Let's dance - dance au

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As I wormed my way through the sweaty bodies in Chat Noir. It's a.. Dance place. People come here to have competitions with each other. Only a few dare to mess with Chat Noir - the leader. He runs the place it is named after him after all.

And tonight, I'm going against him.

No one has ever won and I plan to change that when I dance tonight. I have been training all my life in my dance classes. My mother only knows of my ballet and tap practices, but my teacher agreed to also teach me hip-hop secretly.

So now here I am, trying to find Chat in this big mess. My best friend Alya is also with me, to back me up or drive me home if anything goes wrong.

And then I see him, ears and everything. He wore a big hoodie with cat ears and a tail on the back. He also had on some black sweat-pants and black sneakers. I smirked and walked over to him. He immediately recognized me from my Ladybug style crop top and red makeup on the top part of my face.

"Ahh, Bugaboo! It's been a while since I've seen you around my parts. Where have you been, practicing in hopes you'll impress me?" He winked. Did I mention he was a bit of a narcissistic asshole? Because he really is.

"No, Chat. I actually came to dance with you." I stated with a bored look on my face.

"Oh? You're really going to try and beat me? Believe me, I will crush you like bug if that's what you really wish for." He grinned. Oh here come the fucking puns, yay.

"Sure, Chat. It starts right meow." I added with a wink. Two can play at that game.

"Okay, my Lady!" He then leaned over to his friend Nino and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and ran over to the DJ table. I saw him put the headphones on and messing with the buttons on the table. Then, the music stopped and a different track started playing. I chuckled and took my hoodie off. Now, all I'm wearing is my Ladybug crop top, sweatpants, and sneakers.

*o shit waddup I actually don't know anything about dancing so just imagine that amazing dance scene from that cinderella movie with Selena Gomez:)*

The dance battle ending and I won. Very surprising actually, I didn't know that I was that good. Chat was sitting on the ground with wide eyes and then stood up suddenly.

"Flawless performance, my Lady. You danced well, especially since it was with me. Come back sometime for a rematch." He winked and walked away from me. He didn't seem very thrilled about me winning. But I was proud of myself.

Before I could even try to walk away, I was bombarded with people telling me I was 'so amazing!' and I 'really showed him!' I smiled and thanked all of them and then spotted Alya in the corner.

I walked over to her and she told me that after the dance, Chat Noir went to talk to Nino and he was really fucking salty about me winning. I laughed and felt happy. He was an asshole anyway, he needed to be taken down a few notches.

"Come on, Alya. My Mom will be wondering where I am if we stay any longer." I said with a chuckle. She rolled her eyes and agreed with me.

I waited until she started to walk forward and I looked behind me, saw Chat, and locked eyes with him. I felt a jolt of some kind of foreign emotion I have never felt. It kind of scared me and I jumped a bit.

He winked and I scowled. "Bye Chat," I muttered to myself as I leave 'Chat Noir.'

I heard Alya screaming my name and trying to pull me out of the club. I let her and she dragged me off into the car.

By now it was midnight and Paris was alive with numerous lights and the Eiffel Tower was lit up everywhere. It felt like time was going in slow motion and I loved this feeling.

Until next time, Chat Noir.

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