Chapter 3 | Nightly Visits

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I left after knowing about Marinette's condition. She's okay, she'll be okay. At least that's what I hope. The doctors said that she broke a few bones on her ribcage and her ankle was sprained. Her whole body was covered in fresh wounds on the front while bruises of all kind were on her back. Both her parents and I were shock and confused about the wounds and bruise part. I don't know what happened to her at school.

I couldn't save her from the pain.

But, I don't have a choice. I was busy with my modelling schedule then I was excuse at school for a week because of a fashion show just across Paris. I haven't been able to text Nino about the event that happened when I was gone. The only news I got was Marinette being brought into a hospital.

The doctor said It'll take her four to five days to wake up and a week to recover. And I hope she'd wake up sooner than five days. I have to talk to her.

Once, I arrive home. No one was there to greet me-- as always and immediately made my way into my room and closed the door immediately. Plagg flew out from hiding and hovered right in front of me.

"What a tragedy!" Plagg exclaimed.

I frowned. "I know. I hope she recovers soon." Then my eyebrows furrowed, perplexed. "Though, I wonder what happened."

"While you think of that, I'll go get another cheese." And Plagg was quick to disappear right in front of me before I could even blink.

"But didn't you already ate the whole can earlier ago?" I called out.

"Still hungry." Of course. I sigh before dropping my body towards my soft bed.

I didn't what happened after that. All I know is that I was being embraced by a comfortable darkness.

• • •

-Third Person-

It was four days after what happened to Marinette that shocked everyone. Everyone at school weren't talking to each other. Almost silent that you could hear a drop of a pin. Everyone haven't heard any news about Marinette's health except for a certain blonde model. And due to busy days, Adrien doesn't have much time to hangout with Nino and Alya. You could say, he's almost avoiding them. Every night, he would constantly visit Marinette, checking on her before doing patrol without Ladybug for the fourth time.

Luckily, there were no akumas for four days straight.

Night has reach the city of Paris. As the time hits 11:00 pm sharp, people around the city still lingered around and the buildings that emits dozens of light made the whole place look more beautiful when you happen to be on top of the Eiffel Tower, watching everyone. But beyond that beauty lies the danger of everyone's life. The danger that comes from Hawkmoth's hand.

Being Chat Noir has its perks. That's what Adrien thought. His other persona made him feel free from being a perfect son and a well-known model. He can be whoever he wants, but there's a catch. Chat Noir is a super hero alongside with Ladybug, a super heroine that has the power to created and fix things. Pretty opposite to what Chat Hour's ability. To destroy.

Leaping from building to building using his baton, Chat Noir could feel the cold air hitting his expose cheeks. It made him smile ever so slightly, once again feeling the freedom he dreamed he would have. With every jump, he made it seem so effortless to do. People from below the ground would often look up and gape in awe upon catching sight of the famous black superhero. Most would take video on which the hero himself would wave before leaving on a certain direction.

Dieu Hospital.

He jump into the fifth floor and open the sixth glass window where Marinette's room was. Chat slowly opened the window and jumped inside as silent as a cat that lands on their feet. He crouch down before standing up and averted his eyes everywhere to check up on nurses that might come in. He locked the door and carefully approach Marinette on her hospital bed.

Once his eyes saw her, Its a sight, Chat Noir nor Adrien never wanted to see ever again. A lot of bandage wrapped around her body, almost making her look like a mummy. Wires and tubes are placed on various locations, including to her wrist, and up to her nasal cavities and one on her neck. Her pretty skin, all battered up with cuts and bruises from something that happened to her. Her pigtails were taken out and her hair was messy and unkept. Chat slip his gloved hand beneath hers and gave it a light squeeze.

"Princess. . ." Chat whispered. "I heard that if I would talk to you, you would hear it. Even if your asleep." He took a seat on a chair near the bed.

"Please, wake up. I want to know what happened to you. I'm your knight, I'm supposed to protect you. But I failed that. I'm sorry, Princess. I broke my promise." A tear slip down his left cheek and landed on her hand.

At that moment, Marinette gave a slight movement on her pointed finger. Chat's head perked up in surprise before averting his look back to Marinette.


"Chat. . ." Marinette whispered. She opened her eyes ever so slightly and smiled wearily at Chat. "You're here."

"Princess, your awake!" Chat beamed with a wide grin before bending down and giving the petite girl a hug. "I'm gonna call a nurse!"

But Marinette stop him before he could call a nurse. "No, just stay. . . with me. Until I fall sleep again."

Chat sigh in defeat and took a sit on the chair. "Mari, what happened? How did you end up like that?"

