A Spider meets a Bug from another universe!

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Paris 10:30 am, it was a nice and lovely day in the city where everyone was enjoying their lives including one of the heroes who was swinging from building to building enjoying the fresh air and beautiful sunning sky and his name is Jake Hala better known as Katipo the Miraculous holder of the Spider Miraculous. Jake has been a hero for more than five years  and his Kwami name is Sugu which is a female Kwami who is in love with her miraculous holder. Katipo  miraculous is two bracelets that turn into a miraculous and to transform into his suit, he has to say these worlds, Sugu Webs Up! and to de-transform the character has to say Webs Down!. Both Sugu and Jake have been through a lot together and they love each other dearly, in human form Sugu is pale skin girl who has blackish hair with red coloring, beautiful red eyes, wears black sweater with red under shirt, along with a red skirt with white spider webs as a pattern.

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Katipo's Pov:


Katipo: Man!, nothing like a awesome swinging around building to building after a nice work out and a bank robbery. (Jake was getting excited for nice day in Paris where he just be himself while his team mates are on vacation for spring break.)

Random Civilian: Mommy Look!, its Katipo!

Random Civilian 2: Looking good Katipo!, Keep up the good work

Random Civilian 3: I LOVE YOU KATIPO! ❤️

Katipo thought: Oh I love the my people and their adoring cheers in the morning, life is good!

Katipo: Well enough, its time to get some breakfast and spend some time with the girl I love, which is in my bracelet of course who is my Kwami after all.

After I stoped somewhere to get some breakfast for both me and my girlfriend Sugu, I decided to find a nice quite spot where we can enjoy our food together. I found a nice spot in the park, and to make sure nobody was around I de-transformed into my civilian form and Sugu transformed into her human form and she was excited to have her food; strawberry pancakes with toast and strawberry milk, while I had scrambled eggs with bacon and orange juice. We sat under a tree and ate our food while Sugu cuddles close to me to enjoy her meal, so I can play our favorite music to help us relax after all the stuff we been through for the past few weeks and by far we needed some time for our selves. (The music Jake put on was Go The Distance by: Samantha Barks.)

Sugu's Pov:

Sugu: This soooooo relaxing, I need to stretch out my legs for a while after saving lives with my lover. (Sugu Thought)

Jake Hala: Hey Sugu, how are you enjoying your food does it taste really good I made sure to get your the strawberry kind.

Sugu: MMMMMM! oh my gosh Jake!, this is the best breakfast I ever had in such long time thanks!

Jake Hala: I am glad you enjoy it sweetie, now we can just sit back and just relax and without doing any patrols or crime fighting for a while.

Sugu: I agree to that babe, we haven't this chance to do anything while there always crimes happening in Paris.

Sugu: But this has to be the best day of my life and I get to spend some time the man I love and he loves me with all his heart and sole. ❤️

Jake Hala: I have to agree with you and yes I do love you Sugu with everything we been through and everything that we done, this is just heaven.

(Jake and Sugu look at each other smiling then kissing showing how they love each other.)

Jake Hala: And the best part nothing can make this day turned upside down just nothing.


Jake Hala: What was that just now?

Sugu: I don't know, but what ever it is better transform just in case!

Jake Hala: Your right, SUGU WEBS UP!

After Jake transforms, something weird happened!, I mean just weird. All of sudden the ground started to shake and wind was blowing everything away, then all of sudden electric came out of nowhere and it startled both Sugu and Jake. They think is was a storm but they were dead wrong, out of nowhere I strange vortex came out of nowhere and started suck both Sugu and Jake in. So Jake transformed into his hero form into order to protect his girlfriend if something happens.

Katipo: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! (Whats happening!, where is this portal or vortex taking me. Jake thought)

Katipo: Just great!, I was enjoying my day with my girlfriend and now I am being sucked into a vortex to knows where. I just hope its not somewhere horrible or dangerous because I need a break from all that!

Katipo: Lets just where this leads. (Jake thought)


Meanwhile in a different Universe?

Paris 11:25 am

A young girl with Bluish black hair and blue eyes with freckles was just in her room working something was a dress design for some company or business man. Her name was Marinette Dupain Cheng that is a 18 year old girl who lives with her parents that the best bakers in all of Paris. But when she's not working on fashion clothes she is the female super hero known as Ladybug, the guardian of miraculous after her master gave up the miraculous box to save the jewels from falling into the wrong hands.

Marinette's Pov:

I just finished working on my new dress design for next years gala. Tikki came over to see how the designs looked and what I can tell from her smile that she loves it as much as I do. I just got done finishing the last detail on the dress, so I can go help my parents with the bakery. Its been a couple years since Master Fu left and I still miss him even after against Hawk Moth and I still feel alone without anyone to help with my problem and since my partner Cat Noir is away on vacation with his family as well as my friends and even my crush secret crush Adrien, I am stuck here doing nothing and I just wish something excited happen in my life just right now please.  

I headed up to my bed to relax and Tikki was enjoying here cookies that brung up from the bakery, I was just thinking relaxing while listening to Jagges new album when all of sudden I hear something coming from outside. BOOOOOM!

I heard it come from on top of my roof?! I freaked

Marinette we have to see what that was. Tikki informed

Your right Tikki could be another Akuma!

Tikki, Spots on!

