Marina O'Hara!

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Miguel Pov:

It has been couple years since I have lost my only daughter after the incident with the first test of dimensional traveling. I blame myself for not looking after my little girl, ever since my wife Xina died long ago I made a promise to look after our child in which Marina was the only person keeping me calm and happy because every time I look at that small face of hers it reminded me of Xina. But now I don't feel anything after Marina accidentally got sucked through one of the dimensional portals and she was only two years old when it happened. I spent years trying to find her and bring her back home but there was no such luck but I kept on trying until I have my daughter back in my arms. I just hope that is alive and well as well somewhere safe. Then couple years later I started a squad team of different spiders from other worlds to help go around dimensions and help those in need, even though I started it and created those watches for the spiders to travel to other worlds my mail goal was to find my little girl Marina and hope to reunite with her, I hope she doesn't forget about me since she developed my powers at a young age as well as my intelligence.


In a lab Miguel was looking through the scanners trying to find out what dimension his daughter has been brought too in which he barley slept and ate because after what happened that day, he wasn't going to rest until he brings back Marina O'Hara his daughter back home.

Miguel: Sigh.....

Lyla: Still trying to find her I see.

Miguel: You know I can't stop, I made a promise.

Lyla: I know but come on Miguel it has been years since the incident, you didn't know something like this would happen.

Miguel: If I have been more wiser then Marina would still be here. I told Xina that I will protect and look after our daughter with my life and I have failed.

Lyla: I feel you Miguel, and you know I loved Marina as much as you when she first came to be here. She was bundle of joy and was destined for great things.

Miguel: Just like her mother. Has Margo find anything yet?

Lyla: I'll ask. Margo, Miguel ask if you found anything!

Margo: Sorry Lyla nothing but I did discover a new universe with its own set of heroes.

Lyla: What are they like?

Margo: Well it saids here that these heroes get their powers from magical items called Miraculous which are jewelry that allows a person to transform into a superhero that comes with their own set of powers as well as these tiny little creatures called Kwami's which are tiny gods that existed since beginning of time and space itself.

Lyla: Wow that is something new to us. Hey Miguel why not take a break and check out the information of this new universe.

Miguel: Another time.

Lyla: Oh come on just check it out and you can get back to what you are doing.

Miguel: Sigh...fine let's get this over with.

Miguel paused of what he was doing and headed down to where Margo was to know what the universe she mentioned was about as well as the heroes there.

Miguel: All right Margo what do you got on the heroes of this universe.

Margo: Like I said before these heroes get their powers from magic jewels called miraculous who use their powers to stop an evil villain who also uses a miraculous that can turn people into super villains themselves.

Miguel: How is that possible?

Margo: The villain of this universe calls himself Hawk Moth.

Miguel: Thats kind of stupid for a name.

Margo: Anyway he uses this dark little butterflies called Akuma's and with them he can sense negative emotions from people and use them to turn the person into his minions. When the Akuma lands on a object that a person has on them, Hawk Moth takes control and offers that person something in return but Hawk Moth requires something else.

Miguel: What would that be?

Margo: After digging into this worlds history it saids that the most powerful jewels are the miraculous of both creation and destruction who are in the hands of the heroin known as Ladybug who started off at the age of twelve and then was latter made guardian of the miraculous at fourteen after her teacher who was the original guardian gave up this miracle box that contains a lot of different miraculous to keep the secrets of the miraculous out of enemy hands. Hawk Moth wants to use the miraculous for his own greed that could not only destroy the balance of the world but also harm million of innocent lives.

Miguel: What can these two miraculous do exactly?

Margo: When merged together they allow the holder to receive a wish but it said with every wish there is a terrible price to pay.

Miguel: Do you have information of who they are under the mask.

Margo: Indeed I do, the villains name is Gabriel Agreste who is a famous fashion designer who lost his wife due to a damage miraculous and I believe he wants to use the miraculous to bring her back and I get the feeling that he will also not only doom the world but millions of people around the world will die if he continues down this path. It's been doing this for the past seven years and for those past seven years Ladybug and her team have been stoping his rain of terror but with each battle the villains always comes back for revenge.

Miguel: They always do.

Margo: I pulled up the names of the heroes and heroins of the miraculous group though it looks like some of them are no longer part of the team.

Miguel: What do you mean?

