Captain Nooroo

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Agent Smith and Officer Jones crouched behind a desk, hoping the monster hunting them down would only pass them by.

"Agent Smith, it's too dangerous. We must evacuate," Officer Jones checked over the desk to see the monster sniffing them out, and quickly ducked back beside Agent Smith.

"You're suggesting we run, Officer Jones?" asked Agent Smith, "After it devoured my family, my friends, even my beloved dog, Sniffles? Never! I won't run! I no longer fear it, I'm going to face it, then I'll-Waaaaah!" Agent Smith jumped back in terror as the monster appeared behind her.

"Cut!" Called out Nino. "Agent Smith" played by Mylene still cowered in fear behind the desk as the "monster" Ivan took off his mask.

A film competition was being held in Paris and Nino was employing students from the class to participate in a movie that he and Alya wrote. Adrien with his natural good looks was cast for the male lead, while Mylene, whose father was an actor, was cast as the female lead.

 Their acting went well with each other, at least Marinette thought since she was the producer, but every time the monster had to make an appearance, Mylene freaked.

"Sorry Mylene," Ivan said, sincerely worried for the petite girl.

"Mylène! That's like, the tenth take, and we're only on the first scene!" complained Nino as he walked over to his actress, Adrien already whisked away by Juleka for makeup reapplication.

"Fourteenth actually, but who's counting," said Alix as she changed the numbers on the clapboard, her legs swinging as she sat on the desk in their classroom.

"Ugh," Nino whined as he walked back to his position. Marinette was ready to soon give the boy a pep talk. Mylene was trying as hard as she could, but maybe the mask Marinette made a little too good to give the girl a heart attack every time it was on Ivan's head.

"I'm... sorry. I'm gonna do better on the next take, I promise," Mylene offered weakly.

"Anyone want tea," asked Rose who was in charge of craft services, sounding cheerful, hoping that would lighten the mood.

"You're playing a hero from the special forces. You're not supposed to get all freaked out!" scolded Nino.

"I know, but... that monster mask he's wearing is so... realistic and scary!"

"Just big ol' me, Mylène. Nothing to be scared of," offered Ivan, giving Mylene a heart warming smile, which Mylene slightly returned. The perfect couple in Marinette's opinion.

"You ask me, he doesn't even need a mask!" Chloe and her cohort Sabrina laughed, everyone minus Ivan and Mylene glaring at the two.

 Other than everyone in the class being included in the project, Marinette felt it would have been a lot better without Chloe in the mix.

"What a bratty snob," Marinette muttered to her bestie, Alya, who looked so done with Chloe.

"Ivan, put the mask back on, you're playing the monster! And Mylène, we need you to stay in character!" Ivan complied and put the mask back on, frightening Mylene.

"I need to sing my happy song, it always makes me feel better,"Mylene closed her eyes. "Mon prince est en chemin déjà, Je ne sais pas comme il sera-ah!" She she sang to herself, she didn't notice Adrien behind her, accidentally bumping into him.

"And the Oscar for best pathetic scaredy-cat afraid of its own shadow goes to... Mylène!" Chloe and Sabrina began laughing again, their laughter sounding more like a witch's cackle.

"Chloe, seriously?" Adrien frowned at his friend.

"Yeah, so what?"

Mylene, finally at a breaking pointing, ran out of the room crying.

"Mylene!" Marinette called out as her friend passed her, "Anyone going to go after her?"

"Mylene! Wait!" Ivan took off his mask, leaving it in the room before running after her. If anyone could help Mylene, Marinette was sure Ivan could.

"Epic, Chloé! Just epic! What are we supposed to do now without our leading actress?" Nino fumed, about ready to blow. Marinette placed a reassuring hand on Nino's shoulder.

"Who needs her anyway? She was totally lame!" Chloe commented, studying her nails.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Ivan can help talk her out of this," offered Marinette to Nino.

"I hope so. We don't have much time because the deadline is tomorrow," Nino was clearly panicking, something Marinette was sure Nino had seen her do plenty of times.

"Nino, you go this. You handle all my missions just fine, just breath and don't let any of this get to you."

Nino smiled.

"Thanks LB. I needed that. So what do you say Miss Producer?"

"Hopefully Ivan has a handle on Mylene. I brought my travel sewing kit so maybe while you guys film other scenes, I can make the mask less scary for Mylene."