I get to my roof and got ready to fight who ever was on top of my house. Just then I saw someone on ground who dress as some spider guy who shares similarities to my suit but different from some reason? He might be a threat or not though I still don't want to take the chance, he could be an Akuma or someone pretending to be a hero just like Volpina. ________________________________________________________________________________

Katipo: Ow...what hit me?

Katipo: Huh? Paris,

Katipo: But something different this doesn't look like the Paris I knew and everything looks so strange? (Did I just get sent to a totally different version of my Paris?)

Katipo: When I was about to get up, something wrapped around my waste, it looks liked a string of some sort and they when I turned around to see who did it, I looked at a girl who was dress like a Ladybug and has such beautiful eyes, and blackish bluish hair.....wait did I thought beautiful, I have a girlfriend already.

Ladybug: Who are you? Are you another Akuma? Are you here to take my miraculous? Did Hawk Moth sent you? Are you pretending to be a hero? The girl wearing red with black spots said. Geez, she didn't say hello or how are you.

Katipo: Uh...excuse me but who the heck are you because I never seen you before and who in the Hell is Hawk Moth, what kind of stupid name is that and wait did you say Miraculous! but thats impossible I though me and my two team mates were the only Miraculous holders in existence. Also fyi I am not a pretend hero, I been doing hero work for more than five years and I am a professional trained hero. And another thing, I like the colors of your suit they look great.

Ladybug: HUH? wait you don't know who I am? or Hawk Moth? But you heard of the Miraculous?

Katipo: Look I am not an enemy or trying to hurt you or anybody in this city. I was just minding my own business in a park when all of sudden a strange vortex came out of nowhere is sucked me in, then I ended up in completely different Paris that doesn't look mine and now I am being tangled up by a girl who dressed at a Ladybug and asking me weird questions. And yes I do know about the miraculous because I am a miraculous holder who happens to be one the three heroes of my Paris. Also what the hell is an Akuma, I never heard anything like that before in my life.

Ladybug: How do I know I can trust you? For all I know, you could be another villain. I already encountered one who pretended to be a hero but it turned out to be a villain. Ladybug said.

Katipo: Alright I'll prove it, I'll de-transform so you can see my Kwami in person so that way I am not a villain or a liar because I hate liars. (WEBS DOWN!)

Ladybug: No WAIT! (but she didn't get to finish because the light blinded her due to the de-transforming)

When Ladybug opened her eyes again, she saw the kwami in person and was shocked of what she saw in front of her. It was a spider with black and red orange skin with red eyes and four little spider legs on its back. Next to the kwami was a very handsome and yet very attractive boy who wore red and black shirt, with black pants with such beautiful blue eyes along with a nice hair cut style. Ladybug blushed at the site of the young man who was standing before her along with kwami at side.

Ladybug: A....aa.....a...a.......a..k-kwami?

Jake Hala: now you believe me now? oh this is my kwami Sugu, she is the kwami of the wise, and my miraculous are these bracelets, also my hero named is Katipo but my real name is Jake Hala.

Ladybug: But I never heard of a Spider Miraculous before or a kwami named Sugu!

Sugu: That is because me and Jake are from another universe where there are only three miraculous holders and no super villains.

Ladybug: Wait?, you don't have super villains or other miraculous and there are other universes out there?!

Jake Hala: Yes, NO, and the last part were still figuring that out, I didn't know there were other miraculous in other worlds before until now.

Ladybug: Well forgive me, its just that I have trust issues when it comes to meeting new heroes.

Jake Hala: Hey its ok, I think it was a good idea to show you then just explaining of who we are and what to say. And besides a girl hero who absolutely gorgeous as such as yourself should know the person before doing anything. (Ladybug blushed deep red after hearing what Jake said.)

Sugu: But I thought you said I was gorgeous? Sugu pouted

Jake Hala: you are Sugu and very attractive. (Sugu giggles and blushes)

Ladybug: Did you just called your kwami attractive?, don't you think thats a little weird to call a tiny god that.

Jake Hala: Ohh right sorry, I forgot to tell you that Sugu can take on human form.

Ladybug eyes pop out like crazy, never she heard of a kwami taking on human form before?


Sugu: of course I can, just watch! (Sugu Begins to transform into her human form while Ladybug stares in complete awe and shock of what she is seeing right in front of her.)

Sugu: Well what do you think?

Ladybug: I.....I.....I.....um..?

Jake Hala: what's wrong does your kwami in this world take on human form as well?

Ladybug: NO!, this is something that is amazing and I never seen anything like this before in my time as a superhero, its incredible! (Ladybug excited to see something new and happy.)

Jake Hala: there's a lot to explain.

Sugu: Is there a place we can go to chill and talk about each other about our powers. Sugu said.

Ladybug: OH sure you can come into my room, we can talk in there and ask about who we are.

Jake Hala: sounds good to be. (Jake winks at Ladybug who blushes again)

Ladybug: Why is my heart beating like crazy when ever I look at him, I mean I still care about Adrien but Jake however is very handsome and very nice. (Ladybug thought)


Meanwhile in a secret lair filled with white butterflies:

Shadow Moth: Hmmmmm.......

Shadow Moth: What was that strange energy that I felt, it wasn't a negative emotion but something different. I must know what that was and see where it came from.

Shadow Moth smiles evilly

Chapter 2 coming soon

Artwork: designed by me

Katipo/Jake Hala, Sugu-created by myself

Ladybug and HawK Moth-created by Thomas Astruc

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