Chapter 1 | Bullying

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        I was once again late at school, but thanks to Tikki, my kwami, I managed to snuck myself inside the classroom without Ms. Bustier noticing me. Life of being a superhero known as Ladybug and a student of Francoise Dupont is giving me stress and sometimes, problems and troubles. Add that statement where I'm currently a Senior student. I always told myself to stay positive at any ways I can, despite being too tired to smile or to laugh.

        It's my way to hide everything. At least it's what I want to do to avoid being questioned about.

        This problem started at first day of school, the same day I met the most handsome and perfect person I grew to have a crush on. His name is Adrien Agreste, a famous model who is popular throughout Paris.

        Some may think that I only like him because he's famous and handsome with a perfect body everyone wants, but I'm not everybody. I'm me, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Adrien is the most sweet, caring, smart, selfless and kind boy I have ever met in my life.

        If only he knew that I have a feelings for him, my life would be at least much better. A sweet relief that you told someone a few of your secrets. I sighed.

        Once I was in my seat, Alya gave me a look and nudged on my torso which cause me to wince quietly.

        This is also one of what upset me when I'm Ladybug, there's a time where both me and Chat Noir would fight off an akuma then it sometimes would leave a swollen wounds everywhere on my body. I know that my spandex is a stretchable but thick suit, but there will be times that an akuma would put much power in our fight which gives me and Chat Noir a lot of pain, but we still managed.

        It just confused me because I thought my lucky charm would fix everything, but I guess it can't fix my swollen wounds and some of it are yet to heal.

        "Hey, are you okay?" Alya asked worriedly when she saw the expression of my face. I tried to smile and nodded my head at her in reassurance.

        "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." I said, slightly wincing but immediately mask it with a genuine smile. Alya glared at me for lying.

        Well, I tried.

        I sigh. "I'm fine. I promise." I said in reassurance before we both turned out attention at Ms. Bustier.

• • •

        When class is finished, Me and Alya packed our things while the others were already outside. Once finished, I suddenly saw Chloe laughing outside with Sabrina carrying a few . . . Costumes?

        What are they up to?

        I was about to confront them of what they're planning to do until I suddenly felt a hand touched my shoulder. This causes me to jump in slight pain and surprise before I immediately recover and turned to look at the person behind me.

        Not a moment too soon, a blush slowly crept out on my cheeks as my blue bell eyes met green ones. His smile is so kind, so caring, yet at the same time it's in pain and craving some love that he didn't get from his own father.

        Adrien smiled genuinely. "Hey, you okay?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed when he saw the expression on my face.

        "I-I'm fine, A-Adrien. D-Don't worry a-about m-me." I reassured with a smile, and he seems to bought it.

        Then suddenly, a yelp escape my mouth when he gave a slight press on my shoulder which causes me to pull his hand away from me as I gave him a teary eye.

        "The moment you said that, I knew you were lying." Adrien stated with his lips in a firm line then his expression immediately softened. I gave him a look before sighing.

        "I-It's nothing. Just a body ache." I reasoned out with a nervous look. Alya then came out beside Adrien with Nino, and both of them are giving me those looks except for Nino who's confused.

        "Really?" Alya asked, sarcastically. "You know, I wouldn't be wince in pain in the middle of class for just a body ache, and the way my friend would nudge me just gave it away." She added with a sass as she crossed her arms over her chest.

        "I-I. . . Um-It was-- I mean, uh. . ." I stuttered nervously as I gaze away my eyes from them.

        Can you blame me? I don't do well under pressure. And I can't tell them that, 'I was in pain because yesterday night an akuma attack which leaves with me a lot of wounds in my body. Oh, by the way-- I'm Ladybug.' Yeah, like that's going to happen.

        "Hey, you know what? Let's go to my parents bakery and have lunch there, yeah?" I immediately suggested which cause them to nod their heads in agreement.

        "Your lucky, we're hungry. But we're not done talking about this." Alya grumbled before walking out of the classroom, with me and Adrien following behind.

        Nino being the last to exit, I just heard him grumbled, "I'm lost in here." Before following us. I giggled quietly.

        As we reached our bakery, I left my parents to entertain my friends like I go to my room to get something. Well, that's apparently a lie, and I hate it. But I've got no choice. Once I entered my room, I immediately locked the trapdoor and went to my drawers and grabbed a medicine kit. I carefully took of my jacket and slowly lift up my shirt. While doing so, I can't help but let out a noise of pain as Tikki flew right in front of me with a sympathetic look while I clean my wounds and would start wrapping a new bandage on my wounds. Mostly on my shoulders and back.