Margo: It saids here the remaining members of the team that Ladybug formed are Viperion, Ryuko, Queen Bee, Bunnix, Carapace, and Purple Tigress while the others were kicked out and have their miraculous taken away due to their bad behaviors in their civilian lives. Also former hero known as Cat Noir betrayed Ladybug and has joined forces with Hawk Moth in which the identity of the former hero is Adrien Agreste son of Gabriel Agreste.

Lyla: Why did he betray his teammate?

Margo: After being rejected so many times for Ladybug's affection and not coming to battles only to ask the heroin on a date in which ended badly and not to mention causing sexual harassment towards Ladybug. So basically Cat Noir used to be a great hero until he let his emotions get the best of him and with it he did things his own way as well did stupid things as a civilian. He betrayed his former friends and took the side of a girl who tells lies and fake promises which his classmates believed in while the others didn't and got bullied badly, stood by while his classmates and the girl who spills lies out of her mouth attack and beat up the other students for thinking that they did something to this girl named Lila Rossi.

Lyla: Eh even her name sounds like lie.

Margo: Yea this girl also is a wanted criminal, causing the deaths of innocent students from other schools to kill themselves after telling lies about who they are while the others who were their friends gang up on them and beat them down while Lila remains to be innocent where is actually the real culprit. She is wanted for lying, murder, thief, sexual harassment, and the list keeps on going.

Miguel: It looks like it also saids that she working with the super villain from that universe.

Margo: Indeed and their main target to get Akumatized so that Hawk Moth can get the miraculous was this girl named Marinette Dupain Cheng who is also known as the heroin of Paris Ladybug.

Miguel: Bring up an image of the girl I want to see what she looks like.

Margo: Here she is Miguel.(Margo saids and pulls up an image of Miguel)

Miguel took a closer look at the girl in which he looked to see that the girl reminded him of his wife Xina as well as his missing daughter Marina until he decided to ask Margo to look up information about this girl.

Miguel: Margo look up the bio information on this girl.

Margo: Right boss.

Lyla: What you thinking Miguel?

Miguel: Something about this girl reminds me of someone.

Margo: Here we go, Marinette Dupain Cheng adopted daughter of the two of Paris's bakers Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng. Founded in an alleyway at a young age and was taken in by the Dupain Cheng's and raised as her as one of their own. Top of her class at College Fancoise Dupont, designer of famous rock star Jagged Stone and fashion queen Audrey Bourgeois. Victim of being bullied by her former classmates and expelled from school one or twice by the Principal who believed in the lies of Lila Rossi who framed Marinette for being a bully and thief and was later attacked by her classmates who defended Lila Rossi in which they all became bullies who share no single brain cell after Lila Rossi came into their school. Adrien Agreste who she thought was her friend turned his back on her and told her to take the high road for thinking that Lila's are not hurting anyone which they were harming her all the time. Couple years later her home was burned to the ground and her adopted parents were killed by Lila Rossi who set the whole building on fire while Marinette was with her friends that she trusted. Marinette was left broken and alone and tortured by those who were her friends who now became bullies who stood by a liar with fake stories and fake promises.

Lyla: That poor girl, I feel bad for her.

Miguel: Wait a minute zoom in on those bracelets that she has on her wrist.(Miguel saids while looking at two colorful bracelets)

Margo: What about them?

Miguel: It...can't it possible.

Lyla: What is it Miguel?

Miguel: Those look like the same bracelets that I gave Marina before she vanished through the portal.

Lyla: Oh my gosh your right they do look like them but just to make sure, Margo zoom in on the bracelets because Miguel put an engraving.

Margo: Found it! It saids Miguel O'Hara with a spider logo.

Miguel: She's little girl is alive......

Lyla: I can't believe it, so this where she has been all this time.

Miguel: She's grown up, she looks just like her mother.

Lyla: Margo where is she at now in that universe?

Margo: Let me saids here that she was on a mission to stop Hawk Moth and his partner Mayura who is Gabriel's assistant as well as Cat Noir to put an end to the battle once and for all until she got captured by the villain and they are planning to have her sacrifice exchange for Emilee Agreste the mother of husband of Gabriel and Adrien Agreste. They are planning to merge the miraculous together.


Soon after a while both Spiders Miles Morales aka Spider-Man of Earth-1610 and Gwen Stacy aka Spider-Woman of Earth-65 came running in and looked to see Miguel in his Spider-Man 2099 suit as well as opening a portal.

