Marinette Howlett Part 5

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Marinette: I wonder what the other X-Men are like I wonder?(Marinette saids in thought while someone was looking into her thoughts with a smile on his face, thats right Professor X was looking into Marinette's mind)

Xavier: She has Arrived.......


After Alya and Nino told Marinette that they are heading to their apartment to relax and unpack, Marinette along with her mother and step father head towards their new home which is a much bigger bakery with a large apartment that is way better than the one back in Paris and it is even to move around in. 

(Edit by me: 95nicholasnm)

Tom: Well here we are everyone our new bakery La Dupain Cheng!

Sabine: It looks amazing Tom!

Marinette: And it is a lot bigger that the one back home and more wider. 

Tom: Thanks girls hows about we get the stuff out of the truck and check out the inside of the place.

Sabine and Marinette: OK!

Admittedly Marinette along with Tom and Sabine began to unload the truck with everything they have so they gave move into their new home as well as bakery since the one in Pari is now close down and they needed a new place to open a brand new bakery and that is in New York City. Then after getting everything out of the truck like the stuff that goes into the kitchen area of the bakery as well as the stuff for the living room and dinning room including all their bedroom furniture so that can settled down as well as take in the new place that their in and once they got the boxes in they had a look around before they continue to do anything else. 

Tom: Well I have to say the counter of the place is a lot more roomy then one the back home and the kitchen itself looks absolutely amazing I am going to have so my much making a lot of different bake goods and pastries!

Sabine: I know Tom I mean everything here looks so big far more better than the kitchen we had back in Paris and there is enough space to put anything on the shelves even on the table stands which means we would get lots of customers once we have everything settled and prepared.

Tom: Your absolutely corrected, say Marinette hows about you take your stuff up stairs and unpack while me and your mother finish up things down here.

Marinette: Thanks guys I think I will do that!

While Tom and Sabine are unpacking the stuff for the bakery as well as their own stuff, Marinette headed upstairs to go to her new room and while she went into the door the first thing she sees is the new dinning room and kitchen area in which looks absolutely marvelous.

Marinette: Wow Tiki look at this place!, It looks oh I can't even find the words to describe it.

Tiki: Wow this place looks beautiful! 

Plagg: And it is roomy, I think I am going to like it here far more better than what was in Paris.

Marinette: New dinning room, new kitchen, new everything, but lets see how my bedroom looks.(Marinette saids as she takes her stuff to her new room and when she gets there she was amazed of how her new room looks and it felt so much like home back in Paris)

Marinette: Oh my gosh!, I can not believe this is my bedroom and bathroom everything here looks the way it did when I was in my old room but this is far more better and I can move around easily without tripping on something or have any problem getting by. My bathroom looks lovely and I like how the tub is made as well as the sink and other things I cannot wait to try it out soon but first I need to unpack my things and put away the miracle box and keep it in a safe place.(Marinette saids while enjoying her new room and bathroom then begins to unpack all of her stuff which includes her fashion designs, sowing kit, electronics, clothes, closets, and art materials)

Then after many minutes and half an hour later Marinette finished unpacking her stuff and headed down stairs to see her parents who also finished unpacking the stuff for the bakery and are now in the living room taking in the place they are staying in. 

Marinette: Mama I finished with my stuff and everything is put away and I love my new room and bathroom.

Sabine: I am happy that you love it Marinette oh me and Tom I have a surprise for you and it is something that you would need if you want to continue your dream. 

Marinette: And what would that be?

Tom: Follow us to the other room, it turns out we have a spare room and we thought you need it more than we do.(Tom saids as he and Sabine take Marinette to the other room for her surprise)

Then when the three came towards the door for the room, Tom and Sabine opened it and what Marinette saw blew her mind and was in utter happiness and excitement because what was in the room was her very own fashion design room with her very own fabric shelf with mostly every color fabric including a new sowing machine and everything and a new computer to work on commissions as well as start up her new fashion line.

Tom and Sabine: Surprise!!, Your very own fashion design room!

