A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! Part 11

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Back with Jake and Marinette who are still walking around Paris who are still enjoying themselves and after meeting Kagime and her mother. They decided to go rest by the river after walking so much while still holding hands until someone screamed Jakes name from above them and it was one of Jakes team mates from his universe. 

Blizzard Bear: JAKE!!! Heyyy!!!(Blizzard Bear screams her friends name after finding him, in which both Marinette and Jake look up and see the white hero jumping down from a building then running towards them)

Jake Hala: N-NO-NO-NOOOO WAY!!! Blizzard Bear is that you!!!(Jake saids with excitement and running towards his friend giving her a big hug)

Blizzard Bear: Oh thank god you're alright, we been worried about you and we thought you and Sugu would end up in a dangerous world.(Blizzard Bear saids to her leader with tears of joy)

Jake Hala: I still can not believe you here, how did you get here and is Tyranno with you as well.(Jake saids to his team mate)

Blizzard Bear: Absolutely, we are a team and we never leave without our team mates.(Blizzard Bear saids to her friend then looks towards Marinette who waved at her shyly in which Blizzard Bear walks to her so she can greet her) 

Blizzard Bear: Why hello you must be that Ladybug hero that me and Tyranno looked up in our data base, it's a pleasure to meet another miraculous hero even if their from another universe. I also want to thank you for looking after our friend Jake and Sugu as well they mean everything to us back at home.(Blizzard greets Marinette and thanks her for looking after Jake and Sugu)

Marinette: It was my pleasure, you must be Blizzard Bear; Jake and Sugu told me everything about you and Tyranno as well as your universe it's an honor to meet one of my boyfriends team mates in person.(Marinette greets Blizzard Bear and shakes her hand but when she said boyfriend to her it shocked Blizzard Bear which Jake giggled behind her back)

Blizzard Bear: B-B-BO-BOYFRIEND?!

Jake Hala: I will tell you that later on but for now how did you and Tyranno get here in the first place because I didn't see any portals opening around the area at all. 

Blizzard Bear: Oh right, well when we found out you got sucked into a portal we created devices for that purpose that allows to travel to other worlds in case we got separated from each other.(Blizzard Bear said to Jake who looked either amazed or confused into why his team mates never told him about this in the first place and Marinette was beyond amazed that his team mates build a device to travel to other worlds)

Marinette: Wow!!, you guys build devices to travel to other worlds that is so amazing.(Marinette saids with excitement in which Blizzard Bear finds Marinette to be a very cool person to be around)

Jake Hala: And when were you two gonna tell me that you build something that can travel to other worlds sooner or later hmm.(Jake saids to his team mate with a glare and Blizzard Bear sweats at the moment and get nervous) 

Blizzard Bear: Hehehehehe, well we were gonna tell you at the right moment before you got sucked into a portal but for now this isn't the time to talk about that we got a really huge problem on our hands now. 

Marinette: Whats the problem?(Marinette saids who looks concerned)

Blizzard Bear: Apparently the super villain known as Hawk Moth, has unleashed about thirty Akuma Amok's in the city and he is planing on taking things way too far by turning people into villains without negative emotions.(Blizzard said to both Jake and Marinette who look at her in complete utter shock and horror)

Jake Hala: How did you know about this in the first place? 

Blizzard Bear: When both me and Tyranno arrived here last night we came across a person named Natalie who used to work for Hawk Moth but his real name was a fashion designer named Gabriel Agreste who wants to use the miraculous to bring back his wife Emilee who suffered a coma due to the effects a broken miraculous the peacock and now he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. We already know about the wish that he is gonna use to bring back his wife and it leads to more death and destruction if we do not stop him.

Marinette: So Gabriel was Hawk Moth all this time and I just didn't see it!!, and now he is gonna takes things way too far in order to bring back his wife. Using the Ladybug and Cat miraculous could bring somebody back but it comes at a terrible price. 

