Chapter three

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I watched her small figure take a few steps back. She had a red polka dotted sweater. The bottom of her top seemed to have been ripped of since little strands of red cloth fell on her uncovered stomach. She had black sweatpants. One leg of it pulled up to her knee and tied with a red ribbon, the other falling on her red shoes. She had blue bell eyes and dark blue hair tied in two even pigtails, secured with ribbons ( I thought it was kind of weird for a 15 year old but, i guess she was cute).

She smiled, then started dancing. I was hypnotised by her provocus moves. She moved her hips in a way I could never have. She obviously had more experience then i did. She had good moves, but i had my own. I jumped in the dance. She stopped and crossed her arms in front of her chest to examine my moves. I felt free, at some point I even forgot people were looking at me. I stopped and looked at her, hoping she had given up. She hadn't moved, she was still smiling with the same smile as before but something had changed. A dangerous sparkle had appeared in her eyes. She started dancing again, I noticed she was faster and better then before. She displaied her attacks and i showed her what i had.

After about thirty minutes of intense dance battling. I flinched. I couldn't feel my legs and my arms felt heavy. I stopped dancing and raised my hands in defiet. I heard a loud round of cheers fry my brain. Apparently LB was quite the star here. I panted heavely, and my eyes glare at her. She was perfectly fine! She didn't look tired in the slightest. I saw a drop of sweat perle on her forehead. She whiped it off quickly. Her eyes were hidden behind her bangs, therefore i couldn't see her expression. I felt a chill go done my spine as she grinned. An eveil grin, uncorvering her white teeth. She raised her head and looked at me. Her eyes were lightblue, but i felt like a pink light sparkled in her eyes. She reached out a hand and smiled. I smiled back and took her hand. I pulled her closer, wraping my arm around her waist.

"You sure can move." I said.

She gently pushed me back by pressing her finger agains the tip of my nose.

" Thanks, she said a bright smile iluminating her face, i haven't had this much fun in a while!"

I chuckled. Then she took my hand and directed me towards an empty platform. We both sat side to side on the platform. It instantly rose in the air, taking us above the crowd.

* Marinette POV*

" So where did you learn to dance like that?" I asked. He smiled then turned towards me.

" I'm self tought, he answerd, I used to watch videos on internet an recreating the moves."

I frouwnd. There was defenitly something more to his dancing. Suddenly, an idea hit my mind.

" Do you do ballet?" I asked. His eyes widened and his draw dropped. I regretted my question. was this question making him feel bad or something? I looked down, not knowing what to do.

" It's ok, he said. I turned towards him in surprise. I felt my cheeks getting red, he had seen right through me. And yes i do ballet, he finished."

I felt my heart heat up at his last sentance. When he had articulated his words, a flow of nostalgia had covered his eyes and a sad smile cut his face.  I hesitated then continued.

" Do you not like it?" I asked. 

"Yeah i do! he exclaimed, I just feel way better here."

My heart jumped again. His pale green eyes were really expressive. This time i saw gratefulness. He looked at ease. He had given me the most honest smile a had seen in a while. Then the thought hit me. Was i falling in love with him? Nah, we were just friends... right?

He started asking me questions too. How old are you, what got you into dancing, what's your name... I had started to like beeing in his company. He was a really sweet guy, gentle and kind. As we talked, I felt time slow. I knew i was slowly sinking in sweet love, but i didn't care. His warm presence surrounded me. It was the first time i felt this way. It was like everyone of his words resonated in my heart. There was just something about him. For a moment i felt like the room disapeared and it was just me ... and him, floating in the air. 

Pretty stupid right?

He stood up. And handed me a hand.

" hey I'm getting tired of doing nothing, let's get back to the dance floor, shall we my lady?" He asked as he winked.

"My lady?" I snickered when i heard this new nickname. I took his hand and felt his strong arms lift me.

