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I'm the last one in the rarely used room 185, right after another classmate. I close the door behind me as I stand next to my best friend, Angel.

"Hey." She whispers to me.

"Shh!" Annabel, the owl Kwami user, whispers at us from in front.

I roll my eyes as I look back at mom.

"Today, you are getting something essential for both you and your partner Kwami, as it is key to survival, if you decide to get yourself constantly into trouble." She says. Directing the last part to a boy up front, him bouncing from tip to heel of his foot, Leon I believe his name was, holder of Kobo, the monkey Kwami. He grins sheepishly as snickers run through the class.

She shoots a stern look to the part of the class that snickered as she continues. "Today, you will be receiving your weapons." She says as she claps her hands and pillars rise up from the ground, each with an item on it.

"I will call your name, and you will activate your Kwami and look for a weapon. If your touch a weapon that does not bind with your miraculous, move on. If you do not find one, it then means that your weapon is already on you, like Coach Cameron, His Chetah miraculous's weapon is speed. With that, let us begin." Mom finished as she called up the first student, Daniel.

He nods as he activates his cobra miraculous and looks around. Soon, he has touched all the items but nothing happened.

"First person to pick and its a inner weapon. That's a new one." Mom muses. "Now, close your eyes and imagine a power surge through yourself."

Daniel nods as he closes his eyes and starts glowing a green and brown color, before, just above his wrists, emerge two blade like, fang like, bones.

He stares, somewhat shocked as he lifts his arms and the blade, of course, follows. A drop of green liquid falls off and drips to the floor.

"Interesting. Now, most of these weapons should not be fatal, only for the purpose of protecting yourself or others, so if anyone's students got infected by this, mild poison, it will not be fatal and cause death or sickness. Would anyone like to volunteer to spar after they receive their weapon?" She says.

Before anyone else says anything I step forward. I shrug. "If it's non-lethal, what the heck? Worth a shot." I say while rubbing my hands together.

"Ok then. Alexia, please pick a weapon." Mom says, her voice slightly deflated.

I nod to Crystal as I activate her. She flies straight into the middle of my stomach, like any Kwami does before we actually receive the miraculous they 'go into' per say. I close my eyes as my costume forms around me. I open my eyes and see the world tinted slightly purple. I smile as I walk into the circle of the items. I scan the rooms with my eyes as one catches my attention. It's a ribbon wand. Plain wood and brown ribbon, but I feel drawn to it. I walk up to it and as I touch it, it flashes as the stick becomes silver and the ribbon becomes purple and light blue. I hold it as I twirl it, feeling the power that I know is in it.

I smirk. "Cool."

Daniel jogs up to me, blades away. "You sure about this?" He questions, concern in his voice.

I wave my hand dismissively. "Nothing I can't handle."

We walk into the middle of the room as Angel shoves her way to the front. "You go Lexi! Beat the snake!" She cheers.

I see someone new enter the room, and it's the school nurse, Miss Daisy. Zing, her panda Kwami, flies out of her bag holding some vials of medicine, probably preparing for anything that can go wrong.

I turn my attention back to Daniel as his blades come out of his forearm. "You ready?" He asks.

I smirk as I do that Kung fu two finger taunt. "Come at me." 

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