Blizzard Bear: We know about that LB, in order to make the wish happened you have to sacrifice another life in order to save the other. Natalie also informed us that Hawk Moth wont stop at nothing to get your miraculous even if he has to destroy Paris along with hundreds to get what he wants.(Blizzard Bear said to both Marinette and Jake who looked more angry then ever)

Jake Hala: How could he do this!!, I swear as soon as he shows his face I am gonna beat the living crap out of him and then once he's down for the count we can take away his power just like Cat Noir who is crazier than he is. 

Blizzard Bear: Yea, Natalie also told me about Cat Noir as well, are you alright LB. I mean I thought he was a good person in the data we read about him but i guess not. I am sorry Jake you had to deal with a psycho path like Cat Noir all by yourself. 

Marinette: No it is ok Blizzard Bear, Cat Noir wasn't fit to be a miraculous hero because all he does is just flirt with me and doesn't take his job seriously.(Marinette saids to Blizzard Bear with sad look and hurtful feeling)

Jake Hala: It's ok blueberry, besides I did save you from being foliated by him in the first place and now we have to stop his terrorist father from destroying the balance in this world by taking away his miraculous along with the peacock miraculous. 

Marinette: You're right Jake!, let us show Hawk Moth that we miraculous heroes will stand together to defend the people of Paris.(Marinette saids with encouragement towards her boyfriend and Blizzard Bear who showed a proud look on their faces and nods in agreement)

Jake Hala: I like the way you think babe!, but like Blizzard Bear said there are thirty Akuma Amok's out there and we are only four of us unless you know any other miraculous heroes that can help us. 

Marinette: I actually do!! I can get my other team mates to help, it is the group of heroes I told you about in my stories. I can call Rena Rogue, Viperion, Queen Bee, Pegasus, King Monkey, Bunnyx, and Carapace to aide us in the battle for Paris once again. 

Jake Hala: That is a great idea!!, while you go get your friends me along my team mates will do what we can to stop the Akuma Amok's from destroying half of Paris.(Jake saids to his second girlfriend who nods in agreement) 

Blizzard Bear: Excellent, I will call up Tyranno and let him know that we are ready to fight for the people of this Paris universe. 

Jake Hala: Marinette and I will go back to the bakery to get our kwami's to transform into our suits. 

Blizzard Bear/Marinette/Jake: LETS GO!!(They said in union and left to get ready for the last battle against Hawk Moth) 

Back at the bakery: 

Sugu: Ok that should be the last sale for today enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Random civilian: Thank you!

Sabine: Wow I can not believe we made a lot of sales today and it was all thanks to you Sugu. 

Tom: And with the help of your boyfriend Jake we could never make enough money for our bakery.(Tom saids to Sugu who gives the girl a big for helping the family out)

Sugu: Hehehehe, it was my pleasure Tom and Sabine, I just like helping people.(Sugu saids with a smile that made both Tom and Sabine smile as well)

Sabine: Sugu you been such a wonderful help around here and became such a wonderful friend towards our daughter.(Sabine saids to Sugu who looks very happy that they appreciated in what Sugu has done for them including Marinette)

Sugu: Thank you Sabine I really...........(Before she could say anything else her boyfriend and Marinette bust through the door in a panic which scared Sugu along with Tom and Sabine)


Sugu: WHAT?! that many what is this Hawk Moth thinking. 

Marinette: He is taking things to the next level and now we have to stop him before he does something out of the question!!, I need to get Tiki and the other miraculous heroes to help us and also Jakes friends are here as well. 

Sugu: Wait Blizzard Bear and Tyranno are here as well!!(Sugu saids with joy that her friends from Jakes and her universe are here to help while Tom and Sabine look at the kids with confusion)

Sabine: Marinette sweetie, what is a Tiki? and what do you mean you have to get the other miraculous heroes?(Sabine saids to her daughter who looked shocked that she didn't know her parents were in the house as well)

Tom: Marinette is there something you wanted to tell us and Jake, Sugu do you know about this as well.(Tom saids while looking at both the kids with a questionable look)

When both Marinette's parents look at all three of them and asked what is going on, Marinette looked like she was about to break down but Jake put a hand of her shoulder telling her it is time to tell them the truth about who you are and what you do and he was going to do the same along with Sugu who nods in agreement. 

