Mariana Cheng Snape: DracoMari!

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It was night at the school of magic known as Hogwarts in which many of the wizards and witches who are students are working on their assignments for their classes as well as chatting with one another until the house of Slytherin was called to their common room for announcement from their head of the house Professor Snape in which he has something to discuss with his students about a new student joining their house in which is someone who is very close to him and wants her to get along with the other students at Hogwarts to see how many of them will react to the new student.

(Slytherin Common Room)

Severus: Hello my fellow Slytherins do you all know why I have summoned you here tonight.(Severus saids to his students in which they all shook their head in no)

Student: Um no not at all Professor why? What is the summoning about?(A student said in which everyone wanted to know as well)

Serverus: Today as of this moment you all will be getting a new student who is joining Slytherin and it would be rise to treat the student with some respect and dignity.

Soon whispers were heard and saying about a new student joining Slytherin in which they never knew about this and why weren't they notified about it until now in which many questions wanted to be answered but Professor Snape spoke again in which silenced everyone in the room.

Severus: the student will be coming soon to the common room and I expect you all to behave and treat her right like all the other Slytherins.(Severus saids in which everyone was shocked that the student is going to be a girl until a blonde hair student with gray eyes walked towards Severus and wanted to ask who the new student is in which the boy was Draco Malfoy)

Draco: Pardon me Professor but who is this new student and why is that we didn't know about this new student or why didn't the school informed everyone about the arrival of someone new in which is a girl?

Severus: Because the girl was training to use her magic with her mother along with her uncle in which I have asked them to train her before coming to Hogwarts in which she is in the same year just like the rest of you and she is very creative as well as compassionate.

Draco: Understood Professor.....but she is?

Severus: Yes she is a witch as well as a full fledge pure blood just like her mother and her father and she has been learning magic since she was very young and developed her first spell at the age of four.(Severus saids to Draco in which he was shocked and yet glad that the new student is a pure blood but was amazed that a girl developed a spell at the age of four in which more whispers were coming from the other students in which they couldn't believe it either)

Then soon the door to the common room began to open in which Professor heard and went towards the door in which he spotted the girl in front of him in which the Professor smiled upon the girl as well did her while no one was looking. Professor Snape along with the girl who was behind him were coming back to the student who were waiting who the new student is including Draco.

Severus: Alright I want all of you to behave and welcome our new fellow Slytherin with greatest respect and I know all of you want to know more about her in which she would be gladly to inform you about. And if any of you try to harm to girl or cause her so much pain you will be sentence to many months of detention with me am I clear.(Severus saids to his snakes in which they all nod in agreement)

Draco: Wonder what this girl is like and if she is a pure blood like Professor Snape saids might as well get to know her.(Draco saids in thought)

Severus: Very good, you may come out and meet your fellow Slytherins young one.(Severus saids to the girl who was behind in which she came out in which everyones jaw hit rock bottom and some of them had eyes widen like dinner plates while some of them were blushing at the site they were seeing while Draco on the hand was like a statue of what he was seeing in person)

Girl: Hello my fellow Slytherins it is an honor to meet all of you and I am looking forward to learning together with you at Hogwarts and I hope that we can get along quite well.(The girl saids in which the boys and the girls hearts were thumping like crazy because of how charming and lovely the girls voice sounded in which Draco couldn't stop hearing that voice that came from the new students mouth)

When no one move a muscle or try to speak in which the girl was looking at the students in confusion and looked worried but stopped when a girl with blonde hair came up to greet the new student in which she introduced herself as Daphne Greengrass.

Daphne: Hello my name is Daphne Greengrass the schools prefect welcome fellow Slytherin we look forward to having you here at Hogwarts and look forward to getting to know you more.

