Genderbend AU - Chatte Noir - 3P

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Genderbend AU! Yas!

Adrien Addison (Addie in most cases)

Marinette Marc (Clothes same just no pink--no flowers on his shirt and jeans that reach his ankles ok and sneakers)

Chat Noir Chatte Noire (Addie/Chatte Noire: Just past shoulder length hair except no pigtails like in the pic below - Same clothes as Adrien/Chat Noir just girlier) (Hair more all over the place and messy for Chatte)

Ladybug Ladybug (Hair longer than in picture, to bottom of ears)

Alya Alan (Same clothes just more manly, if you will - Chin length hair, still ombre)

Nino Nia (Same get up just more feminine.)

Chloe -> Clarence (Same clothes cause aint nobody care bout her - Hair is short just assume)

Every other Character is exactly the same, save for hair cuts. Just assume who's who.

Tomato Son - Natasha (Tomato son/daughter matters, ok? - Hair short (to shoulders)

Also can you tell I hate Chloe?


Marc stared at the back of Addison's head. "So perfect..." He mumbled under his breath.

Alan leaned over. "Huh?"

"Oh, nothing." Marc waved Alan away.

Class ended, and Marc could see Addison, scribbling something furiously. Feeling brave, and a little lucky, Marc stood up. "I'll catch up," He said to Alan.

Alan shrugged and walked away. "Heeeeeeeey..... Addison....." Marc started, stopping in front of her.

Marc's hand arced in a waved and he paused before continuing the semicircle, leaning with it to look sideways at Addison. "Hmm?" Addison looked up, barely visible bags under her eyes.

"Hi." Marc straightened up.

"Hi, Marc! What's up?" Addison beamed.

"Nothing much, just saying hi. Hi, Addison." Marc repeated.

Addison smiled softly. How cute. "Please, call me Addie. Only my mom ever calls me Addison." Addie rolled her eyes.

Ah, Gabriela Agreste, fashion icon of Paris. "Okay. Addie." Marc said, testing out the name.

"Hey, you're not stuttering today." Addie smiled, giving Marc a thumbs up.

"W-what e-ever do you me-mean?" Marc blush, sweating profusely.

"It's back," Addie giggled softly into her hand.

"Addie!" Clarence walked into the room, phone in hand, Simon flanking her.

Marc groaned inwardly. Addison groaned aloud. "Hey, Clarence." Addison began, Marc rolling his eyes.

"I've been looking for you, like, all over." Clarence rolled his eyes, finally spotting Marc.

"Marc? Addison, I'm so sorry that you had talk to this... this... this peasant, but I, Clarence, am here to rescue you." Addie stood up in fury.

"He's not a peasant." She said quietly, anger quickly draining from her.

"Clarence, leave Addison alone." Marc waved Clarence off.

"Excuse me? Marc, I'm just taking care of my girlfriend. You should back off." Marc flushed angrily.

"Clarence," Addison started quietly.

"Shut it, Addie. I think," Clarence approached Marc, putting a finger on his chest, "that you," Clarence poked Marc and he stepped back.

"Should stay away," Clarence advanced and poked Marc's chest again, "from my girlfriend." Clarence poked Marc one more time.

He stalked over to Addison, who's arm he grabbed and pulled. "Hey- stop!" Addison said, being dragged by her arm, Clarence gripping tightly as Simon grabbed Addie's things.

"She said, stop." Marc stepped forward.

Clarence froze. He turned around angrily, pulling Addison with him. "What're you gonna do 'bout it?" Clarence snapped, pulling Addison again.

She ripped her arm from his grip, red marks appearing, and stood firmly in place. "Addison." Clarence warned.

"No!" Addison exclaimed, stepping back.

"Addison, now!" Clarence stepped forward, swiping at Addison's arm.

"No, Clarence! We're not together, okay? You can't tell me what to do! Stay away from me!" Addison's voice raised.

Marc wanted to step in, but he wasn't sure how. "Addison," Clarence hissed.

"Clarence, take a break." Marc decided to make a move, stepping up to Clarence and whispering in his ear.

Clarence glared at Marc before taking the advice and stalking off. "Are you al-"

"I'm fine. Thanks, but I can take care of myself, Marc." Addison turned away from Marc, collecting her things that Simon had dropped.

Marc wasn't sure how to react, so he walked out of the classroom, stooping to retrieve Addie's notebook, which had fallen open. Ladybug! It read, red and black hearts floating around the name, a gentle sketch of Ladybug and Chatte Noire in the lined pages. Marc paused, then composed himself, handing the book to Addison. He walked out wordlessly.

When Alan asked where Marc had left to, he simply said "Nothing." And sat down with his lunch.

"Hey, Marc." Alan prodded Marc's arm.

"Marc, Marc." Marc looked over at Alan, eyes slits in annoyance.

