Chapter 55: Reflekta Part 2

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Inside Principal Damocles' office, neither of the three girls or kwami could hear all that was going on outside. Because of this, Marinette was still hiding under the principal's desk while Chloé and Sabrina were searching for her.

"I know you're in here Marinette. Come out, now!" Chloé demanded from the designer as she stomped over to the principal's desk, giving Marinette no choice but to listen to her in hopes of getting out of this mess.

"Hide, Tikki." Marinette told Tikki, prompting the kwami to hide back in her holder's purse before Marinette came out from under the desk, showing herself to Chloé and Sabrina.

"Aha! Caught red-handed Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Chloé crowed when seeing Marinette come out of hiding. "The principal would love my video of you snooping around his office!" the blonde brat added as she showed Marinette the video she took of her, drawing a grimace from a conflicted Sabrina while Marinette gasped in shock. But thinking quickly, she ran around the desk and grabbed the camera.

"Stop now or the class photo disappears!" Marinette threatened, her finger hovering over the delete button of the selected photo. "Would be a shame considering how good you look in the photo, right next to Adrien!" the designer sarcastically remarked, hoping that it would be the deciding push for Chloé to give in to her ultimatum.

"No!" Chloé fearfully cried out, not wanting to lose the photo.

"Hand it over, Chloé!" Mairnette reiterated, prompting Chloé to give her phone to Marinette. With the device in her hands, Marinette quickly placed the camera onto the desk and deleted the video. But this gave Sabrina the opportunity to grab the camera and pull out the memory card, which Marinette noticed when she had just finished getting rid of Chloé's blackmail on her..

"Give me that card!" Marinette exclaimed, causing a now frightened Sabrina to toss said memory card to Chloé, not wanting to be in the middle of the conflict between the two girls.

"Give me back my phone!" Chloé demanded once she had the memory card in her hand, using her newly acquired upper hand to her advantage.

"Give me the card or I'll keep your phone!" Marinette threatened, hoping that it would be enough to persuade Chloé to give up the card.

"Ha! You can keep the phone! I'll just buy another one!" Chloé dismissed, showing just how little she actually cared about things other than her hair and nails.

"CHLOÉ! Where are you!?" a menacing voice boomed from outside the office, drawing all three girl's attention to the closed door keeping them from seeing the source of the voice.

"What was that!?" Chloé wondered out loud whilst still looking at the door, giving Marinette the perfect chance to grab the card from her hand. "Hey!" the blonde brat exclaimed when she saw Marinette take the card and run off to the door, only to turn to an even further conflicted Sabrina.

"Don't just stand there! Go get her!" Chloé ordered Sabrina, prompting her to follow after Marinette. But considering she left a good amount of time after Marinette, Sabrina had missed seeing the designer running up the stairs to the library and hiding in the archway of the entrance, causing her to run right past her. "Where did that pea-brain go?" the heiress questioned out loud after she walked out of the principal's office, hoping to catch her. Unfortunately for her, Chloé's voice was so loud that she had caught Reflekta's attention from the ground floor, causing the akuma to jump back up to the second floor and land right in front of her while Chloé was searching for Marinette.

"There you are at last! Chloé Bourgeois!" Reflekta exclaimed when seeing the object of her hatred, pulling Chloé away from her searching to look at the akuma standing on the balcony railing.

"Who are you?" Chloé inquired, marching over to Reflekta as she spoke and not understanding how much danger she was in.

"Take a good look at me because I am your future face!" Reflekta threatened Chloé after stepping off of the balcony railing, walking up to the blonde until she was right in her face and unnerving her next victim.

"Eugh! Gross!" Chloé exclaimed as she pushed Reflekta away from her, then running in an attempt to escape the akuma. But her efforts were in vain when Reflekta quickly recovered and zapped Chloé with her ray, transforming her into another copy of her. "What in the? Do you realize how much my outfit cost!?" Reflekta Copy Chloé shrieked when she saw what she had become.

"You should be thanking me! You look a thousand times better like this!" Reflekta teased the heiress, a laugh spewing out of her mouth and drawing Marinette's attention from hiding to see the newest akuma. At the sight of Reflekta, Marinette abandoned her hiding spot and ran into the library, taking cover behind a bookshelf.

"Time to transform, Tikki!" Marinette announced after making sure the library was empty, letting Tikki fly out of her purse as the pigtailed girl pulled out her runestone necklace and clasped her hand over it to activate her Ladybug disguise. Once the disguise had taken full effect, she finally called out... Tikki, spots on!" the designer exclaimed, triggering her transformation into Ladybug. When she was finished turning into her alter ego, she exited the library and entered the fray. Once she did, Ladybug had perched herself onto the wall in front of the library entrance and spotted Reflekta still antagonizing Reflekta Copy Chloé.

"You won't get rid of me by locking me in the bathroom this time!" Reflekta taunted Reflekta Copy Chloé as she circled around her, causing Ladybug to gasp to herself in recognition.

"Juleka!" Ladybug exclaimed, now knowing who she was dealing with before she jumped down from her perch and landed in front of Reflekta. "Juleka, stop this now!" the spotted heroine demanded, standing between the akuma and Reflekta Copy Chloé.