Girl: A pleasure to meet you as Miss Daphne Greengrass daughter of Lord Galloran Greengrass and Lady Rhiannon Greengrass Nee Marie, I herd so much about your family and I look forward to getting to know you as well.(The girl saids and shakes Daphne's hand in which caused Daphne to blush as well as smile for how the girl in front of her was nice to her as well as knowing about her family)

Daphne: She's an angel........(Daphne saids in thought)

Severus: I will lead the rest to you all to get to know our fellow student while I will be in my office if anyone needs me and be sure to show your best interest in our fellow student.(Severus saids to the students in which they all nod in agreement and soon the teacher left while the new girl and the other students get to know one another)

Girl: So which of you would like to introduce yourselves to me, I would like to get to know my fellow snakes for this new year at Hogwarts.(The girl said in which two boy came up to introduce themselves to the girl in which they were called Crabbe and Goyle)

Gregory: Hello my name is Gregory Goyle and this Vincent Crabbe.

Vincent: Hello..

Girl: Hello Gregory Goyle son of Lord Goyle and Lady Goyle as well as you Vincent Crabbe son of Lord Crabbe and Irma Black it is a pleasure to meet the both of you.

Gregory: How do you know our families?

Girl: Oh I do my research on many of the Slytherins in which I know the names of everyone in this room as well as their lordship to their families. And if you ask how I know this well my father is a Slytherin himself so he told everything there is to know about house Slytherin and its students.

Vincent: So thats how you were able to figure out who Daphne was and her family. And also is that a real snake around your neck?(Vincent saids in which everyone looked to see the snake around the girls neck in which started to move and it cause the students to back away)

Girl: Whoah its ok everyone Sass will not harm any of you, he is very kind and gentle towards others including us Slytherins so he will not harm any of you unless someone harms me or anyone close to me.

Sass: So these are our fellow Slytherins....

Girl: Yes Sass they are and hope you will get along with them because I will as well.

Sass: Alright just make sure they don't piss me off because I get anode so easily.

Girl: Hehehe, I am sure you will be fine my little scaly baby.

Admittedly everyone even Draco was shocked of what they just heard from the new girl that she was talking to her snake in which makes her Parseltouge.

Student: Um please tell me I just heard what the girl just said to that snake or am I dreaming right now?

Srtudent2: She is a Parseltouge how is that possible?

Daphne: Um I don't want to sound rude or anything but are you by any chance Parseltouge?

Girl: Oh yes I am but I can talk to other creatures as well besides snakes. I am also a dragon whisper as well so I can communicate with many different species of dragons.

Draco: Now I know why Professor Snape said she was creative....(Draco saids in thought while looking at the girl in front of him)

So is it true what Professor Snape said that you learned magic at the age of four?(Another came forward in which her name was Pansy Parkinson)

Girl: Why of course my first spell was a Patronus and it took me a month to master to it.

Pansy: Not bad..Pansy Parkinson but I guess you already know that and my family.(Pansy saids and shakes the girls hand in which she shake as well)

Girl: Yes indeed a pleasure it is to meet you Pansy.

Pansy: I like her....(Pansy saids in thought)

Daphne: So I take that you know everything about Hogwarts is that correct?

Girl: Indeed including snake-eyes.(The girl saids in which confused everyone in the common room)

Gregory: Snake eyes?

Girl: Its a nickname for You-Know-Who in which I do not want to use that word to describe him so I just call him Snake Eyes in which sounds a lot better to use.(The girl saids in which the students had to to admit using that word to describe the dark lord did make a lot of sense)

When the girl then started talking to other Slytherins they all got along quite well with her in which they started to see that the girl that they were with is an angel to them and a very kind person who loves magic and wants to become friends.

Vincent: Say you never told us your name by the way?

Girl: Oh my deepest apologies my fellow snakes allow me to introduce myself to all of you. My names is Mariana Salazar Cheng Snape descendant of Salazar Slytherin and the daughter of Sabine Cheng of Ravenclaw and Severus Snape of Slytherin.(The girl saids in which the room went silent and all of them were beyond shock of what they just heard even Draco whose jaw was flat on the ground while the others look like they were going to faint or scream in which they did)

Slytherins: WHAT?!!!!!!!