Gwen: Miguel whats going on?

Miguel: Rescue mission.

Miles: Sweet who are we saving this time.

Miguel: My daughter.

Miles and Gwen: YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER?!

Miguel: Yes and she's in danger. I will fill in with the details after we help her. A villain from another universe plans to sacrifice her and I will not allow him to do it.

Miles: We're with you man.

Gwen: Let's go save your daughter.

Soon Miguel along with Gwen and Miles put their mask on and jumped into the portal that was opened.

Miguel: Hang on Marina I'm coming.(Miguel saids in thought while traveling through the portal with Miles and Gwen)

Meanwhile in the Quantic Universe of which Ladybug aka Marinette Dupain Cheng whose real name is Marina O'Hara was on the ground in Hawk Moth's lair while her former partner Cat Noir was keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn't escape while Hawk Moth himself and Mayura were talking about their long lasting fight and finally got their hands on both miraculous.

Mayura: At long last you have finally done it.

Hawk Moth: Yes after fighting for so long the miraculous are not in my grasp. With that I can finally get my wish and everything will be perfect like before.

Ladybug: Do you have any idea what would happen if you make that wish.

Cat Noir: I know for once thing M'lady that I will be getting mom back and once this is over we can be together.

Ladybug: I can't believe I trusted you, Master Fu should have never gave you a miraculous. I knew you were a coward from the start and spoil brat who wanted to use the miraculous for your own needs.

Cat Noir: If you have just taken the high road like I said and none of this would have happened.

Ladybug: Shove your high road up your ass Agreste.

Cat Noir: Aw don't be that way Bugaboo.(Cat Noir says and lands a hand on Ladybug's face)


Cat Noir: OW?!!!

Ladybug: Hurts doesn't it.

Hawk Moth: Adrien enough we have an important matter to attend too.

Cat Noir: Yes father.

Ladybug: Still kissing up to your old man, wow what a guy with no back bone.

Cat Noir: WHAT DID YOU JUST?!....

Hawk Moth: Adrien enough, after we have your mother back you can do what you want to Ladybug but first I think it is time I take away her powers.

Ladybug: So this is it...I loose everything that I love...I lost my former classmates...I lost my adopted parents who told me everything that I came from a unknown portal and was taken in and how they treated me like family...later got killed by Lila who I want to destroy...Adrien and his stupid advice and being a terrible hero....and now I am going to be sacrifice.(Ladybug saids in thought)

Hawk Moth: Unlimited power is now mine.

When Hawk Moth was about to reach for Ladybug's miraculous all of sudden something appeared above the lair that looked like a portal of some sort that got everyone's attention even Ladybug herself.

Hawk Moth: What tricker is this?!

Mayura: Sir I don't think this is Ladybug's doing.

Hawk Moth: Then what is it?

Mayura: Unknown...wait something coming through!

Out of the portal came three figures that wore spider like suits in which made the villains and Ladybug looked upon the figures in shock of who they were and how they came to be in the lair.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Hawk Moth: Who are you and what you......

All of sudden Hawk Moth didn't finish his sentence as he was soon later punched hard in the face by Miguel O'Hara aka Spider-Man 2099 that left Cat Noir and Mayura off guard.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): You two take care of those two this one is mine.(Miguel saids to both Miles and Gwen who charge at Noir and Mayura while Miguel goes after Hawk Moth)

Soon Miles and Gwen attacked Mayura and Cat Noir who didn't have time to get prepared engage this unknown threat.

Spider-Man(Miles): Dude whats up with the suit you look like someone who just came out of a strip joint.

Cat Noir: Who the heck are you suppose to be?

Spider-Man(Miles): Names Spider-Man hows it going.

Cat Noir: Whatever you call yourself, you are not going anywhere near my lady!

Spider-Man(Miles): Sorry man but I have orders to bring you down. But first mind if I say something before you hit me with you pole stick that you use for dancing.

Cat Noir: What?

Miles walked towards Cat Noir casually that made Noir keep his guard up until all of sudden Miles places his hand on Noir's shoulder that made the former cat hero confused of what the spider guy was doing.

Cat Noir: Uh?

Spider-Man(Miles): Hey.

Soon Cat Noir felt a huge amount of electricity coming from Miles and was later blasted away into the solid steel wall that left Ladybug in awe of what she just seen and soon Cat Noir was webbed up by miles and his staff taken away as well as his mouth shut.

