Story 1: Accidental Miraculous Heroes (Part 1)

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Ladybug and Cat Noir are the heroes of the city of Paris. But when the miraculous of Cat Noir breaks, lady bug is forced to give the other two miraculous to their owners, that is, Nino and Alya. Both are unaware of each other's identities. Nino transforms into superhero Carapace and Alya into Rena Rouge. Read the story further to know about their adventures.


In modern day Paris, Mayura is making a senti monster who looks much more villainous than the previous ones as now Mayura's miraculous has been fixed. The senti monster is made up of the ancient pyramid and looks utterly powerful. And the most shocking part, it is also a replica of Cat Noir having the power of Cataclysm. Ladybug and Cat Noir are in grave danger.

Marinette's POV:

I feel unusual today. This feeling is settling in the pit of my stomach like something bad is going to happen. I don't know why. I want to my friends especially make a check on Adrian. Let's go and attend the lectures fast.

"Come down for breakfast," said my Mom.

I clumsily climbed down the stairs and one of my legs slipped leasing to a loud thud.

My parents helped me to get on my legs and I started eating the breakfast.
My dad started the TV and I'm seeing Mayura with her knew Senti monster who looks just like Cat Noir. Oh no! I need to transform.

I told Mom and Dad,"I am leaving for college. See you both later." I left in a hurry with my bag and tikki's purse.

Once I found a safe place I decided to transform.

"Tikki, spots on."
I got my costume and mask along with other powers and I was ready to fight. But I was unaware that Cat Noir was already there and I was shocked to see that his miraculous, his ring was damaged due to the Cataclysm by the Senti monster... I have to send him to Master Fu.

I went on carrying him while he was unconscious with just some time left before transformation. I dropped him there in the nick of time.
I then found that Mayura and the Senti monster had disappeared. I rushed back to Master Fu and was shocked to know that Cat Noir cannot use his miraculous now. Master Fu will try to fix his miraculous. But for now I was left without any partner.


Marinette's POV:

It was supposed to be a normal school day and Cat Noir was supposed to be my side. But now none of it was reality. Mayura had slipped from my hands so had my partnership with Cat Noir. I couldn't have his help again. I was absolutely alone. Plus in the ladybug's costume, I'm feeling like I'm sick and weak. I'm losing my strength by each passing second. I need to have a chat with Master Fu.

I spoke when I was in a safe cabinet,
" Tikki, spots off." I became the same old Marinette without any costume and was ready to meet Master Fu.

I slowly entered his spa making gestures about how I wanted to talk to him alone and he came along with me to his house where no one could hear us. When I explained the matter to him, he scrutinized Tikki in deep concern and replied, "She is the other half of Plagg. So, when Plagg is hurt, Tikki is also hurt."

" Then how will I save Paris alone?"

On hearing this question, Master Fu went towards his furniture and brought out the greatest treasure he'd been guarding for all this time. The miraculous box.

"So, Marinette as you cannot fight now you need to give miraculouses to other heroes whom you've known before. Choose wisely."

I took a look at the miraculouses and my sixth sense helped me in making my decision as I knew I need to be responsible. I needed to find heroes who'd be by my side all the time. Who'll never choose wrong. Whom I know well. Now I know whom to choose.

I picked up the fox miraculous. I then asked," Master, can I take your miraculous?" He nodded and gave me his bracelet. I thanked him with my face giving a bright smile. At least something good happened today. Now I'll have my friends by my side. Let's go and attend the lectures and then plan on giving the miraculouses to those who deserve.

I went for my lectures with a smile upon my face. My eyes searching for my friends as soon as I reached my high school. That's when I saw Alya and Nino walking hand in hand. A really happy couple. Oh! How I wish that Adrien and I would be such a couple. But he likes Kagami not me.

And that's when he appeared. My Adrien. But the weird thing is he looked stressed. He never looks stressed. Still he wore a smile on his face. But I feel like it's fake. Anyways I've gotta get back to work.

Soon the lectures ended and I got a chance to find myself alone in a bathroom where I transformed myself into ladybug again. Let's complete my mission now.

I took Alya by surprise as she was walking alone and spoke,

" I need to tell you something important. So let's go to a secluded place."

As soon as we went I brought out the fox miraculous and spoke,
" So, Alya Césaire, this is the foz miraculous which grants the power of illusion. I have become weak as Cat Noir cannot stand by my side due to recent circumstances. I will give it to you only on the condition of you returning back when the mission is accomplished. What's your answer?"

