Marinette Howlett part 6

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Marinette: It even looks more amazing in person.(Marinette saids in thought while in the mansion Xavier while smiling was hearing the girls thought)

Xavier: Our guest have arrived.


Sabine: You nervous honey?(Sabine saids while in the car and checking on her daughter)

Marinette: A little but that is not going to stop for seeing him, I wanted to see him for so long and after you told me so much about him I just have to see if he is just like you said. 

Sabine: He is honey, just be calm and you will be fine.

Marinette: Sigh....ok I am ready.(Marinette saids to her mother in which she smiles back and they both get of the car together)

Admittedly Marinette and Sabine then begin to walk towards the mansion in which they found it quite amazing and yet so big almost as big as the Agreste mansion. But they shrugged it off and were not in front of the door in which Sabine decided to ring the door bell and see if anyone would answer or not until the door open and revealed three people in which one wore a yellow and blue suit with an X logo along with red goggles, the other had beautiful red hair and was wearing the same color outfit as well the X logo and the other was a older man in a wheelchair who wore a smile on his face and was looking at both Sabine and Marinette.

(Charles Xavier/Professor X)

(Scott Summers/Cyclops)

(Jean Grey)

Sabine: Hello there my name is Sabine Duapin Cheng and this my daughter Marinette are you by any chance Charles Xavier the founder and owner of this place.

Xavier: Indeed I am Mrs.Dupain Cheng I have been expected you both, these two here are my students Scott Summer who goes by Cyclops and this here is Jean Grey.

Jean: Oh my gosh she is so cute!!!!(Jean saids to Marinette in which she blushes and then gets hugged by Jean while her mother giggles as well as Scott and Xavier)

Scott: It is a pleasure to meet you Sabine as well as your daughter. Jean I think she would like some air now.(Scott saids to Jean in which she lets go of Marinette while still blushing)

Jean: Oh I am so sorry I do not know what came over me.

Marinette: It is quite alright and it is a pleasure to meet you three, what I heard that this is a place where people are trained to learn how to control their mutant like abilities. 

Xavier: Indeed miss Marinette, that is why I have been waiting for you to come so we can discuss on how to control your abilities.

Marinette: Wait how did you know you were expecting me?

Jean: Xaviers mutant power is to read minds in which he can hear the thoughts of everyone around the world in which he heard your thoughts and was waiting for you to make an appearance.(Jean saids to Marinette in which she was shocked and yet amazed by the professors powers to read minds)

Marinette: So basically speaking your like a mind reader?

Xavier: Exactly and if you wondering if I looked into any personal thoughts inside in your head no I did not I decided to have you say those things to me in person so we can see what can we do to help you. 

Marinette: Thank you sir and I look forward to getting to know more about this place and learn how to control my abilities. 

Xavier: Well then why don't you and your mother follow us to my private studies so we can talk about your powers as well tell you more about what we do here.

Marinette: Very well sir we shale take your offer is that alright mom.

Sabine: Of course sweetie. 

Xavier: Well then please follow us and keep close to us some of my students here can be a little excited.

Scott: More like out of control and just do what they want to do.(Scott saids in which earned snickers from Jean, Marinette and Sabine)

Marinette along with her mother as well as Xavier and his two students began to walk inside the mansion and while inside Marinette took in the site she was seeing of what the mansion looked like from the inside and found it to be very interesting and it reminded of her from those ancient books she read in history classes.

Jean: I see you are liking our home Marinette what you think.

Marinette: Kind of reminds me of those ancient homes that I read about in history class but other than that it is quite a lovely home for people with mutant powers I mean.

Jean: Thank you, but the way I like your outfit where you get it from?

Sabine: My daughter made that herself, you see before we moved to New York my daughter was always into fashion and wants to become a professional fashion designer in which she likes to design her own clothes and created her very own website.(Sabine saids to Jean in which she was amazed that her daughter designed her own clothes all by herself)

Jean: Really that sounds very interesting to do Marinette, and how long have you been doing designing your own clothes and started the fashion life?

