Joining The Miraculous Fleet

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It's been two weeks sinceI gave her the yoyo. She's actually pretty good about it. I might let her join The Miraculous fleet and introduce her to ??????. Do i have to talk her now or later? Nah I'll talk to her now."ALYA!" as soon as the words come out of my mouth, she quickly opened the door and said"Yes capt?" She replied. "Come get Mari here." 

She nodded and gets out of my quarter. 5 mins later, Alya is with Mari."Why do you need me captain?" Mari said while playing tricks with her yo yo."I want you join the Miraculous fleet."I said in a monotone voice. 

"The what now?" She said confused. I sigh then said"The Miraculous fleet consist of me, Alya, Chloe, Adrien, Tikki, Plagg, Trixx, Pollen and Wayzz. Each individual has a ship. My ship is a Man-O-War and its name is The Carapace because it's slow but a very thick hull. Alya has a Frigate and its name is Volphina because its fast, I mean very fast. Chloe has a Brig and its name is Stinger because her cannonballs can penetrate very thick layers of hull. Adrien has a Man-O-War to but his is fast like a Cat. The name of his ship is The Chat Noir. Tikki, Plagg, Trixx, Pollen and Wayzz had their ships too but we don't what kind. All we know is that they are on the other side of the world looking for artifacts and recruiting other pirates as well." I quickly gasped for air 'cause I'm speaking for like 2 min straight.

"Wait, you said that Alya has ship right?"Mari said while I nodded."So what happen?" Before I can say anything she butted in to our conversation."Yes I do have my ship, but it was badly damaged. You see I was task to gather Intel on a Man-O-War that has gold,weapons,and newly made cannons but I was ambushed by 5 ships that belong to the Royal Navy. I quickly destroyed four of them but 1 got away. They did a lot of damage to The Volphina so we called it a day. We returned back to the hideout and repaired the damages. It took 3 weeks to repair it and I'm stuck with Nino over here"She said the last part while pointing a finger to me."I think it's repaired now and I can't wait to use it again." She said in delight. \

"So Mari, are you going to join then." I asked raising a brow."Yes but how do I get a ship?" I laughed then said "You steal one that you know that's perfect for you." She nodded. I look through my cabinet then search a ring that represents the fleet. "You,Marinette,will wear this ring all the time with or without any of the members of our fleet. Understood?" I said in a monotone voice. "Ok" She grabs the ring and quickly puts it on. "Now rest, the two of you. We'll be sailing to our hideout. "Yes Capt'n" They both said in unison. They walked out of my quarters and I quickly go the deck, up the stairs and quickly go to wheel and started steering towards the hideout. This is gonna be a long night.

Timeskip to Tomorrow in a late afternoon.


I was in Alya's quarter still in shock when Nino said that I'm a member of The Miraculous Fleet. I can't wait to meet the other members I thought to myself. I started playing my yoyo doing tricks and such and even replaced one of my sword but I have the other one. 

I was so bored. 

So I decided to go up the deck to see where Nino is. To my surprise, Alya was driving The Carapace while looking through her compass."Hey Alya!" I screamed in joy."Hey Marinette come join me." She replied then I nodded."So if u have a ship on your own,what will it be?" Alya said while looking forward the sea."Come to think of it, I think I might like a Frigate." I said doubtfully.

"Why a Frigate?" Alya said still looking forward."Well, a frigate is faster than a Man-O-War, has 50 cannons. 25 on each side, 4 mortars and 2 crows nest, one at the front and on the back." I said to Alya. "Well, it's true though. A frigate has great maneuverability when handled carefully. Has 50 cannons to and 4 mortars. I like your choice Marinette." Said Alya with a happy voice still looking forward.

"Thank you" "No problem"Alya replied."Hmm......  I wonder when will be there in the hideout?" I look to Alya. "It's sooner than you think." As she said that. She points her finger forward. When I looked, I saw like an 3 Islands connecting to each other by bridge all covered up by forts. On the left island,I can see 2 pirate ships near the port docked. One has a black and green hull while the sails are black with a green paw on it on the middle. The other one has a Yellow and black hull kinda represents a bee. The sails are white. 

The middle was fully protected by cannons and mini guns(older version of them). The right one was like a repair dock. I can see a ship with orange and black haul. Sails are white."Marinette this is the our cove, The Miraculous Cove." She said that while my eyes are widen of what she said and what I saw.

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