"I'm not the Juleka nobody notices anymore! Now, I'm the unmistakable Reflekta!" Reflekta proclaimed, giving a twirl as she spoke. After she spoke, Hawkmoth had started up the psychic link between them once again.

"Before you transform Ladybug, take her Miraculous from her! The earrings!" said the purple suited version of Sideshow Bob, reminding his akuma of what her part of the agreement was before he left her to her own devices.

"I'm sure you're going to love your new image, Ladybug!" Reflekta evilly purred at the superheroine, prompting her to pull out her yo-yo to defend herself and Reflekta Copy Chloé.

"Thanks but no thanks, I prefer the one I've got!" Ladybug replied with a near growl, spinning her yo-yo to form a shield to further protect them.

"You sure? Ask Chat Noir. I'm sure he loves his new look!" Reflekta taunted before she tried to transform Ladybug with her ray.

Using her yo-yo to block Reflekta's hits, Ladybug drew the akuma's fire away from Reflekta Copy Chloé as she ran away, letting the heroine jump onto the balcony rail and land in the courtyard below. Rolling to her feet, Ladybug kept dodging all the ray beams sent her way from Reflekta's hand mirror, the brightly colored akuma soon jumping down to the courtyard and chasing her around the school. But while Ladybug had just jumped off of a stair railing and landed back into the courtyard with Relfekta still shooting at her, the spotted heroine failed to notice her already transformed partner still at the blocked front entrance.

"My powers might be gone but I can't just stand by and do nothing!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir exclaimed when he saw his partner fighting Reflekta all on her own. With a goal set, he tried to run over to them, but ended up tripping over his new platform heels. "Who invented these things?" the transformed feline hero growled in annoyance before he picked himself back up, stumbling over to the other students hiding in the locker room.

"If you want your faces back, listen up." Reflekta Copy Chat Noir called to the cowering transformed students after entering the locker room. "You heard of safety in numbers?" the feline hero asked, crouching down to be at the eye level of the frightened students as he explained his plan.

Back outside in the courtyard, Reflekta had kept on chasing Ladybug as the spotted heroine jumped back down from the roof of the school and made her way back down into the courtyard, Reflekta still following behind her. But when Ladybug had reached the steps leading to the school's main entrance, she had enough of running from Reflekta and had decided to try and attack her with her yo-yo. Unfortunately for her, Reflekta used her ray beam to dodge the attack, prompting Ladybug to try again and again, only getting the same result as Reflekta marched towards her.

Just as Ladybug got ready to throw her yo-yo at the akuma again, Reflekta blasted the ground near her feet, making her jump back from the attack. However, she accidently put herself in a corner, trapping herself whilst Reflekta stood in front of her to keep her from going anywhere.

"Soon, like everyone else you'll look just like me!" Relfekta proclaimed, holding Ladybug at gunpoint with her wrist mirror. Just as she finished speaking, Ladybug tried to punch at her attacker but was stopped when Reflekta grabbed her arm with ease, keeping her from attacking. "But first, I'm gonna take your earrings as a trophy!" the fuchsia colored akuma added, quickly reaching for said earrings and making Ladybug lean back from her attempt to do so.

"Time to face off!" a voice behind Reflekta shouted, drawing both hers and Ladybug's attention to see all the students who got transformed stand together against Reflekta. "Catch her!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir exclaimed to the transformed students, prompting them to all run towards the akuma. But when seeing the mob heading towards her, Reflekta released her grip on Ladybug and jumped into the air to escape them, running on top of some of their heads before reaching the other side of the group.

"You're no match for me Ladybug. This will all be over soon for you!" Reflekta shouted at the spotted heroine right before she leaped into the air, escaping the school to spread her brand of chaos throughout the city. Once she was gone, the transformed students started to crowd around Ladybug, hoping she would have the answers.

"How are you gonna help us, Ladybug?" Reflekta Copy Rose asked in a fearful voice, wanting this all to be over.

"We want our faces back!" Reflekta Copy Nino piped up, not liking the new look he had whilst another copy walked up to Ladybug's side.

"Don't worry, I'll figure it out!" Ladybug assured the students, hoping to keep them calm for the time being.

"Yeah we will! These shoes are killer on the feet, my lady!" the copy next to Ladybug remarked, making her look at them in disbelief.

"Chat Noir?" Ladybug breathed out, recognising the familiar voice of her partner before he took a hold of her forearm.

"Excuse us! Move out of the way, please." Reflekta Copy Chat Noir said to the crowd as he led him and Ladybug to the upper level, now giving her a chance to process her new situation.

"Chat Noir, is it - is it really you?" Ladybug questioned as she took in his new appearance, shocked to see her partner already transformed into a Reflekta copy.

"Of course it is!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir exclaimed. "Can't you tell by my swagger! Am I still the cat's meow or what?" the transformed feline hero playfully inquired, doing some of his more commonly known poses as he spoke.

"I-uh... I don't know what to say!" Ladybug admitted, finding this whole mess a little too weird for her tastes. And seeing as she lived in Paris whilst it was constantly attacked by all kinds of weirdly powered villains, plus her brother's current profession with protecting a secret race of Troll's, that was saying something.

"How about a 'Thank You' for getting you out of that tight spot!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir said, pointing out the fact that Ladybug wouldn't be transformed right now if not for his help. But his words couldn't stop the laugh that escaped Ladybug's lips.

