Chapter 6 | Big Change

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One week later. . .

        "Calling the attention of Ms. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I repeat, calling the attention of Ms. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, please go to the Director's office. Thank you."

        My head perked up once my ears heard the speaker's announcement. It was that time where I was sketching a few designs that would enter my creative mind before it got interrupted with the speaker's announcement. In that moment, I felt myself feeling nervous about something that's about to happen. But there's confusion etched into my face while staring at the speaker at the ceiling in the corner. It's been weeks since Ms. Melanie asked for my assistance so things has been less stressful. I'm currently sitting on my chair here in our classroom with my friends, waiting for our next teacher to arrive to start the second class.

        "Looks like you're needed." Cleo stated.

        "Yeah," I muttered.

        Hearing the urgent message, I immediately pack my things and said goodbye to Alexa and the others before marching my way towards Ms. Melanie's office. Once standing in front of the smoke gray door, I knocked on the door a bit loudly which received a faint "come in" as an answer from the other side. I took a slow deep breath before slowly pushing the door open to reveal Ms. Melanie standing in front of her wide glass window with her back facing me.

        With a confuse look, I carefully closed the door behind me before clearing my throat to get her attention. She turned around while clutching her head as if in pain before plastering a smile upon seeing me, her arms were crossed before she dropped them to the side. Her demeanor immediately changed to happy and at the same time sadness. Ms. Melanie was quick to approach me and gave me a tight hug she can ever give.

        "Good morning, Ms. Melanie." I chuckled, returning the hug with a sheepish smile on my lips. "What's with the hug?"

        She broke the hug and laughed ever so slightly, her wrinkles slightly showing before disappearing once again. But the glint of sadness was still there. "It's nothing. I just want to see you."

        "Somehow I believe you. And somehow, I don't." I replied sarcastically with a playful eye roll before smiling at her when she giggled.

        "Well, you got me." Ms. Melanie mumbled before sighing. She dropped her hands to the side before walking back to her table with me following behind in confusion.

        I opened my mouth to say something when Ms. Melanie searched for a few papers stacked on her table before opening a brown envelope. She handed it to me with a frown. With a deep breath, I slowly opened it with wide eyes when my sight scanned the title of her . . . Medical paper?

        "Medical papers?" My eyebrows furrowed together when Ms. Melanie smiled bitterly. I looked back down and read down a few statements. Until my mouth let out a gasp with my eyes wide open in shock.

        "Wh. . . What?" I whispered, tears were suddenly starting to appear. Ms. Melanie only nodded her head.

        "Wha-- How?" I asked. "How?!" She said nothing.

        It's unfair! So unfair. This has to be a lie. A good lie or maybe a prank, but from what Ms. Melanie's look she's giving me, all the medical papers' said is true. She has a Brain Tumor. A decease she's been having for a two or three months now. Why-- why didn't she told me anything? Why, of all people in the whole world does she have to received a decease like that? Why not someone like Hawkmoth? Okay, I'm being mean and rude but I sure wish he'd have it. Ms. Melanie have been nothing but kind to all people. She isn't the typical rich woman you'd ever meet. She has the heart of gold, and born to be an artist. A person like her doesn't deserve this.

        "Brain Tumor. I have been receiving such symptoms lately." Ms. Melanie started which made me look back at her with teary eyes. "My vision would sometimes get blurry and the headaches are killing me. At first, I thought it was nothing but then, I was brought to the hospital due to my tumor reacting towards my brain. I was confine in the hospital for days."

        "That's why I haven't seen you in days last month." I concluded, my eyes only opening wider than before when realization hits me like a brick.

        It was in that time that I haven't seen Ms. Melanie in school. At first I just thought that she's busy outside being a director and have family problems but soon, rumors have spread all over the campus about her health. At first, I didn't believe it since it was just rumors. But now that I have seen her medical papers, it all seem so surreal.

        "Yes, that and I was a bit busy." Ms. Melanie grumbled.

        My gaze averted back at her upon hearing her voice, and a frown cracked on my lips. "Ha-have you arrange a check up? Or-or maybe arrange an operation for surgery to fix you?" I asked.

        "I-I haven't." Ms. Melanie's eyes moved everywhere but me. Her voice lingered some nervousness in them.

        "But you must!" I cried.

        "I know." She sighed in defeat. "And I will. But, if in case. . ." She paused, as if carefully thinking about what else to say next. "In case something might happen--"

        "Nothing will happen." I cut her off sharply with a firm line and furrowed eyebrows. She smiled dearly.

        "I admire you, Marinette, for being positive." She placed a hand on my shoulder. "But if something might happen, I-I wish for you to take over the school and all of my companies."

        As if rock clouds has been dropped over my body, my face dropped and my shoulder went sagged. Like my whole just got crumpled. "What?"