" I agree, Ladybug" said Alya excitedly. I always knew my best friend would make a great hero.

I gave here the necklace and she wore it in her neck with happiness gleaming in her eyes. Then came out Trixx and I let both of the meet each other while I went to meet the next hero I wanted to.

I found him in his house like always testing the music being a great DJ. Of course it was my friend Nino. I went forward and took a look at his face which was shell shocked on seeing ladybug.

Emerging from his shock he gave me a smile and that's when I offered him the bracelet, "Nino, this is the turtle miraculous which gives you the power of protection. You have to use this power for greater good and it has to be returned to me once the mission is accomplished. So, are you ready?"

"Yes, I am." And I gave him the miraculous bracelet with Wayzz coming out.

I returned home relaxed now that my friends would be there on my side.


Alya's P.O.V.

I always dreamt of this but I can't believe when this actually happens to me. I got the fox miraculous again. And from Ladybug's gestures, it seemed like it would be for a long time. Having this in my possession is quite precious. Trixx revolving around me once again. Even in my dream world, a malicious laugh echoing which I found to be from a nearby building. Loud, obnoxious voice causing strong vibrations.

I enthusiastically uttered the words,"Trixx, let's pounce. " Slowly, I got my orange and white fox costume with a cute tail, ears and powers. I quickly jumped from my balcony and reached the next building's terrace. There was the akumatised girl who was laughing too loudly while trying to trap the other one. She was quick to jump in front of her. I stood in front of her to stop her when she said,"I'm the friend stealer ready to steal the friendship from her. Don't come in my way." She said with a vicious smirk. She started taking strides towards me and I was frightened not knowing what to do. Then suddenly someone came in front of me. He held a green shield in his face. The back appearing to me. His head covered with a hood. Seems, he has a miraculous as well. My heart beating faster like it did with only Nino. Then came ladybug while the guy in front of me protected with a shield.

Ladybug appeared frail and weak yet used lucky charm in a heartbeat and we were quick to find paint.

Can't the lucky charm sometimes give something easy?

I looked towards ladybug who slowly signed me to come out from behind towards her and she slowly spoke in my ear," Make an illusion of both of us here while I'll get to work." I did as I was told and moved with her while she used the paint spray on her face making her blind for a moment. That made her confused and I started searching for the akumatised object. That's when I saw the friendship band on her hand and motioned the guy to break it. That's when the akuma released and Ladybug caught it in her yoyo. She de-akumatised and said,"Bye, Bye little butterfly.""Miraculous ladybug."
Every damage was repaired. We went towards the Eiffel tower and that's when Ladybug explained the situation about Cat Noir. How she was helpless against it! I'd felt really sad about it. But I considered it as an opportunity as well for me. To serve Paris as a hero.

Then she introduced me as Rena Rouge and the guy as Carapace.

I returned home but my mind was somewhere else. I'd felt something else when Carapace had saved me. I shouldn't feel like this. I have a boyfriend. I really need to stop any feelings. But why am I feeling so?


Nino's P.O.V:

Working like this was definitely a pleasant experience. I wish I could tell Alya about it. How much big of a ladybug fan she is. But today meeting Rena Rouge was different I could never have expected her to look so beautiful. But I know my limits. I can only admire her. I've got my girlfriend. I need to be a bit professional about it.

Anyways, I need to meet Alya today for our date at the café. She'll be there in the next ten minutes. And I'm not even ready yet. I can't dream of Rena Rouge when Alya is with me. She is the one I like with all my heart. The way she speaks confidently, her attitude and approach towards situations is what had attracted me towards her. Its been three months of our relationship and we are still going strong. By these irrational thoughts, I don't want to bring it down.

My phone rang with Adrien's number and I picked it up as fast as I could.

"Yo man! What's up?"

"Nothing... Just bored."

"Then why don't you hangout withus at the café. I and Alya are going. Alya can call Marinette and we friends can hangout."

"Yeah sure. Meet you there in 10."

"Sure dude."

I hung up and called Alya. Adrien had been down and he needed to cheer up. I hope Alya understands that.

"Hello, Nino?"

"Alya, can you call Marinette to café as well? Adrien was feeling down and he needed a hangout with friends."

"Yes, no problem. But you owe me a date later."

Her words brought a smile on my face.

"Yes, and I will make it a rememberable one."

I had been planning on it for a while. The next date will be worth it.
I left the house and went to the café. And by the time I arrived, all the three were already there and I could see Marinette blushing scarlet furiously because of something Alya said. This was something I was used to seeing. Their girls talk stays with them. After a while of having snacks and chatting at the cafe. We decided to go to Marinette's house to hangout.