"Sorry, Chat Noir, but you - you just... you just don't look like yourself!" Ladybug managed to say in her laughter, not able to take Chat Noir seriously when he looked the way he did. "But... thank you!" the heroine in red finished, having been able to calm down enough to finish speaking.

"Your welcome." Reflekta Copy Chat Noir replied, glad to have the small recognition. "And in case you've forgotten, we've got to de-akumatize Reflekta!" the hero; usually dressed in black, reminded his partner, focusing them on the task at hand. Seriously, the poor boy was transformed into an unfamiliar body, so the sooner they defeated Reflekta, the sooner he would be back to normal.

"We? Your powers are gone." Ladybug pointed out, looking at her partner with concern. "What are you gonna do? Throw your shoes at her?" the spotted heroine joked, drawing a laugh from herself since she had found it funny. Unfortunately for her, her partner didn't find it as humorous as her.

"Remind me who just saved you a minute ago?" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir reminded Ladybug, not liking the little jab she made at him about his current state.

"I have to find Reflekta fast! You'd slowed me down!" Ladybug tried to reason with him, hoping that he could see that she was trying to keep him safe before she turned to leave.

"Maybe, but you know I do have some good ideas at times." Reflekta Copy Chat Noir slyly brought up, halting Ladybug from her attempt to leave when she realized the truth in his words.

"Ok, yeah. Sorry about that." Ladybug apologized, now seeing that he had a point. "So, what do you suggest?" the heroine in red asked, turning back around to face him as she spoke.

"I don't think taking on Reflekta face to face is the best idea unless you want a facelift too." Reflekta Copy Chat Noir advised as he took a few steps up towards Ladybug, seeing as he had done the same before hand and ended up with his extreme makeover.

"You're right." Ladybug replied, prompting the gears in her mind to work overtime to spout out a plan. Thankfully for the heroine, it came to her very quickly. "And that gives me an idea!" the spotted heroine announced before she grabbed Reflekta Copy Chat Noir by the waist and directed them to the balcony railing.

"Where are we headed?" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir questioned, only to be answered by Ladybug throwing her yo-yo at a wifi tower post on the roof of the school.

"To the TV station!" Ladybug replied as she gave her yo-yo a quick tug to make sure it was anchored down properly to ensure they wouldn't fall to the ground. "Might want to watch your nails!" the heroine in red teased her partner before she gave the yo-yo a strong yank, sending them flying to the roof and landing on it in a crouch.

"Your jokes are so lame!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir complained, once again finding her jabs at him unassuming.

"You haven't just lost your body, Chat Noir. I think you've lost your sense of humor too!" Ladybug observed before she retracted her yo-yo and threw it out into the city, taking the two heroes to their desired location to enact Ladybug's plan.


Out in the city of Paris, Reflekta continued her rampage and had begun transforming the masses into copies of herself, going through many of Paris's iconic landmarks. But just as a laughing Reflekta had hoped through the streets of the city towards City Hall, the monitors scattered around the city came to life, presenting Ladybug on their screens.

"People of Paris! Reflekta is not invincible!" Ladybug announced on the screens, catching many of the transformed citizen's attention. "You can help! All you have to do is put on a disguise! Then I'll be able to spot the real Reflekta and bring her down!" the spotted heroine explained, sparking hope in the people of the city. But as Ladybug was telling the masses what to do to help, Reflekta had made it to the Mayor's office, and now held Mayor Bourgeois at the gunpoint of her ray.

"Everyone must look like me, even you, Mr. Mayor!" Reflekta exclaimed as she backed the mayor into his office, unaware of the computer playing Ladybug's message.

"Remember, put on a disguise!" Ladybug reiterated from the Mayor's computer, drawing his attention onto it for a second before he turned to look back at Reflekta.

"You are no match for Ladybug!" Mayor Bourgeois proclaimed, his confidence now refueled by the city's protector's message.

"Now why would you say that when she's just given away her secret?" Reflekta tauntedly questioned, not afraid of Ladybug's plan as she zapped the Mayor, turning him into another copy of her.

"Ladybug will save us!" Mayor Bourgeois cried out, just before Reflekta stomped over to him and grabbed his arm.

"Ladybug won't be saving anybody!" Reflekta grimly assured the mayor, quickly having a plan of her own now that she knew where to find her. In her words, Hawkmoth had once again established the psychic link between them.

"Don't let Ladybug get away this time! Or I'll remove your powers!" Hawkmoth threatened, not wanting to have yet another chance to get the Miraculous slip by him again. With the threat made, the resident supervillian cut off contact with Reflekta and left her to execute her plan to catch Ladybug and Chat Noir.


Over in the TVi studio, Ladybug was standing on the filming set and in front of the camera while Reflekta Copy Chat Noir was operating the camera behind the scenes of her announcement.

"I'm relying on you all!" Ladybug proclaimed to the viewers watching her, concluding her announcement.

"And cut!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir exclaimed from behind the camera, telling ladybug that she was off the air and able to move around freely again. "Good job!" the transformed feline hero congratulated when Ladybug walked over to him, the two of them high fiving in accomplishment.

"Hate to second guess you M'lady, but isn't your plan a bit complicated?" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir questioned, finding Ladybug's announcement a little more convoluted than normal.