"Sounds like a plan." Just then Ivan came back into the room, but without Mylene.

"Where's Mylene," asked Alya.

"Bathroom," answered Ivan.

"Ok, Plan B then," mutter Marinette.

"But do we even have an understudy. Everyone thought Mylene would be the best for this part," wondered Alya, going over some production notes Marinette had on a clipboard.

"I'll do it," offered Chloe.

"Have you even read the script?" Asked Alya, doubting Chloe would be volunteering just to save the film.

"Of course I have! The first scene anyway. I can even tell you that it ends with a kiss between Agent Smith and Officer Jones!"

"Wait?!" Marinette yelled. That wasn't in the script as far as she knew. She looked over to Alya who looked just as confused as she did as she flipped through the script she had in hand.

Marinette turned to Nino who looked 100% guilty.

"It was just a little tweak. You know, to move the story forward. Plus Adrien and Mylene would be professional about it, so I didn't think it would hurt."

"What! You added at my script without even telling me? That's low!" If looks could kill, Nino would be dead.

"Wait a minute! You mean my script!" Nino met Alya eye to eye, crushing smaller Marinette between their argument.

From where Marinette was stuck, she could see Rose handing Adrien some juice. At least two people were still full on sunshine on this set.

"Oh, who cares who wrote what? We've got to film this thing, right?" Chloe turned to Max, who was Assistant Producer and Timekeeper.

"She's right. Principal Damocles is only allowing us to use school until 6 p.m. sharp. Which leaves us 9 hours, 12 minutes and 12 seconds. 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." the bespeckled boy kept counting down as Marinette pulled Alya aside.

"Adrien and Chloé kissing cannot happen! No way!"

"It makes no sense story wise anyway. The main character's emotional journey..."

Hold on!" Marinette turned to the rest of the group, "We can't let Mylène just leave just like that, it's... wrong! We all chose her to play the leading female role! And... we're all in this movie together! She needs our support. I'm gonna go find her and bring her back." Marinette dashed out of the room.

"Always trying to save the day, aren't you, Marinette? Good luck finding the filthy hole that scaredy cat's hiding in!" Chloe snarled after her.

Marinette raced down the stairs and to the girl's bathroom. She could hear sniffling from one of the stall.

"Mylene, you in here?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute, I'll be right out Marinette."

"That's not why I am here."

"You're not? But we need to get filming done, and I'm just holding everything up."

"It's fine, you are more important right now." Marinette stood beside the bathroom stall Mylene had hid herself away in.

"Don't worry about what Chloe said, we all think you are a great actor."

"But I get so scared."

"It's fine to get scared. I'm sure your father gets stage fright sometimes. I even get scared when I go on missions."

"You do?"

"All the time. Lots of people depend on me. I don't want to let them down. Plus some situations I have been were very frightening. Like a couple weeks ago when I lost Chat Noir in Kitty Paw's mansion. I was scared for my life and Chat's with what would happen."

"How did you do it? Overcome your fear."

"I just remind myself that my actions are bigger than my fear. If I don't do anything, fear wins. But doing something means at least I'm trying and giving it my best."

Marinette looked over at the mirror, remembering Chat's smile once they were safe.

"We all believe in you Mylene. You are more than your fear."

"Thanks Marinette. I'm going to be a minute then come up."


Just then Alya burst into the bathroom.

"You better come ASAP, producer! There's some serious lick puckering about get going on!"

"What," asked Mylene?

"Nino changed the script to add a kiss scene," explained Alya.

"Don't worry Mylene. We'll work this out. Come up when you are ready," Marinette and Alya raced up the stair and flung the door open as Chloe was about to kiss Adrien.


"Marinette, what gives? We're in the middle of a shoot, and I'm the director, FYI. I say cut, no one else. Comprende?" Whined Nino, stopping the recording.

"And I'm the producer! Mylène's supposed to be the star of this movie."

"We're out of time, and from what I can see, Mylène isn't here. Let's take it from the top, people."

"This is beat!" voiced Alya, approaching Nino, blocking his camera from filming. "Agent Smith does not need a man in her life right now! Sniffles just got munched right now, remember!"

"Do you wanna finish this film or not?" Asked Nino, once again standing up to match Alya eye to eye.

"Then let's just make Agent Smith a nurse instead! That'll fix everything," offered Chloe, taking a seat on a desk.

"Um, I'm sorry. How, exactly?" Asked Alya, turning her anger to Chloe.