Marinette: I been into fashion since I was little and I always wanted to become a fashion designer in which I did commissions for very interesting people like Audrey Bourgeois and Jagged Stone.(Marinette saids to Jean in which got the attention of someone who heard the name Jagged Stone)

DID YOU SAY THE JAGGED STONE!!!(A female voice came from behind everyone in which was a girl who was coming out of the ceiling while wearing a X-Men uniform and her name is Kitty Pryde aka Shadow Cat)

Marinette: Whoah she can vase through walls!(Marinette saids in thought while the girl known as Kitty Pryde comes closer to Marinette with a excited smile)

Kitty: Did you really just say you designed stuff for The Jagged Stone the famous rock star!

Marinette: Yes I did, I am sorry but who might you be?

Xavier: Marinette this here is one of the students in my school, her name is Kitty Pryde who goes by Shadow Cat in which she can vase through solid objects or walls. Kitty this here is Marinette Dupain Cheng our newest guest we were about to discuss what her mutant powers are. 

Kitty: Please to meet you Marinette, wait a minute Marinette Dupain Cheng are you.....are by any chance...the famous fashion designer known as M.D.C!(Kitty saids in which got the attention of Jean who was a big fan of the MDC fashion line)

Marinette: Hehehe yes I am, here is my card.(Marinette saids and hands one of her cards to Kitty in which she read it and so does Jean in which they looked at Marinette in shock and excitement)

Kitty: OH MY GOSH!!! I can not believe I am meeting MDC in person I am such big fan of your fashion website!!!(Kitty saids in which made Marinette smile and blush a little)

Jean: I have been waiting to for my red dress from you all day, so me and Scott can have our date soon!

Marinette: Oh yea you must be JGXmindreader, yea I have your dress ready I just need to add some finale details and it will be ready soon. Here I got a picture of it so you can see what I got done so far and the only thing missing is the rose petals that I will add on the waist area.(Marinette saids and shows Jean and Kitty the dress that Marinette made)

Scott: Whistle!

Jean: Oh my gosh I love it!!!!

Kitty: You think you can make me a dress as well and I will pay it for it!!!

Marinette: Hehehe sure I will be happy to do a commission dress for you Kitty.(Marinette saids and then gets hugged by Kitty)


Marinette: Hehehehe you are welcome Kitty.(Marinette saids and hugs back)

Xavier: Alright Kitty I think it is time we take Marinette to discuss what her powers are.

Kitty: Huh oh right say after words hows about we hangout some time, I can introduce you to some of my closest friends here.

Marinette: Sure I would love to Kitty and it was nice meeting you.

Kitty: You too Marinette see you around!(Kitty saids and leaves while waving Marinette bye for now)

Scott: Seems like she is going to fit in just fine with us, I just hope the boys will treat her with respect.(Scott saids in thought while seeing that Marinette will get along with the other students)

Then soon once everything was calmed down as well as Jean who was still excited that she is meeting the person who is designing her dress for her date with Scott and now they are all in a private room in which was Xavier's private study so that they can discuss the terms with Marinette. 

Xavier: Alright Marinette while we wait for the rest of the group to come in why don't you tell us when you first discovered your mutant like powers.(Xavier saids to Marinette in which she looked a little sad and hurt in which got Jeans attention and Sabines)

Marinette: I....I....well........

Scott: Is something the matter?

Sabine: Sign.....she discovered them before her former classmates ganged up on here physically and mentally abused her as well as attacked her and bullied her in which she was left broken and hurt real bad.(Sabine saids in which got the attention of Jean and Scott except for Xavier in which he knows about since he read Marinette's thoughts)

Jean: Abused.....

Scott: Physically and mentally as well as bullied how?

Sabine: A girl in her class by the name of Lila Rossi told her classmates lies about what she did like meeting famous people, traveling around the world, and being friends with superheroes in which my daughter spotted her lies and told her off but at the cost of it Lila told my daughter that she will take everyone she loves and her friends we leave her all alone. She spread lies about that Marinette bullied her and did awful things to her in which some of her classmates believed without any proof in which they all bullied her and attacked her in which caused her to past out and have serious injuries all over herself. Lila turned half of the class against my own daughter and try to do the same to us but we never believed in them in which we kicked them out our home while some of friends and her boyfriend stood by side in which they moved here to New York with us to get away from that toxic environment.(Sabine saids to the three in which Xavier looked upset, Scott was fueled with anger and Jean felt so sorry for Marinette)

Scott: Wait a minute did you say that this girl name was Lila Rossi?

