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(Adrien's POV)
I wake up, oddly still in my Chat suit, on the Shed's couch with Mari. I smile down at her as she begins to stir. "Mmmh..." she murmurs. "Chat? You still here?" She says without opening her eyes or sitting up. "Yes Prrincess, I'm here," I smile. "Good," she says and nestles her head on my chest. Her breathing slows again as she falls back to sleep. At least she doesn't hate me anymore, well at lest not as Chat. I know she knows we are the same person but, it's all so confusing. I glance at the table to see two plates of bacon, eggs, and pancakes no doubt left by Sadie. I look at Mari who murmurs quietly, "I'm not late for school am I, Chat?" "No Prrincess but there is some breakfast waiting for you," I tell her softly. "Mmmm..." she slowly sits up with her eyes still closed. "You have to open them, Prrincess," I laugh and she does. "Mmmm, bacon," she smiles sleepily and picks a slice up and eats it. We eat the delicious chocolate chip pancakes and take our dishes to the sink in the small kitchen. "Chat? I found a note?" Mari says from the sink. I look down at it and read it over Mari's shoulder.

"Dear Chat Nior and Marinette Dupain-Chang,
I know you probably won't forgive me for what I've done. Ever. But if it helps (which I'm sure it won't) I made you guys pancakes? No there's nothing weird in them I promise. If you're reading this you've probably already eaten them. I truly sorry for what I did. Honest. I promise I'll do what I can to make it up to you.
                         Sincerely,                                                                     our probably most hated frenemy,                    
                   Brianna Lestrange

"Well it has to mean something, she put her full name," Mari tries but I shake my head. "No. She did unforgivable things." "Adrien, she didn't kill anyone. She said she's under someone's influence, correct?" She whirls around. She's getting worked up again. "She might as well have. If Hawkmoth gets ahold of both miraculouses who know what would happen!" I argue. She glares at me again and pulls the ring off my finger. "Hey-!" I protest. "No. I don't want to hear it," she stares down and hands Plagg a wheel of camembert and he rushes off to find a trash can. "Listen Mari, Hawkmoth can not get a hold of that ring. Neither can Bri. So do what you want but if someone gets ahold of that that it will be your fault," I walk out of the building leaving a stunned and no doubt teary eyed Mari behind. Something hard hits my head with force and I turn around fast. Mari stands red faced at the door and my Chat Nior ring lays on the ground at my feet. "If you think you can do so much better than me at keeping that thing 'safe' " she growls and uses air quotes, "then be my guest. But remember this, I will not forget your betrayal to your friends, and your partner." Her words are venomous and hit me with a pang of hurt and regret. "I-I-" "No. Save it for someone who cares," she spats and slams to door. "Kid, for someone who's never had a girlfriend, I think you just got divorced," Plagg says from my head after I put on the ring. "I feel awful Plagg. This is a mess even Chat Nior can't fix," I say sadly.

(Bri's POV)
I watch from a tree Adrien stand stunned as Mari slams the door and he talks to Plagg. "Why do I get the feeling that Adrien, who has never had a girlfriend, just got divorced?" Bella asks from beside me. "Because I think he did," I say, arching my eyebrow. "Honey Badger! That was the perfect time to grab the ring!" Hawkmoth's angry voice scolds me. "Chill Pops, Mari just dissed him. As Agrest and Chat. He's emotionally weak, the times coming. It's just not here yet," I assure him. I watch Adrien sigh and walk toward the water. Perfect. I know exactly where he's going and I know exactly when I'm going the get that ring. I race to the ground entrance and climb down. I listen for the small splash telling me Adrien has arrived. And I hear it. Operation swipe the damn ring is in motion. I watch Adrien take his ring off and look at it. I find a small puddle of water near me and make a copy of it. "I've been practicing. I can do some colors now. Luckily silver's one of em," I mutter and hand Bella the ring, "The second he puts it down switch em and bring the real one to me," I tell her and she nods. Adrien seems to see something at the bottom of the Moon Pool and dives down for it, leaving the ring on the edge of the pool. Bella quickly switches them and zipped back to me. "YES!! YOU DID IT HONEY!!!" Paon cheers inside my head. I don't even wait to see Adrien pop back up and put his ring back on, I use wind to push myself back up to the surface and grin. Now I just have to put my plan into action. Fast.

Hey wazzup?!
If you are still mad wait until the next and sadly most likely last chapter.
Yea this was fairly short but I hope you have enjoyed this book and chapter!!
Peace out peeps!

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