Chapter 13 | Compromise

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I'm back! And very much alive! Now in this chapter, you'll noticed Marinette being more confident on herself. I want to express on how much confident she have in herself after spending her time on New York for a year and a half. She'll still be Marinette we know, but this time, she'll be more confident on herself, leaning towards being a woman influencer in the future and more wiser, but still have the stubbornness and determination.
I'm actually enjoying myself writing about how would Marinette and Fury have a very serious conversation.


This scene happen after Loki at Germany and before the Helicarrier was rigged by Clint.


-Third Person-


        "Fury," The dark skinned man looked up, but didn't express any surprise to see Marinette standing inside his very much secured office with Tikki hovering, looking very serious.

        "Marinette," Fury's lips thinned in a line and continue to strode inside then stood behind his table. "I would not ask how you got inside undetected."

        "Good," Marinette replied a bit to quickly, with a sharp tone. "I wouldn't even tell you if you'd asked otherwise."

        "And what can I help you with?" Fury was quick to the point, no pleasantries included which Marinette approved.

        "Well, after a great deal of reviewing your proposition to the council about the Avengers Initiative, Tikki and I talked about it earlier and we decided to have a compromise with you." Marinette explained. That made Fury narrowed his one eye, his sharp gaze peering through Marinette and Tikki like he was staring at their very soul.

        "A compromised?" Fury then raised an eyebrow.

        Marinette nodded her head. "Yes. It wasn't really our plan to be involve in a governmental problem—"

        "But you did." Fury immediately interrupted.

        "Yes, I did. And that is partially my fault." Marinette also interrupted much to Fury's hidden surprise because no one has ever interrupted Fury. Not Barton, not Romanoff, and definitely not even Stark. This kid have guts, I'll give her that. Fury mused.

        "But by exposing the super heroine Ladybug, you already caught the attention of the US government." Fury sharply explained. "SHIELD was quick to track you down but we just didn't bother to approached you yet seeing as any damage you've done after a fight, your magic fixes everything— even those that were collateral damage were brought back alive and well. And that alone caught the Council's attention by deeming you a threat. Even I can agree, but unlike the Council, I'd rather have you as an ally than as an enemy."

        "Then why approach me now?" Marinette's voice rose on a slight higher pitch tone.

        "Because Loki happened." Fury replied. "You said it yourself, you read the Avengers Initiative forms and I remember a statement where we would look for individuals whom have the ability to fight off something we couldn't."

        "But I'm not a soldier." Marinette promulgated sharply. "I'm not your soldier."

        "You're not." Fury agreed, just realizing it now how young Marinette looked to be. She's like what— 14? 15 years old? "But you are an Avenger when you accepted Hill's proposal."

        "Then you won't like this very much." Marinette shake her head, but there's a small smile on her lips that almost made Fury nervous. Well, almost. But his look portray a curious cat.

        "I want no part of the Avengers Initiative."

        Then it was silence. So silent you can actually hear a pin drop.

        "As I said, by accepting Agent Hill's proposal, you are technically accepting to be part of the Avengers, Marinette." Fury said slowly as if explaining it word by word to a confuse child much to Marinette's dismay. A twitch on her eye was visible enough for Fury to see.

        Suddenly, Tikki flew forward and hovered in between Fury and Marinette, (who's both almost forgot she's there). "No, Marinette actually didn't want to join SHIELD, Fury. It was I who coaxed her to come because the moment I saw Loki with the Tesseract and that sceptre, and then SHIELD going after him. That moment, I knew there is more to this than meets the eye."

        Fury said nothing, but he didn't avoid Tikki's sharp gaze either, and neither were backing up from their staring contest.

        "You want the Tesseract and the sceptre." Fury concluded and didn't need to see Tikki agreeing because he can already hear the silent 'yes' from both Kwami and Marinette.

        "As is it my right." Tikki proclaimed confidently. "It was my kind that created it, and it will be us that will destroy it."

        "And if I disagree what will you do?" Fury asks in a sincere curiousity while crossing his arms.

        "I'll use force to take it back." Tikki immediately replied with the singular implication that only she will do it and not have Marinette involve lest the government or SHIELD would do something like have her arrested. Tikki can't do that to her owner.