Marinette: Mom, Dad, I been keeping a secret from you and I didn't want to tell you since it could put you in danger if you ever found out.(Marinette saids with a sad look while rubbing her arm who looks in the verge of crying) 

Sabine: Marinette whatever you have to say you can tell us and we will understand. 

Tom: We both love you Marinette and you can share anything with us and I mean anything. 

Marinette: Breath.....Ok the truth is that I am the hero known as Ladybug who goes around protecting Paris from Hawk Moth as well as stoping his Akuma's from destroying and hurting lives.(Marinette saids while she was shaking in fear) I didn't want to tell you this because it was the rules for being the guardian of the miraculous and I did not want anyone in my family or friends to get hurt, I been doing this for a long time and I couldn't bring myself to tell any of you and I am sorry for not telling you sooner because.......because.....😭......I don't want to loose you and I understand if you hate me for keeping this a secret for so long and I am sorry for not being here with you due the number of attacks that Hawk Moth is causing. I am.........😭😭........I am so sorry mommy and daddy!!(Marinette saids while crying her eyes out while Jake and Sugu go to her and try to comfort her and saw the faces of her parents who were also on the verge of tears as well)

When Marinette was on the floor crying her eyes out, her parents went to her and once they were near her they did something out of the ordinary. They gave their daughter a big hug and showed that they still love her and are proud of what she was doing. 

Sabine: Oh our sweet little girl we do not hate you as a matter a fact we are very proud of what your doing and it doesn't if you are Ladybug we still love you for who you are!!!(Sabine saids to her daughter who also cries and showing how much she proud of her daughter and so does her husband Tom)

Tom: Marinette, you are the greatest daughter we couldn't asked for and we are very happy for you as well as proud that our daughter Marinette is the protector of Paris which is very amazing but you could of shared this with us in the first place.(Tom saids to her daughter who looks at both her parents with shocked and yet happy look)

Marinette: I know but....😭......it's just that due to being the guardian of the miraculous we can not reveal the secrets of the miraculous to anybody which includes friends or family and I am still sorry I never told you and I wanted to for so long but I couldn't.(Marinette saids while looking down in shame) 

Sabine: Marinette, if this something you have to keep secret then we will keep it a secret as well right Tom.(Sabine saids to her daughter as well as her husband)

Tom: Of course honey, Marinette we both love you and we will never hate someone who is more precious than anyone.(Tom saids to his daughter who looks at both of them with more tears but these were tears of happiness and joy)

Marinette: Mom, Dad!! I love you too!!(Marinette hugs both her parents while Jake and Sugu watch with smiles of their faces and then Tiki came out of nowhere and heard everything)

Once they were done hugging each other, both Tom and Sabine see a little red creature floating near them and were surprise to see that it was Tiki the kwami of creation and Marientte's friend. 

Sabine: Oh who might you be little one?(Sabine to Tiki while Marinette smiles her kwami)

Tiki: My name is Tiki, I am the kwami of creation and I am the one who turns Marinette into Ladybug and her help save Paris against Hawk Moth along with Jake and Sugu.(Tiki saids to Sabine who looks surprised that this little creature helps their daughter and turns her into Ladybug but what confused Sabine the most is that Jake and Sugu help them)

Tom: My name is Tom and this is my wife Sabine and we want to thank you for helping our daughter Tiki. But what do you mean Jake and Sugu help as well.(Tom thanks Tiki but asked how Jake and Sugu help as well)

Sugu: Well you see me and Jake have also a secret as well and also I am not completely human. I am also his kwami who turns him into the spider hero known as Katipo and we help your daughter save Paris as well.(Sugu saids to Tom and Sabine who look at her in shock)

Sabine: But you don't look like Tiki here, and besides you look like a normal girl to us.

