Chapter 20

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Back at Barry's apartment, Barry finishes explaining everything to Lila.

Barry: …And since then, I've been trying to find a way to get back home, to my Earth. So, does that clear everything up?

Lila just sits next to him, thinking it all through.
A lingering silence fills the room.

Lila: What you can do…and everything that's happened to you. It was because of this, "Man in Yellow?"

Barry: Yes.

Lila: He killed your mother, blamed your father for it, and you vowed to find him, and clear your dad's name?

Barry just nods, solemnly.

Lila rubs the top of her head, in astonishment.

Lila: Wow, and I thought I had family issues.

Barry: Why? Are your parents cold, calculating, and strict like Adrien's dad?

Lila: I wish.

She hangs her head in sadness.

Barry: Oh.

Lila: I…I don't usually like talking about this.
It's kind of a sensitive topic.

Barry: Well, you don't have to tell me, if you don't want to.

She looks at Barry.

Lila: No, you were willing to trust me with your secret.
It's only fair that I tell you mine. But, you can't tell anyone else about it.

Barry: Of course I won't, Lila. So, what are your parents like?

Lila: Well, you see, I never really knew my dad that well.
He…he walked out on us when I was little.

Lila: He never even told us why he was leaving.
He just packed up his bag, and walked out the front door.
He never came back.

Lila bows her head, tears started forming in her eyes.
Barry hangs onto Lila's every word.

Lila: It was just me and my mom after that.
She worked night and day to make enough money support the both of us. So, she never had much time for me.

Barry: Must've been tough.

Lila: It was, until a few years later, my mother was hired by the Embassy of Italy, and it was a high-paying job.
But it also meant that my mother had even less time for me. So I was left all alone.

Barry: That's terrible, I can't imagine how that affected you.

Lila's shuts her eyes as her breath becomes shaky, her hands clenched together, trembling.

Lila: (Sigh) I spent so many nights, crying myself to sleep, thinking back to when my dad walked out on us. Wondering why he bothered leaving us at all.

Barry: So, what happened?

Lila: One night, I realized there was only one, possible reason he decided to leave us.

Tears begin to stream down Lila's cheeks.

Barry: It's alright, Lila. Just let it out.

Lila: The reason he left us…WAS BECAUSE OF ME!

Barry becomes shocked.

Barry: What?! Why would your dad leave because of you?

Lila: (Stifled sob) He walked out on us, because I wasn't good enough for him! Because he didn't want a disappointment like me, for a daughter!

She buries her face in her hands, as she finally lets her sobs out.

Barry wraps his arm around Lila. She calms down enough to continue.

Lila: (Sniff) Since that dark day, I knew I had to find my own way through this world.

Barry: Which was to lie.

Lila sadly nods her head.

Barry: Lila, I'm sorry.
I can't believe your own father did that to you and your mother. No one should ever have to go through that.

Lila does her best to keep her composure.

Lila: After that day, I found myself lying to everyone, in order to get some form of attention. It didn't work out too well.

Lila: (Sniff) But after we moved to Paris, I wasn't sure what to expect from the people there.
I just…I just wanted to make new friends, try to fit in.
I wasn't trying to hurt anyone.

Barry: But Ladybug didn't seem to believe that.

Lila: No, she didn't. And after that, I was worried about even showing my face at that school. So I lied to everyone, saying that I was somewhere far away.

Barry: Mmm, hmm.

Lila: And even when I did come back to school.
All I got was hate and scorn from Marinette.

Barry: And the rest is history, right?

She nods, while wiping tears from her eyes.

Lila: Pretty much.

Barry covers his mouth to think for a second.

Barry: Well, Lila. Marinette might have been justified to not trust you, because of your lying.
But that didn't give her any right to try and make an enemy out of you, without knowing the truth.

Lila: (Scoffs) Neither did Adrien.

Barry: Adrien was just trying to help you. I get that he didn't like you lying to everyone, any more than Marinette did. But he was just trying to help you, and you pushed him away.

Lila lowers her head, embarrassed.

Lila: I…I think it's safe to say that I have some trust issues.

Barry: I get it, Lila. You're mad at your dad for leaving you without an answer as to why. And that left you scarred by his rejection, and made you not trust anyone.

Barry: But you don't have to lie to everyone to make friends. If there's anything bothering you, you can trust me. I'll always be honest with you.

Lila smiles.

Barry: And remember, you can't tell anyone else about my double life. I hide my identity to protect the innocent, my friends and allies would be at risk if my enemies knew who I really was.

Lila: Okay, Barry. And thanks for trusting me. It means a lot.

As Barry nods, Lila pulls Barry into a hug. Of which, he wholeheartedly accepts.

In the foyer of his mansion, Gabriel sits down in a chair, piecing together the events of the evening.

Gabriel: It seems as though this Hawk Moth of the future is becoming more persistent with their attacks.

Nathalie looks over the footage.

Nathalie: There's no trace of any trajectory from the Akuma.

Gabriel: They certainly are much more clever than we originally anticipated. But why go to the trouble of just destroying the city?

Nathalie: Perhaps this future Hawk Moth was just trying to create a distraction.

Gabriel: A distraction from what, though? This requires more insight.

In his lair, Eobard Thawne also reviews the footage from the battle with Demolisher.

Thawne: Just as I suspected, that was Barry Allen!
I knew it, he was simply hiding in plain sight!

Mystery figure: Then we should go to his location, and force him to tell us where Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous are.

Thawne turns to the Mystery figure.

Thawne: Patience, my friend. We'll find the jewelry you seek.

Thawne: Besides, we need to be smart about this. I'm not at my full power, I used a tremendous portion of my Speed Force energy, just trying to get to this Earth. I need time in order to recharge.

Mystery figure: And I have no way of akumatizing another villain. Not without another butterfly.

Thawne looks up.

Thawne: Well I think your luck's beginning to turn.

A white butterfly flies into the warehouse.

Mystery figure: Excellent.

The figure holds up the cane, and captures the butterfly in the cane's handle.

Mystery figure: Now, we just need to initiate the next phase of our plan.

Thawne: Which means I need to obtain my façade, just a little bit longer.

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