        And somehow, Fury wasn't surprise with this. He also noted the implication of not involving Marinette on forcing the Tesseract out of him. He admit, even he was frightened to discover that these pocket sized goddess and her kind created something like the Tesseract— a powerful weapon even Hydra was desperate to have on their side. A weapon of mass destruction. The phase 2 project was only beginning to initiate, not yet on release but SHIELD was still planning to duplicate the same weapon as Hydra but this was to protect Earth against aliens outside. And no one would understood Fury, of what he's seen and of what he fears to come. And if Tikki will take it back, all those plans will be force to put aside. But going against a goddess will also  not end well on his part.

        "Just be glad we are doing this in your favour, Fury. I, myself, wouldn't want Hydra to take both item under your grasp." Marinette directly implied, voice serious with no hint of humour.

        Now that had Fury's attention who suddenly straightened his back, stood frozen in shock and glared heavily on Marinette, who didn't at least look gaze by it. . .  Okay, maybe a little. It was like staring at your cold hearted father who look at you in disappointment. Somehow, it reminded Marinette of Adrien back in Paris. Oh, how she missed him.

        "Hydra is gone." Fury replied with an edge on his tone. Emphasizing the words one by one.

        Marinette hummed. "Now, how would I say this. . . ?" She wondered openly while Tikki sighed, noticing how Fury get tense by the second.

        "Marinette, please don't antagonize Fury more than he already is." Tikki softly admonished.

        "Hydra is gone." Fury repeated, snarkily. "And even if there are traitors in our midst, Hill and I made sure to have a clean sweep every week."

        The raven girl sigh and nodded her head. "Then it is not enough. Ever since Natasha very briefly explain to me who or what Hydra idy, I noticed how very much everyone knows about Hydra except for me." Marinette began. "And isn't that a bit unfair?"

        "So, I had Tikki hacked one of the computers, and imagine my surprise that not only did Tikki phrase through the computer, she accidentally gathered a private file on a server. And to be honest, It wasn't exactly what I planned to do, really, I was just going to search Hydra's history with SHIELD, surely you have that around here. But then, at the end of the day, I actually didn't regret it, surprisingly." Marinette explained.

        "And where is the file?" Fury was quick to demand because he have his priorities straight. He opened his computer and search through the files and documents.

        "Then first we make the deal." Tikki prompted, making Fury paused in his steps then looked up at her.

        "Then speak your concerns!" Fury exclaimed, standing up straight and faced Marinette and Tikki, leaving his computer open and loading.

        "Just as I've said, I want no part of being an Avenger nor be part of the organisation SHIELD but. . .!" Marinette gave Fury a look when he was about to interrupt her. "But, that doesn't mean I won't help you and the others defeat Loki. Tikki and I still need to take the Tesseract and the staff away from you and Hydra."

        "And how would I know you wouldn't use it against us?" Fury asks the most important question while raising an eyebrow at Marinette.

        "Because I will immediately destroy it once we have it in us." Tikki declared.

        "The Council wouldn't like that." Fury replied dryly. He can already hear them arguing and voting on eliminating Marinette and Tikki.

        "Then it's a good thing I won't be the one to handle it with them." Marinette pipe up with a implicating look on Fury who almost wanted to groan in annoyance. He can already see a headache coming through.

        "While we agree not to join the Avengers, we also agree that if ever Tikki and I are needed, we will help you immediately. The Avengers only, not SHIELD." Marinette emphasized. "I hope you will agree to this terms, and in return Tikki will pass onto you the files."

        There was a pause on Fury's side. But there isn't really a math here. All Marinette and Tikki claim was to exit the Avengers Initiative, but would still help them defeat Loki and maybe in future preferences too. And the biggest point was about Hydra infiltrating SHIELD without even knowing it. That alone put Fury on edge. The downside however, was also giving Tikki the Tesseract and the staff. But then, a question entered his mind: 'Would you rather have the Tesseract and use it to gain weapons of mass destruction and have a never ending cycle of war occur, or would you rather have it be destroy for good so that no one, not even SHIELD could continue to use it?'

        "If I agree to this, you must also agree to never share what you've seen inside SHIELD." Fury began, and Marinette nodded her head with no hesitation. She knows when or not to share a valid secret from either what's inside SHIELD or from her Identity of her being Ladybug. To her it's the same situation.

        "Deal." Marinette held out a hand and Fury shook it after a quick thought. "Deal." He echoed.

        "Tikki, if you please?" Marinette asks sweetly to her Kwami who very much happily oblige and phrase through Fury's computer.

