Chapter one

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*Adrien POV*

I woke up in my huge room. I looked at my watch then got out of bed. I still had one hour before my ballet class. I went towards my bathroom and stopped when i saw my sink. A small object had been left on the corner of my sink. A ring. I took the silver jewel in my hand for further examination. I didn't look too pricey so i slid it on my ring finger. Suddenly a small black cat appeared in front of my eyes.

"Greetings young human, my name is Plagg." He said.

It took me a lot of willpower not to collapse and start screaming. Maybe this was a dream, yeah I was definitely dreaming.

" You're not dreaming." the creature said.

Oh! okay this was reality- wait what? Did the thing read in my mind. The " thing " sighed and facepalmed.

" Okay, he started, let's make this simple. Shut up and listen."

I nodded and sat on the toilet ready to listen.

" My name Plagg. I'm a kwami, in short, a god."

I frowned and turned my head to the side. I didn't understand, kwami? the hell was that?

" A kwami is a magic weapon, the cat said, they were originally created to improve military forces. Kwamis give their users powers. They were developed in a secret science lab, unfortunately the lab was robbed and the kwamis disappeared. A group of teenagers took us and distributed us to youngsters across Paris. They saw kwamis as an opportunity to have fun and play, so they created a dance club that was only open to kwami holders. Basically you're invited to a party!"

I closed my eyes and digested the explanations. These facts were hard to believe, almost as hard to believe as the idea of a black cat flying inside your room...

" so when do i go to this secret club or whatever you call it?" i asked.

" The club is top secret so it is only opens at night, he answered, and don't forget you can talk about this to anyone, you can't either tell any other member of the club your real identity."

I didn't understand all of it but i decided to set my problems aside and prepare for my ballet class.

"sorry but I have ballet classes, you can stay here." I smiled then went out the door.

I walked in the direction of the studio when I saw Marinette, a girl from my class. She seemed a little weird and really shy. She never really talked to anyone and made herself invisible in class. Not exceptionally good, not incredibly bad. Just normal. I had never really talked to her. She seemed nice compared to the other snobby students but she would always walk out of the studio in a rush, probably to avoid other people. I hadn't really thought about it before, but now that I was walking alongside of her I thought she might be a nice person. I desperately tried to find a subject of conversation when I stupidly sprouted out:

" It's pretty sunny today!" I mentally facepalmed for that stupid comment.

She smiled. Then nodded.

Come to think of it I had never even heard the sound of her voice. What a weird woman.

Classes went on as usual. The two hours of ballet non-stop were really exhausting.

During our break I sat down and drank in my energizing drink. I looked over to Marinette and nearly choked on my drink. She looked perfectly fine! Not a drop of sweat on her forehead! nothing! Just like after a walk in the park. She must have had really high stamina.

She drank some water the sat down and waited for the classes to start again.

The teacher arrived in a rush and told us we could go home one hour early because of an emergency. I smiled then sighed in relief. I had one hour of free time in my busy schedule, finally. I looked over too Marinette. She had a happy smile on her lips. She stood up and rushed to the changing room. I followed her and went into the boy's changing rooms. I brushed my blond hair, still pulled back with gel, with my fingers then shuffled it for a more... scruffy look. I put my oversized glasses on, then changed into my casual clothes, baggy jeans and a sweater.

I walked out and saw Marinette with her sports bag. She had changed her all black uniform into   light gray sweatpants and a light pink, oversized T-shirt marked with the word " princess".

I meditated for a few seconds on what I could do during my free time. I had a busy schedule and my dad never let me go outside alone so I didn't know the city at all. I then decided on following Marinette ( not that I'm a creep or anything, just curious)

I followed her into downtown where she stopped in front of a busy café. I followed her into the café. I was suddenly hit by the strong smell of crispy bread and warm croissants. I stayed a few minutes, petrified in the entrance. I then decided on a single table, beside the window.

A few minutes later I saw Marinette walk down the stairs. She had changed into a white blouse and a black aprone.

She tied her hair into a messy bun then disappeared into the kitchens. When she came back, her arms were full with plates. I looked amazed as she had 3 full plates in each hand, and still manage to walk fast and not letting anything fall on the ground. She easelly dodged the customers and took the plates to their respective tables. She ran back in the kitchen and walked back in the café with a heavy platters full of glasses. She walked through the café with cargo of glasses full of soft drinks and alcoholic drinks. Every time she would drop a glass on a table, she smiled and greeted the customers with a "welcome" and "thank you for your order".

I was amazed at how Marinette managed to greet the customers, take orders, serve the customers, take the dirty plates back to the kitchen and say good bye and thank you all with no hesitation, and no mistake. That was probably where she had gotten her high stamina. After about two minutes of waiting Marinette walked towards my table.

" Welcome, she said a large smile on her face, have you made your choice?"

I looked back at the menu, hesitating. I finally chose a hot chocolate and a warm croissant. I looked out the window while waiting for my order and thought she may have not recognized me. I wasn't surprised, I had gone from classic daddy's son to hipster cool dude. I thought the first word she had said to me was " welcome" maybe I would like her to welcome me again. In a more intimate way. I felt my cheeks blush at that thought. I didn't even know her and there I was already making up fantasies.

I saw her came back. I felt the time freeze when she placed my order in front of me.

Small strands of hair fell out of her bun, her eyes lightly shining in the sunlight, her pink lips. She tucked her loose hair behind her ear and turned to me.

" Enjoy." she said, she then walked away.

I was secretly disappointed in what she had said. I had hoped for something more personal. I looked at my watch. I still had fourty five minutes before I had to go home. I ate my croissant, it was delicious. Warm, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. Delicious. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and closed my eyes. I felt the warm aroma pouring down my throat. A real pleasure.

I asked for the bill. I hadn't gone to the counter especially for Marinette to come and hand me the bill. I gave her the money. She accepted and took out the change from a pocket in her aprone. Then the thought slapped me. I had followed Marinette into town without looking at the way there. I had no idea of how to go home.

" Is something wrong?"

I looked up and saw question marks in Marinette's eyes. I smiled then conveyed I didn't know how to go back home. She laughed. A beautiful melody. She looked at me for a few seconds then told me she would help me if I waited a few seconds. I excepted, of course.

I waited a few seconds then saw her come back out of the kitchen. She had took of her apron, revealing a white blouse tucked in black skinny jeans.

We walked out of the café.

" so where do you live?" she asked as we stopped before a traffic light.

I told her my address and her eyes widened.

" No way! she exclaimed as she grabbed my shoulders, you live in that huge house right?"

I nodded, incapable of answering as I felt her hands squeezing my shoulders. She smiled then let go of my shoulders and took my hand. I felt my heart jump. The contact of her delicate hand made me feel hot inside.

" come on it's green!" she said she pulled me towards the street. I followed her but didn't let go of her hand. She didn't let go of mine either. It was like she had forgotten. I definitely hadden't. I felt like my hand was getting sweaty and I felt the red on my cheeks. I then saw people looking at me with sweet eyes, probably thinking we were a couple. She apparently noticed too since she quickly let go of my hand.

" Sorry " she said, I could see her cheeks getting rosy.

I blushed too. somehow I felt my heart throb every time I layed eyes on her. I looked away, then furtively looked back. She was still wearing her hair in a messy bun, but little strands of hair where falling down her neck. She looked adorable.

I stopped when I saw my house. I promised that next time I would walk slower to spend more time with her. She took a paper out of her pocket and scribbled something on it. She handed it over to me.

"here, she said, this is a small map if you ever want to come back to the café."

I thanked her then walked in my huge house. Somehow it didn't feel as cold as i remembered...

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