Chapter 10

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Ladybug, Cat Noir, Flash, and Alix look up at the newly akumatized supervillain, Archaeologist, as he hovers in the air in a mini tornado of sand.

He wears an explorer's hat, a brown leather jacket, a beige suit and pants, with a satchel slung over his right shoulder. His face is covered by a scarf and goggles. And he holds the device in his left hand.

Alix: Dad, please. You have to resist Hawk Moth's control!

Flash: Your daughter's right Mr. Kubdel, you have to fight it.

Archaeologist: I'm not Alim Kubdel. I am the Archaeologist! And with this device, I can use it to create any weapon or artifact from any point in time!

As he lands on the ground, he uses the device and pulls an ancient Egyptian sword out of the satchel, clips the device to his belt, and slashes at Ladybug and Cat Noir.


Cat Noir swings and extends his staff to block Archaeologist's sword and the two begin to clash with each other.

As they trade swings, Cat Noir barely missed getting slashed by the sword. The Archaeologist then turns to Ladybug, and throws the sword.

Flash: Watch out!

Flash darts toward Ladybug, grabbing her and moving her out of the way. But in doing so, he drops the vial after being hit by the sword. He runs to grab it, but it hits the floor. The particles all spread out, and the force of the dispersal knocks Alix back into the chemicals. Rendering her unconscious.

Alix: Urrghh!


Archaeologist: You think your powers will save you? You'll just be footnotes in ancient history.

Cat Noir manages to get one good hit out of Archaeologist, knocking him backwards.


Cat: Save it for the history class!

Ladybug: Let's get out of here!

Ladybug lassos Alix with her yoyo and carries Alix on her shoulder. They run out of the Egyptian exhibit.

Archaeologist: You can try, but you can't outrun the past.

Hawk Moth: Don't let them escape! Or I'll remove your powers!

He gives chase, but they escape after Flash blocks Archaeologist's path, by knocking over another Obelisk.
He looks towards the two teenage superheroes.

Flash. You still think I'm a supervillain?

Hawk Moth: They're getting away!

Archaeologist: Not to worry, I've plenty of time to prepare before they return.

He takes the device, scans the surroundings and presses a button, the device glows bright green.

Flash rushes the two heroes, and an unconscious Alix, back to Barry's apartment.
As the trio of heroes regroup, Ladybug and Cat Noir look around at the temporary HQ Flash has set up. Fortunately, Barry managed to hide anything that would compromise his identity before he left for the museum with the device.

Flash: Lay Alix on the bed, I'll run a medical scan on her as soon as the device warms up.

He activates a device.

Cat: So, this is your hideout?

Flash: In a manner of speaking.

Ladybug: We can talk about the secret hideout later, but right now it's time for some answers. For starters, Who are you, and what were you doing at the museum?

The Flash turns to Ladybug.

Flash: Well, to answer your question, I'm The Flash, a superhero. Like you guys, but if my powers didn't make it obvious, I'm not from this world. At least not this one.
And as for what I was doing at the museum, I was searching for Still Force particles so I could create a serum.

Ladybug and Cat look at each other confused, then back to Flash.

Ladybug and Cat: Still Force particles?

Flash: Yes, and I had some in a vial that I was going to use. Because, believe it or not, this isn't my normal age.

Cat: How old are you, exactly?

Flash: Physically, I'm 15 years old. But chronologically, I'm actually 25.

Ladybug and Cat Noir: WHAT?!

Flash: Yeah, that's why I created the Particle Scanner to search for and contain any Still Force particles on this Earth, and create a serum to revert me back to my normal age.

Ladybug: Wait, wait, wait. Why do you keep saying that you're not from this world. Or this Earth? Are you some sort of alien or something?

Flash: Well, I am from Earth, just not your Earth. I'm from a different Earth in the Multiverse. And I need to find a way to get home.

Ladybug's eyes widen in surprise.

Flash: But first, I need to get back to my normal age first.
And I had the solution to my problem, at the museum.
But unfortunately, I dropped the vial to save you.

Cat Noir looks over at the unconscious Alix.

Cat: Which caught Alix in the blast radius.

Flash: And caused her to fly straight into the chemical rack at the museum.

Ladybug: Is she going to be okay?

The medical scanner activates.

Flash: We're about to find out.

He takes the device and scans Alix.

Cat: Is she dead?

Flash: Actually, quite the contrary.
She's still alive, she's just unconscious.
But I am detecting some strange activity in Alix's central nervous system.

The scan shows an increase in Alix's brain and body enhancement.

Flash: She's going through the same thing I did when I got struck by lightning.

Ladybug: You were struck by lightning?!

Cat: How did you even survive?!

Flash: I'm not even sure how, I guess I'm just lucky.
But I do know that in addition to the lightning, I got knocked into some chemicals, which gave me my powers.

He glances over at Alix.

Flash: The same thing is happening to Alix right now.
But the only difference is, she was hit by Still Force particles instead of lightning, so we don't know how it's going to affect her.

Ladybug: Look, I think she's coming to.

Alix wakes up, and sits up in the bed, disoriented.

Flash and Cat Noir turn to her.

Ladybug: Alix! How are you feeling?

Alix: Actually, I feel fine. The last thing I remember was being blown away by that blast of green energy from the vial, Fleet Feet over here, dropped. Then, lights out!

Flash: Yeah, sorry about that.
You landed near the rack of chemicals that I was going to use, but you were caught in the blast.

Cat: But you don't even have so much as a scratch on you.

Alix: Well, it doesn't matter, I have to go save my old man-

Ladybug: Hold on, you can't go back there by yourself!

Just as Alix walks towards the door, she feels a shock running through her fingertips as she touches the doorknob.


Alix: What the heck?!

Her hands crackling with green electricity.

(Zzt, Zzt, Zzt.)

The electricity suddenly stops. And Alix looks towards Flash, completely shocked.


Flash: Alright Alix, just calm down, we're going to figure this out.

Flash holds up the medical scanner and scans Alix.
The device shows the results.

Ladybug: What does it say?

Flash looks surprised.

Flash: You guys aren't gonna believe this, but the scanner is showing that Alix's entire body and metabolism are infused with Still Force particles.

Cat: Okay, and that would mean?

Flash: I'm saying that the accident gave her powers!

Ladybug: But what kind of powers, what does that mean for Alix?

Flash: Let's find out.

He holds an eraser.

Flash: Okay Alix, I'm going to throw this eraser to you, and I want you to try and catch it, okay?

Alix: Okay, yes fine, just do it already!

He throws it and time seems to slow to a near stop.
Alix looks around confused, the entire room glows in a green aura.
She walks over and picks the eraser out of the air, and stands near the monitor. Time reverts to normal. The heroes look over at Alix.

Alix: Looking for this?

Flash: Okay, at least we know what your powers are.

Alix: So, I guess this means I'm a…super speedster now?

The three heroes look at each other, and then to Alix.

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