Pansy: mean to tell us that you are the daughter of Professor Snape?!!! Our head house of Slytherin as well as the descendant of Salazar Slytherin!!!!!

Mariana: Hehehe yea my father doesn't really like to mention me that much to others he likes to keep it between himself and my mother.

Gregory: That would explain how you were able to talk to your snake because Salazar Slytherin was a Parseltongue as well.

Mariana: Yea I learned a lot about my ancestor and his studies during his time in Hogwarts.

Draco: She is the daughter of Professor Snape!....I wonder if my father knew about this or even my mother because I don't remember Severus having a wife or a daughter before?(Draco saids in thought while thinking about the girl in front of her)

Daphne: I never knew Professor Snape was married how come we don't know about this?

Mariana: Our family decided to keep it secret because were not much a fan of popularity or being famous in which wanted to live a quiet life away from those sort of things so my father sent me to live with my mother Sabine Cheng in a place called Paris where she and my uncle Tom who was also a Ravenclaw and good friends with my family asked to train me in magic while my father continues his studies and teaching at Hogwarts but always makes sure to send me letters to see how I am doing in which I write back to him as well.

So you were basically homeschooled?(A male voice saids in which belong to a student named Blaise Zabini)

Mariana: Yes I was in which I am top of my class and in the same year as the rest of you here. My father thought it was best for me to wait for the right day to come to Hogwarts when my magic is approved or not.

Blaise: So thats explains why we never seen you around Hogwarts before. And you say that your mother is also a pure blood and was in Ravenclaw?

Mariana: Yea my mother and father met a long time ago in which they grew to become great friends over time and didn't matter which house they were in as long as they get to spend time together and learn as well. During Hogwarts my father was bullied by others and my mother felt bad for him in which she along with my uncle decided that he needed some friends in which all three of them became great friends with each other and eventually both my mother and father fell in love and got married and later had me in which Tom became my god father who taught me many different spells to help me improve myself while my father taught me about potions and defense spells in case I get in danger while mother taught me healing spells as well as teleportation and how to communicate with animals in which I found out at the age of ten I can speak to snakes as well as dragons and they became very found of me and I treat them nicely.

Pansy: Never knew Professor Snape had a heart and he was able to create this fellow Slytherin right here in front of us.

Mariana: Hehehe thank you Pansy.

Daphne: So what does your mother do for a living Mariana?

Mariana: Oh my mother owns a bakery at Diagon Alley called Cheng's and Snape's in which during the summer or winter break I would help her around the place and bake some goodies for some fellow wizards and witches of the wizard word.

Vincent: Wait a minute I know that place! I went to it a year ago and that bakery has the best bake goods that I ever had. Which means the woman I saw who was selling the food is your mother.

Mariana: You are correct mom just loves people who enjoy her bake goods in which uncle Tom helps around the place as well.

Vincent: You mean the big tall man I saw with the woman in the store is your uncle.

Mariana: Yup that is correct Vincent and speaking of which I brought everyone a box of bake goods that my mother and uncle baked and I thought why not share them with my fellow snakes to show my kindness to all of you.(Mariana saids in which she took out her wand that no one has ever seen before not even Draco in which she cast a teleportation spell in which many boxes with the Slytherin logo appeared and landed in everyones hands even Draco)

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Gregory: No way, I thought I never get to see these again, I used to have these when I was little!

Daphne: What kind of bake goods are these Mariana?

Mariana: They are called Macaroons very popular where I live, try them I baked them myself included.(Mariana saids to Daphne in which her along with the other Slytherins took a bite of the bake goods in which they found them to be delicious)

Student: By Merlin these are really good!

Student: I got to go to this Cheng's and Snape's next time, I want to know what else they have!

Blaise: Mmmm....not bad not bad at all.

Pansy: I like the taste of these their very sweet, they even have the colors of Slytherin.

Daphne: I wonder if they go well with tea?