"What you don't like it?" he said as he pulled my arm and wrapped his arm around my waist. He grinned. I giggled, then gently punched his chest. 

"c'mon. I said, let's go."

We jumped off the platform and landed on the dancefloor. He emediatly started dancing. I joined in the dance. I danced the best i could. We trailed off in an erotic yet playfull dance. I moved my hips in front off him. He took my waist from behind me and danced as well. We both laughed in the process so i knew this wasn't serious.

" Pretty paw-some moves M'lady." He said, exentuating his stupid joke.

"do you always do stupid puns like that?" I asked in between too laughes.

"paw-f cours!" He winked.

I laughed again. He was such an idiot. His puns, his flirtasious actions and words, his playfull almost childish mind. I really liked that about him. 

* Chat's POV*

I felt my muscles tire while my mind ordered them to dance more. It was about three in the morning but I didn't care at all. While we were dancing Bubbles an LadyWiFi had joined in. I was having fun. LB and LadyWiFi were both amazing dancers in their own way. Bubbles, on the other hand, he was an other story. I felt like he had the moves but his stamina was really low. We hadn't dance for twenty minutes when he was already out of energy. He was aparently way too used to being at the DJ plateform... We had sopped at the drinks station, and we were know taking a break, slowly drinking our drinks.I looked at LB, that was girl talking with LadyWiFi. I had started too really like her. I already considered her as my best friend. I felt like we thought the same thing at the same time. We seemed to have lot's of things in common. She really made me feel at ease. And she undrstood me somehow. She was a really presious friend. I felt like i could tell her anything. Do anything when she was around.

 For exemple, I would never dare to flirt with Marinette since i would be way too scared for her to think I'm weird. But with Ladybug, i felt like i could really be myself. She made me feel at ease. She laughed off every stupid jokes that came out of my mouth.  I wanted to spend a lot of time with her. Laughing and being stupid. Not caring about anything. 

My toughts slowly drifted to Marinette. The sweet girl I had met the day before. I had been in class with her for a long time and to be honest, I had always thought she was cute. But i would never have imagined she would be so diffrent from the almost invisible Marinette. So diffrent from the way she was at the café when i was this scrufy guy she knew. I thought i would go to the café later. I didn't see any other waitress so she must have been the only one. I smirked when i imagined the scene. I was happy she didn't know the boring Adrien from the ballet class, noor the stupid chat from the dance club. She knew the handsome, fun Adrien from the café. Out of the three personalities, the one she knew was his favorite. The person i wanted to be. A chill dude, easy to talk to. Not the robotic, empty Adrien, noor the stupid cat-like guy. Of course out of the three personalities, Chat was the most acurate: stupid, playfull, flirty... Be he wished he was someone else. A handsome guy, that could wrap any girl around his finger. I told ladybug that.

"What? she said as she frowned, are you sick? I think you're fine just the way you are man."

"yeah dude, Bubbles added, you're a fun dude"

"I agree, LadyWiFi added"

" see? LB said, Don't change dude."

She amically punched my shoulder then took a sip of her drink. I liked that. The way she was so friendly around me. I wanted to get to know her better. I wish i could have met such a nice peron before. For a second I compared Ladybug and Marinette. I felt like i liked them both but, in diffrent ways, because... Ladybug was more than a friend. But something just stured up inside me when i was with Marinette. I felt like Marinette was the person i wanted more then anything. It was like something dragged me towards her. While i felt like Ladybug was like... my sister in a way. The person that's always going to be there for you. The person that you can tell everything. The person you can do stupid things with, thing you'll never forget. When Marinette is the person you want most. The person you want to love you back. The person you kind of... idolise?

Love is weird...

A/N: few, long chapter, sorry but i felt like i really needed to make the feelings of each person be clear since it's kind of mixed up. Sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes, I kind of wrote this in a rush so i will correct these next time. Please tell me what you think about this story, and I'll see you in the next chapter.


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