"This isn't my real plan." Ladybug admitted, deciding to let her partner into the inner workings of her plan now that the first part was done. "The real plan is now that Reflekta knows that we're at the TV station, she'll come right here to get us!" the spotted heroine elaborated, making the feline hero smirk at her when he realized what came next.

"And fall right into our claws!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir finished, taking Ladybug's hand into his before kissing the back of it out of praise for her genius.

"You mean, into your nails." Ladybug teased, once again taking a jab at her partner for ever long he was still in his current state. Sue her for having a little fun with this akuma's power set.

"Still not funny." Reflekta Copy Chat Noir deadpanned, again not finding her joke funny. At his reaction, Ladybug couldn't help but giggle, finding her jab all the more funny because of his response.

With that being said, both heroes hid behind the railing to the balcony area of the studio and waited for Reflekta to show up. It did take a bit of waiting, but their patience was rewarded when Reflekta walked into the studio shortly after they hid themselves. When Reflekta had reached the center of the studio, Ladybug silently jumped out of her hiding place and threw her yo-yo at the akuma, catching her with her weapon.

"Gotcha!" Ladybug cheered, holding her yo-yo tight to prevent Reflekta from escaping.

"The akuma has to be in her bracelet!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir remarked as he came out of his own hiding place, remembering where the transforming ray had come from when he was hit by it. Wasting no more time, Reflekta Copy Chat Noir walked over to Reflekta and took the mirror off of her hand and tossed it over to Ladybug, who caught it no problem.

"Checkmate, Reflekta!" Ladybug exclaimed before she dropped the bracelet to the ground, stomping on it to break it. But after she did, the akuma didn't flutter out. "What!?" the spotted heroine breathed out in disbelief, only to look at the captured Reflekta and realize...

"This isn't the real one!" Ladybug cried out, prompting Reflekta's cackle to fill the studio as she walked over to Reflekta Copy Chat Noir and the imposter.

"I'm sorry, she promised she'd changed me back to my normal self if I tricked you." the imposter apologized, causing their voice to be recognised as...

"Mayor Bourgeois?" Ladybug questioned in disbelief, standing back to back with Reflekta Copy Chat Noir as they looked at Reflekta Copy Mayor Bourgeois incredulously. But while they were distracted, Reflekta; who had perched herself in one of the support columns for the lighting rig in the ceiling, had taken the chance to shoot a ray at the unaware Ladybug.

"Look out!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir exclaimed when seeing the ray aimed at Ladybug, quickly jumping in front of her and taking the hit. But once the ray had hit, nothing happened to him, leaving Ladybug a little surprised. "I've already been changed so I'm safe." the transformed feline explained, pointing out that Reflekta's powers were to transform others into copies of herself and nothing more.

"Thanks, Chat Noir!" Ladybug thanked her partner, now glad that he convinced her to bring her with her.

"Go ahead, use that charm of yours!" Reflekta Copy Chat Noir flirted with a wink, prompting Ladybug to call on her...

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug shouted, summoning her powers as it conjured... "A camera? Okay..." the heroine in red trailed off when the object landed in her hands, quickly looking around to inspire a plan to defeat Reflekta. As she did, the spotlights hanging from the ceiling, Reflekta's eyes and bracelet were highlighted in her mind, allowing her to finally come up with a plan before Reflekta shot her ray at her again.

"Chat Noir! Turn off the lights, quickly!" Ladybug ordered her partner, jumping back from Relfekta's ray as she spoke.

After she spoke, Reflekta Copy Chat Noir ran to the front wall of the studio and towards the main light switch while Ladybug kept dodging Reflekta's ray beams. Just when the akuma had jumped down from her perch, Reflekta Copy Chat Noir had reached the light switch and shuts off the lights, giving Ladybug a thumbs up afterwards. Now in the safety of the dark studio, Ladybug had taken advantage of Reflekta's inability to see in the dark and began taking many pictures of Reflekta with her camera Lucky Charm.

"Over here Reflekta!" the spotted heroine taunted the brightly colored akuma, blinding her with the camera flash and distracting Reflekta enough for Ladybug to give Reflekta Copy Chat Noir the camera amidst the chase.

Once she did, Reflekta had managed to grab a hold of the camera in Reflekta Copy Chat Noir's hands, thinking that she had caught Ladybug thanks to her spotty vision. To say the least, the akuma was surprised to see it wasn't Ladybug she had cornered, and was further shocked when Ladybug came out from behind her partner and blinded her with another camera flash. Reflekta then tried to retaliate by shooting Ladybug with her ray, but was shocked to see that the spotted heroine had grabbed her bracelet and dropped it to the ground to stomp on it, destroying it and finally releasing the akuma. Meanwhile, Reflekta Copy Chat Noir had walked back to the light switch and turned the lights back on, allowing Ladybug to clearly see the akuma fluttering free in the studio.

"No more evildoing for you, little akuma!" Ladybug exclaimed as she opened her yo-yo to reveal the sparkling pool of cleansing energy inside. "Time to de-evilize!" the heroine in red shouted before she threw her yo-yo toward the akuma, catching it in her yo-yo.