Ladybug: You need to get his miraculous!

Spider-Man(Miles): His what?

Ladybug: The ring on his finger, it's what gives him his powers.

Spider-Man(Miles): Got it!

Miles took off Cat Noir's ring and reverted back into Adrien and soon came out the kwami Plagg who floated in front of Miles.

Plagg: Hey spider guy thanks for saving me from my idiot holder, can't believe I saw him as my friend and partner.

Spider-Man(Miles): Uh sure no problem little cat dude.

Plagg: Names Plagg by the way.

Spider-Man(Miles): I'm Spider-Man.

Plagg: I can see that.

With Gwen she dodging each attack that Mayura was throwing at her in which the villainess's couldn't keep up all thanks to Gwen's spider sense and years of practice.

Spider-Woman(Gwen): You known for a woman dressed as a bird, you don't really look all that tough.

Mayura: I don't who you are but I will not allow you to get in the way of Hawk Moth's plans.

Spider-Woman(Gwen): Why because your his bitch ass girlfriend?

Mayura: WW..WHAT?!

Spider-Man(Woman): You are! Wow you really have worst taste in men don't you.

Mayura: You think can just...MPH?!(Mayura saids then gets webbed in the mouth)

Spider-Man(Miles): You know for someone dress like a weird looking bird or whatever you are, you should pay more attention to your surroundings. Shall we Spider-Woman.

Spider-Woman(Gwen): You read my mind.


Both spiders punched Mayura in the face then flipped her over and slammed her into the ground and latter fell unconscious as well as took away her miraculous that was a pandit in the shape of a peacock.

Spider-Man(Miles) and Spider-Woman(Gwen): Team Spider!

Ladybug: Wow those two work awesome together, I like their suits. But the other one however he looks familiar like I seen him before.(Ladybug saids in thought then looks towards Miguel fighting Hawk Moth)


Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): You mean like how you want to bring back someone you love that could not only destroy the world and everyone on it. You let madness cloud your mind Gabriel Agreste and I not going to let you sacrifice this girl!

Hawk Moth: How did he?!

Soon Hawk Moth was tackled to the ground and beaten down by Miguel who punched, kicked and broke the villain who tried to not only take over the world and destroy it all because he lost his wife but to use Miguel's daughter as a sacrifice and that made the spider pissed.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): I saw what you have planned Hawk Moth and I know what you have done in which your plans will not work and you will loose everything and everyone on this world will be no more if you made that wish.

Hawk Moth: don't...know...anything.....

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Oh but I do and I know that your wife would be disappointed at the man you have become.

Hawk Moth: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT.......ARGH?!

Miguel didn't let him finish as he was hit hard in the gut and was latter fell unconscious and soon Miguel took away his miraculous as well leaving an unconscious man who let power get to his head.

Gwen went over towards Ladybug to see if she was all right and offered her a hand in which Ladybug took it and couldn't believe that these three strangers just brought down her enemies and took away their miraculous with such skills.

Spider-Woman(Gwen): You all right?

Ladybug: Yea I am now thanks to you three.

Spider-Man(Miles): Hey it was no problem really it's what we do.

Ladybug: Who are you guys especially you because you look familiar like I seen you somewhere before.(Ladybug saids to the spiders then Miguel)

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): It's complicated.

Ladybug: I know that the fact that these suits that you all have on look like spiders in which the suits look awesome by the way. The whole black suit with the spider logo and lines coming down the sides looks amazing and I love the white, black and pink it totally works.

Spider-Man(Miles): She digs our suits I like her.

Spider-Woman(Gwen): Her suit not that half bad either.

Ladybug: Thanks and as for you let me guess you're a blue panther.

Spider-Man(Miles)/Spider-Woman(Gwen): Pfff....

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): No.

Ladybug: The cape blusader?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): No.

Ladybug: The Blue beetle?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): No..Stop.

Ladybug: The Wrestler Sin Cara!

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): We're from other dimensions.

Ladybug: Uh what?

Spider-Woman(Gwen): Let's talk after we take these guys to jail. Oh and here are these jewel things that they had on them.

Ladybug: Thanks they are called miraculous its what gives me and them their powers.

Spider-Man(Miles): Do they also included these little guys like Plagg here.

Plagg: Hey pigtails thanks for the save and nice to meet you three as well.