        "Marinette, I'm sorry that you're suffering like this. I just didn't expect that your lucky charm can't heal your wounds. Usually it would but now..." I heard Tikki's voice from behind me. As she said that, my attention immediately turned to her with a frown.

        "No, Tikki, It's not your fault. Having this kind of pain is part of me being Ladybug. A superhero. Eventually, I'll be getting use to this. I'll manage." I said with a smile of reassurance but she look so depressed. And the first thing that I did was to give her a hug.

        "I promise you, I'll be fine." I added with a smile, which causes her to smile at me then nodded her head.

        "Marinette! Your friends are waiting for you!" I heard Maman shouted from downstairs. I then panicked.

        "I'll be there in a second!" I shouted back as I immediately cleaned up the mess and put back the medicine kit at my drawers before putting back my shirt down and wore my usual jacket then quickly put Tikki inside my purse before sprinted downstairs.

        Once I reach downstairs, Alya immediately dragged me to our kitchen where Nino and Adrien are eating cookies and croissants. I greeted them then grabbed a fresh milk from the fridge along with four glasses then put them on the counter table.

        "Looks like you're having fun." I stated with a chuckle as I pour myself a glass of milk then grabbed a chocolate cookie then a few more and put the secretly on my purse for Tikki to eat.

        "And by fun you mean Nino and Adrien fighting over a croissant, then yes. We're having fun." Alya said with a laugh before sitting down beside Nino. She winked at me.

        My eyes widened in realization when I saw that the only available seat is beside Adrien.

        "Alya, you traitor." I muttered with a blush as I slowly took a seat beside Adrien, who smiled softly at me.

        Time past by, and school is already finished than I least expected it. And unexpectedly, Chloe didn't even bother me or anything that would annoy the heck out of me. In fact, both she and Sabrina were absent today, which is weird. Does this have to do with the costumes I saw that Sabrina was carrying earlier ago?

        Why do I feel like there's something bad that's going to happen later? I thought to myself as I felt my stomach twisted in reasons that I can't even explain.

        I sigh. No! I just have to think positive! I reassured myself as I continued my walk towards the locker room. Alone.

        When I reached my own locker, I grabbed a few things from it then carefully put them on my backpack as Tikki flew up beside me with a smile as she watched my every move. Once I finished putting my things back inside my bag, I was about to close my locker when I suddenly felt my back hit the metal wall. Hard.

        That made me cried out in pain. Luckily, Tikki made a quick escape from being seen.

        I looked up and saw Alix was the one that pushed me, and beside her were Kim who looked pissed, Ivan who's glaring at me and Mylene who's giving me look of disappointment.

        "W-wh-why would y-you do that?" I asked while wincing in pain as I slowly tried to stood up, but my knees were too weak to even try.

        "I'm surprise you would even asked that." Kim sneered as he gave me a glare which made me coward in fear.

        "W-what do y-you mean?" I asked in confusion but Ivan just scoff while Mylene avoided my look.

        "Don't play dumb! We know that you're the one who stole our things. No wonder they're missing." Mylene said with an accusing look. Well, I know she tried but she's having doubt.

        "I-I didn't-- I don't- I didn't do anything! I-I don't know what your talking about!" I cried out as I used my arms to shield my aching body. It hurts like fire!

        Suddenly, I felt my right cheek started stinging in pain when Alix slapped me hard which made me cry while holding out my cheeks.

        "You don't have the right to shout at us. It's clear that you were the one who stole our things. Chloe gave us proof!" Kim argued back while giving the most death glare I've ever seen in my life.

        Even though I'm Ladybug, I feel like a coward when I'm Marinette.

        "Kim's right. You thief!" Ivan growled but Mylene held him back.

        Chloe? Sh-she got proof? How? When? I asked myself.

        Wait! That's why Sabrina was carrying a costume! They made Alix, Kim, Mylene and Ivan believe that I was the one that stole their things!

        "You can call me whatever you want, but I can prove to myself that I'm not the one who stole your things." I said with confidence which I'm confused where I got it. But then again, I am known as Ladybug.

        "Psh! You've got some nerves in you." Ivan said with a growl as Alix gave me a kick which made me cried out in pure pain before tears slowly made their way down my cheeks.

        "Come on, she's not worth it." Mylene said as she walked away being followed by Ivan then Kim and lastly Alix who gave me a last slap on the face.

        That surely will leave a mark tomorrow.

        "Marinette!" I heard a high pitch voice exclaimed in worry as the owner of that voice approached me.

        I looked up and saw Tikki flying in front of me with a look of worry as she carefully caress my cheeks which made me flinch by her little touch.

        "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry this happened to you." Tikki apologized with a small tear coming its way down her cheeks. I grunted in pain before giving her a smile of reassurance.