        That's when the dark skinned man began to noticed how his computer appeared to have receive dozens of new files that he hasn't seen before. Then a heavy feeling entered his body when his eye saw a lists of names and occupation within SHIELD. And good lord! He didn't need to have this much problem. After it was finish, Tikki phrase back and flew straight to Marinette's direction.

        "And Tikki already took the liberty of deleting all the file that you have about me before any of it can be copy." Marinette happily informed him.

        "Yes, whatever." Fury grumbled lowly. "At least that part of the agreement lessen half of my problems."

        "Oh, and Fury?" The man didn't look up when he was called, but Marinette knew he was listening from the twitch of his right eye. "I didn't sign the forms of confirming being a member of the Avengers. So in a way, I am your stowaway."

        "Why you sly little shit!" Fury cursed, but Marinette and Tikki was already at the door leaving with her laughing echoing behind.

        "Good luck, Fury!"



        A large portal from space was the first that caught Marinette's attention once the quinjet reached Manhattan. A group of Chitauri in flying chariots came from it and began making chaos. Unleashing blasts as it goes, blowing up cars from the open streets and setting storefronts aflame. Ant sized people ran away from terror, screaming in panic as they go. Almost a lot took cover under an open building with police officers assisting. And where the hell is the US military? What because the Avengers are there, they wouldn't come and help? At least Ladybug could some group of police officers helping the civilians as much as they can.

        Somehow having logic is highly discriminated in this place.

        "Stark, we're heading north east!" Natasha said from her earpiece that they connect online through Tony's.

        "What, did you stop for drive-thru?" Tony asks sarcastically.

        "We did, want a happy meal?" Ladybug shot back almost immediately, though there was no heat in her tone.

        "Is that sarcasm I hear?" Tony asks rhetorically. And Ladybug could practically see him smirking proudly at her.

        "I knew I like you for a reason, kid." He said, then turn to Natasha, "Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay them out for you!"

        Clint flew the quinjet to the ruined Stark tower, with Natasha firing on a flying Chitauri or two. He look through his window and finally found his target.

        "See them." Natasha said.

        Clint banks the jet towards where Loki and Thor were fighting, and aims the minimum at Loki. He saw this and shot an energy blast from the sceptre. Suddenly, Ladybug's eyes narrowed while staring at Loki. Thor saw the attack and got up to his feet before tackling Loki down hard on the floor. Luckily, Clint was quick to maneuver but the jet still took a hit. They began to pin uncontrollably, but Ladybug was quick to use her new magic to create a very large soft cushion below which the jet landed on, making their crash at least a bit soft.

        "Did we just land on a cushion?" Clint asks in disbelief. Natasha let out an amuse laugh while unfastening her seatbelt. The others did the same.

        The ramp opened with Steve being the first to exit the jet being followed by Ladybug, Natasha and Clint with each having their own weapon/s in hand. The quartet arrived in the middle of a four-way street, when suddenly the city lurched to a stop. A deep primal rage bellows out, and with a roar, a shadow comes over them. Ladybug couldn't help but gape widely and stare wide eyes at the Chitauri Leviathan that flew out from the portal carrying hundreds of soldiers.

        "Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asks from his earpiece while watching the sky polluted by Chitauris in disbelief.

        "I'm seeing, still working on believing." Ladybug heard Tony's reply from her earpiece. "Where's Banner? has he shown up yet?"

        "Banner?" Steve echoed.

        "Just keep me posted!" Tony stated.

        Looking up and gazing around the sky, Ladybug could feel the nervousness and slight adrenaline pumping through her. She's here now, and she still fight to protect this city and its people but—

        "—This is a lot clean up later."

        Steve and Natasha only gave her a look.


Okayy... I know Marinette is slowly kinda being an OOC, but in my defense, she did spend a lot of time in New York where people don't bully her and keeps supporting and motivating her to do good. it's bound to change something in her.

About Tikki being able to phase through the computer and gaining data and information, because why not? It was actually an interesting theory on my part.

As for Fury, bestie, it's been a long time since I watch avengers where's he's included. so there's that. I'm sorry if i cant portray thee Nick Fury properly tho.

And I also tried for Marinette to be at least cunning on Fury, but alas i tried, because I myself is minimal IQ, cunning is the last you'd describe. HAHAHA!

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