Spider-Woman(Gwen): Aw how cute! A talking floating little kitten.

Plagg: Names Plagg god of destruction nice to meet you.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Anyway I came a long way to find you. We need to talk and its a personal matter.

Ladybug: Sure but let's give my enemies to the police then we can talk.

Soon Ladybug with the miraculous back where they belong with the help of the spiders took the two Agreste and the assistant to the police where news got out that Hawk Moth was finally defeated and his rain of terror has come to an end. Ladybug found the body of Emilee Agreste below the mansion and was able to cure her in which she informed the woman about what went down and soon was angry of what her husband and son have done as well the assistant who aided them. Gabriel along with his assistant Natalie as well as Adrien were put on trial and were both found guilty where Gabriel and Natalie were sent to life in prison while Adrien was given ten years and Emilee took it upon herself to look after Adrien until he is release but will give the boy a huge scolding of what he has done.

Ladybug informed her team of what happened and were happy that the madness was over and soon Ladybug came to a decision that someone else should become the next guardian since she has a lot on her mind now and so she decided that Kagami aka Ryuko would be the perfect fit but before Ladybug can do anything she needed to talk with the spider people who saved her life.

On the top of the Eiffel Tower Ladybug was informed with the information about being other dimensions and other heroes out there as well as Miguel showing her a watch that allows a person to travel to alternated realities.

Ladybug: So you are saying that this device allows anyone to travel to other worlds.

Spider-Man(Miles): Pretty cool right.

Ladybug: You guys go around and help people.

Spider-Woman(Gwen): Not just them but other spiders from other dimensions.

Ladybug: There are more of you? How many spider people are there?

Spider-Man(Miles): We kind of have a club going on.

Spider-Woman(Gwen): There are many of us in which there are some that look like us and have stories about their past and how they all became spiders.

Ladybug: Wow. But what brings you guys here I mean I am still thankful for what you did and helped me stop Hawk Moth from destroying the world but what was the main reason.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): It was my idea. Mind if we speak alone.

Ladybug: Of course, here you two I brought these as a thanks for helping their fresh baked macaroons that I made myself.

Miles and Gwen took the macaroons and as soon as they both tasted them, their widen of how delicious they are.

Spider-Man(Miles): these are good!

Spider-Woman(Gwen): Not bad thanks.

While Miles and Gwen were having the macaroons Ladybug and Miguel went to talk alone in which things got awkward for a while until Ladybug spoke.

Ladybug: What made you wanna come here?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): How far back can you remember yourself years ago.

Ladybug: Hmm..well what I remember for most of my past is that I was in some kind of big room and I was crawling around the area until I saw this big huge light in front of me and then I heard someone shouting a name and looked to see a man wearing a suit with a spider symbol but then after words the light blinded my vision and I was then on the ground in an alleyway thats mostly what I remember.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): You got caught in a dimensional portal and was brought to this world.

Ladybug: It was portal you mean like the one you guys came out of?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Yea..the same one that took my daughter away from me.

Ladybug: You lost your daughter.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): I was testing the prototype watch to open a portal until something went wrong and my little girl was caught in the portal...I blamed myself for what happened and I made a promise to my wife that I will keep our daughter safe in which I failed.

Ladybug: I am so sorry.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Years later I formed a strike team of spiders from other worlds to help other spiders in need but my main goal was to find my daughter and bring her back home. Her mother died years ago and I was left with my daughter who she reminds me of my wife so much.

Ladybug: What was your daughters name?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Her name was Marina O'Hara.

Ladybug: O'Hara why does that name sound familiar and how do I remember it.(Ladybug saids in thought)

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): She was a bundle of joy when she was born and my wife Xina her mother has never been so happy to have such a beautiful daughter not even me a father who I wanted to protect for the rest of my life.

Ladybug: She seems like a wonderful person to have a daughter like that. Though that doesn't explain why you have come here.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): I have a reason to come here Marinette.

Ladybug: How did...

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): In my dimension we have technology that allows us to keep track of every dimension we been to and will go to as well as new worlds that we never seen or heard about in which a friend of mine looked up your worlds information where I know everything about you as well as the miraculous which includes your bio.

