How You Were Raised

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(Bri's POV)
I trudge back to the building completely miserable. "You guys staying here or going back to the campsite?" I ask emotionlessly. "I think I'm leaving. What do say Mari?" Adrien asks. Marinette turns her back on him. "Bri, if Adrien would like to leave he is free to. I am staying." I nod. Marinette walks over to the book shelf and looks at the pictures. "Who's this?" She asks. "Me, Sadie, and my friend Brooklynn," I smile slightly to myself. "We were in, I think first grade, before I cut and dyed my hair." "Man you're tiny!" Adrien teases. The picture shows me, like a head and a half shorter than Sadie and the three of us are wearing green track meet t-shirts. "You did not want to go! Your alergies went crazy too!" Sadie laughs. I sigh, "The one time I forgot tissues." "You look genuinely happy," Marinette smiles. "Once again, my parents didn't make it," I frown. "Yea," Adrien looks at his feet. "that I can understand," I shrug off the feeling of utter sadness "I got snow cones. And MnMs. I wanted to do the tug-of-war but I didn't 'make the cut'. I think that's why they didn't come... disappointment... at any rate," I clap my hands, "are you going or not Agrest?" He nods and walks out. "So, did, did you have, you know," Marinette asks. "Friends? Yea, some. There were, and still are, people that just seem to have it in for me," I shake my head. "Well that's depressing. I said earlier that I'd teach you some American foods." I smile. Though I know I'll have to 'finish the job' soon... "C-come on. You ever make a pizza?" I ask as I lead Marinette to the kitchen. "Pizza... can't say I have," my jaw drops. "We have a long way to go..." I take her to the counter and begin to show her how to make pie dough. "Ok first, pick chocolate, apple, or strawberry," I tell her. "Hmmm... strawberry," she replies with a smile. "Excellent." I show her how to mix the filling and fill the pie crust. After ours came out of the oven I look over them, mine is by far not the meatiest  pie known to man, the top looks neat though, it's kinda woven like a blanket type thing. Marinette's is a perfect strawberry pie. She even put whipped cream, ice cream, and mint. "How did you find my mint?" I laugh. "I thought I hid it so well!" "It was on the counter!" She laughs back. "Yes exactly. Hidden in plain sight!" I smirk. We both crack up laughing. "Now I wanna eat this pie!" I grin, rubbing my hands together. "Sure! We can watch movies while we eat!" Marinette smiles. We change into our pajamas, mine is dark orange sweat pants with a peachy orange t-shirt that says Salem Mass. "I know slumber parties are a teenage thing but you still have a job to do," Hawkmoth reminds me. "What's the thing with slumber parties anyway? No one usually ends up sleeping." He ponders. "Of course no one sleeps! It's just where people hang," I explain. "Bri! You good?" Sadie asks. "Ah! Erm uh yes! I'm good!" I shout back. "So how you wanna do this Paon?" I ask a bit more quietly. "What about me?" Hawkmoth asks. "As I said, I don't trust you. I like her more any way. Not that I like any of you..." "While they are asleep, Love. You might even be able to get to Agrest," Paon smiles. I nod, "Got it." I head back to the girls with Bella floating behind me. "Hey," I wave. "Finally! What took you so long?" Sadie asks. "Uh I-I erm... had trouble uniting the string," I say quietly. "Ok, have a seat!" Marinette's grins. "Yea! Grab some of this pie before I eat it all!" Sadie grins. I laugh as I see two large pieces from each pie missing. Soon both girls fall asleep and I know it's now or never... "I'm so sorry Marinette... I wish there was another way... "Bri? What are you-!" Tikki asks urgently but I remove the earrings before she can finish. "I'm so so so sorry Marinette..." I sob quietly. "Excellent my dear," Hawkmoth compliments my work. "Whatever," I sniff. "Now Agrest," Paon smiles. I silently make my way out of the Shed with Hawky's words pounding in my head, It's how you were raised... I stand in front of Adrien's tent. "Now or never..." I silently unzip the tent and walk in, "What?!" I gasp when I look at Adrien's empty sleeping bag. "Looking for me, Brianna?" I turn slowly and see Chat Nior standing behind me with that look of utter disappointment. His eyes drift to my jacket pocket where I have Marinette's earrings hidden. "Y-You w-were th-there. Weren't y-you?" I whisper. "Yea," he replies gravely. My eyes fill with tears. "I-I'm sorry, Chat Nior. You-you don't get it. I-I h-have to!" "The sad part is, Brianna, you aren't even akumatized. You're doing this out of your own accord," he narrows his eyes. "Is that what you think?" I ask angrily. "I never wanted to do any of this! I still don't!" The tears are streaming down my face now. "I tried! I tried to keep you guys out of this! I have no choice!" I shout at my friend. He shakes his head. "Everyone has a choice, Lestrange. So you're working for him, huh?" I sniff and look down. "I don't want to, Agrest. Paon, Hawky. I don't want to. But I have to. Don't you get it?! Th-this whole th-thing was a t-trap. I w-wanted t-to leave y-you alone! I-I wanted to live in peace! B-but you can't. N-not if you were r-raised by them..." "Do what ever you must..." Hawky says in my head. I sniff, "Y-Yes sir... B-Bella, Fangs out..."

Heyyyyyy what's up?
Heh. So. Yea.

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