Chapter 11 | Clint Barton

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        "Marinette. . ."

        "Wake up!"

        I groaned while clutching my head. All I can hear is a loud ringing that keeps echoing on my ears. But behind the ringing noise, I can hear a feminine voice calling out for me, faintly. I can feel her near but her voice sounds like she is far away from me.

        Darkness is all I can see before I suddenly blinked my eyes open to see a blurry shadow peering at me. I clutched my head in pain before opening my eyes once again only to see Natasha calling out my name once again, but this time it was more clearer.

        "Marinette. . ." Natasha whispered in panic. "Wake up!"

        "Natasha?" I gave her a confuse look. But she didn't replied and continue to struggle on a metal rubble on her feet, trapping her painfully.

        "Get up, quickly!" She hissed. I nodded my head and tried to get up only to get back down after feeling something heavy on my lower legs. I look behind and saw a flat thick metal resting on my legs which causes me to immobilize.

        "I can't!" I cried.

        "Doctor. . . Bruce, you gotta fight it." Natasha whispered, trying to sooth him. I look behind her to see Banner struggling to suppress the rage. My eyebrows furrowed after seeing his face is growing and changing slowly. And while talking, Natasha is pulling herself painfully free.

        "This is just what Loki wants." She continues, grunting a bit. "We're gonna be okay. Listen to me."

        Just then, two approaching SHIELD soldiers to check on us when I furiously waves them away to avoid the danger. They immediately obliged my order and ran away leaving me sighing painfully. I looked around and saw Tikki sitting a few feet away from me, just in arms reach.

        "Tikki!" I hissed, catching Tikki's attention after the small kwami rubbed her head to eased the pain.

        "Marinette!" Tikki immediately flew on my side and gave me a small hug on the cheek. "Are you okay?"

        I grunted. "I-- I'll be fine." I winced while slowly reaching for the metal resting on my lower legs. "Just need to get out of this metal."

        "Your life?" My head perked up-- a bit  out of breath, after hearing Banner's voice. It has a change in it-- the bitter amusement is morphing into a threatening growl.

        "Wha-- what's happening?" I can hear my voice trembling while looking fearfully at Banner.

        A small yelp escape my mouth when another explosion echoed through the ship which rocks the Helicarrier. Banner turns to look at both Natasha and I-- his face morphing into something just as he moved back and fell and the lights went out. I panicked and immediately reach down the metal that's trapping me until my fingers finally got hold of it. I use my powers to turn the metal rubble into sand before sitting up and help Natasha with her own predicament.

        "Bruce." Natasha pleads. We both stood up and followed Banner below. But it was too late, Banner starts transforming into a green huge monster-- Hulk as I heard about it, and gave Natasha one last knowing look.

        "Marinette, transform!" Without wasting time, Marinette did as what Tiki told her to do.

        "Tikki, spots on!"

        A bright pink light blinded Hulk for awhile as Marinette transform. And when it disappeared, Hulk turns his head and puts on a face of what looked like a disturb monster.

        "Run." Was the only word I could say before Natasha and I jolts up on the stairs with Hulk chasing after us.

        I followed Natasha as she maneuvers like a black widow should, matching the her speed while Hulk follows us from behind, destroying the stairs but I quickly grabbed Natasha and swing us both on top using my yo-yo. We both roll under a turbine and starts to crawl within the maze of pipes. We continue to ran while I took leap just before Hulk pulls out a vent underneath me. We ran until Natasha falls through under the catwalk and I quickly followed and both of us stealthily escape much to my relief. The last thing I heard is Hulk letting out a roar of rage unlike anything. Primal and not human.

        Natasha and I continue to crawl under the catwalk until she stops which also made me stop and gave her a confuse look. I looked up after hearing loud booming noise near our area. Natasha took her gun while I pulled out my yo-yo, twist both sides into counter clockwise and split them apart revealing my newest weapon-- a light saber staff. We slowly continue our walk until I turned around only to see Hulk's menacing look.

        A yelp escape my mouth and without thinking, I let out a handful of dust on his face while Natasha fires a shot into a liquid nitrogen pipe above us which releases a smoke that hits Hulk. Annoyed, he punch it away before both Natasha and I ran through the maze of corridors with Hulk on our pursuit. Finally, we reach a long corridor that emits bright light on each side and as we run Hulk tears up the hallway in order to get to us.

        When we reach the end, Natasha suddenly turn around only to see Hulk behind us and immediately slaps us away. I immediately created a cushion to soften our fall before we both smash the ground. My staff-- now turned back as a yo-yo.

        Groaning, both Natasha and I looked up in fear-- a feeling we both never had before, as Hulk slowly walks in front us and was about to raise his fist when a flash of silver tackles him into the next room. I sigh in relief before standing up and left Natasha to run into the next room Hulk crash into. There, I saw Thor and Hulk battling each other.

        "We are not your enemies, Banner!" Thor exclaimed as he forcefully stop Hulk's arm from hitting him. "Try to think!"

        But then Hulk lifts his fist which surprise Thor as Hulk sends him flying across the room after he punches Thor's face with his fist.

        "Bruce!" I shouted, catching his attention. "You're stronger that this. You're stronger than the other guy. Try to think clearly and stop this! Please!" At this moment, I thought I made him calm only for Hulk to roar and sends a punch on my way.