Jake Hala: That because me and Sugu are from another universe, where our kwami's can take on human form.(Once Jake saids this it brung more shocking faces to Tom and Sabine)

Jake Hala: I think is best I tell you everything about who we are and how we got here.(Jake saids to Tom and Sabine who nods)

After some hours in explaining of how Jake and Sugu came from another universe and how he and his friends were the only miraculous heroes in their world where there is no villains or other miraculous heroes there, as well as how he came to be in Marinette's universe after being sucked into a portal even explaining that they would help their daughter defend Paris against Hawk Moth and save lives. 

Tom: Wow, that is something else out of the ordinary.(Tom was amazed of what Jake has told them)

Sabine: You and Sugu came from another universe, it is beyond anything I ever heard of and yet it is absolutely amazing.(Sabine saids to both Jake and Sugu who giggled of what she said)

Sugu: You be surprised about that, heck we didn't know that other miraculous heroes existed in other worlds until we met Marinette here.(Sugu saids to both Tom and Sabine while pointing at their daughter Marinette)

Sabine: Still it is amazing that other universes exist out there, and Sugu would it be alright with you if Tom and I can see your true form.(Sabine saids with amazement and asked Sugu to change into her true form)

Sugu: hehehehe, why course Sabine, FLASH!(Sugu transforms back into her kwami form)

Sugu: So how do I look?(Sugu saids to Tom and Sabine who look upon her with unbelievable smiles)

Sabine: Sugu you look absolutely adorable in this form just like Marinette's kwami.(Sabine saids to Sugu who holds her in her hands)

Tom: You'll like Tiki's sister only that you are a spider and she is a ladybug. 

Tiki: Hehehehe, actually after we all got to know each other identities me and Sugu became sisters after a while isn't that right sis.(Tiki saids to the parents while she goes over and hugs her new sister)

Sugu: Right you are sister!!

Sabine: Now that we have all of this straighten out is there something else you wanted to tell her Marinette.(Sabine saids to her daughter)

Marinette: Actually there is, and it has to do with Jake.(Marinette saids while holding her boyfriends hand while blushing)

Tom: What is it Marinette?

Marinette: The other secret that I have to tell you both is that I fell deeply in love with Jake here and Sugu was happy enough to let me be with him if it was only me. 

Jake Hala: And I love both of them equally and would make them both happy.(Jake saids to Tom and Sabine while holding Marinette's hand as well as Sugu's who transformed back into human form)

Sabine: But Marinette what about Adrien didn't you say you loved him?(When Sabine mentions Adrien Marinette looked upset of hearing that name again)

Marinette: No, I do not love him anymore after what he has done to me and Jake as well.(Marinette saids with a tear coming down her face while Jake hugs her close)

Tom: What did Adrien do to you my little designer?(Tom asked in confusion)

Jake Hala: Your daughter was almost violated by him as his alternate ego Cat Noir who went completely crazy after being rejected by Marinette who was Ladybug. He was madly in love with Ladybug and only Ladybug and thats why he rejected your daughters feelings saying that he was in love with somebody else which was just Ladybug. If he only loved Marinette for just being Ladybug and not the girl itself then that could make the relationship fall apart and it already has after Marinette told him about me being a new team mate which brought jealousy and anger towards me that he wanted nothing to do with me, so he decided that he will have Ladybug all to himself with a lustful way; in order to that he had to kill me by attacking me while your daughter tried to stop him from hurting me more. Then when your daughter told Adrien that she is no longer her partner or friend he went ballistic and ran towards her to say that he and her were made for each other and so I did that one I thing I could, I punched him square in the face and knocked him out and took off his miraculous and turn him over to the police. But before he.....