        "I know it's a lot to asked but you're the only person I know that have the potential to take care of it. I can see how responsible you are, Marinette. You are a hard working girl who has a big dream of fashion. You're smart, talented at almost everything, selfless, responsible, and a lot more that deserves to have all these. And as I've told you before, I have no child nor a husband to leave what I've achieved behind, and I trust no one to leave everything. I have been an independent woman my entire life and I wish to remain as that. Please, this is my only wish." Ms. Melanie explained, almost tearing up at the end.

        While she justify herself the will to give me all her properties in case of anything that's going to happen to her, I was left standing there while staring agape at her. She's pretty adamant about the whole thing. She's seriously wants me to take over if she. . . she's. . . I can even bring myself to say the word.

        "I-I would gladly accept the offer if its to make you happy. But doing such a thing is illegal if we're not even relatives." I said with a sad smile while she frown at the respond she received. "And-and you told me yourself that you don't have any children or a husband at that matter, or the fact that you just said you can't trust anyone. So, why are you trusting me to take care of everything you've worked so hard?"

        "Because when I look at you, I can see myself. Young, talented and independent designer who's goal was to achieve those dreams." She said as if it was the easiest thing to say. Her chocolate brown eyes held seriousness in them that made me look back with equal expression.

        "And also," I was brought back to reality when Ms. Melanie returns to her table and grabbed another brown envelope. "I asked my lawyer to arrange this, and the only thing you need to do is to sign it."

        I slowly took the envelope and delicately opened it with a nervous hand that won't stop trembling. Once I took out the papers, my eyes scanned it for a moment before staring wide eyes with my jaw drop on the floor.


        I stared at her in disbelief. "Adoption papers?" She nods her head in response.

        "These adoption papers are only legitimate here on New York and occasionally, on France." Ms. Melanie said, almost timidly.

        "But I'm not even an orphan. I have my own parents back at home for that matter. I can't just surprise them with the news that all of a sudden their child is being adopted." I contend.

        "But this was the only way I could think of for you to have my will on your papers as part of evidence if ever someone might take it." She reasoned out, almost sounding desperate at that time.

        I can't do this to her. But I can't also make her disappointed. She's sick, has Brain Tumor that might take her away from earth. She needs me to support her, to take care of her, to be there for her. She said it herself that she's an independent woman from when she's young which means she has nothing but herself. And as far as I know, the only children she ever treated was her students at FIT. But accepting her request was just like asking a lot of favor. But if I don't someone will take it from her. A traitor or a business enemy perhaps? I don't know what to do or what to think. She pleaded to me at that matter. A gesture that I wouldn't dream she could do, and to me. Right in front of me! Who am I to decline such thing?

        "I-I. . ." I nodded my head with a serious look. "Where do I sign?"

        Right when I asked that, Ms. Melanie gave me the biggest most tighter hug she could even give me. I cringe at the small space being currently occupied but nonetheless, hugged her back rather carefully, knowing that I made her smile genuinely at what I did. I'm happy to know that I can see her smile again. It means she still has hope to continue her fight. She can survive it. I know she will.

        When she let go, I quickly took hold of the adoption papers while Ms. Melanie grabbed a pen before handing it to me. I stared at both the pen and the papers before breathing deeply and letting it out with a relaxed demeanor. Once I found my name at the listed names below, right beside Ms. Melanie and her lawyer. I finally signed all three of it with a relief smile.

        "I can finally call you my daughter." Ms. Melanie cried, but was quick to wipe away the tears.

        "I guess, I have to let myself get use to calling you mom." I giggled nervously as I set down the papers.

        "And it'll be my first time to be called a mother." She giggled before hugging me. "Oh, Marinette. My daughter."

        "It's nice to meet you mom."

• • •

        One month later. . .

        "You can do it, Mom. Stay strong. I'm still here waiting for you." I smiled, bending down on her stretcher to give Mom a kiss on the forehead.

        "I agree with Marinette, Ms." Alexa smiles reassuringly. "You still have a great deal in your life."

        She smiled at Alexa before she grabbed hold of my hand and squeeze it a bit. "I'm nervous. But I'm sure I'll make it knowing that you're waiting." She said through her mask with a smile.

        "Just. . . Just don't leave me yet." I said.

        Later on, her smile faltered and her eyes slowly closed due to her doctor injecting her to a sleeping state, making her feel less pain when she's being at the operating room. Soon, the doctors and nurses dragged her away from me and was left standing into the waiting area alone with Alexa who's done a great job reassuring and comforting me at a time like this and Tikki's been doing the same, but secretly.

        "Don't worry, Mari. She's a fighter. I know she'll be okay." Alexa smiled which made me return the gesture before nodding my head.