"Gotcha!" Ladybug cheered when the yo-yo was back in her hands. A second later, she released the purified akuma, setting the white butterfly free. "Bye, bye little butterfly," the spotted heroine said as the butterfly flew away, right before throwing the Lucky Charm up into the air.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug cried out, summoning the magic ladybugs and cleansing cure. The magic ladybugs then finally swept through the city and restored everything back to normal, returning the citizens to their normal selves, Chat Noir included as he was turned back into his original self by the cure too.

"You were awesome, Chat Noir!" Ladybug praised her partner, glad to see him back to normal.

"And with those shoes on too! By the way, those things should be illegal!" Chat Noir exclaimed, happy to be free from those medieval torture devices while Reflekta had turned back to Juleka.

"Where, where am I?" Juleka wondered out loud, looking around at her unfamiliar surroundings as Ladybug and Chat Noir exclaimed...

"Pound it!" the two heroes cheered as they fist-bumped, completing their post-battle ritual. Once their little celebration was complete, Ladybug walked over to Juleka and brought her over to a restored Mayor Bourgeois.

"Could you take this girl back to her school please, Mr. Bourgeois?" Ladybug requested from the mayor, seeing as that was the least he could do after his part in tricking them earlier.

"Yes, of course Ladybug!" Mayor Bourgeois agreed, happy to help.

"Thank you!" Ladybug thanked, only for her Miraculous to beep right after. "See you later Chat Noir! Bug out!" the spotted heroine fare-welled before she ran out of the studio, leaving behind a smiling Chat Noir as he watched her go.


Inside Hawkmoth's lair, the resident supervillain himself was seething as he stood in the center of his lair as he processed his newest defeat.

"You might've pulled it off today Ladybug, but everything isn't always as it appears to be!" Hawkmoth growled, gripping his cane in an iron-like hold in his fury. "Watch out Ladybug and Chat Noir! I'll destroy you when you least expect it!" the chrome dome gravely warned his enemies, despite them not being able to hear him as the lair window closed back up, leaving him in darkness once again.


Well after the defeat of Reflekta, Juleka was taken back to the school while both Marinette and Adrien made it back on their own means. But while Adrien had thought to detransform when getting back into the building, Marinette had done so a little ways away from the building. So as she ran up the front steps to reenter the school, it gave her some time to think over some things... especially towards her original plan to help Juleka. By the time reached the top of the stairs, she stopped just in front of the school's main entrance to open her purse and pull out the memory card.

"You were right, Tikki. Stealing this was a bad choice." Marinette reflected, holding the memory card in front of her face.

"So you're not going to erase the photo?" Tikki questioned from her holder's purse.

"No, I've got another idea. One I think you'll approve of." Marinette replied, taking her gaze off of the card to look at her kwami.

"That's my girl!" Tikki praised, glad that Marinette was doing the right thing. Not wasting any more time, Marinette walked back into the school just as Vincent was getting ready to take another class picture, only to spot Chloé sitting next to Sabrina on the steps leading to the courtyard. Seeing the opportunity to make another wrong right, Marinette headed over to the blonde brat and crouched down behind her to give her back her phone.

"Here, you can have this back." Marinette said as she held out the device to Chloé, who took it back before the pigtailed girl walked over to Vincent.

"Ready?" Vincent questioned the class he was about to photograph, all while Marinette had taken to stand behind him once she was close enough for him to hear her say...

"Uh hey, you dropped this!" Marinette called out to Vincent, showing the memory card to him. At the sight of the little card, Vincent looked back at his camera and quickly noticed that the memory card was indeed missing from the camera.

"Ah, grazi!" Vincent thanked before he took the card back and placed it back into his camera, eager to get the next class done.

"I know you're very busy but one of our classmates wasn't in the photo you took. Is there any way we could do it again?" Marinette asked, deciding to take the route Rose had suggested to begin with. At the question, Vincent turned away from his camera and looked back at Marinette with an unsure look on his face.

"Well, I'm already running late with everything that's been going on and... Mr Damocles." Vincent said, bringing up all the reasons why he might not be able to do so and even pointing at the stern-faced principal as he stood by the awaiting class.

"I understand but...could you do it after you're finished here at the school? We could set up at the park next door!" Marinette offered, not willing to take 'no' for an answer.

"Well..." Vincent trailed off in an unsure voice, scratching his head out as he thought about it.

"We want an awesome photo taken by the most awesome photographer!" Marinette continued, hoping that a little bit of complementing would help him make up his mind. "PLEASE!" the designer begged, putting her hands together like she was praying as she asked.

"Well, when you put it that way...OK!" Vincent happily replied, making Marinette smile at his agreement.

"Thank you!" Marinette squealed, happy that he would help them out.


(Time Skip)

Like Vincent had promised, after he was done at the school he met Ms. Bustier's class at the park near the school. Once he arrived, the students didn't hesitate to gather around one of the park benches for Vincent to take another picture of them, and this time with Juleka included and excluding Chloé. Sabrina had tried to exclude herself as a show of support to Chloé, but Marinette was insistent that she would be in it too, leading her to be sitting in between Max and Alix.

"Okay, we're all good here." Vincent confirmed to the class, now ready to take their picture. "Everyone ready?" the photographer asked, double checking for any last minute changes.

