Marinette Howlett part 3

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After Marinette found out what she is thanks to her mother and stepfather, she found out that she is a mutant just like her biological father named James Logan Howlette aka Wolverine. So her family along with her true friends and her boyfriend are getting ready to move to New York City home to The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and many more heroes as well. 

Tom: Alright everything is all packed up and ready to hit the road or any case to the other side of the world.(Tom saids as he finished putting everything in the truck)

Sabine: Do we have everything dear?

Tom: Yup I made sure to check everything off the list and so far everything is in boxes and wrapped up.

Sabine: Good, I just can't believe we are seeing James after so many years I wonder how he is doing these days.

Tom: Hehehe if I know James he is probably fighting crime or probably at a bar like me and him use to hang out at all the time.

Sabine: Oh that man...

Meanwhile with Marinette:

Marinette: Ok check, check, check and check, everything is all packed up and the miraculous box is packed as well so everything on the list is finished.

Tikki: Are you excited to see your real father Marinette or should I care you Maria since that is your real name.

Marinette: Tikki you can call me whatever you like and yes I am excited to see him and to get out of this city of lies since I no long see it as the city of love anymore.(Marinette saids to her kwami)

Plagg: Hey kid, I am really sorry about my holder I thought he was the chosen one to be the cat hero but I guess I was wrong since he took that Liars side.

Ever since Adrien took Lila's side he hasn't been such a good partner to Ladybug since he always just flirts with her and always begging to go on a date with him and always keeps telling Marinette that Lila's lies are not hurting anyone over and over again in which is why his miraculous was taken away from him forever. 

Marinette: It is ok Plagg, it is not your fault that Adrien was a terrible host and I am just happy that I don't have to see him or anyone those sheep of Lila or Lila herself ever again.

Plagg: True on that!

Tikki: Just be glad that you getting a chance to start a brand new life in a bigger city.

Marinette: Yea I know, say Tikki do you think I should tell my father about you know about being Ladybug and what was going on in Paris these couple of years.

Tikki: I think it would be wise to tell him, since your parents already know about us already.

Marinette: Alright I will tell him when I am ready to speak

Plagg: Great great can we go now because I am bored listening to you two talking all day.

Marinette and Tikki: Oh shut up Plagg!

Marinette finished with her packing and brought all of her stuff downstairs and load it into the truck with her parents things and they got a text from both Luka, Chloe, and Kagami.

Sabine: Did someone text you sweetie?

Marinette: Yea it was from Luka, Chloe and Kagami saying that they are in New York now and already got their places so they waiting for us to come.

Tom: Well lets get a move on shale we and go pick up your other two friends Marinette.

Marinette: Oh yea Alya and Nino are flying with us!

Sabine: Oh just one more thing, Marinette stand by the bakery and do a farewell and excited pose for leaving Paris.(Sabine saids and takes our her camera)

Marinette: Ok!!

Sabine: Ready and say Farewell Paris and Hello New York City!

Marinette: Farewell Paris and Hello New York City!


Sabine: Alright this one is a keeper, and the last time we will see this place.

Tom: Many good memories here but now we about to make brand new ones in a much bigger city. 

Marinette: Oh did you get my transfer papers from school mama?

Sabine: Sure did and I made sure that Mrs.Bustier doesn't tell the students where we are because thank goodness she doesn't believe in that Lila girl but I feel bad that she didn't tell the principal because this was her only job and she didn't want to get fired.

Marinette: I know and I forgive her this job means everything to her and I will miss her so much. 

Tom: Shale we get a move on?

Marinette and Sabine: Lets!

With that said the Dupain Chengs got into their vehicles and drove away from the bakery and went to pick up Alya and Nino who already had their stuff packed and ready to hit the road and away from a bunch of dum classmates and a lier for good.

After driving for a while the Dupain Chengs came across two people with luggage and bags waiting for them to take them to New York City, Alya and Nino.



Marinette: Hey guys do have everything you need to take with you?

Alya: Yup everything is packed and ready to go what about you babe?

Nino: Sure thing got everything and also Luka, Chloe, and Kagami texted us that their in New York already so let's hit it!

Tom: Excellent I will get your things packed up and we will be on our way.

Alya: Oh I am so excited to see New York!, I am so gonna take pictures of all the heroes there!

Nino: True on that babe!

Marinette: I wonder what Midtown high is like?

Alya: As long there is no Lila or her sheep then we will be fine.

Marinette: Oh that would be a miracle to remember.

After Tom put all of Nino's and Alya's stuff in the truck everyone got ready to head to the air port and catch their plane to New York City and not have to deal with anymore problems in Paris or Akuma's or Lila anymore. 

Time Skip

At the airport:

Attention Passengers this is our boarding call for New York City!

Sabine: Looks like thats us

Tom: Ready to go everyone?

Marinette/Nino/Alya: Yes!

Everyone boarded on the plane and waited till the pilot saids it is clear to take off while Tom and Sabine decided to rest, Nino and Alya were checking out the news of whats happening with the heroes in New York and Marinette well she is thinking of her father James and wonder if he remembers her or not and it has been years since they were together. 

Marinette: I will see you soon papa(Marinette saids in thought and decided to drift off to sleep while everyone on the plane waits for the plane to take off)

Pilot: Run way is clear and we are ready for take off!(The pilot saids and starts to drive the plane or the field and gets ready to take off)

The passengers all got buckled up and the plane starting to take off and head towards their destination which is the biggest city in the world.

Marinette: Yawn! saids then goes to sleep)

Meanwhile in the X-Mansion:

An older man was in a lab wearing a helmet over his head while in a wheelchair was reading peoples minds and seeing what is going on in the world until something caught his attention in which a smile appeared on his face and knows what is going to happened and that person who is smiling is none other than Professor Charles Xavier.

Xavier: Hehehe, my this is something truly special very special indeed.

What is it Professor?(A person wearing goggles dressed in red and yellow outfit was talking to the Professor and that person is Cyclops aka Scott Summers)

Is something happening?(A female voice said who has white hair and is wearing black and yelloe outfit and her name is Storm aka Ororo MunroeStorm)

Xavier: It would appear that will be having a special guest at the mansion soon and let's just say she is truly special.

Cyclops: Is it another mutant?

Storm: And you said she?

Xavier: Yes the person who will be coming to mansion soon will be a girl, and yes Scott she is a mutant who just discovered her power about a day ago.

Cyclops: Well this great news!

Storm: Do you know what mutant power she has?

Xavier: I do but I think it is best we wait and see for ourselves and bring Logan because I think he may want to see this girl for himself.

Cyclops: Uh ok? As you wish professor

With that all three of them left the lab they were in and headed back with the others while Charles was thinking about that person he was seeing in his vision. 

Xavier: I hope to see you as well miss Marinette(Xavier saids in thought)

Next Shot coming soon!

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