        The only thing is, I'm faster than him. I immediately created a thick metal wall that prevents him from causing any harm on me. And once he let go, I made the wall disappear and immediately transform my yo-yo into a light saber staff and hit him with it on the shoulder which gave him a large wound. He grunted before throwing me away. I hit the wall but I immediately transform it into a trampoline which made me jump back and gave Hulk a punch.

       "Ow!" I whined. "You have a really thick head!" I shook my hand in pain.

        I look up to see that he fell back. I transformed my staff back into a yo-yo and wrapped it around him after I saw him standing up. He starts to struggle but so was I. He may thought that a mere yo-yo string would do nothing but he's wrong. Not only the string of my yo-yo is unbreakable, it's also sharp and after I saw him struggling some more, fresh blood starts to seep out from all over his body. The only disadvantage was that Hulk is strong and he threw me back to Natasha who just sit there, staring.

        Feeling my body starts to numb and sore, I laid back and watch as Thor continue his fight with Hulk who ignored his wounds much to my dismay. Thor though look more shock to see it. I bet he couldn't help but think that a small weapon could do more harm than his hammer. Then, the last thing I saw is Thor throwing his hammer on Hulk's direction.


        "It's Barton." I woke up to Fury's voice echoing on my earpiece. "He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?"

        I slowly sat up and look at Natasha who continue to sit there, rocking herself back and forth with her cheeks tainted with tears, still shaken up by the whole Hulk ordeal. Though, when she notice me staring, she gathered up all her coolness and touch her earpiece.

        "This is Agent Romanoff and Ladybug. We copy." She said as she nodded her head and we both springs up and run after Barton.

        It took us a minute but when we both reach the lower equipment room, my eyes caught sight of a man is a black suit walking alone the catwalk while holding a modern bow and a set of arrows rest on his back. I looked at Natasha in confirmation and she nods her head. I use my yo-yo and pull myself up and circle him around while Natasha follow him. It took a second to know we're behind him when he nocks his arrow and points it at Natasha who grabs his arm just as he release it, hitting a pipe behind.

        Looking up, I grabbed my yo-yo. "Lucky charm!" I whispered. It was a few seconds later when my lucky charm reveals a metal bat. "What am I going to do with this?"

        Looking down, I can see Natasha and Barton continuing their hand-to-hand combat. I strap the bat on my back and that was the moment I jump in between them which made Barton step back while I gave him a kick boxes on the face. I knew he felt that because soon Barton takes a swing at me but Natasha grabs his arm and twist it causing Barton to writhes in pain. Though I saw him use his other arm that holds the knife, I quickly kick it away from his reach. But what I didn't know was that he has another knife on his pocket.

        He tosses it over and starts to slash at both of us. We dodge every move before Barton gave me a kick and turn her focus on Natasha who was unfortunate for she founds herself in a lock hold with him with the knife pointing at her. I took my lucky charm-- which is a metal bat on my bat and roamed my eyes round the room but the only thing that glow red and black spots are the bat and Barton.

        I looked up just in time to see Natasha biting off Barton's wrist causing him to let go of the knife. I ran just as Natasha step back and I immediately wrap my legs around Barton's neck and flip him over and arm locks him. He struggled as I took hold of the bat and hit him hard with it, letting him go as he grip the pipe rail. He slips down hard and looks up at us, almost coming to his senses.

        "Natasha?" He calls out. But Natasha kicks him on the head, knocking him out cold.

        Nodding my head, I shout, "Miraculous Ladybug!" Before throwing the bat on the air as it explodes into a herd of ladybugs fixing everything that was destroyed.


        Just as Tony fixed the engine three, he slips into the rotors, getting chewed up before he balanced himself on the air. His armor heavily damaged. As he was about to leave and head for Steve, he saw a herd of ladybugs flying around the engine before it flew away to reveal a newly fixed engine. Good as new as if it never exploded into pieces.

        All Tony could do was to stare in awe, before snapping his thoughts.

        "All my hard work for that?" Tony complained but shrugged it off and flew back inside to help Steve with his predicament.


        Meanwhile on Fury and the SHIELD's agents inside the Helicarrier's bridge. They starts to panic when they saw millions of small ladybugs flying around the room. But then when it disappear, so does the damage that Barton did on their systems. Their computers starts to blink open before everyone cheered.

        "We're back up!" Maria shouted before she ran up to her station and starts to type on something with her keyboard.

        "All system is a go!" Agent Jasper Sitwell exclaimed in disbelief and excitement.

        All agents went back to work while Fury stared at the disappearing ladybugs. "So, this is what she meant when she said she fixes things." He mused.

        "Sir, we got a problem." An agent called urgently to which Nick Fury immediately respond by running over to him.


        As Ladybug immediately ran through series of corridors, her heart beating faster that ever. She knew something was wrong. While fighting Agent Barton with Natasha, she heard Thor's shout of despair-- through her clear hearing; a new ability as Ladybug. Leaving Natasha to tend off Barton, she left and ran. Although, after passing the laboratory, she abruptly stop in shock after hearing what Fury said through her earpiece.

        "Agent Coulson is down. They called it."

        And at that moment, Ladybug knew she failed to save someone for the first time in her hero life.

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