Sabine: Before he what Jake?(Sabine saids in shocking and horror way)

Jake Hala: Adrien took a gun from a police officer had and started to shoot me four times.(Jake saids to Tom and Sabine looked horrified while Marinette looked down in shame)

Jake Hala: But he didn't realize that our miraculous suits were completely bullet proof so we could not get hurt but I still feel bad that I made your daughter worry and I promise to be by her side.(Jake saids to the parents while holding Marinette close to him)

Jake Hala: After that Adrien was no longer Cat Noir and he was sentence to life in prison for what he has done. 

Tom: I knew he couldn't be trusted?! and he tried to hurt our daughter and try to kill you Jake.(Tom saids while angry at what Adrien did to Marinette and Jake)

Sabine: I always thought Adrien was a nice boy but now I think of him as a person who would do anything to get what he wants just like that Hawk Moth villain. 

Jake Hala: Yea, my friends actually found something that is more shocking, it turns out Adrien is the son of Gabriel Agreste who is the super villain known as Hawk Moth.(Jake saids to the parents who are even more scared)

Sugu: And now we have to stop him from doing whatever he has planned and Jake what did our team mates say that he was planning.(Sugu saids to her lover)

Jake Hala: He wants to use the Ladybug and Cat miraculous to bring back his wife Emilee who suffered a coma from the effects of the damage peacock miraculous and in order to make the wish he would have to sacrifice another life in order to bring back that person he loves which could also destroy the balance of this world. 

Marinette: That is why we have to stop him and his Akuma Amok's from getting their hands on them before everything we know and love would be destroyed. 

Sabine: But sweetie, you can not fight them alone it is too dangerous. 

Jake Hala: She will not be alone Sabine, I will fight with her along with my team mates and her team as well. I made a promise to her that will fight by her side no matter what!(Tom and Sabine were amazed of how Jake said that and are proud that their daughter found someone who would do anything to protect her)

Marinette: That is the reason why I fell in love in with you Jake, for your compassion and honest heart. 💋(Marinette saids to Jake and gave him a kiss on the lips which he expected)

Tom: Jake you are an honorable young man who would do anything to protect our daughter and we give you our blessing to be with her.(Tom saids to Jake who places his hands on Jakes shoulders to show his respect towards him while Marientte blushes and smiles)

Sabine: And you have our blessing to marry her and as well as Sugu, which I want you to give us such beautiful grandchildren.(Sabine saids to the three of them who blushes really really red)

Jake Hala: I....I......I......M......M...marry?!(Jake trying to say something while blushing)

Sugu: Sabine.........I.....I......I...oh my gosh!(Sugu holding her face while blushing red)

Marinette: MOM?!! we are not ready for that!!!(Marinette screams at her mother while blushing redder than Sugu and Jake) 

Tiki: Hehehehehe!!

Jake Hala: Ok let's go save Paris before they something else!

Sugu/Marinette/Tiki: Right!!

Jake Hala: Sugu Webs Up!(Jake transforms into his hero form)

Marinette: Tiki Spots On!(Marinette transforms into her hero form)

Katipo: Alright me and my team mates would do what we can to help Paris while you Ladybug give the other miraculous to your team mates.

Ladybug: Ok once we I get my team together we will meet you on the battle field and one more thing.

Katipo: What is it Ladybug? 

💋 (Kiss on the lips)

Marinette: Be careful and good luck my love.(Marinette kisses her boyfriend and wishes him luck while taking off)

Katipo: Yea you to blueberry you too.(Katipo saids to himself and about to leave until Tom and Sabine stopped him)

Sabine: Jake?

Katipo: Yes Sabine? 

Sabine: Thank you for being here for our daughter and looking saving Paris. 

Tom: We are proud that our daughter found someone like you in her life and we still give you our blessing to marry her in the future.(Tom saids to Katipo who smiles under his mask)

Katipo: You are very welcome and thanks for everything you done for me and Sugu. Also I attend to marry Marinette in the future along with Sugu but I want to wait at right moment. 

Sabine: Absolutely, take all the time you need and good luck out there and be safe. 

Katipo: I will and stay safe as well. 

