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Adrien sipped his coffee silently, watching as Marinette giggled with Nathanaël. Now, he hadn't meant to become a stalker, but after reconnecting with his now-dating ex-classmates after so many years... Well, he wasn't sure. It was probably the fact that he had rejected Marinette so many years ago. And now that he couldn't have her, it felt wrong. So here he sat, on a dreary fall day, in a nearly empty café. Marinette and Nathanaël sat at their own table, and Adrien was quite surprised that neither had noticed him sitting creepily in a corner, peeking over the top of a newspaper. Adrien nearly spilled his coffee when Marinette smiled, leaning in for a kiss from Nathanaël.

Which turned from a little peck to a long smooch. Adrien stood up roughly from his table. The chair squeaked against the tiled floor and the table teetered on its legs. Adrien tossed his newspaper down before heading to the exit. "Oh, hey, Adrien!" Marinette called.

Dammit. Adrien turned around, smile plastered on his face. "Oh, hi! Didn't see you two." Adrien fibbed, approaching the table occupied by the couple.

"What's up, man?" Nathanaël asked.

"Fine, fine." Adrien said.

"How's... work?" Marinette asked, scrambling for things to talk about.

Adrien finally looked at Marinette. "It's... it's been manageable." He said simply.

"That's nice." Marinette said sincerely.

Adrien could see her face grow uneasy, and he knew it was because of him. "Well, I gotta go. Bye." Adrien waved awkwardly before turning and leaving.

Was it wrong to wish so badly for Marinette to fall in love with him? Sighing, Adrien pushed open the front door of the café, the bell emitting a high-pitched twinkle. As soon as he exited the realm of warmth and coffee, Adrien was assaulted with frigid air and a light breeze. He shoved his hands into his pockets, huffing out a puff of steam. He really had nowhere to go, but being away from the "happy" couple made him feel a little bit better. He knew that the two were probably chatting away about how distant he acted, but Adrien felt too sullen to bring himself to care.

He made his way up the steps of his apartment building, pushing open the door before taking the elevator to his floor. He fumbled for his keys before unlocking the doors to his apartment, flicking on some lights and turning on the TV. It displayed a fashion show special, something that Adrien was told to watch on a daily basis, in order to become better at modelling. "Fashion design has been something I've pursued since I was young. I love the feeling of creating something that everyone can appreciate." Adrien paused on his way to his bedroom, instead back-pedaling several steps.

There was Marinette, smiling on the screen. "When did you first start getting your designs out there?" The interviewer asked.

"The first time I designed something to be used for more than personal wear was when I was about fifteen. Gabriel Agreste held a contest for students at our school since his son attended it at the time. It was a feathered bowler hat." An image of said hat appeared in place of Marinette on the screen and Adrien found himself sliding onto his couch.

"When was it when your career really took off?" The interviewer asked, gesturing with her hands.

"Well, I was twenty-one years old and one of my designs in class won an award at a national level. After that, I was signed with Gabriel Agreste, finished school, and began designing full time." Marinette smiled.

"And there you have it. This Chelsea Atwood, interviewing fashion designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Chelsea smiled.

Marinette also smiled and the screen switched to commercials. Adrien was taken aback by how well Marinette was doing. He hadn't realized she designed so much and had become so popular. His phone buzzed then, and a text from his agent told him to be at a photo shoot that evening. Adrien groaned but responded that he'd be there early.

Deciding to take a little break, Adrien shut his eyes to relax. He woke up with a start later, realizing he'd fallen asleep. He burst from his seat, reaching for his jacket, only to realize he was already in it. He grabbed his keys and rushed from his door, barely remembering to lock it. He was at the set of the shoot only a minute later than promised. It was only then it struck him where he was. In the park, a place he hadn't been to since his days as Chat Noir. Which had been a while ago. "Finally! You're late." Adrien's agent rushed up, ushering Adrien into a makeshift dressing room.

"By, like, one minute." Adrien protested.

"Still late. You're modelling for the MDC Company." He explained hurriedly.

"What? Never mind, let me change." Adrien said, an onslaught of makeup artists and wardrobe managers attacking him.

