Who are you?- Chapitre 4 part 1

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Who? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who- who is dis kid- WUSSHE GUNNA DO? Okay I'll stop-
(Just imagine the Kwamis with high pitched cute voices. Like Tiki)


Your POV

I smile as I drop my bag off. Today was a decent day! Not much to learn in Home Ed, but either way, not so bad. Shaking off the water droplets from the umbrella that contained of Jeffergerms, I shut the door. "Alex? You back yet?" I yell to probably absolutely no one.

No reply.

I take off my shoes and start heading for my room, the closed umbrella in my left hand and my bag on my back. The welcoming peace of my room embraces me, as I plop on my bed, zipping open my bag to check for homework.

I have my books, binder, my small little box, my lun-
Wait... my small little box?

Shocked, I take the box from my backpack/satchel (only now did I realize that A satchel and a backpack are different xD) and slowly open it. I don't remember bringing or taking a box...?

Hesitantly, I slowly start revealing the thing inside the box. There lay a pearl white necklace, the gem a size of a nut. I gasp at how beautiful yet simple it looked. What was such treasure doing in my bag? Did I steal it? Oh shizzle sticks! Did I steal it?

"Hiya!" I heard a female, tiny voice behind me.

Screaming, I turn around to see a small little creature thingy, purely white, and with a small fluffy tail and fuzzy bunny ears.

Frantically, I back up, hands in front of me, formed as a shield. "WHO... w-WHAT..?!? gAh! BACK AWAY!" I squeal as the thing gets closer to me. The little creature giggled and twirled on the spot. "I'm Hops, your kwami!"

I gasp in shock as the little fluffy floating person thingy little creature speaks. Agape, I grab a glass which coincidentally was beside me, and I use it to trap it. The thing, which calls herself or.. himself.. Hops, doesn't struggle.

"Please don't be afraid! I'm not here to hurt you! But, if it means staying in the glass for us to talk without fear, so be it." 'Hops' smiles warmly, slightly calming me.

"Who.. what... how..?" I murmur, hands shaking as I secure the glass cup. Hops giggled again and sat down, feet crossed and 'hands' on lap. "Sorry for frightening you! I really shouldn't have scared you like that." She/He chuckled apologetically.

"I-what... a-are you- a.. you... uh... girl?" I stammer. I'm making a big fool of myself right now, but who would be able to talk if a sudden small creature appeared out of no where? The kwami nodded.

"Yep! And by the looks of it.. you are too!"
I also nod my head. "Y-yeah... I am. How did you..?"
"My master gave me to you! Remember that guy you saved? That's him!"
"Master? Gave? You to me? Huh?"
"Maybe you should breathe! Medication can always calm the mind!"
Taking a few deep, volcanic breaths, I finally calm down.

Finally, taking a deep breath, I explode with questions. "Master? What do you mean saved? What's a Kwami? Why are you here? Am I dreaming? What is it with this necklace? Am I dreaming? Oh dear, I think I'm dreaming."

Hops laughed from inside the cup. "One at a time, (Y/N)! My master was the one you saved from getting hit by that car! Quite the heroic act. Kwamis are sprite-like, "abstract" creatures that give certain power to people with Miraculouses, transforming them into animal-themed super beings. The necklace is your miraculous! Also, your not dreaming (Y/N)!"

After that explanation, I slowly lifted up the cup. Something inside me felt that the kwami was trustable, and that they were probably suffocating in the glass. Hops slowly and reassuringly flew up, with a genuine smile.

"So... why did this necklace come with you? And... why me? I only pushed your.. master. It's not heroic." I explain, confused as to why I this was happening. "Oh (Y/N), you are quite the modest one, aren't you? Every small thing someone does can create a big impact. Your small doing was quite the big thing for George Washington!"

Looking to my right, the necklace was there, laying still in the small box. "So... I put that on?" I asked, still processing all this information.

"Yep!" Hops replied, flying towards the box and lifting it up in-front of me. Gingerly taking the box, I take out the necklace. "Do you need help?" The small bunny like thing asked me, politely. "T-that would be greatly appreciated, thank you."

She nodded while taking the necklace from my hands, and putting it around my neck.

"Thank you." I say, giving her a weak smile. "You look a little pale." Hops informed, cocking her head a bit to her side. "S-sorry... it's just a bit overwhelming... it's all so... sudden."

The small bunny thingy sat on my shoulder, making me tense up a little. She senses this and quickly gets off. "Sorry! Don't worry, (Y/N)! I'll help you to make sure your prepared for an attack."