Sabine: Yes I did why you ask?

Scott: I got a report years ago that a young mutant child was physically bullied and turned against his own classmates because of what a girl with tan skin and hair that looks like sausage told lies about what their fellow classmate did in which they all believed in the girls lies in which caused the young child to commit suicided and his parents were heart broken of what happened and when his classmates found out that the lies they were told were not real they realized that what they did was horrible and blamed the real person who caused it all but by the time the girls lies were exposed she was long gone and never found but they said that her name was Lila Rossi and she is wanted by murder, thief, telling lies to others that got them killed, as well as being a deranged pathological liar and psycho path. 

Jean: So that same girl who was telling lies about Marninette here is the same person who drove her friends to turn against her and physically harm her. 

Scott: I believe so, Sabine by any chance is she still around where you and family were?

Xavier: No I believe she and along with a blonde boy with green who goes by Adrien were arrested a couple days ago for causing such horrible events. 

Marinette: Wait Lila and Adrien got arrested you mean that they are gone now?

Xavier: Indeed they are Marinette like I said I can read peoples thoughts and right now they are in prison for the crimes they committed. 

Jean: But who is this Adrien person who got arrested along with her?

Marinette: Sigh....his name is Adrien Agreste who is the son of the famous fashion designer know as Gabriel Agreste in which I thought he was my friend and used to be my former crush but when he found out that Lila was lier all this time and didn't bother to tell anyone he just let Lila continue to lie saying that her lies are not hurting anyone in which they were hurting me and my friends in which he told me to take the high road in which I did not do such a thing. Then he became a spineless coward and started to spend more time with Lila in which he just watches me get beat up by her sheep in which were my former classmates and does nothing and just tells me his stupid high road advice. The only ones who stood by my side and were my true friends were Alya, Nino, Chloe, Kagami, and Luka who is my boyfriend and the son of Jagged Stone. Then one day during school Lila spread another lie saying a beat up her in which everyone she turned against ganged up on me and hold me down and Adrien was in front of me and told me the same advice again and started to beat me up in which I lost my temper and something inside me awoke in which unleashed something and I used to attack Adrien and those who were hurting my friends in which I became shocked that was not an ordinary person but something else.(Marinette saids to three in which they were now shocked and angered of what a boy named Adrien and Lila have caused this girl so much pain and suffering even towards those she loves)

Scott: So let me get this straight, this Adrien saids that her lies are not hurting anyone in which they are and caused the deaths of people who lost their lives from the lies that Rossi have spread and he told you to take the high road which is a stupid advice by the way and he asked you not to exposed her lies because why what would happened if she gets exposed I mean really what could happened?

Marinette: He didn't want me to expose Lila because she might get Akumatised.(Marinette saids in which left the three confused of what she said)

Jean: Akuma....what now?

Sabine: Tell us something have any of you supers heard about heroes in Paris?

Jean: Supers in Paris the X-Men and the Avengers never knew about heroes in Paris why?

Sabine: Well you see is that there are supers in Paris as well as super villain who used these dark bugs called Akuma's who can turn people into dangerous beings based off their negative emotions and there were a group of young heroes who protected Paris from that threat so that they can save the lives from those Akuma's. 

Scott: Let me check something on the computer I got to see this for myself.(Scott saids as he goes to the computer and looks up heroes of Paris)

Jean: I never knew that Paris had supers or villains of that matter why is that we don't know about this or the Avengers?

Marinette: It is because the heroes there do not want the other heroes to fall under the villains controls and used them as slaves to do his bidding. 

Scott: Jean, Professor, they are right there were supers in Paris as well as a super villain who uses these things called Akuma's to turn people into super villains and threaten the people of Paris.(Scott saids and shows Jean and Xavier the image of the heroes and the super villain)

Jean: Unbelievable their just kids and they were fighting this villain named Hawk Moth and they were lead by this female hero known as Ladybug whose powers can restore damages by calling upon a charm and once they defeat the villain that was Akumatised, Ladybug throws the charm into the air and calls out words in which repairs the damages to the city and the person who became that villain has no memory of what they did. 