Mariana saw everyones faces in which brought a smile to her face then looks to see the blonde boy who like the bake goods as well and decided to go up to him and introduce herself to him.

Mariana: Hello I don't suppose we have met each other before?(Mariana saids to Draco in which caused the blonde boy to blush a little while trying to at the girl in the eye)

Draco: Cough....No I don't think we have my name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy son of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black and heir to Malfoy manner.

Mariana: I have heard of Lucius Malfoy but never met him in person, but it is a pleasure to meet his son my name is Mariana Salazar Cheng Snape but you can call me Mari for short and I am the heiress to the Cheng and Snape manner as well as Slytherin.

Draco: Pleasure is all mine Mariana...I mean Mari yes that name sounds pleasant to my ears.

Mariana: Hehehe thank you, your name sounds respectful in which the first three letters sound like Dragon; I would like to give you that nickname if you don't mind.(Mariana saids in which made Draco blush again)

Draco: Um no I don't mind as long as I get to call you......Angel.(Draco saids in which made Mariana blush at the nickname)

Mariana: Um....hehehehe sure...I...would love....I mean....I would be honored to be call that but just let it be between us two if that is ok.

Draco: Yea...sure I can work with that...

Sass was looking between his mistress and the Malfoy in which he can see that these two were made for each other in which he can tell that Draco would be a perfect partner for Mariana and Mariana would be a perfect match for Draco. While Mariana was getting along with Draco, Professor Snape was looking from behind the door in which he can see how happy his daughter was becoming with his fellow students along with Draco in which he can see something between the two in which he thinks they are made for each other.

Severus: You are just like your mother my little snake maybe more so. I should pay her a visit during the holidays to see how she is doing along with Tom.(Severus saids they goes back to his studies in his office while his daughter is getting along with the Slytherins)

Draco: So tell me something where did you get that kind of wand? I never seen a wand like that before in Ollivanders?

Mariana: Promise to keep it a secret just between you and me, my father and mother along with uncle Tom only know about this wand including me.

Draco: Sure what is it?

Mariana: This wand in which I have in my hand belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself in which it was his very first wand that he ever picked up and was tucked away for centuries until my father discovered it in which he gave it to me and the wand itself has chosen its new holder and I spent years mastering it and learning what I can from how Salazar wield it.(Mariana whispers to Draco in which he was shocked that the wand Mariana has belonged to Salazar Slytherin)

Draco: That wand belonged to Salazar Slytherin and it was his very first wand.

Mariana: Yea I know right incredible that it has been found for so many years and you promise not to say anything about it.

Draco: I wont if you tell me the spells that you learned then I will keep this a secret for good.

Mariana: Oh is the Malfoy heir asking me out on a date.(Mariana saids with a smirk in which made Draco gasp and blush red)

Draco: absolutely not..I just want to know what kind of spells you have learned so it can help me improve myself as a wizard.

Mariana: Hehehe, I am teasing you Dragon and sure I will be more than happy to teach you different spells to help improve your skills as a wizard of house Slytherin.

Draco: Are you sure your not a Ravenclaw?

Mariana: Hehehe the hat was going to put me in Ravenclaw when I arrived here but I wanted to follow in my fathers footsteps and become a member of Slytherin house besides I love reptiles including snakes.

Draco: I see...

Mariana: Say while we are here mind giving me a tour around the common room, I only been here for a half an hour and I would like to see the rest of this place.

Draco: Not at all Miss Snape, I Draco Malfoy would be my honor to show the little lady around our common room.(Draco saids in which made Mariana giggle and blush)

Mariana: Hehehe what I gentleman..

Draco: May I Angel.(Draco saids and holds out his hand)

Mariana: Yes you may..Dragon.

Draco then took Mariana's hand in which he found her touch to be soft and quite pleasant and then the both of them went off to walk around the common room while the other Slytherins were enjoying the bake goods and thinking about how nice Mariana was to them and are going to get along with her quite well.

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