Marinette: KYAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!❤️❤️🥰I LOVE IT!!!!(Marinette saids while in excitement and joy for what she is seeing with her own eyes and admittedly hugged both her mother and step father for this wonderful gift and will always treasure it forever)

Sabine: Were so happy that you love it Marinette now you can work on more commissions as well as work on your new fashion website. 

Marinette: I think I will do that later on but for now I want to relax for a little bit, I mean it was a long plane ride from Paris and here I could use some rest in my new bed.

Sabine: Well alright sweetie and while you rest up me and Tom will order food to be deliver so we can all have dinner together sound good.

Marinette: Yea that sounds nice 

Tom: And make sure to have your little kwami friends out they need some air as well for being in that box all day.

Marinette: Yea I guess that is true come on Tiki and come on Plagg lets get a little bit of rest and then we can all eat later on.

Tiki: Sounds like a great idea Marinette!

Plagg: Yea I am beat and could use some cheese right about now.

Marinette along with the other kwamis were in the room resting for a least an hour after the long plane ride from Paris and were enjoying themselves until the parents called them down saying the food has arrived and that dinner was ready in which Marinette came down from her bedroom and went down to have dinner with her mother and stepfather Tom.

Marinette: The food looks delicious mama

Sabine: Thank you sweetie 

Marinette: Say now that we have our new home and everything is unpacked and put away what the plans for tomorrow?(Marinette saids while eating her food)

Tom: Well Marinette, I am planning on opening up the bakery in two days and since you are going to that school that your friends talked about but it wont start next month so we decide that Sabine can take you to go see your father. 

Marinette: I get to see my dad!

Sabine: Yes that is right sweetie I just hope he hasn't forgotten about us I mean it has been years since we last saw each other.

Tom: Don't worry Sabine I am sure he still remembers you two and he better.

Marinette: I still can't get over that fact that I am a mutant and my father is one as well and he is a crime fighter known as the Wolverine.

Sabine: James was always the fighter and always getting out there and doing things very extreme.

Tom: Hehehe thats James for you always the one who just rushes into a fight without thinking and still comes out alive each time.

Marinette: I wonder what the other X-Men are like?

Sabine: You will probably know once we go to the mansion and see for yourself. 

Marinette: Yea I guess your right 

Then soon dinner was finished and Marinette has fed all the kwami's and then took her shower in her new bathroom and put on fresh clean pajamas and headed to bed while thinking about her father and was a little nervous of seeing him for so long and she hopes that he remembers her after he left and joined the X-Men. 

Morning came in New York City and everything was going smoothly at La Dupain Chengs and right now Marinette starts to wake up from her nap and gets ready because today she along with her mother Sabine are going to go to the mansion where all the X-Men and mutants go to trained and how to use their powers which means that Marinette is finally going to meet her biological father for the first time in so many years of separation. And to start off Marinette decided that it was time for a change in which she changed her hair style into a ponytail and wore different clothes that she designed and wore a different color instead of pink in which when she was done looking in the mirror she looked absolutely gorgeous.

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Marinette: How do I look Tiki?

Tiki: You look great Marinette and I love the flower pattern on your jeans and shirt they look beautiful on you!

Marinette: Thanks, well todays the day I get to see my father.

Tiki: Your nervous?

Marinette: Yea I kind of am, I mean I only knew him since i was a child and that was years ago but now I am not sure.

Tiki: Don't worry Marinette you will be fine just take your time and just be yourself and I am sure he will recognize you in no time.

Marinette: Thanks Tiki that really helps me a lot, ok everyone while I am out to see my father at the mansion I want you all to be on your best behavior or there will be no more treats for a week am I clear.(Marinette saids to Tiki then looks towards the other Kwamis and telling them to behave while she is out)

Kwamis: Yes guardian!

Marinette: Good Tiki and Plagg you both are coming with me just in case the X-Men want to ask questions about you and about me being a hero of Paris.

Tiki: Copy that Marinette!

Plagg: Yea whatever I needed some fresh air anyway.