Ladybug: So you know everything, what I been through, what I have lost and those who I knew betrayed me and did horrible things while those I trust stood by me.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Everything, like the fact that your real name is not Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Ladybug: That I know, Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng my adopted parents told me how they found me and raised me to become who I am.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): I know in which I was pleased of how they took care of you and watch over you though I am sorry for their loss after I found out about that girl who lies under her tough.

Ladybug: Lila.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Yea, I looked up all the things she has done to you and not only just you but others as well in which she is wanted by many countries.

Ladybug: Let me guess lying to others and causing them so much pain.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): A well as causing innocents to kill themselves.

Ladybug: My god....

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Yea but not to worry I had Spider-Man and Spider-Woman took care of the situation.

Ladybug: How?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Looking up all the information about Lila and what she has done as well as called up all the countries authorities and many people she was lied about to put her away forever. And I found more stuff on this LadyBlog or whatever it is called and have the person who made it sued as well as have those who did those awful things to you blacklisted and will be getting tones of lawsuits.

Ladybug: You did all that for me....but why?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Because it's what I father does for his daughter.

Ladybug: What.....what did you say?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Wanna knowing something that I gave my daughter before she vanished.

Ladybug: What?

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): I gave her a bracelet with matching red, blue colors with my name that is engraved inside. I looked at the picture of you as a civilian and saw the same bracelet that my daughter had on her and she was two years old when she had it.

Ladybug: Spots Off!

Ladybug changes back into her civilian form while her kwami Tiki came out to see what her holder was doing until Marinette aka Marina looked at the bracelet on her wrist and showed it too Miguel.

Marinette: Is...this the bracelet.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): The same on I gave you when you were first born. Read the engraving and tell me whose name you see.

Marinette: Miguel O' that....

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): My name is Miguel O'Hara where I am Spider-Man in the year of 2099 the future.(Miguel saids and takes off his mask to reveal his face)

All of sudden Marinette started to see memories of her past in which she started to see this man in her memories where he was smiling and was holding her in his arms as well as playing with her until she started to remember something that the man said.


Miguel: I promise your mother that I will keep you safe and that is a promise I will keep. Marina you are destined to do good things and I know someday you will become something truly special. My little girl, my little Marina O'Hara.

Marina(Marinette): D....d..dada..

Miguel: You said your first words..I wish your mother would be here to see you now.

End of Memory

Tikki: Marinette are you all right?

Marinette: I remember.....

Miguel: What?

Marinette: I remember...I remember being held in the air and you saying that you will always keep me safe and was destined for good things.

Miguel: Marina...

Marinette: D.....d.......😢

Marinette now known as Marina broke down into tears and then engulfed Miguel into a hug in which Miguel's eyes widen and then embraced his long lost daughter into a hug while a small tear came down his face that he was reunited with his daughter after so long of separation.

Miguel: I am never letting you go, I don't want to loose you again.

Marina: I...I don't either....😢sniff...I..I thought I will never see you again...but I am happy that you came for me....thank you.

Miguel: My little girl heh...I can't believe how much you have grown. You look so much like your mother so beautiful.

Marina: How did she...

Miguel: She passed away due to an illness but she never stopped loving you neither did me.

Marina: I want to go back real home with you.

Miguel: I kept your room the same though changed it up a little bit since your disappearance.

Marina: Before I go I need to do something.

Miguel: What is it?

Tiki: She is going to past the guardianship over to her friend Kagami, we talked it over and it is best for my holder that she starts a new life away from all of this. Also it's a pleasure to meet my holders real father, my name is Tiki goddess of creation. I been by your daughters side every step of the way.

Miguel: Thank you.

Marina: Mind giving me lift to my friends place.

Miguel: Sure.

Soon both Marina and her father along with Miles and Gwen headed off towards Marina's friends place where all of the team was being gathered. Once at Kagami's place Marina told everyone of who she truly is as well as them meeting her real father who is from a future world who fights along side other spider heroes. Marina told Kagami that she is ready to take the role as guardian of the miraculous and when Marina said the words the guardianship was past to Kagami making her the new leader of the team in which Marina was able to keep her memories as well as the good times she had with her friends. Her friends wished her safe travels and asked if she would visit them and Miguel told his daughter that he will allow it.

Spider-Man 2099(Miguel): Ready to go back home.

Marina: I was born ready.

Spider-Man(Miles): You are gonna flip when you see the place where all the spiders are being gathered it's insane!

Spider-Woman(Gwen): Don't worry we will walk you through it.

Marina: Thanks guys.