        It has been two months after the whole adoption thing happened. At first, we kept it both a secret so avoid causing issues around the school. Of course, we're both careful until Mom's Tumor attacked. She was just having a good day when her vision suddenly went blur and her headaches hurts more than before until she collapse in her office. She was once again confine in the hospital for two weeks until her doctors examine her on x-ray and said that her tumor grew bigger as the day pass by. If it's not to be taken out right away, she will suffer and might be too late to survive. So, as her legal daughter, I took matters into my hands and agreed for her to take it. But while still in the hospital, her doctor suggested her to take a Stem Cell therapy first which work out well for her. She was soon release at the hospital and return to her own work. But this time, more careful and gets break every minute or hour.

        But not soon after, the whole campus began hearing rumors about Mom's illness. And so, to finally announce the truth, Mom gathered all her students into the gymnasium and told truth about her Brain Tumor. Many were sad while others were confused. That is until Mom called me out and announce to the whole campus that I am finally her legal daughter who will receive all her properties and transfer it into my papers. Of course, others weren't approved while my friends were there, happy and cheering for me. Thankfully, I have not been bully about it and that was a great relief since that word still held trauma into myself. But deadly stares were always present so I avoided them as much as I can. Thankfully, my friends are supportive.

        The news about me being a legal Forrester lingered throughout the whole school until it was released on media. A few reporters were here and there, and as bonus, Ladybug has been swarmed by all her fans just to get fan sign and pictures after fighting crimes. I feel pretty much like a star but that doesn't get into my head. And if I wasn't lucky enough, Maman and Papa called to tell me both of them wants to talk to me through Skype.

        And as a supporting mother, Mom was there to explain everything to Maman and Papa. The thing is, it took them three days to let the information sink into their heads. They question if it was okay for me, and I nod my head. Mom needs me now and I will be there for her. I was just hoping that the news didn't reach that far for my old classmates to hear. Especially Alya who's a reporter slash journalist.

        Now, this is the day where everything will change. Today is the day Mom will receive a brain surgery to take away the tumor that has been doing nothing but letting my mother suffer.

        Alexa and I have been waiting for seven hours here at the waiting area but there's still no news about Mom. A lot of what if's started to enter my head like crazy, and I knew at that moment that I was having an anxiety attack. Alexa always knew what might happen to me so she's was there the whole time. We both waited for another one hour until finally, nurses exited the E.R and the doctor who was assigned to cure mom came out last. I was quick to stand up when he approached us while taking his mask and plastic gloves.

        "How-how is my mother?" I asked hesitantly.

        He stared at us for a bit before smiling. That's a good sign. "Your mother is fine. We've successfully removed the tumor in her head. It took us a while since we didn't expect it to be much bigger than before. But nonetheless, it was a success. For now, she will remain unconscious until she wakes up. And while she's at that, we'll slowly transfer her into a more suitable room for visitors to come." He explained which made me sigh in relief.

        "Oh, thank goodness." Alexa and I both release a huge gust of breath we didn't know we were holding. It was a relief knowing mom made it through.

        "She made it. She made it." I muttered in utter relief. Finally, I can breath normal.

        "I best be leaving you here." The doctor said which we both nodded our heads. "You'll be seeing her soon."

        "Thank you."

        "Finally I can sleep at ease." Alexa said with a sigh as she once again took a seat while I remain standing.

        "Hey, thanks for being here." I smiled at her which she return and grabbed my hand before giving it a squeeze. Just then, a glimpse of black gloved hands appeared along with a familiar bright emerald green eyes before it quickly disappear just as it appeared.

        Suddenly my demeanor change. A certain some with blonde hair and emerald green eyes entered my head as it always did throughout the year. Two boys who I deeply cared for and vise versa. Just thinking about them made me want to go back home and hug them. But sadly, it can't happen.

        Chat Noir, Adrien. I miss you.

        "Alexa, I'm just going to get a water. Wait here." I didn't wait for her to reply. I immediately marched my way out of the waiting room and into the lobby.

        Just as I was about to grab a cup of water on a near water dispenser beside the counter, the hospital's TV suddenly went on and a news about the robbery near Angel's Jewels appeared and it's owner that is currently taken hostage by those thieves. I dropped the cup and made a quick exit through the door. I made a quick call to Alexa, saying another excuse before disappearing into a dark alley.

        "Looks like Ladybug is needed." I smirked at Tikki who flew in front of me.

        "Just say the word, Marinette." Tikki smiled which made me do the same.

        "Tikki, spots on!"

        Throughout the years, good and bad happens. But I can say that all that happened here is the best thing I have in my life. I gained friends and another mother. I help them in all I can and I can say that they were now my new treasure.

        And really, my life just got a whole lot better. It really is a Big Change.

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