Promise (Adrienette)

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"Promise me something." An eight year old Adrien said to a seven year old Marinette. The bluenette looked at the slightly taller boy as they walked around in the park that was close to both of their homes, walking to their secret place.

"Yeah?" He held her hand as they walked past the green meadow, leading to a great oak tree with several thick branches, making it easy for the two kids to climb. He turned his emerald eyes to meet her sapphire ones as they stood at the foot of the tree.

"When I move, don't forget me. Okay? You're my only friend." The soft summer breeze blew the girl's twin pigtails waved with it. She grinned, not letting the thoughts about leaving her best friend show through, trying to be strong for him.

"I couldn't forget you! How could I? You're my Adrien, my best friend!" Their intertwined hands were released as she threw her hands up in the air, letting her dramatic flair shine.

"Adrien. You're father wants to see you. It is time to say goodbye to your friend." The kids heard Nathalie's voice and they looked down in disappointment.

"Wait," Adrien dug in his pockets before pulling out a silver ring with a giant sapphire stone placed on top of it, with a delicate silver chain hooped through the loop. "I want you to have this. It was my mom's." He clasped the necklace around her neck."She told me to give it to the person that I love a lot."

"I promise to never take it off."

The two children began tearing up as they realized that this could be the last time they ever see each other.

"Don't cry, Mari. I promise that I will find you again."

"But how will you know it's me? I might look different..." She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand as she stared at the boy in front her.

"I'll know, because you're my Princess, remember? And I'm you're Prince Charming."

"I like you more as a knight in shining armor."

"Then I'm your knight in shining armor. And now you have that." He pointed at the ring connected to their silver chain that was around her neck. "And I also have one more promise. I promise that when I do see you again, the first thing I will do is this."

He hugged Marinette for a fast few seconds as Nathalie called out his name again.

"I'll see you later Mari!" They waved each other goodbye, both on the brink of tears as he ran away, running back to Nathalie.

That was seven years ago. Yet, the memory was still as fresh as if it had happened yesterday for both Adrien and Marinette. The two had realized a few years after he left that they didn't know each other's last names, just that there was a blonde boy with emerald eyes named Adrien, and bluenette girl with eyes as blue as the sapphire ring he had given, and that her name was Marinette.

Although Marinette had given up hope on her search for this boy, Adrien certainly hasn't given up on his. Every day, he'd see an image of her and him together, in a black picture frame he had set next to his bed, and every day, that image would renew his hope.

"Adrien, it's time to leave." He felt his heart flutter in excitement, butterflies churning his stomach. This was it. He was finally coming back home to his Princess. For the first time in seven years. He grabbed the picture that was so dear to him before calling Plagg's name out, beckoning him with a slice of Camembert before heading out to the limo that was waiting for him.

When he was settled in the back, Plagg spoke to him.

"So you get to see your Princess, huh? I think you'd have better luck with Camembert..." The cat said before eating the Camembert Adrien had given him.

"Maybe for you. But this Princess is better than your stinky cheese. Smells a lot better too." For the rest of the ride, they sat in silence, Adrien thinking about seeing Marinette once more. Just as he began to doze off, the limo driver spoke.

"We're here, sir."

"I have a request," The limo driver nodded as Adrien gave him the directions to the park, immediately listening to the young Agreste's order. "Thanks!" Adrien thanked the driver as he got out of the limo, looking around at the familiar grounds.

"This is where I met her Plagg. Do you think she's still here?"

"Who knows kid." Adrien didn't let Plagg's comment drag him down as he began to walk down the familiar path to his and Marinette's old hideout. His heart began pounding as he noticed a bluenette wearing her hair in pigtails sitting on the lowest branch of the old tree, a pencil in hand as she made strokes against the paper in the notebook on her lap.

"That has to be her. Same hair color, hair style..." Suddenly her eyes met his as the two teens stared each other down. "Same eyes... The same beautiful eyes... Marinette..."

"Adrien?..." She let the sketchbook and pencil she was holding drop on to the ground, abandoning them as she jumped off the branch she was on, approaching the familiar looking blonde. If that is Adrien, he's gotten hot...

"Marinette? Princess?" He watched her eyes widen as her jaw dropped.

"Adrien... The knight in shining armor." Adrien grinned as he walked up to the shocked girl. "I've missed you..." He placed his hands on her face, cupping it gently as he dipped his head so his lips met hers.

Their blood began to heat up to a boil, and it felt as if electricity was shooting through their body, stimulating every nerve in their being as they kissed. They pulled away as they stared at each other.

"I made a promise to you, Marinette. And I wouldn't break that promise for the world." He gaze shifted down to the sapphire ring that hung in between her collarbone. "And you didn't either, I see."

"I promised you I'd never take it off didn't I?" She felt tears prick her eyes, stinging them as she blinked. "I missed you so much!" She surprised him with a hug, her slim arms wrapping around his torso tightly as she buried her face into his chest.

After he got over his shock, he hugged her back just as tight as he dipped his head into her neck.

"I finally got you back. And I'm never letting you go."

Finally, a happy one!

Q: Have you ever broken a promise?

A: I've held promises close to me ever since I was little. And I haven't broken one yet.

Until next time, peace!

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