Miguel hit the button on his watch and soon the portal opened. The spiders went through the portal while Marina looked back at her friends and waved them bye for now but promises to come back and visit them soon. Marina then headed into the portal and followed her dad through along with Miles and Gwen.

Earth 928

In the lab Margo was working on sending the villains back to their home dimension when a portal appears and out came Miguel along with Miles, Gwen and a new girl.

Margo: Welcome back Miguel I take that the mission was success.

Miguel: Yea and Marina is back where she belongs.

Marina: Wow there are other spider people here.

Margo: Oh my gosh she's adorable!

Margo went over to get a look at Marina in which she found her to be very beautiful and decided to give Marina a hug that made Marina blush with embarrassment until Layla appeared.

Layla: Miguel how did it go?

Miguel: Villains are defeated and locked up along with the crazy psycho lying chick and Marina is home.

Layla: She's all grown up, she's like the spitting image of her mother.

Miguel: I wonder if she developed any spider like powers.

Layla: Hard to say if she has any or not.

Hey Miguel caught another scumbag who tried to get away. Whats going on here having some kind of party?(A spider woman comes in with two other spider men)

Gwen: Oh my gosh Marina I have to introduce you to these guys they are awesome!

Gwen took Marina's hand and went over towards the other spiders. Once near them Gwen went to introduce Marina to the spiders themselves.

Gwen: Marina this is Jess Drew I learned so much about her and I am still learning the basics. She is so cool especially her when she is driving on her motorcycle.

Marina: Nice to ma'am are you um...

Jess: Oh this we don't have a sex yet my husband wanted it to be a surprise. He's corny but so hot!(Jess saids while holding her belly because she is pregnant)

Marina: Um congratulations.

Miles: This cool guy right here is Spider-Punk but his real name is...

Brown, call me Hobie Brown hows it hanging sweet thing.(Hobie saids while winking at Marina who blushes)

Marina: Nice to meet you too and love the punk get up and that guitar.

Hobie: Customize it myself, ever think of listening to what I can do give me call sweet thing.

Marina: How does he look so cool.(Marina saids in thought)

Gwen: Marina this Pav.

Pavitr: Hello new girl, my name is Pavitr Prabhakar please to meet such beautiful and lovely young lady such as yourself.

Marina: Ooh he's very charming and his suit looks so cultural.(Marina saids in thought)

Jess: So what brings you here Marina.

Marina: Oh um well..

Miguel: She's my daughter the one I been searching for all those years until I found her in the universe that I went to.

Hobie: Sweet thing is your daughter, don't really see the resemblance.

Pavitr: Probably got it from the mother side of the family because right here standing in front of us is an angel.

Jess: Got to admit Miguel she went from a two year old baby into a fine young woman. Have to say I am impressed and her outfit where did she get that kind of style.

Marina: Oh I designed it myself, in the world I was taken to I grew up to become a fashion designer where I make my own designs.

Jess: Ok you and I are gonna get along just fine that is if you can make me an anniversary outfit for my husband.

Marina: I would love to Jess. And of course if you guys want something I could make it happen.

Hobie: Could use a new jacket, is that something you could make.

Marina: I need take your measurements so I know what to make.

Hobie: This girl is cool I like her.

Pavitr: Ooh can I have sweater, sometimes it gets a little chilly out in the open.

Marina: Of course Pav!

Pavitr: I love this girl! You are gonna love it here.

Gwen: Speaking of which wanna see the main lobby.

Marina: Heck yea!

Gwen along with Hobie, Pav, and Miles took Marina while Jess and Miguel as well as Margo looked to see that Marina is adjusting so fast back home.

Layla: Wow she's already here for at least ten minutes and she is already making new friends.

Jess: She got looks and style I am impressed.

Margo: Wonder if she will be spider like her old man.

Miguel: I am not that old. Though it is hard to say if she even developed any spider powers during her time away from home.

Layla: She's probably a late bloomer I am sure she will come around.

Miguel: Could be or maybe....




Jess: Well that was fast?

Layla: I guess training her would be a wise decision.

Miguel: Some other time just let her have her fun.

Outside Marina was looking at what she is seeing in awe while her spider friends looked at how Marina was taken in the site she was seeing with her own eyes until Gwen spoke.

Gwen: Marina O'Hara welcome to the Spiders Society.

Marina: I think I am going to love it here.

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