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I walked out of the room. I just can't stand that bitch Chloe. I was at the crow's nest of the Carapace star gazing. It was a good view of the sky. I then heard foot steps on The Carapace. I got up then saw two elites and Chloe. 

'What is she doing here' I thought to myself. I then heard words coming out from their mouth. "When are we going to tell the Royal Navy?" Asked a girl with red and green hair mixed all up. "Yeah, we're waiting for the signal" Said an elite. "Shut up the two of you we might be heard" Chloe said.

 Little did they know that a certain bluenette was eavesdropping on their conversation. "Okay fine. Later. Midnight. is the fleet done?" ask Chloe to the two. "Yes" they both said in sync. "Good now go. We might be seen" Chloe said. 

Before the two ran away, they were stopped by Alya and Nino. "And where the hell are you two going?" asked Nino to the two while holding his sword out as Alya did the same thing. I jumped down behind Chloe and tripped her, pulled out my pistol and pointed it at the back of her head. "They're traitors, even Chloe. They're spies!" I screamed as I put the end of the barrel at the back of her head. 

"Is that true?" Alya ask with a regretful voice. "It's true!" I screamed. Just then the girl with red and green hair pulls out his sword and throws it at me. I took out my yo yo, throws it at the sword making a red aura appear at the yo yo. 

Once it made contact, the sword broke then continued for the girl's body which I hit, making her to fly backwards towards Alya which she dodges barely.  "Gah!" The girl said as she landed on some barrels. The rouge elite charges towards Nino. Nino sighs as he pulls out his pistol and shoots it at the rouge elite's chest making him fall down, bleeding to death. Alya goes over to the girl, grabs her and puts her down next to Chloe's side.


Marinette walks out of the room as well as Nino and Alya. I sighed then looks at Chloe. "They just don't understand you Adrien~." Chloe said as she goes beside me. I growled softly but calmed down. "I know....Your the only person that understands me." I smiled at Chloe. She then smiles back as she sat down at my lap. 

"Well......" Chloe said as she kisses me. I kissed back as her hand wraps around my neck. My arms wrap around her waist as we started to have a make up session. I put my tongue to her bottom lip. She smirks as she denies. We continued like this for another good 10 minutes as she pulls out. "Maybe later~" She pokes my nose as I smirk. She got off my lap then goes outside of the room. When she got out, I took a nap. 


I heard a gunshot as I jolt up from my sleep. I took out my baton as I opened the window, jumps to where the shot is as I use my staff. "Carapace" He whispered to himself as he went there. I landed at a distance as I saw Marinette pinning down Chloe, an elite dead, a girl with red and green hair, Nino and Alya. I ran over to them. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE!" I snap whilst shouted to all of them. "These 3 are traitors! They plan to attack the Fort! They're with the British!" Marinette shouted back. I look at Mari then looks back to Nino and Alya. "Is she telling the truth?" I ask the two. Alya was about to speak but was cut off by Nino 

"Yes.....Marinette is telling the truth...." Nino said as he looks down. I then walk over to Marinette "Take all of them to the prison......" I look down at Chloe. Her eyes are perfect and innocent but I have to do it. "Even Chloe....." I walk away to the group. "Tighten up the defense! Check everything! Nino. Alya. After this, go to your ships and form a blockade. I'll meet you there later" I commanded to them as I walk off. 


Nino grabs the dead Elite's body, Alya grabs the red and green headed girl, and Mari loosens her grip to Chloe so she could stand up. They all went to the prison area, a prison cell for each of them. After that, Alya told the other elites to keep on their guard. Nino went to the Carapace along with Marinette. Alya went to her ship The Volpina. The two ships then set sail to form a blockade. Adrien is already there. They were ready to face The Armada of the Royal Navy.

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