Marinette shook her head. "It's. . . It's nothing. I did this to myself."

Chat stared at her in disbelief. "Princess, somehow I don't believe you." He said. Marinette giggled slightly. "Just tell me what happened, because I feel like this is all my fault. I wasn't there to protect you."

"You did protected me." Marinette smiled. "And you did a good job, kitty."

Tears were starting to leak his emerald eyes. He tried blinking them away but more waters appeared. Marinette smiled wearily before putting a hand on Chat's pale cheek.

"But some things are bound to be kept. Until I'm ready to tell you, just. . . don't forget about me." Marinette whispered, her eyes slowly closing due to too much pain and Chat stared, perplexed.

"Wait, what?" When he look up, he saw Marinette already sleeping.

"Whatever happens Princess, always remember that you have me by your side." Chat said, swatting away a few strands of her hair that almost covers her face. "Always."

He kissed her forehead passionately before leaping away from the window and headed straight to his home.

• • •


I woke up at the small noises that ringed through my ears. I slowly fluttered my eyes open only to close them again when a bright light hits my eyes. Once I gotten use to it, my eyes caught sight of the white ceiling before ever so slightly averting my gaze to the left to see the wide glass window emitting light from the sunrise.

There was a couch in front of the window where I saw Papa sleeping silently. Beside the bed where I'm currently laying at stood a small bedside table that was occupied by a basket of fruit and flowers.

"Yes, Doctor. Thank you." I heard Maman's voice to my right side. I turn my head and caught sight of Maman and. . . Adrien?

My eyebrows immediately furrowed in confusion. "Maman? Adrien?"

"I best be leaving you two." The doctor nodded his head then left. Maman then approach me.

"Marinette, how are you?" She asked, concerned was clear as crystal in her voice while her eyes watered.

"I'm. . ." My voice suddenly became hoarse. "I'm fine."

"I'll go get you some water." Maman gave me a smile before averting her gaze at Adrien who stood awkwardly at the door with a faint smile.

Maman smiled at Adrien before leaving the room. The two of us were left awkward. The only noise we can hear is papa's snoring which only made it look more awkward.

"Marinette. . ."

My head perked up, looking at him questioningly. "Y-yes?"

"What happened?" He asked. I lay there, staring at him silently. "Marinette, I wanna know what happened. I feel so helpless knowing I wasn't there to help you."

"Why-why do you care?" I asked, meekly. I feel like I already have this conversation with Chat Noir last night.

"Because your my best friend, my first real friend at that!" He replied. My lips were sealed shut. "You're as much as precious to me than anything else."

"Wouldn't Nino or Alya tell you?" Their names were suddenly spit out into my tongue like a venom. Adrien stared at me, perplexed.

"I didn't much have time. Father's been keeping me busy and almost everyone at class won't talk to me." He explained as he slowly approached me and sat on the chair right beside my bed.

"Makes sense." I mumbled under my breath.

"So, I was hoping you would tell me." He added with a frown. "Where did you got those wounds and bruises? Who did this to you, Marinette?"

"No one, I did this to myself." I lied. Adrien stared at me in disbelief.

"But why?"

I turn my gaze away from him and frowned, not giving him another look. We stayed like that for a moment before Adrien let out a sigh in defeat.

"Okay, I won't pressure you, Marinette." He grab hold of my hand and gave it a light squeeze. I blushed. "But always remember that I'll always be there by your side, waiting."

Adrien let go of my hand and stood up. I turn my head and look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm running a bit late for my afternoon class. I'll see you later."

Before he left, Adrien bent down and gave me a light kiss on my temple before smiling down at me. A blush made it way into my cheeks, heating it both while I gave Adrien a weary smile.

"Get well soon."

• • •

"Maman? Papa?" I called. They both stop preparing the food they're about to eat and gave me a look.

They closed the bakery just so they could take care of me here at the hospital. I'm so lucky to have them as my parents that I suddenly thought that I don't think I deserve to be their child. All I cause them is pain, lies, burden and worry but despite all that, they still love me to no end. And I love them. And so as a decision that I made, I'm doing a favor for them and for everyone.

"What is it dear?" Papa asked with a smile.

"I want to transfer different school," I started, nervously. My eyes averting from left to right, avoiding their gaze. "Maybe go in New York."

"Are-are you sure?" Maman asked, eyebrows furrowing. She slowly approached me and sat on the side of my bed while taking my hand. "It'll be a big risk."

I nodded my head. "Yes, I know."

"But, I want to have a new start. Away from here."

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