Chapter eleven

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"Come on Alya." Nino begged.

"There is no way i'm risking my life for a stupid experiment." She denied.

"It's going to make us stronger. Even stronger then Adrien and Marinette, isn't that what we have always wanted?" He argued.

"but we are going to lose it..." she said, worried.

"not if we're strong enough.

She waited for a second then agreed. Both took out a black butterfly from the box and let it take control of their bodies.


*Marinette POV*

"What the hell is going on?!" i yelled over the loud music in the club.

I looked at Chat, then back at the two teenagers in front of me. My adversary were no other than Alya and Nino. They hadn't changed at all except for a glowy purple butterfly outline, hovering in front of their eyes. They had been possessed. But how? They must have taken a black butterfly, there was no way. On the positive side, hawkmoth didn't now they were both miraculous holders, so he didn't order them to give him thier miraculous, but now they were after ours.

"Well then, Chat Noir, show us watcha got." Lady WiFi said, provoking my partner.

He took a step forward and started dancing, letting his body free. The crowd around us cheered a the boy's skilled moves. But then, Bubbles, blew in his Bubble stick, trapping Chat in a huge bubble.

"Chat!" I yelled. He looked at me and winked, telling me he would be okay.

I took a step forward myself and danced. I danced my heart out, expressing my feelings. The love for Chat and Adrien, the friendship for Alya and Nino and my hatred towards hawkmoth. Suddenly Alya threw a pause sign at me. I dodged, but it hit one of my hands, paralyzing my hole body.

I froze, this was over. I was going to be defeated by my own two friends. This was pathetic. When i closed my eyes, i heard Chat scream my name. He used his cataclysme to pop the Bubble and jumped to my rescue. Alya tried to pause him too, but he flicked the attack with his staff, sending it back to his attackers. Both LadyWiFi and Bubbles froze, unable to move because of the pause.

"Destroy Alya's phone, this way i will be free, then break the bubble thing." I ordered Chat. He nodded and walked towards Alya. He took her phone and slammed it against the floor, making Alya detransform and fall to the ground. He then looked at Nino and smiled, taking his Bubbles maker and breaking into half. Two black butterflies flew into the dark room. I jumped to one of them and catched it, slaming it between both of my hands, when i did, the butterfly turned white again and flew into my earing, making me feel a flow of energy go from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, I then slammed the other butterfly and it flew into my other earring. I felt another flow of energy before running towards my friends.

"We're sorry gurl. We let you down because of some stupid jealousy." Alya said, tears forming in her eyes.

"It chill, It all turned out great in the end anyway. By the way, i found another way to make you stronger." I said, as i winked at the both of them.

"Come on let's all go home. I have ballet class tomorrow." I said, walking towards the exit. They nodded and followed me outside.

I ran to my house and detransformed in my room. I went to my bed and let myself fall on the soft covers. I then heard a light tap on my window. I smiled and let the black cat in.

"Hello princess." He said grinning. He looked exactly the same, but somehow something had changed about him, i shrugged it off and walked towards him.

"Hey kitty." I said.

He didn't say anything and just walked towards me, determined. I took a step back, feeling the wall against my back, was Chat always this intimidating? He harshly grabbed my hands and pulled them up over my head. I gasped in horror as he slid a hand under my shirt.

"C-Chat?" I stuttered as i tried keeping a moan in when he kissed my neck.

He slid his hand to my back, touching the clasp of my bra. I felt terrified. This man was definitly not Chat. I was scared. I felt shivers go down my spin as he grinned at me. He aproached his head from mine and licked my cheek. I felt a wave of pure disgust run through my veins. I closed my eyes tight, hoping this would stop. He squeezed my hands tighter before sliding his hand to my under my belt. My eyes opened wide as i felt his clawed hand touching me, his rusty lips kissing my body.

"Take your paws off my princess." Chat threatened. I opened my eyes and sighed in relief. There he was, my kitty, the real deal.

The copycat let go of my hands, letting me fall to the floor.

Chat jumped on... well.. Chat and pushed him to the floor. Sitting on his waist and punching his face harshly.

"You don't even deserve to be dance battled." He said. Punching him again.

He took the black butterflie out of the man's hands and handed it to me. I smashed it between my hands and let it fly to my earring.

The man melted into dark sand and disappeared, leaving Chat and mae in the room.

*Chat POV*

I ran towards Marinette, still on the floor. She still looked terrified.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

She nodded a gave a fake smile. I smiled too, i had come in time. I slid my hands over her shoulders, pulling her in a hug.

"I'm sorry i didn't come earlier princess." I said as i squeezed her shaky body close to mine.

I felt her heart beating against my chest. She was okay. I sighed in her hair, still pulled up in a ponytail. I loosened the hug, looking at Marinette. I then noticed a hickey. a hickey, that wasn't from me. That stupid cat had invaded my territory. I frowned then kissed the hickey. She gasped and held squeezed my shoulders. My lips trailed of to under her jaw then up to her mouth. I left trails of kisses on her pale skin, moved by her heavy breathing. I kissed her soft lips, melting into a passionate kiss. I held her head closer to mine, deepening the kiss. I unfortunately had to break the kiss to come back for air. She panted heavily then smiled.

"It's funny how, when he kissed me it felt, hard and cold. But when you do, it feels warm and soft." She said.

"Oi. Are you comparing me to a raper?" I protested.

She giggled, my heart warmed as i saw her sweet smile. I chuckled and placed my forehead on hers.

"It's okay now, i'll protect you." I reassured her.

then it struck me.

"Wait he kissed you?!" I nearly shouted.

"Don't worry, he only licked my cheek and kissed my neck." She said, looking away.

I looked at her, analyzing her expression. She had her eyebrows clenched and her teeth biting her thumb nail. I leaned forward, gently pecking her cheek. She blushed and chuckled, looking at me from under her long lashes. I stared into her crystal blue eyes, gently shining, i cupped her cheek in my gloved hand and gently rubbed her soft skin with my thumb. I looked down at her lovingly. I slid my thumb to her mouth, softly rubbing her pink lip before pecking her sweet lips. I love you Mari, more than you could ever imagine.

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