Marinette said goodbye to the other kwamis while Tiki and Plagg decided to go with her and the three of them headed downstairs to the bakery and saw Sabine waiting for her daughter and Tom who is working in the bakery.

Marinette: Morning Mama and good morning Papa!!

Tom and Sabine: Good Morning sweetie!

Marinette: You making some fresh bake goodies for the bakery papa.

Tom: Indeed I want this place to ready in a couple days so that we have lots of customers.

Marinette: Understable

Sabine: You look nice today Marinette and I see you changing the look any reason?

Marinette: I thought since we are living in New York I thought it was time for change and I been wearing the same look for years now I needed a fresh new start.

Sabine: I understand sweet heart, so are you ready to meet your father.

Marinette: Yes I am!

Sabine: Alright lets be on our way and Tom you can handle things here right.

Tom: Of course Sabine I will be alright and Marinette I will keep your friends company as well while you and your mother are out.

Marinette: Thank you and make sure they get fed as well.

Tom: I will make sure have fun you two and tell James I said hello!

Sabine and Marinette: We will bye!

Meanwhile in the Mansion home to the X-Men:

Xavier: Scott I believe the girl I told you and Storm about is on her way and she is bringing her mother with her they will be here soon.

Cyclops: Thats great news Professor I should tell the others?

Xavier: Not yet lets just me, you and Jean go meet the girl first then we can introduce her to the others because I don't want the poor thing to get nervous around the others.

Cyclops: I understand some of them could make feel uncomfortable, I will let Jean know right now.(Cyclops saids and leaves the room then Beast comes in)

Beast: Whats the news Professor?

Xavier: Were having a guess with us today and she just discovered that she is mutant and is brining her mother with her to keep her company while myself along with Scott and Jean go meet her.

Beast: Oh a new mutant what are her powers if I may ask.

Xavier: You will all see soon enough and speaking of which where is Logan, I need him here when the girl arrives.

Beast: Oh he is in the garage with Laura working on the bikes.

Xavier: Thank you and bring her along as well they both would like to meet the girl as well.

Beast: Understood Professor I shale informed them right away.

Xavier: Thank you and I might as well be off because I have to go greet our guest.(Xavier saids to Beast in which he nods and leaves the room along with the Professor included)

Back with Cyclops:

Cyclops: Hey Jean!(Cyclops saids to a woman with red hair and wearing blue and yellow suit)

Jean: Hmm? Oh Scott what is it?

Cyclops: Were getting a new mutant coming in today and the Professor wants the both of us to meet her and mother when they arrive.

Jean: A new mutant and it is a girl, Scott thats wonderful news what is her power?

Cyclops: Don't know yet the Professor said when the girl arrives she will show us but for now lets head right over and wait with Xavier while the girl and her mother arrive.

Jean: Very well and I just finished organizing these files, lets head right over and meet the girl that the Professor is talking about.

Cyclops: Alright

Back with Marinette and Sabine: 

Marinette and her mother were in the car driving towards the direction that Chole and Alya sent them while they were still in Paris of where to find the mansion in which they were driving around while viewing the open fields around them which was very beautiful to look at and never imagined that the mansion will be located in such a lovely environment. 

Sabine: It is quite beautiful to look at isn't it sweetie, the open fields, the green grass all around, and the fresh air I tell you will never get a feeling like that anywhere.

Marinette: Yea it is quite amazing to look at and the air does feel nice today. 

Sabine: Before we see your father or try to find him we have meet this Charles Xavier because he would probably want to speak to us first before he shows us around the place and maybe bring your father so we can see him again.

Marinette: Alright thats find with me mom

Then after a couple of hours later of driving both Marinette and Sabine came upon the mansion that they were looking for and it is the same one in the pictures that Chloe and Alya were talking about and it looked very beautiful in person and it looked ancient but nice though.

Marinette: It even looks more amazing in person.(Marinette saids in thought then while in the mansion Xavier while smiling was hearing the girls thought)

Xavier: Our guest has arrived.

Next Shot coming soon!

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