"What?" Marc's face was expressionless.

"Wanna hear a joke?" Alan's face showed building anticipation.

Marc sighed. "Alright." He succumbed hesitantly.

"What do you call someone who doesn't fart in public?" Marc rolled his eyes.

"What?" He asked wearily.

"A private tutor!" Alan exclaimed, throwing his arms up.

Marc's lips formed a line. "Eh, eh?" Alan attempted to convince Marc.

Marc's face turned pink. "Pfft," he giggled.

Then began to laugh. No matter how immature, the joke made him laugh. "Alan, oh my God." Marc shook his head.

And then, a familiar girl walked by. Her shoulder length red-as-a-tomato hair floated lightly behind her as she looked down at her sketchbook, face scrunched as she picked out flaws. "Hey, Natasha." Marc greeted.

Natasha'd been quite shy of Marc since the Evillustrator incident. "H-hi, Marc." Natasha froze, lifting a hand in a wave and then lowering it just as fast.

As a result, the sketchbook in her arms dropped to the floor. Coincidentally, it fell open to a sketch of Marc. Natasha reached down, hand colliding with Marc's. She blushed furiously and turned away. "Wait, Natasha." Marc stopped her.

"Yeah?" Her stutter disappeared with embarrassment.

"That was a really good drawing, could I see it again?" Natasha's eyes widened in excitement and she sat down next to Marc, a happy blush over her cheeks.

Alan rolled his eyes, leaning over and whispering in Marc's ear. "Don't screw with her, bro. I'm going to find something else to do." Alan stood and walked off.

"No - Come back!" Marc whisper-yelled as the boy left.

He turned back to Natasha, who had opened her book. Marc could feel himself sweating without his wing-man. "Holy, Natasha, that's great!" Marc said, forgetting his nerves.

It was an image of a female, not one he recognized, laying on the ground, hair thrown about, flowers and grass poking through the gaps. Natasha had expertly shaded and proportioned it. "I-it's nothing." Natasha blushed.

Marc didn't notice Addison enter the yard, in search of Nia. When she spotted Marc, she felt a pang of something go through her. Guilt? Anger? Jealousy? No, no. Addison didn't like Marc like that. Or do I? Addison teased herself. She laughed silently and skipped off.

"Marc, mind helping me with something?" Alix asked.

He had his roller blades on, arms outstretched. "Sure! Thanks for sharing those, Natasha! They're amazing. Never give up on art!" Marc said enthusiastically.

"Th-thanks, Marc!" Natasha stood up, beaming.

"What's up, Alix?" Marc turned back to Alix.

He was surprised to find the (mildly) red head in his face. "Stay away from Natasha, okay?" Alix squinted at Marc.

"Erm... I don't... per say, like her.... I mean! I like her, not in that way, she's great but I'm preoccupied and uh, okay." Marc shut himself up, flushed.

"Okay, sounds good." Alix winked and rolled off.

Marc wiped fake sweat from his forehead. 


While Marc walked home, peacefully humming, a piece of debris in the air flew at him. Eyes widening,  he dove out of the way. "You okay?" Chatte Noir asked, landing in front of Marc.

"Yes." He said, taking the super heroine's hand.

Pulling him up, Chatte jumped, landing on a rooftop to taunt the villain. Marc rushed to transform into Ladybug, feeling powerful. He followed the trail of disaster to his partner. In moments, the Akuma was defeated and Ladybug jumped to a roof, leaving the scene. He was stopped by Chatte Noire, who gripped his wrist. "Ladybug!" She said.

"Chatte. I'd better get going..."

"Please, Ladybug, just a little time together? I need to stop thinking of something, do you... do you mind staying with me?" The sincerity in Chatte's voice kept Ladybug there.

"Of course." Ladybug said, smiling.

Chatte exhaled with relief when suddenly Ladybug had yo-yoed away. Chatte smiled, loving how Ladybug knew just how to cheer her partner up. Chasing after the spotted hero, Chatte pounced from building to building. Landing on a rooftop the two were quite partial to, Ladybug spoke. "What's wrong, chatton?"

"Well, there's this guy at school who thinks I'm dating him, and another guy - who's really caring and sweet - comes and helps defend me, and I didn't really thank him. I actually just shook him off."

"Wow. I had something similar happen to me. Except I was the one who helped." Ladybug said, surprise dripping into his voice.

Addison... "What a coincidence." Chatte smiled.

"Addison?" Ladybug squeaked.

"Ye- I mean! Who? Who is this Addison you speak of?" Chatte's eyes widened and she sat completely still.

"Addison Agreste! Addison Agreste, Chatte Noire!" Ladybug said, standing up and fanning his face with his hands.

He rushed off, and Addison sat there, sighing. She knew he wouldn't have been impressed.

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