My head perks up at the word 'attack'. "No no no! You can't be serious!? As in, a bad guy vs good guy attack?" I squeak, quivering anxiously. "Mhm! That's where your necklace comes in!"

I fiddle with the necklace in my hand. "What do you mean?"
Hops comes hovering in front of me, giving a slight swirl. "Alright, I need you to listen here, ok?" She orders, as I make direct eye contact with her. I nod my head.

"There are some rules before I tell you what to do. Rule #1, you can not tell anyone about your identity as a Miraculous! It will be very dangerous, and even life threatening!" My eyes go wide as she say that, but I let her continue. "Rule #2, you must never tell anyone about my existence. Rule #3, don't be biased and save only the nice people. You must be open minded and do kind deeds to those who cause harm as well. There is always good in everyone! Although, I already know that you know that. But you don't show much of that to Thomas, now, do you?"

I blush in embarrassment as she mentions him. Only now did I realize how rude I must have been. "Sorry... I just have a history with 'famous' people..." I mumble apologetically. "That's alright! We all have people who we don't get along that well with. Anyways, we're getting a bit off topic."

Hops gently lifts the necklace from my neck. "If you ever need to power up, all you have to say is 'Hops! Let's jump to it!'"

"Uhm... Hops! Let's jump to it!" I stammer a bit. Nothing happened. "You have to say it with more confidence! You have to believe that you are Lapin!"

"Lapin? But I'm (Y/N)..?" Hops laughed. "No silly! Lapin is your disguise name. Just believe, and speak with confidence! I know you got it! You are capable of this (Y/N)!"

Clenching my first, I finally gather up the courage to speak with confidence and without cringe. "Hops! Let's jump to it!"

Without a warning, Hops starts swirling into my necklace, startling me. A flash of light appeared, curling around me. Looking down, I see that a snowy white suit was on me, along with a pair of light grey boots. There included a small carrot looking sharp thingy on my white... 'belt'.

In shock, I began to scream again. I quickly scramble to the mirror, only to go light headed at what I was seeing. The things I didn't see was that I had mask, which matched my suit. And... bunny ears.

Agape, I placed a hand on the furry things on my head. Giving a harsh tug, I wince in pain. It was connected. "Hops? HOPS? Watch in the world is going on?"

No response.

"Hops this is not funny. HOPS!"

After a few moments of yelling at no one, I sigh and bury my head in my hands. Something pokes me. "Ouch!" I squeak in pain, looking down to see the sharp carrot thingy was jabbing me. I take it in my hands.

It was there that I only now realized that it had two parts. Kind of like it could open. Giving it a little shake, I Gasp in shock as the end of the object starts zipping to the handle of my balcony door. As it hooked on, the carrot forcefully pulled me towards the door.


Oof! I groan as I face plant on the door, causing it to fling open. At least now I know I'm not dreaming.

"Hops! Where are you?" I whimper, while lifting up my necklace. It looked different this time, though. Instead of a simple look, it now had a bunny print on it. One big pink circle was in the middle, with 5 small ones surrounding it. One of them started blinking and disappeared.

"Was that Morse code? Because I don't know Morse code, Hops!" Again, no one responded.

Picking up the carrot grappling hook, I make sure not to give it a shake. I fail at that, causing the end of it to zip out the door I bumped into. I begin screaming again as it hooks onto my neighbours balcony.

Being dragged, I start panicking as the balcony was inching closer. Giving the hook a small tug, it lets go, and I take a smooth landing on their roof, while taking a small slide and staying afoot.

"That... wasn't so bad." I say to myself, giving a small victorious pat on my back. Too bad it was still raining. Surprisingly though, the suit wasn't soaking up the water, which was a relief.

Looking at the carrot in my hand, I give a small grin. Maybe I could try this. Raising it up, I aim it at a lamp post which was a handful of meters away. As it swirled on, I took a stable stance while it dragged me to the pole. Giving a small tug, it lets go, and I have yet another smooth landing.

I realize that I'm far away from home, and in the rain. As I take a step back, I suddenly find myself taking a long hop, almost halfway to my house. "WHAT THE FRICK?!?" I squeal, as I take another long hop, finding myself right at my doorstep. I accidentally fall face first into the floor.


I don't know what's going on right now... BUT WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW?!?

To be continued.

Sorry for the long wait in an upload :)

Words: 1827

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