Mia says, smiling. Chanyeol says, "Maybe, I can bake you some pastries when I get the chance. How does that sound Mia?"

Mia blushes and stutters, "Uh. It would, be amazing. But not as amazing as you of course. Probably because you're more amazing than amazing!" "Okay" Chanyeol says, grabbing the box of pastries, "See you Mia," and touches her cheek. As he left, Mia grabs her cheek as Tiki says, "Did you not hear what you just said to Chanyeol, Mia? You went on and on about hoe amazing he is." "My cheek. He touched my cheek!"

Mia says while blushing as she looks at the door Chanyeol walked out of, "I am not going to wash my face ever again!" "And I thought Marinette was lovesick when it came to Adrien," Tiki says, grabbing a pastry to eat. Mia grabs one and eats it as well.

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