"This photo was a good idea, Marinette!" Adrien whispered to the pigtailed girl, standing next to Marinette in the back row.

"Thanks Adrien!" Marinette gushed, blushing at his praise.

Off to the side, the excluded Chloé was watching the group with a pouting glare, not happy that she was the only one not in this new photo.

"Like I would want to be part of their stupid photo anyway!" Chloé reasoned with herself as she stood next to a tree, not letting the stinging feeling of being left out hurt her. "Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" the heiress added, saying her usual catchphrase as she walked out of the park, not wanting to watch the group anymore.

As she did, Vincent finally snapped the photo of the group without any trouble at all. Once the photo was taken, the class cleared the bench to allow Vincent to sit down and show them the new photo whilst they surrounded him to get a good look at it.

"The 'class photo curse' is broken!" Rose cheered, her and Juleka standing behind Vincent to get a look at the unobstructed Juleka in the photos. At the sight of the perfect photo, Juleka couldn't help but smile widely at the person who made this possible.

"Thank you, Marinette!" Juleka exclaimed, her joy flooding out by the seams. At her words, a smiling Marinette only nodded in reply, happy to have helped her friend. From that point on, the class spent the rest of the time Vincent had with them taking several much more goofy photos, all of them having a blast with each other as they participated in said photos.


(Time Skip)

After the impromptu photo shoot the class participated in, the boys and Sabrina had cleared out of the park and left the rest of the girls to their own devices. When they did, while the majority of the girls were in the middle of a conversation, Rose was sitting with Juleka at the end of the bench farthest away from the group.

"Is everything okay, Juleka? I thought you were happy that the photo curse was broken." Rose asked, a little worried by her best friend's quiet mood even after the successful photo session.

"I am. It's just..." Juleka replied before trailing off, not knowing how to say why she was so quiet. "I just can't stop thinking about when I was akumatized earlier." the purple streaked haired girl finished, pulling her legs to her chest and holding them in place as she spoke.

"I thought akuma victims didn't remember what they did when they were akumatized." Rose said, recalling what had been released in the official reports of the akumatizations.

"I don't." Juleka replied as she stared a hole into the ground, assuring Rose that she had the same experience as other victims. "What I mean is that I can't believe that I was akumatized in the first place." she elaborated with a mumble, causing the other girls to hear them talking.

"What'cha guys talking about?" Alix asked, the rest of the girls walking over to Rose and Juleka.

"Juleka is still processing her time as an akuma." Rose explained, surprising the group of girls with her words.

"Whoa! You remember what you did!?" Alya exclaimed, misunderstanding the situation. "That's a first!" the reporter cheered, eager to get more information for her blog, when she got permission from Juleka of course.

"I already told Rose that I don't remember what I did." Juleka corrected, not looking away from the ground as she spoke. "But it still doesn't change the fact that I was akumatized." the purple streaked-haired girl remarked, prompting Marinette to sit next to Juleka on her left.

"Maybe not... but that wasn't really you, Juleka." Marinette said, hoping to comfort her classmate/friend.

"Yes, it was!" Juleka cried out, looking away from the ground and at Marinette in her mopey mood.

"It was you at an extreme you wouldn't normally go, Juleka." Mylène pointed out, sitting down on the bench next to Rose. "That's what Hawkmoth does. He takes your negative emotions and twists them to a more sinister version of ourselves." the rainbow dreadlock haired girl added, reminding Juleka of what they already learned about the affects of being an akuma, even speaking from experience.

"Mylène's right! Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't act like that." Marinette agreed, reasoning with the facts presented to help make their point clear. "Whatever you do as an akuma can't be held against you when you have no real control of what you do in that state." the pigtailed girl stated, placing a comforting hand on Juleka's shoulder.

"You're not alone, Juleka!" Rose exclaimed, placing her own hand onto Juleka's unoccupied shoulder. "Except for Marinette, Sabrina and Chloé, we've all been akumatized. So if anyone knows what it's like to feel the way you're feeling, it's us!" the pixie-haired girl cheered, reminding her best friend that most of them knew what it was like to be akumatized.

"Heck, yeah!" Alya proclaimed, punching her fist into the air. "You don't have to keep it all bottled up, Juleka. Open up to us!" the reporter encouraged, making Juleka smile at the group's joint support.

With their comfort, Juleka started opening up and explained how it felt when Hawkmoth had first made contact with her, and then the leftover feeling after she had been freed. In response, the girls in the group that had been akumatized had opened up as well, leading to them all bonding and becoming a friend group, exchanging numbers and creating a group chat.

Afterwards, the girls had to leave the park and head home, the hour growing later and their parents texting them to come home. When the group split up, Juleka and Rose ended up being the only ones left after dropping the others off and walked home together until Juleka dropped Rose off before heading to her houseboat. When she reached her house, a smiling Juleka stepped onto the gangplank and walked onto the deck before heading down into the living area. After she did, Juleka could hear a guitar being played from her room until it abruptly stopped the closer she got to the doorway.

"Is that you, Jules?" a male voice in the room called out, Juleka only a few steps away from the room.

"Yeah Luka, it's me!" Juleka replied as she entered her room, spotting her twin brother, Luka, sitting on his bed on his side of their room and holding his guitar.

"How'd your day go?" Luka asked from his spot, smiling at his sister.