"I don't know, but I'm sure I'd look amazing in a uniform," Chloe pulled a compact out of her purse, checking to make sure her makeup was ok.

"Oh, come on! We're not gonna rewrite this script again!" Nino gripped his hat in frustration.

"I'm not putting my name on those credits," Alya fumed walking away from Nino to the other side of the room.

"Nobody cares about you anyway," commented Chloe as she powdered her nose.


The tension in the room was so thick, no one could breath. Even Rose and Adrien looked uneasy. Marinette needed to do something.

"Everyone calm down! This movie's a team effort" Marinette turned to Chloe, "Your nurse idea's perfect, Chloé!"

"Of course it's a perfect idea. Because it's mine!"

"But Chloé, you don't have a uniform," Marinette tried her best to look as depressed as possible about the outcome.

"Right! Which is why that idea wasn't believable in the first place," grumbled Alya, which Marinette chose to ignore.

"I think you and your assistant should go down to the nurse's office and try out some uniforms," Marinette offered, her face lighting up at the idea.

"Hmm. Kim, Max, come with me. You've just been promoted to wardrobe and bodyguard."

Once Chloe and her entourage left the room, a wave of tension left the room. Almost.

"Nice going, Miss Producer! Now we have no lead again!" Nino crossed his arms in frustration.

"But I just got rid of Chloe. Mylene should be back here before Chloe comes back."

"I told you, we don't have time. We need a lead now."

"Marinette can do it," offered Alya, Marinette giving her friend a look of panic.

Marinette sat at the desk quickly reading over the script. As much as she didn't want to take Mylene's part, Alya and Nino insisted the show must go on. Plus, Alya noted as a bonus, she would get to kiss Adrien.

Marinette looked up from the script to Adrien, who almost seemed to pose while Juleka put more makeup on him. He glanced over in her direction, which sent Marinette's face back down to the script, turning an undiscovered hue of red in the process.

"You ready girl," asked Alya.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Marinette stood up from her seat and made her way to face Adrien as he stood ready.

"Ready to roll? Camera!" Called Nino.

Alix popped out in front of the camera with the clapboard, "Horrificator, take 16..."


"I'm not scared of that monster, O-officer Jones!" Marinette was sure she stuttered that last part, but too late for a retake as Adrien pulled in by her waist. She rested her hands on his chest as she leaned towards him, closing her eyes.

"CUT!" Chloe slammed open the door, startling everyone. "I knew it!"

"What did I say about other people saying cut?!" Asked Nino in exasperation as he stopped recording. No one was paying attention to Nino at this point as all eyes were on Marinette and a furious Chloe.

"Well played, Marinette! All that speech about working together, then you stab me right in the back! Well, your stupid little movie won't make it into the festival if I'm not in it, because my daddy is one of the judges!"

"Perfect! Explained Nino, looking at his phone. Everyone turned to him as he pulled Marinette aside and away from Chloe.

"We got a lead on Hawkmoth. He ordered a Shrink Ray and is having it shipped to the Mojave Desert."

"Ok, but why is this perfect?"

"Shrink Ray? Mojave Desert? Area 51?"

"Don't tell me..."

"New movie location, but this time just you and Chat. This is going to be sick!" Marinette rolled her eyes, as the rest of the class looked relieved at the development.

"Thanks for the lift, Special Agent Luke and General Adams." Marinette sat in the back of a special forces jeep with Chat Noir beside her, fiddling with the camera Nino had him wear. Across from them sat two agents, Smith and Adams.

"Don't mention it. The way you helped us with that security breach."

"No big! I just..."

"No, seriously, don't mention it! It's highly classified," responded the other agent.

 The jeep pulled up to what should have been an abandoned warehouse, but was instead Hawkmoth's latest lair. Marinette and Chat stepped out of the car.

"Let's see what you got this time Nino." Marinette pressed a button on her belt, and out of her shoes came skates, and out of her backpack, a helmet and skateboard.

"You coming Chat," She offered the additional helmet to him.

"Almost, I think I got this. Do we got this Nino," Chat asked Nino.

"You both are good to go," Nino gave them a thumbs up, still inside the classroom with a majority of the students watching. Chloe and Sabrina had left to ruin someone else's day and Adrien had a surprise photo shoot. Marinette was kinda hopeful Adrien would get a chance to see her in action.