Katipo begins to swing away while Tom and Sabine look at their future son in law go save Paris with their daughter. 


Meanwhile at the Eiffel Tower: 

Shadow Moth: Greetings citizens of Paris and heroes I am Shadow Moth and I have to greet you in this final battle to where the heroes will fall and I will rain supreme unless the hero know as Ladybug surrenders her and the cat miraculous to me and all of Paris will no suffer my army of Akuma Amok's.(Shadow Moth saids while his army is assembled)

(Image from the Total War game) ☝️ 

Nadja Chamack: This is Nadja Chamack reporting that the villain known as Shadow Moth has appeared with what looks like an army of his Akuma's who are waiting for the heroes to show up and stop them. Ever since the arrest of former hero Cat Noir that was shown on the news, Ladybug was has will probably have to fight all of these monsters alone.(After said said that out of nowhere three heroes that Nadja that does not know shown up to help stop Shadow Moth)

Katipo: Ladybug is never alone thats why we are here to aid her!!

Tyranno: Thats right, and I am looking for a good butt kicking today!!

Blizzard Bear: I hope you are ready Shadow Moth!!, because you are about to feel a lot hurting from all three of us. 

(Artwork done by me-95nicholasnm)

Nadja Chamack: Unbelievable everyone!, out of nowhere three new heroes came to help save Paris and they look absolutely incredible what are your names new heroes. Also are you here to team up with Ladybug to stop Shadow Moth and his army. 

Katipo: Yes we are new heroes and allies of Ladybug, my name is Katipo and these are my team mates Tyranno and Blizzard Bear.(Katipo saids to Nadja and introduced his team mates to her)

Nadja: Amazing!, are you miraculous heroes as well?

Blizzard Bear: We sure are and I suggest you and everyone get somewhere safe because this is gonna be a huge and dangerous fight here. 

Tyranno: Not unless you want to be squashed by these guys when come towards us. 

Nadja: No I afraid we don't want that to happened, everyone get to safety and good luck heroes!!(Nadja saids and asked everyone to leave and wish the heroes good luck)

Katipo: SHADOW MOTH!!(Katipo screams the villains name from the tower who looks down towards the new heroes)

Shadow Moth: So your the one known as Katipo and I see you brought some friends as well!! So what you and friends will fall along side Ladybug and I will have what I want.(Shadow Moth saids to the heroes)

Katipo: Oh the miraculous that you want to bring back your wife Emilee!! who suffered from the damage peacock miraculous yea we already know about that Gabriel Agreste!!(Once Katipo said that everyone in Paris who was still watching the news were shocked to know that Shadow Moth is actually the famous fashion designer Gabreil Agreste and Shadow Moth looked even more shocked that the new hero knows who he is and what he is planning)


Blizzard Bear: Let's just say a certain somewhere didn't want to work for you anymore since you were driven by power and lust just like so called son!!(Blizzard Bear saids to Shadow Moth who looks more angry as well as having his son involved and knowing the person who told them was none other than Natalie) 

Tyranno: And we know about the wish to bring back your wife and it will only cause more chaos and death you continue down this path!!


Katipo: NO!!, you are driven by anger and power which you don't known what would happened if you make that wish. Sure you might be able to bring back Emilee but you will also destroy the balance of this world and kill millions of lives!!!(Katipo saids to Shadow Moth) 

Blizzard Bear: And I what we can tell she will hate you for what you and your son have become!!!

Tyranno: MONSTERS!!!(Tyranno said to Shadow Moth who looked beyond angry and didn't care what they said, he will do what he must to get what he wants) 


Katipo: You brought this to yourself and now you will have to be taken down!! Blizzard Bear and Tyranno lets show these guys what we can really do!!

Tyranno and Blizzard Bear: YESS!!

Katipo: FOR PARIS AND FOR LADYBUG!!(Katipo chants and his team charges at Shadow Moth armies) 

The final battle for Paris and miraculous has begun!!

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