"It was... interesting." Juleka admitted as she walked over to her bed, setting her bag down on top of it.

"Class photos were today, right?" Luka questioned, recalling what she had told him earlier that day.

"Yeah, they were." Juleka confirmed as she started unpacking her bag.

"How'd it go?" Luka inquired as he placed his guitar onto his bed before getting off of it, walking over to her vanity and leaning against it.

"Well, not so great at first." Juleka admitted, scratching the back of her neck. "I'll spill the tea later. But Marinette totally broke the curse!" she exclaimed while pulling out her phone and showed him the photos Vincent took of the class, leaving Luka impressed that she was unobstructed in them.

"Check it out! We got so many pictures!" Juleka cheered, her smile becoming infectious since Luka found himself copying her.

"Twinsie, this is amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Luka congratulated before he hugged Juleka.

"Thanks, Twinsie!" Juleka replied, hugging him back. "And it wouldn't have been possible without Marinette's help." the purple streaked-haired girl added as she pointed to Marinette on the photo, who immediately caught Luka's eye.

"Huh. Marinette." Luka remarked, a fluttering feeling filling his chest the longer he stared at the photo.

"Yeah! She's a miracle worker!" Juleka cheered before she headed to their shared bathroom to change clothes, leaving Luka to stare at the photo with a soft smile.

"Yeah, it sure sounds like it." Luka muttered to himself, still smiling at the photo before sending himself a copy of it to his own phone while waiting for Juleka. Once she gets back; dressed in more comfortable clothes, Juleka then gets herself comfortable before she begins to regale what had happened that day, akumatization included.


When night finally came, Marinette was eager to start her usual video call so she could tell Jim and Toby about this particular akuma. Not just about Chat Noir's unfortunate transformation into a Reflekta copy, but also to regal about breaking Juleka's photo curse and catch up from the video call they missed earlier. Thankfully for her, Marinette didn't need to wait long after having dinner with her parents for the clock to approach 9pm, soon sitting in her desk chair and dressed in her pajamas with Tikki already sleeping in bed. When the clock on her computer changed to 9:00 pm, her screen was soon filled by the notification of Jim calling her, prompting her to click the 'accept' button and let him and Toby appear on the screen.

"Hey, boys! How's your day been?" Marinette greeted the two boys, watching as they opened their bags and pulled out the lunches Jim had made them.

"Hey, Mari!" Jim replied back, a smile on his face. "Our day's been going well so far." the Trollhunter added, he and Toby opened their lunch bags to start digging in. The menu of the day consisted of a set of BLT sandwiches, a bag of carrot sticks, and brownies for dessert.

"But what about you?" Toby spoke up, directing the conversation to focus on Marinette's day. "We saw a news segment on a new akuma that appeared!" the rounded boy announced, unwrapping his sandwich before taking a bite out of it.

"Ah, I was wondering if they would talk about Reflekta after she had been freed." Marinette said, not surprised by Toby's query.

"Reflekta, yeah that's her name! I knew it had to be pretty unique considering what we heard she could do." Jim exclaimed before following Toby's example and took a bite of his BLT, now remembering the akuma's rather intriguing name.

"Is it true that she could turn others into copies of herself!?" Toby questioned, wanting to know everything about the latest akuma.

"Yep, it is." Marinette confirmed. "Do you have something like that on your list, Tobes?" the red-tipped haired girl asked, a questioning eyebrow raised at the boy in question as he took another bite from his lunch.

"Pretty sure, he does." Jim replied after finishing his mouthful, only to look away from the phone screen. "Yo Tobes, what have we got listed down so far?" the Trollhunter questioned his best friend, resulting in Toby stopping midway of putting a mouthful of his lunch into his mouth and placing it down next to him.

"Let's see..." Toby muttered out loud, pulling out his phone from his bag and pressing his Word Docx app, entering it so he could open up the list he made of the akumas that already happened. After Mr. Pigeon had been akumatized, Toby had started keeping track of the akumas that had already attacked the city. Alongside that decision, Toby also decided to see if he could keep guessing future akuma powers and made a second list of possible future akuma concepts as well.

"Okay we've got rock giant akuma, bubble akuma, weather akuma, pigeon overlord akuma, time traveler akuma, doppelganger akuma for Chat Noir, pharaoh reincarnation akuma, and a wifi powered akuma." the geology nerd reported, reading off the list he had in his hands before needing to stop and take a breath.

"Plus an artist akuma, police akuma, fear feeder akuma, evil knight akuma, mime akuma, perfume akuma, shapeshifter akuma, hypnotist akuma, photographer akuma, rockstar akuma, chef akuma, and finally a gamer akuma." Toby concluded, finishing off with his reading of the list before looking back at Jim's phone. "All in that order." the rounded boy remarked, a smirk on his lips as he announced his achievement of keeping a chronological log of the akumatized villains.

"Wow, that's a lot. And it isn't even Christmas yet!" Marinette remarked, impressed with Toby's organized recording of past akumas. Clearly he had some form of influence from Alya when making it. "How many possible akuma concepts have you been able to check off on the second list?" the red-tipped haired girl asked, curious as to what Toby had guessed right since Mr. Pigeon. After being asked the question, Toby quickly exited the first list and opened up the second one.