Scott: This is so bizarre I mean these kids were fighting a super villain who was causing chaos in Paris and we never knew about it? Wait it saids here that the villain known as Hawk Moth was defeated and was the famous fashion designer known as Gabriel Agreste who caused so much destruction and as well as hurt innocent people to do his being. So thats why that boy was also arrested because he is the son of that super villain who caused chaos in Paris. 

Marinette: No he was also the former hero known as Cat Noir that former super in the black cat suit. In which he got his powers taken away from him by Ladybug in which he wasn't fit to be a super hero anymore because he wasn't taking his job pretty seriously and always just shows up to flirt with Ladybug and nothing more. 

Jean: He just flirts with the girl and not do his job now that sounds like someone who is just using his gifts for own personal reasons but there is something that is bugging me.

Xavier: What is it Jean?

Jean: How did Ladybug and her fellow heroes as well as this Hawk Moth get their powers are they mutants as well?

Marinette: No Ladybug as well as the other heroes and Hawk Moth get their powers from those jewels they are wearing on themselves and they called Miraculous.

Scott: They got their powers from jewelry? Ok that is impossible because if that was true then it would mean that their powers were basically magic........wait are their powers based on magic something like Doctor Strange?

Jean: That would explain how Ladybug was able to repair the damages to the city and how Hawk Moth was able to turn people into super villains. 

Scott: How do you know all of this Marinette?

Xavier: Because Scott she is the Ladybug hero I can see the resemblance between the two isn't that right Marinette.(Xavier saids to Scott then Marinette in which she was shocked that Xavier figured her out)

Marinette: Yes it is true I am the hero known as Ladybug the one who defeated Hawk Moth and saved all of Paris. 

Jean: So your not just a mutant like us but you are also the heroine of Paris but how did you become Ladybug in first place before you knew you were a mutant.

Marinette: I think it is best that they tell you.

Jean: They?

Marinette: Tiki, Plagg you come out now.(Marinette saids in which two little creatures come out of Marinette's bag in which made Scott jumped out his seat while Jean and Xavier were in awe of what they were looking at which was the two Kwami's known as Tiki and Plagg)

Tiki: Hi everyone nice to meet you.

Plagg: Whats up!

Scott: WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE THINGS BUG MOUSES?!!! FLYING TALKING MOUSE BUGS?!!!(Scott while in shock and panic in which Sabine and Marinette giggled at Scotts reaction)

Marinette: Jean, Scott, and Xavier this is Tiki the goddess of creation and Plagg the god of destruction they are magical beings called Kwami's in which they help gives me and my team mates our powers to take down Hawk Moth and his Akuma's. They have been around for centuries since the being of time and they are centuries old. 

Xavier: Amazing so these little creatures are what help you give your powers to help protect the innocent people in Paris from that super villain and I take he too has one of them as well.

Tiki: You correct sir, he abused our friend Nooroo to make him do his bidding and try to steal the miraculous of ladybug and the cat.

Scott: Wait a minute he terrorized Paris all because he wants two pieces of jewelry why?

Plagg: Well to make this short when you merge the cat miraculous and the ladybug miraculous together they can grant a wish but it comes at a terrible price in which could destroy the balance of the world and kill millions of lives in which Hawk Moth wanted to use that for his own doing. 

Jean: My god what kind of madman would want to do that!

Plagg: A completely psycho one just like his son and that Rossi girl and I am glad they are in prison so that I don't have to put with them. 

Xavier: How old were you Marinette when you first became Ladybug?

Marinette: I got my miraculous since I was twelve and was trained under the guidance of the guardian known as Master Fu who past the miraculous guardian ship to me after he sacrificed himself to protect the miraculous from Hawk Moth and I spent years training and protecting the miraculous with my life but I had my friends at my side to help me with all the way including my parents who found out about what I am and promised to keep my secret safe.(Marinette saids in which made Jean and Scott shocked that Marinette started at a young age but was able to hold her own while still under the guidance of someone who was close to her)

Xavier: I see and these guardians you speak of what do they do?

Tiki: The guardians are the miraculous peace keepers of which they guard the miraculous and help train a new generation of worry miraculous holders in which Master Fu trusted Marinette to become the next guardian and keep the miraculous safe. 

Jean: How old are you now Marinette since you took this responsibility?