"Good luck Girl," offered Alya who sat beside Nino.

Marinette smiled at her watch as Chat hopped on behind her.

"Don't worry friend of Ladybug, she is safe with me," assured Chat through his watch.

"Sure Mister Tiger Kung Fu," several students in the class chuckled.

"They know?"

"It was put on the Ladyblog," offered Marinette weakly before jets popped out of her shoes and shot them towards the house.

They blast through a wall grating to find Hawkmoth and Volpina inside, Hawkmoth holding in his arm a Chinchilla.

"Ladybug?! What's say we dispense with the banter and skip right to the kung-fu fighting? Volpina!" Volpina snarled a devilish smile as she launched herself at Marinette, her hands glowing a vivid orange.

"Ok, hold on for one second my lady," Chat pulled out Nino's phone and began recording. "Now go. I mean Action."

Chat followed with the phone as Marinette and Volpina fought around the room. Hawkmoth started griping about something, so Chat turned his attention to the villain.

"What seems to be the trouble Hawky," asked Chat focusing on Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth set the Chinchilla on the ground, revealing a dark stain on his purple suit.

"I told you he had to go didn't I," commented Volpina as she fought Marinette.

"But did Captain Nooroo have to go there?"

Chat turned back to the action only to have Marinette grab Volpina by the wrist and flung her in Chat's direction. This sent both Chat and Volpina into the wall and Plagg out of Chat's pouch.

Plagg lazily got up from his napping position, eyeing Captain Nooroo, who scratched out at the kitten. Plagg hissed in response.

"Aw, so cute! It's like an adorable fight," Chat fumbled with the phone and began filming Plagg and Captain Nooroo's fight. Volpina had gotten up and was back to attacking Marinette.

"No, back you vile cat, no one touches Captain Nooroo but me," Hawkmoth made a reach for Captain Nooroo, but Chat stuck out his foot, sending the villain over the fighting animals and hitting the machine, striking a particular switch that read reverse.

Plagg managed to gain the upper hand and pushed the chinchilla onto the platform.

As Marinette and Volpina fought, Volpina kicked Marinette into a button that read on.

A bright pink glow emanated from the shrink ray, hitting Captain Nooroo, but rather than shrinking, the chinchilla kept getting larger and larger until it broke the ceiling of the warehouse.

"New Plan! Come on Volpina," Hawkmoth clamoured onto the furry rodent as it began walking out of the warehouse. Volpina threw another couples punches before jumping after them, grabbing onto the velvety fluff.

"That would be the coolest shot ever if it weren't for the two thousand tons chinchilla that has been unleashed into an unsuspecting world," commented Nino over the watch.

"Not helping Nino. Do you think you find where they're going."

"Probably going to Area 51 Bugaboo," offered Chat as he turned off the recording to pick up Plagg and put him back in the pouch.

"That's it!"

Marinette stood outside gate barricading Area 51 while Chat stood behind her, awaiting the arrival of Captain Nooroo with Nino's phone.

"OK, I know this is going to sound weird, but you've got to let us in. There's this monster Chinchilla..." Marinette was trying to explain to the guards.

"Name?" Asked one of the guards.

"Captain Nooroo."

"Your name?"

"Oh, erm Marinette Dupain-Cheng also known as Ladybug." Their jaws nearly hit the floor, but not in amazement that Ladybug was before them. More like at the giant Chinchilla that was approaching.

"Sound the alarm! Battle stations!" The guard called out, running away in a panic.

"I'm totally calling you Captain Nooroo from now on," Chat smirked.

Marinette rolled her eyes as the gate opened.

"This way. General Sims is gonna wanna talk to you," said another guard who was in the security booth.

Marinette and Chat stepped inside the compound as the soldier led them through the base, only to be whisked into a helicopter along with the General.

"Don't worry, we've got a rock-solid defence strategy ready."

"For this? Really," Marinette asked in slight amusement while Chat filmed their conversation.

"Yes ma'am, full-frontal assault by a giant canine. That's a 43/5S-type scenario."

The Helicopter dodged as two attack planes came into position, dropping giant carrots on the ground.

Captain Nooroo stopped to pick up a carrot and nibble, only to throw it in disgust, sending groups of soldiers running for their lives from the carrot pieces.

"Haha, you fools! Captain Nooroo only eats the finest of apples. Not your pathetic carrots," Hawkmoth chuckled from his perch atop the Chinchilla while Volpina rolled her eyes.