"Since making the list, we've been able to tick off time traveler, doppelganger, internet powers, artist, police, hypnotist, rockstar, photographer, police, fear powers, gamer, chef and shapeshifter." Toby read out loud, looking at the crossed out things on the second list. "And now, we can cross off the body switcher off the list now that Reflekta has been akumatized." the rounded boy reported, doing as such while speaking.

"The internet powers one was a bit of a debate since Lady Wifi's powers were cell phone based." Jim admitted before taking a few more bites, stuffing his mouth full.

"Her powers were connected to the wifi signal, Jim! Wifi is the internet, plain and simple!" Toby exclaimed, not believing that Jim even needed to argue about the logistics of Alya's akuma powers.

"He's right, Jim." Marinette agreed, causing Jim to roll his eyes at them while swallowing his food.

"In any case, who got akumatized this time?" Jim asked when his mouth was clear of his mouthful of BLT.

"It was Juleka this time around." Marinette reported.

"Isn't she that quiet girl in your class? I remember you mentioned her at one point." Toby recolected, followed by him taking one last bite of his first sandwich.

"Yeah, that's her." Marinette confirmed, watching Toby unwrap his first sandwich while Jim was finishing off his own frist sandwich. "And we can thank Chloé for being the main cause of her akumatization." the designer grumbled, still sour towards the heiress due to her recent actions.

"How'd we'd guess?" Jim rhetorically stated, not surprised when hearing about Chloé's recent offense. "So what happened?" the blue-eyed boy asked, quickly followed by him stuffing the last of his first sandwich into his mouth and Toby biting into his second.

"Well, it all started with class photos..." Marinette said, beginning to regal what had happened that day.

Since Jim and her didn't have their lunch-time call like normal, Marinette had filled them both in about the events leading up to Juleka's akumatization. The retelling then went on to what had happened after the botched class photo, Marinette's attempted heist of the camera's memory card, and finding out Juleka had been turned into Reflekta. After regaling what had happened in the fight against Reflekta, Marinette finished off her tale in explaining how she helped break Juleka's photo curse and form a friend group with the majority of the girls in her class. Needless to say, the boys were happy to hear that Marinette was making more friends. But they were more focused on the part of the story where Chat Noir had found himself fumbling with his new heels, earning a laugh from them.

"No way!! You're taking us for a ride!" Jim exclaimed through his laughter, his amusement howling through the air with each cackle as he started on his brownies, both him and Toby already finished everything else in their lunches.

"I kid you not, Jim! Chat Noir really did have to fight in platform high heels when Refelkta turned him into a copy of herself!!" Marinette proclaimed, confirming her earlier recount of what happened to be true. "And it was hilarious!!" she managed to joyfully add before bursting out into laughter.

"HA! I would actually pay good money to see that for myself!" Jim cheered despite his disappointment to have missed the alleged event, biting into his last brownie.

"Oh, it's times like these where I wish I lived in Paris!" Toby admitted, biting into his first brownie. "So much cool stuff happening on your end!" the geology nerd exclaimed, his mouth full of the chocolaty dessert.

"Speaking of which, anything new to report on the Changeling situation?" Marinette asked, hoping that they had caught a break after their clash with the shapeshifter in Toby's dentist office.

"Nothing since the one in my dentist's office." Toby reported, which had followed after he swallowed his mouthful of brownie. "It's actually really unnerving." the rounded boy said with a shutter, shivering in nervousness before scarfing down his last brownie.

"Here's to hoping that something happens in the near future." Marinette said just before the bell rang on the boy's end, which stopped Jim from stuffing the last of his brownie into his mouth.

"Aw, man! Why does lunch have to end so soon!" Toby whined, Jim quickly stuffing his remaining brownie into his mouth so he could start packing up.

"That's just the way it is, Toby." Marinette replied, well used to his dislike of the short length of time they had to catch up. "Alright, I better let you guys start heading to class." the pigtailed girl announced, knowing that it was in their best interest to not be late.

"Please, don't! I'd rather you keep talking just to avoid English class!" Toby begged, hoping to appeal to her pleasing nature.

"Same here, Tobes. But it's getting late on Mari's end, and an akuma could happen at any point in time." Jim said to his best friend, already having packed his bag while Toby tried to get Marinette to keep talking to them. With a sigh at seeing that he wouldn't get his way, Toby started to pack up his bag.

"Thank you, Jim." Marinette thanked, even if she started feeling a little guilty for not being able to help Toby out in avoiding class. "Sorry Toby, maybe next time." the designer apologized, causing Toby to groan as he finished packing up.

"Okay, we'll see you later sis." Jim farewelled as he and Toby rose to their feet, the both of them waving 'bye' to her.

"Bye, boys! Don't get into any more trouble!" Marinette reminded them, hoping that they would be careful with whatever they came across later on.

"We'll try not to, sis. See you next time." Jim replied, knowing that they couldn't make that promise even if it would put his sister at ease.

"See ya!" Marinette fare-welled with a wave, followed by her hanging up the call. Once the screen went dark, Marinette quickly stretched her back to give it a satisfying crack and got up from her chair to head up to bed. Making sure not to disturb the sleeping Tikki on her bed's shelf area, Marinette slowly crawled underneath her sheets and snuggled into her covers, soon drifting off to sleep.

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