Lifeguard (Adrienette)

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If you haven't already, check out my Tumblr, marichat-sins and my account Marichatsins for longer one shots and one shot requests that you guys have, okay? Enjoy!

Word Count: 2,003

"Why did we have to go to the pool of all places?" Marinette groaned as she clutched her towel tightly to her chest. She was in one of her personal favorite bikinis, a pink and white polka dotted two piece that fit her snuggly as it should, since she was the one who hand made it. With the two pink bows on her hips that tied the bottom together and the white ribbon bow placed between the cups of her top, she felt that the outfit was simple yet pretty.

"Because it's the middle of summer Marinette!" Alya exclaimed as she threw her hands up excitedly in the air, her blue towel hanging over her shoulder. "The hottest day, too! So why not go to the pool to cool down?"

Because I can't swim.

Marinette grumbled under her breath as she neared the chlorine packed water that held dozens of people. They were all splashing at each other and laughing and swimming in the cool water that would probably feel great in this weather, but for Marinette it looked like hell. A very watery hell.

"Hey dudettes!" Alya's boyfriend, Nino, called out as a greeting before he slung an arm around said girl's shoulder, overlapping the blue towel. "Who's ready for some fun?"

"Hey girls," Adrien gave them a short wave and Marinette's heart stuttered as she felt heat crawl up the back of her neck at the small smile Adrien wore.

God he looks handsome in everything!

Marinette shamefully took a look at his black swimming trunks when he turned his head to talk to Nino. They had thick neon green stripes on each side and the material was hanging dangerously low on his hips. She nearly fainted when she saw his v line before following the pattern of his abs.

That is until Alya had elbowed Marinette in the ribcage, causing the teen to double over and cradled the injured spot.

"Marinette? Are you okay?" Her head shot up in surprise as she felt a warm hand placed on her shoulder. A hand that was connect to Adrien's body.

"Eep! I-I mean, yeah, yeah I'm okay! Alya just hit me." She squeaked out, taking a few steps back at a miniature attempt to scoot away from him.

"Mari, watch out!" Her sandaled foot slipped against the slick metal that rimmed the pool, and she was falling back. She braced herself for water but nothing came as muscled arms wrapped around her torso. Her immediate reaction was to loop her arms around her savior's neck as she was pulled up flush against his chest.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice whispered into her ear. She felt his lips scrape softly against the cartilage of her ear and his hot breath made her burn up even more. The blush that had began growing at the base of her neck was now making it's way up to her cheeks, her porcelain skin turning into a violent red as her savior stepped back.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine, Adrien. Thanks." She managed to blurt out before the towel that she had been previously holding was handed to her by Alya.

"Geez girl, it's just water. What are you so afraid of?" Alya teased, unknowing to the whole not knowing how to swim dilemma. What? Don't judge, Marinette just never got around to telling her. Plus, it was slightly embarrassing... It was bad enough Chat Noir knew, no one else needed to know as well.

"Right. Lets just go play some basketball." Marinette offered before she scampered off to find a place to lay her towel and purse that held Tikki.

"I wonder why she was so scared." Alya thought aloud, looking at her friend in worry as she watched the bluenette's figure disappear in the crowd of people. Nino shrugged, not taking his arm off of his spectacled girlfriend.

"Who knows. Maybe her phone was in her purse?"

"Wait, you guys don't know?" Adrien was completely shocked. How did no one else know that Marinette didn't know how to swim? He did. Well, technically Chat Noir did after one particular akuma battle Marinette had been involved in. He was just glad he got there in time otherwise there would be no Marinette today.

"Know what?" The two questioned in a perfect unison that would probably happen again, knowing the couple.

Maybe she wants to keep it a secret? I don't understand why though. It's not that big of a deal. But it's also not my secret to tell.

"Never mind. Let's go find her."


Really, the day had been going perfectly after that little slip up incident. Except for the fact that Adrien was always within a three foot radius of Marinette, no matter where she went. Normally she would be ecstatic to have all of his attention like this, but with how he was dressed and how smoking he looked when he was in the water was just too much for her poor heart to handle. She didn't think she could last another three hours if he kept this up.

She had to lie to him, which she felt extremely guilty of since he was doing nothing wrong in the first place, and tell him that she needed to use the restroom before dashing off and leaving him behind.

So now, she was panting on the other side of the pool, the deep end. She felt shivers creep down her spine as she glanced at the teen foot sign painted on the cement next to her bare feet. It was a terrifying feeling just being near water this deep, but it was better then the near cardiac arrest she felt every time she saw Adrien's golden halo of hair drip with water on to his perfectly sculpted abs.

Yeah, her heart was ready to burst at the mere thought of it.

"Hey Maritrash!"