Marinette: I am eighteen years now and it has been two years since Hawk Moths defeat in which we got his miraculous as well as the peacock miraculous of which he stole from Master Fu and are now in my protection.

Jean: So you are basically a legal adult now and has to carry out what you teacher taught you. 

Marinette: Yes indeed. 

Tiki: Marinette is by far the greatest guardian we ever had and has always had our backs and we had hers.

Jean: Seems like you all treat her like family as well.

Plagg: Yea pigtails here is great far more better than Adrien and his father. 

Xavier: Tell me something is there anyone else who knows about this besides us and your friends and family?

Marinette: Nobody else knows though I would like to tell this to my father.

Scott: Wait I thought your parents knew about this?

Sabine: Me and Tom known about it but not her biological father, in which I used to be married to him until I was married to Tom and he trusted Tom to look after me and Marinette while he is dealing with personal matters. 

Marinette: And it is the reason why I am here as well so I can meet him for so long and tell him that my powers have developed after I left Paris to get away from Lila. 

Jean: Wait a minute Sabine you were married to a mutant but he had to leave you and Marinette so that you both wont get caught up in his personal life and then he asked a friend of his to look after you and Marinette to keep you both safe while raising a child. 

Sabine: That is correct Miss Grey.

Xavier: Well if your father is mutant can you show us what powers you have that are related to his and maybe we can help you find him or locate him.

Marinette: Mom should I?

Sabine: They need to know honey and so does your father.

Marinette: Sigh........(Marinette breaths then closes her eyes to focus on what she did the first time in which she crushed her hands together into fist and then the next thing that Xavier, Scott and Jean saw were claws coming out of his hands in which they were beyond shocked of what they were looking at and couldn't believe it themselves)

Jean/Scott/Xavier: It can't be..........(Both said in thought while looking at what they are seeing in front of them)

Marinette: This is what I developed when I was being bullied by my former classmates and Lila in which they came out and I used them to defend myself. Then mom told me the full story of who my biological father is and how I got his powers in which I decided to move here to New York and see him after so many years of separation.

Jean: mean to tell us...that you were married know.

Sabine: Yes I was married to him and he loved both me and my daughter very much in which he had to leave in order to protect us from those who are after him or want to hurt him. 

Scott: I never would of guessed he would get married and have such an amazing daughter who is very talented as well being a hero of Paris. 

Marinette: I never got to know him because I was so young and I hardly barely remember him. 

Xavier: Makes me wonder is your name really Marinette Dupain Cheng?

Sabine: No sir we had to change her name in order to keep her safe. 

Xavier: I see so what is your true name Marinette?

Marinette: My real name is Maria Elizabeth Howlett, and I am the daughter of James Howlett who goes by Logan and the hero known as Wolverine.(Marinette saids to the three in which they all heard a glass bottle drop to the ground and cracked in which everyone looked towards behind them and saw three others looking at them in shock)

Marinette along with her mother Sabine as well as Xavier and his two students looked to see a creature that was covered in blue fur wearing glasses and looked like a beast, and the other was a girl wearing black clothes with an X logo on the belt, and the other was an adult man wearing a white tang top with side burns and spiked hair as well as muscular and had dog tags around his neck in which he was staring at the two girls in front of him in which he couldn't believe after so many years he was looking at them in shock and yet inside he felt sad and yes happy to see them again in which the person was known other than James Howlett aka Logan aka Wolverine. 

(Hank McCoy/Beast)

(Laura Kinney/X23)

(James Howlet/Logan/Wolverine)

Marinette: Its him.......its really him........(Marinette saids in thought while in shock and staring right into her biological fathers eyes and he was doing the same)

Logan: Her scent I know it......its her.....its my little blue wolf.....she's back and she's all grown up.......(Logan saids in thought while in shock and seeing his little wolf all grown up and very beautiful)

Xavier: Scott, Jean, Hank lets give them some privacy they need this more than anything and Laura you may stay if you like because you maybe need to know what is going on here.(Xavier saids to his three students in which they nod in agreement while Laura nods as well and stayed where she was in which the three left the room leaving Sabine, Marinette, the two Kwami's along with Logan and Laura alone together) 

The awkwardness was starting in which everyone in the room didn't know what to say or do at the moment and that is when Sabine decided to get up and speak and walk towards Logan.