"It's not working sir," came a soldier's voice over the intercom.

"Bring out the big guns!" Ordered General Sims.

"Guns? You're not actually gonna shoot him, are you," asked Marinette as Chat turned to film some of the action below.

"Just an expression, ma'am." Tanks approached the chinchilla as the helicopter circled overhead. A truck carrying a pet cage approached the rodent from behind.

"You may commence blowing the giant rodent whistles! " Ordered General Sims. Marinette looked over to see one of the operatives on a cliffside finishing his set up. Just as he was about to press the button, Captain Nooroo's tail knocked him over and the remote out of his hands and onto the ground.

WIthout a moment's hesitation, Marinette grabbed onto a hook and jumped out of the helicopter, the hook taking cabling attached to the helicopter with her. She hooked it onto her belt mid-flight, eventually landing slightly above ground. Marinette detached herself from the hook and rushed towards the remote. As she pressed the button, a shrill whistle filled the air, not affecting the chinchilla in the slightest.

"Why isn't it working Sergeant?" The General screamed into the intercom.

They began to hear barking over the hills. A rush of canines ran over the desert towards the whistle.

"I believe sir Operation Carrot Cake was our only solution for the rodent that is most humane. What was actually used," Captain Nooroo stomped on one of the dog whistles, silencing part of the sound, "wthe dog whistles were for 41/5S-type scenario."

The general groaned in frustration as the dogs overran the area outside the base, assisting in destroying the remaining whistles.

"Pull back, men! Move to the underground fortification!"

Marinette, looking worse for wear after being nearly mauled by dogs, stood in the elevator with General Sims and Chat Noir, Chat still filming the whole event.

"General Sims, if you don't mind me asking, sir, what's the big secret? You know. Area 51 and all that," asked Chat Noir, hoping for an interview to spice up Nino's video. "We know the rumours, flying saucers, alien technology, yada, yada. But what's the real deal? What are you hiding here?"

The elevator came to a stop.

"I'll show you." The doors opened to reveal a room filled with scientists studying aliens, flying saucers, alien, technology, and yada yada.

"But that means, all the rumors are true," Marinette same to the conclusion as she looked around with amazement. Nino was probably so jealous right now.

"Every last one of them. We've implemented a double-negative cover story. We make sure only to leak out information that is 100% accurate."

"But, then, it's not really secret," commented Chat, looking at the General with the phone.

"That's exactly what we want you to believe." Chat looked like he was about to say something in response, but thought better of it. He continued to scan the room, with the camera as a soldier approached the general.

"General Sims, you'd better come here," the soldier led the general, Marinette, and Chat to a room filled with monitors. They could see about Captain Nooroo sniffing above the base, eventually picking a spot to dig. As they watched the rodent dig, they would feel a rumble from the ear above.

"I am afraid we're out of options. I'm initiating the base's self-destruct system. The secrets contained in Area 51 must never be exposed."

"What's secret? Everybody knows already!" Whined Chat.

"Sir, we still have one last line of defence," offered Marinette with a smile.

"And what might that be?"

"Us," she said, pulling Chat under her arm.

"You've got ten minutes." Marinette smiled as she led Chat out of the room.

"Anything you think we can use to help," Marinette asked Chat as he finally stopped recording.

"Wait, doesn't that look like the shrink ray Hawkmoth had?" Chat and Marinette hurried over to the shrink ray that soldiers were using to shrink containers for manageable storage size.

"Brilliant Chat, we take this up top and shrink Captain Nooroo."

"Sorry Miss, no can do. This shrink ray has been drilled into place," answered a soldier.

"Figures," Marinette grumbled.

"Then why don't we make it an opponent?" Chat's eyes lit up at the thought.

"An opponent?" asked Marinette.

"Think about it," Chat reached into his bag and pulled out Plagg. " Plagg was totally winning in that fight against Captain Nooroo. If we make him bigger, we can totally take down the giant chinchilla."

Marinette smirked and booped his nose, making Chat blush.

"I like your thinking Chaton."

Meanwhile, Hawkmoth continued to order the Chinchilla to dig, while Volpina gripped onto the Chinchilla's fur for dear life.

"Yes! Dig, Captain Nooroo."

"Not so fast Hawkmoth." Hawkmoth pulled on Captain Nooroo's neck fuzz, halting the dig to reveal Marinette and Chat Noir, back to filming on Nino's phone.