Ugh, I just cannot catch a break, can I? Marinette internally groaned as she heard the shrill voice of the self absorbed Mayor's daughter as she made her way to her. Why is she even here anyways? She has a giant rooftop pool at her hotel, so why bother with a 'commoner's' pool? She probably stalked Adrien here, knowing that brat.

"I'm talking to you Maritrash!" Marinette did her best to ignore Chloe, but no matter how much luck her hidden identity had, she was still the unlucky Marinette. "You should listen to people when they're talking to you."

Not noticing how close Chloe had gotten, Marinette was taken by surprised when she felt the freshly manicured nails dig into her arm before a sudden push made her fall backwards once more. Only this time, there was no one there to catch her from falling. With no time to even think about screaming, Marinette tried to take a deep breath but was already breaking the surface of the clear water. Instead of air, she got water. The gross chlorine water spilled into her mouth, pushing any air she did have, out.

Her legs and arms were spastically swinging around, her strong legs pumping in the water but getting her no where. She clawed at the cold water but to no avail, she stayed under. Her eyes began to sting from the chlorine and she desperately wished that someone would come help her.

At one point she saw a glob of gold swimming towards her, before arms were wrapped around her torso for the second time that day. She felt herself being pulled up to the surface of the pool before she suddenly broke it. As she resurfaced, she coughed out the disgusting water as she gasped for the dire air she needed to fill her lungs.

Being dragged on to the burning cement of the pool, she clutched onto her savior, hugging them tightly as if she were afraid that she would still be under water if she had let go.

"Marinette!" The voice yelped in surprise before the arms around her torso tightened into a hug as well, squeezing her tightly against their chest. "I'm so sorry, Marinette. I'm so sorry." her savior cried, hot salty tears landing on the bluenette's shoulder as they buried their head into the crook of her neck. All Marinette could see was the wet golden locks as they dripped water onto her chest.

"C-Chloe?!" Marinette pulled back to see the blonde girl sobbing into her hands, shaking her head side to side.

"I'm so sorry Marinette. I thought you knew how to swim. I wouldn't have done that if I had known." She wailed, burying her face deeper into her hands as she furiously tried to wipe the onslaught of tears.

"Chloe? You saved me?" Marinette's voice was raspy from the intake of water, but it was definitely better than drowning.

"Of course I saved you stupid!" The blonde snapped at the other girl as she glared at her with sky blue eyes. "I wouldn't have let you die! I'm not that bad of a person." The blonde scowled, the tears that were previously streaming down her tan face now gone as she got up with a huff. "Since you're okay, I'm leaving."

"Thank you, Chloe. Thank you for saving me." Marinette thanked as Chloe began to walk away, her back turned.

"Tch," Chloe breathed out, her back still turned. "Don't think too much of it, Maritrash." And she walked off.

"Marinette!" She glanced to the left where she saw her three friends making a mad dash towards her before Adrien skidded on his bare feet, to which Marinette had winced at, and cupped Marinette's cheeks in his hands. What he did next is what surprised her the most.

His rough yet soft lips crashed down onto hers, opening them. A sudden burst of oxygen was sent into her lungs from Adrien's own, before he pulled away. He looked at the bluenette in worry as her cheeks blossomed a dark, dark, red.

"W-What are you doing Adrien?!" Marinette sputtered out as he laughed.

"I'm your lifeguard Mari! I have to give you CPR!"

"But I'm not drowning anymore!"

"Think of it as just an extra measure then." Before Marinette could bark back a reply, his lips overtook hers again, lighting off fireworks within her body. She instantly felt warm as one of his hands moved from her cheek to the small of her back and the other to the back of her head as he tilted her chin up for better access. This was different then the last one. How? Well for starters, he's not breathing air into her mouth. But also this time, he had his eyes shut and was kissing her, actually kissing her! He sent tingles from her toes to her head as he continued to kiss her before pulling away for oxygen.

Alya and Nino whooped in the background as Marinette stared at Adrien in awe and wonder.

"Then what was that one for?"

"Oh, that one? That one was for me. I really wanted to kiss you, like I have been wanting for months now." Adrien answered nonchalantly as he watched her cheeks turn an even darker red, if that was even possible. "Also, it was a thank you."

"Thank you?" Now Marinette was confused. What on earth had she done for him to thankful to her? Marinette racked the back of her brain but she couldn't come up with anything. After seeing her confused expression, Adrien laughed as he kissed her once more before leaning into her ear.

"I saw you checking me out earlier," His hot breath sent shivers down her spine, but unlike before, this made her extremely excited. "So that kiss was a thank you."

"Adrien Agreste!"

Let's just say, Adrien had been shoved into the pool afterwards, but still managed to leave the swimming pool at the end of the day, with a tiny hand wrapped securely in his and his girlfriend in tow as he walked her home.

Yay some sort of cheesy angsty one shot!

Until next time, peace!

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