Sabine: Hello James its been a while.....

Logan: Sa......Sabine is that really you....I mean....its been so long......

Sabine: Far too long you haven't changed a bit since you know.

Logan: changed though, cuts your hair short.

Sabine: Its a new look I wanted to try but how you been all these years.

Logan: I am doing well, except being hunted down and getting into a whole mess of trouble same as usual.

Sabine: Hehehehe your still that crazy man who runs into battle and doing something that could get you killed. 

Logan: Yea......(Logan saids then looks towards his daughter he hasn't seen in years and goes up to her)

Logan walks up to Marinette and they both looked at each other in the eyes meaning that they both have so many questions and wanted to know what their lives were until Logan decided to speak to his daughter after so long of separation.

Logan: it really little blue wolf.......(Logan saids while breaking down in which he looks at Marinette who is on the verge of tears)

Marinette: Your scent.....I...I....I recognize it........I remember.......😢 held me in your arms.....when I was just a baby........😢sniff.........I wanted to see you so long.......(Marinette saids while tears were coming down her face)

Sabine: I told her everything including Tom she knows James.(Sabine saids to Logan in which he looks back at Sabine then back to his daughter)

Logan: I remember your scent as were such a bundle of joy when you cuddled with me and your mother and had this cute little giggle of yours which brought a warm side to my heart. I can not believe it your my little blue wolf, your so grown up and you look beautiful.

Marinette: 😢sniff.......I wanted to see you again and spend time with you......and I know you have your personal problems but that doesn't matter......I wanted to see you again after so long...😢sniff.......I wanted to be with you again like when I was little.

Logan: It is Maria, my little blue wolf.(Logan saids with a smile while a tear came down his face in which Marinette saw and then did the thing she always wanted to do)

Marinette: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH PAPA!!!!! 😭(Marinette saids with tears in her eyes and hugs Logan in which Logan hugged back and held his daughter tight in his arms)

Logan: I missed you to Maria, I am so sorry for leaving you and your mother but I promise to never leave you again.(Logan saids while petting his daughters hair)

Marinette: It is ok papa.......I am not angry at what you did I am just so happy to finally see you again after so long.....😢sniff.......I...I....never want to be separated from you ever again.

Logan: I know my blue wolf I know......

Laura: She's the one you been telling me about Logan.(Laura saids to Logan in which he looks towards Laura as and Marinette did the same)

Logan: Yes Laura this is her. Maria this is Laura she was taken in by a young age and used as a weapon in which she has the same abilities as me but she broke free of control and I took it upon myself to look after her and told her so much about you and she wanted to meet you if I ever seen you again.(Logan saids to Marinette in which she wipes her tears away and goes up to Laura to see her in person)

Marinette: Hello Laura my name is Maria, it is nice to meet you.

Laura: So if your his biological daughter then that means you have his powers as well is that right.

Marinette: See for yourself.(Marinette saids and shows Laura the claws in which she surprised and yet happy that she and Logan are not the only ones)

Laura: Then.....thats makes us sisters......

Marinette: I never really had a sister before.....or any other siblings but I would like to be yours if thats ok with you.(Marinette saids to Laura in which she smiles and shows tears as well and hugs Marinette)

Laura: I always wanted a sister! Now I don't I feel alone anymore!!!(Laura saids with tears of joy and happiness in which Marinette hugs back and shows tears as well that she has a sister now)

Marinette:  I always wanted one as well....🤧sniff....and now I have one. I would like to get to know each other as well and spend time together.

Laura: I would like that my sister very much.

Marinette: Me too.....

Tiki: Aww that is so sweet.

Logan: Ok is it my imagination or am I seeing a talking bug and a floating cat or I think I drank too much.

Sabine: Hehehe James we have a lot to talk about as well as what your daughter has been doing.

Logan: Really what has been going on since I left and how is Tom doing?

Sabine: Tom is doing great he is at the bakery we more of these two little friends and James your daughter grew up to be a great person in which she will be happy to tell you.

Marinette: Yes...I want to tell you all about what was going on my life papa and I also want to get to know more about you as well as my new sister.(Marinette saids to her father in which he nods while holding Laura's hand in which she smiles because she wants to get to know her new sister)

Logan: Alright lets start from the being....

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