"Did someone call pest control?" Marinette asked with a smirk.

"My lady, can you deliver that line again? You were out of frame," asked Chat as he repositioned himself and the camera.


"Captain Nooroo! Attack!" But the Chinchilla just sat.

"Attack you lazy rodent! Daddy commands you to attack."

"We are ready with the defensive Miss Ladybug," came a soldier over the intercom.

"Great, send him in."

The ground begin to shake, frightening the chinchilla into the hole it dug. From an underground shaft rose Plagg, now a giant cat .............who had already begun to take a nap!.

"Seriously," whined Marinette.

"Au contraire mon cherie," Chat opened one of his pockets to pull out a cheese tin.

"Open it please my lady, I need to record this for Nino," Marinette rolled her eyes as she opened the cheese tin, the horrendous smell of camembert permeating the air.

Plagg's nose twitched as the smell reached him. His eyes were open in a flash, noticing instead of the cheese, the Chinchilla, who had poked his head out of the hole. The cat stood up and stretched as the chinchilla rose out of the hole, Marinette sensing they had some unfinished business when she was fighting Volpina.

Plagg charged after the Chinchilla, knocking Hawkmoth and Volpina off with a hit.

"Alright, way to go Plagg!" Chat cheered.

"Not so fast Cat," Volpina's hand glowed bright orange as she prepared to attack. Marinette came in from the side, knocking her opponent away from Chat, who kept filming the monster battle.

Plagg, despite all reason and logic, was actually fighting, and not cute kitten scratch with paws. More like ninja fighting. The cat pounced on its prey, while the Chinchilla fought with its paws and teeth.

Marinette launched Volpina in the pet carrier truck that previously had been abandoned during the onslaught of dogs.

With a final strike, Plagg sent Captain Nooroo flying into the cage on top of Volpina.

"And cut! That was perfect. Now for a heroic pose Plagg. Plagg?" Chat looked up from the camera to find Plagg had fallen asleep.

"Lazy cat," he grumbled.

Soldiers began to emerge from where they were hiding to cheer for the cat's victory.

"Good job boys!" Came the voice of General Sims from somewhere in the crowd, as soldiers rushed to the cage to lock up Captain Nooroo and Volpina.

"Wait, where's Hawkmoth?" Just then, an alien spaceship began to fly out of Area 51 into the stars.

"Looks like Hawkmoth is going to learn about aliens the hard way," commented Chat as they watch the spaceship leave their sight. Marinette rolled her eyes and held out her fist. Chat smiled.

"Pound it."

Marinette and the rest of her class (minus Chloe and Sabrina because Chloe was upset she wasn't the star of the film) waited outside the city hall for Nino who was meeting with the mayor. She had seen the film Nino and Max had managed to edit, and it did look pretty good, especially the monster fight. Even Mylene admitted watching it had helped her fear of monsters a little seeing it just a cat and chinchilla.

Marinette watched the door when she noticed two familiar people. "Agent Luke and General Adams?" She walked over to the two men. "What are you guys doing here?"

"National security. We couldn't allow the public see the Area 51 footage," answered one of the agents.

"So we edited it."

Nino exited the building, looking more puzzled than anything as he held in his hands the flash drive with the movie. Marinette turned back to get further question out of the agents to find them gone.

"So, what did the mayor say?" Asked Alya.

"We didn't make the cut?" Nino seemed to be questioning whatever was on the flashdrive as he plugged it into a laptop Max had with him.

"How? It was awesome? It redefined the monster genre," continued Alya as Marinette rejoined the group.

Nino pressed play on the video.

It was a video of Plagg and Captain Nooroo at their fight at Hawkmoth's lair.

"Aw, so cute! It's like an adorable fight," came Chat's voice behind the camera before the video ended.

"Don't worry, bud. This is how all good movie directors start out," offered Adrien with a sunshine smile.

"I bet if we put it on YouTube, it'll make a big hit," offered Max. All of a sudden a lightbulb went off in Nino's head as he slammed the laptop shut.

"Brilliant! I'll see you guys tomorrow. Thanks for the help," in a flash, Nino was off, probably towards his house.

Marinette would later realize what that statement meant until late that night when she received a text from Chat telling her to check the Ladyblog.

Sure enough the video was on the site with a link to Nino's YouTube account.

The internet sure loves its cats.

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