Adrien was hustled into new clothing, moving to quickly to notice the chill in the air as he dressed. His face was assailed with makeup before he was pushed back out into the open, his agent flitting about, speaking with numerous people. "Adrien! Ici!" His photographer yelled, waving an arm.

Adrien jogged up, curious for what his photographer had in stock this time. "Meet the owner of the MDC Company." He said, pushing Adrien from behind.

"Ah, Miss Dupain-Cheng, your model for today, Adrien Agreste." Gabriel Agreste said, cutting off his previous conversation.

Adrien straightened up at the name, watching as Marinette turned around. He hair was loose, two strands in the front pulled back and pinned. "Hello, Adrien." She beamed.

"Hi, Marinette. Father." Adrien greeted, caught in the slightest of dazes.

"Hello, Adrien. I'm terribly sorry, but I must be going. I look forward to see your work." Gabriel excused himself, shaking Marinette's hand.

He stopped next to Adrien before reaching up to push a loose hair back into place. He cracked the slightest of smiles, brightening Adrien's day. "So you'll be modelling for my company today. We'll have a female model join you later on, but for now, just solo shots." Marinette's demeanor changed completely in a matter of seconds, from conversational to business-like.

"Alright. And who's my female model?" Adrien asked, following Marinette as she started towards the set.

"Chloé Bourgeouis." Marinette answered, shooting a sideways look at Adrien.

"Erm... okay." He laughed nervously.

A moment later, they were well into the shoot. Adrien posed in his suit, part of the fine wears that the MDC Company was currently producing. He felt extremely self-conscious with Marinette watching, conducting what he was to do. "What?" Marinette exclaimed suddenly, turning to a new agent.

Adrien broke his careful "smolder" to see the commotion. His photographer caught an image of Adrien's bewildered face and praised how natural it was. "Sorry, continue." Marinette said, waving a hand.

A little while later, she approached Adrien and apologized. "Our female model dropped out." She said sheepishly.

"Well, can't you model your own clothes?" Adrien suggested.

"No, no, no. I couldn't possibly. I make the clothes. I don't model them!" Marinette laughed nervously.

"C'mon. You'll do fine." Adrien insisted.

The photographer was already avidly snapping away. "Are you sure?" Marinette asked, a hand finding it's way to the back of her neck.

"Yep." Adrien said, suddenly grabbing Marinette's free hand and pulling her towards him.

She let out a surprised sound before Adrien turned her like they were dancing. "Perfect-o!" The photographer called.

Marinette blushed. Adrien dropped her hands and they stood, awfully close, simply staring at each other. Photos of their profiles were being taken, and Marinette simply raised an eyebrow in a challenge. Adrien smirked then. The photographer approached them, pushing both closer. "Okay, now lean in. Okay, now Adrien tilt your head that-a-ways. Miss Dupain-Cheng, hands on his shoulders. And- yes!" The photographer ordered Marinette and Adrien around, even pushing them lightly when needed.

They ended in a rather suggestive position, bodies together, heads tilted as though they were poised for a kiss. "Yes! No look like you're in love! Imagine you are getting a kiss from the other person!" The photographer called, clicking furiously away.

"Could I, by chance, actually get a kiss?" Adrien tried.

"You didn't want me when I wanted you, but now that you want me, I don't want you." Marinette grabbed Adrien by the nose and turned his head.

She pulled away from him before announcing, "Shoot's over. Thank you, everyone!"

"Goodbye, Adrien." She said simply, waving.

There was the redhead, waiting like a puppy for Marinette. The two parts of the couple leaned towards each other, kissing lightly. "No, no, no!" Adrien muttered, sighing again.

Adrien woke with a jolt. His clock blinked rapidly, displaying an over-slept alarm. "C'mon, Plagg." he said, shaking his head clear.

"Highschools and their early start times." Plagg complained, floating lazily into Adrien's bag.

But Adrien was too distracted, thinking of grown Marinette. Who was she, and why did she matter so much to Adrien? The answer would come later in class, a misunderstanding and an umbrella later.

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