As all of us knew Dupain-Cheng's bakery had the best croissants and Alya was craving for sweets. And she was quite accustomed to going there because of her best friend.

We entered the house and Marinette's mom greeted us wholeheartedly. Her simple house was cozy and comfortable rather than Adrien's house which looked like a filthy rich mansion but not at all having a homely atmosphere.

I hope that we leave earlier from here and I could make preparations for our next date. I wonder how Alya will react about it.


Alya's P.O.V. :

We were really enjoying at Marinette's house with the movie which soon ended and I got an idea.

"Let's play truth or dare."

Everybody instantly agreed except Marinette herself. Her eyes told me that she was very well aware of my tendency but was almost pleading not to do so. But, of course I'll pay no heed to it. At the end, she had to agree as well. And we four sat in a perfect square and spinned the bottle. The bottle first landed on Nino, who chose truth. And I was supposed to question.

After thinking for a minute, I asked,"Have you kept any secret from me?" I saw him hesitating before giving me an answer. He stuttered,"N...No" I understood that he has. But what is it that he can't tell me? I'm his freaking girlfriend. But maybe I should give him time. He'll tell me on his own... But the thought of him having to hide something from me is quite disturbing.

But, you are hiding a secret as well, Rena Rouge, my subconscious spoke which I almost immediately ignored.

The game continued and now it was Nino's chance to ask Adrien,"Truth or Dare?"

He sounded too excited as he spoke,"Dare." I understand the reason for his excitement. He hasn't played this game at all and his father makes him stay at home all the time otherwise have some or the other classes.

I smirked towards Nino and he spoke exactly what was on my mind,"Your dare is... to kiss Marinette."

Marinette was blushing so badly that she almost looked scarlet while Adrien was still oblivious.

Man! how oblivious can this boy be?

He moved towards Marinette and as if in a slow movie came near her face and gave a slight peck on her cheek. If Marinette was blushing furiously before, the colour of blush had even darkened now with a tint of pink covering Adrien's cheeks as well. They both looked adorable. They would make the cutest couple if they ever started dating.

And that's when we heard the news which was started by Marinette's dad in the living room below. Marinette's room was above it.

News showed a new villain proclaiming himself as 'Trickster' ready to end all and get the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir alongwith the new heroes. Nino and Marinette appeared tensed just like me when Adrien's face held a sad smile.

"I want a washroom break," all three of us, me, Marinette and Nino said together. As all of us wanted to go to 'washroom' and needed a 'break' we decided that we'll hangout again later and left.

Paris was in danger and needed its heroes!


Nino's P.O.V. :

As soon as all of us left Marinette's house, I searched for a secluded corner and soon I found one across the street. I slowly crept towards the place and said,"Wayzz, shell on!" And in a minute I was in my costume. I moved towards the place under attack of trickster and found Ladybug and Rena Rouge already fighting against the villain. Trickster was a slender girl with pink and black frock emitting negativity with a wand which she used to make people confused and trick them.Slowly, Rena Rouge came to my side and explained the situation. Trickster was Miss Vivienne whose husband had cheated on her with her best friend and neighbour. Both husband and neighbour were being protected by ladybug who still seemed weaker than the usual.

That's when Rena Rouge used the power of illusion. I stood mesmerized when she played the flute with its beautiful melody effectively making illusion of the best friend of trickster. And trickster swiftly started following the illusion while Ladybug used "Lucky Charm!". And appeared a photo frame. A photo frame, seriously? There were four screws on the side. But the main question was, where lied the akuma? My eyes found trickster's husband who said he had just yesterday gifted her a necklace. I felt disgusted by that man. How could he gift his wife at one moment and cheat on the next? I was controlling myself from hitting him too badly and gave Ladybug this information. She slowly removing the four screws and threw them towards trickster while urging trickster to come toward us. Trickster efficiently slipped while the necklace came in contact with the ground. That's when I used my shield to break the necklace and Ladybug's yo-yo captured the akuma.

"Bye, bye little butterfly." With this the black akuma was once again transformed to the beautiful white butterfly and when it flew in the sky, Ladybug threw the photo frame uttering tiredly,"Miraculous ladybug." And the damage control was done.

I returned back home after patrolling once as it was my turn for the day with questions lingering in my head. 'Why did Marinette and Alya need to leave as well? ''Why was Adrien so sad and depressed?' But I kept them at bay and got to my own work. My other life than being a temporary superhero.


2926 words.

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