        "N-No! I-It's not y-your fault." I stuttered meekly as I carefully stood up and sat on a long chair right in front of me.

        "How am I going to explain this to Maman and Papa." I asked in frustration as I held my stomach tight. Alix did sure have a strong punch, I must say.

        "Just transform right now and go home," Tikki soothed. "The suit will make you feel less pain."

        I scoff poorly. "Yeah, but once I detransform, the pain will return." I rolled my eyes heavenwards.

        "Come on, Marinette. Let's go home." Tikki frowned. I nodded my head in response.

        With a grunt, I gathered all the strength I have left and stood up. Still feeling a bit of headache, I put up all the confidence I have and said the words that changed my life.

        "Tikki, Spots on!"

• • •

        It's been what? Four days? One week? Two week? Of being bullied and stepped on by everyone, and was called by many names that aren't appropriate. I don't know how everything happened, it just did. I know Chloe did this but I don't have proof. And even if I use Ladybug to teach them some lessons, they'll know that I'm 'friends' with Ladybug and they would hurt me physically and mentally again and again. I know, I'm thinking it all in advance but I already know my classmates like the back of my hand.

        Including Chloe.

        And knowing her, she'd do everything in her little powers just to make my life a living hell.

        This past few days, everyone started beating me up like it's their new routine. Nino has been ignoring me when I approached him. Adrien was busy with his model life so I didn't kinda question his actions. Meanwhile, Alya was absent last Wednesday because she got a bug, but today she'll be here. Which is I'm grateful for because I really need a friend to talk to right now.

        For once, I woke up early but my whole body keep screaming 'more sleep' but I knew I couldn't do that. Instead, with all my might, even though I still suffered and endure the pain for the last four days, I made my usual morning routine. A bit slower this time, due to my wounds and bruise that still lingered through my back and stomach.

        "Why don't you take a day off, Marinette?" Tikki's voice echoed through my silent room. I look in front of me to see her floating.

        I shook my head. "Tikki, you know I can't do that!" I exclaimed. "And-and what explanation would I be giving Ms. Bustier? 'Sorry, I can't go to you class, ma'am. I still have wounds from a lot of akumas lately because I'm Ladybug and add it with the instant bullying I'm currently receiving for four days.' Yeah, no."

        I scoff after that. You know, I suddenly have this inexplicable feeling to be sarcastic right now. Hope everyone don't mind.

        "But Marinette, you still have fresh bruise with you." Tikki argued. "And I wouldn't doubt you'll be having new ones later."

        "Yeah, and I'd be delighted." I roll my eyes at the thought of feeling pain once more.

        "Marinette. . ."

        "Can we just. . . not argue about this?" I then rubbed both my temples to relieve the slight lain that immediately came. "I'm already tired and stress as it is, I don't this argument between us add that problem."

        Tikki sigh in defeat. "Okay."

        "Thank you."

• • •

        I enter the classroom without waiting for Alya. My head remain dow down as I walked up to my seat. Adrien was absent due to modelling, so I'm alone. I could feel all the heated glares hammered pass to my soul. I suddenly stumble on my feet just as I was about to take a step on the stairs. I look up to see Chloe smirking and everyone laughing at me like I'm the biggest mistake they see in their entire life. With a grunt, I slowly stood up with a frown, not letting myself cry and head straight into my seat.

        Crying in front of them is like wasting a bottle of water on an already wilted flower. They aren't worth my tears.

        "Next time, watch where you're stepping, Marinette." Chloe mocked. "A trash like you don't belong here."

        Then everyone laughed again. I groaned and drop my head down on the table with a loud bang. I didn't even feel the pain after I did it.

        Just then, the door burst open and Alya and Nino enter. I almost sigh in relief if it wasn't for the look Alya was giving me. She's furious.

        "Alya--" SLAP!

        Everything stop all at once. I touch my red cheek in pain and confusion while staring at Alya with watered eyes and mouth agape, clearly in disbelief of what she just did.

        "Alya, wha--"

        "How could you?" Alya burst in tears while shouting at me. "HOW COULD YOU?"

        "Wha-what do you mean? Alya?" I tried to reach out only for her to slap my hands away in disgust.

        "Don't touch me!" She yelled. I staggered back in shock. "You were my friend, Marinette. How could you do that to me?"

        "Do what?" I cried. "Alya, please tell me what did I do?"

        Almost everyone scoff.

        "You already know what you did. You disgust me. I wish I never met you. I wish you weren't my best friend. I wish you rot in hell!"

        And that was my final straw.

        I grabbed my things and ran away.

        Away from everyone.

        Away from the pain.

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