Zip Code - 3P

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"Just, I don't know, Lila. Wait- am I being annoying? I know you're not dating anyone, and there's no need for me to pester you with girlfriend problems." Marinette said, taking a sip from her coffee.

"No, no. It's fine." The brunette said, waving a hand in dismissal.

It was a warm Saturday, and the two had decided to grab some coffee together. Marinette smiled. She had really begun to cherish Lila's friendship, especially since Alya had been whisked away in her intern duties. The three girls had gotten along famously, hanging out every day that they didn't have homework. Now that it was summer, however, Alya was nowhere to be found, constantly gaining knowledge for her future as a journalist.

"Thanks, Lila. This is why you're one of my best friends." Marinette said, reaching across the table to rest one of her hands on Lila's.

"Hey, it's what I'm good for." She said, struggling not to break into dark red blush.

Thank God they teach how to hold in blushes. Lila thought, cherishing her roles in movies. "But anyways, back onto the topic." Lila prompted.

"Oh, yeah. Adrien's just too far away for my tastes. I don't know how it makes me feel, really. I guess that's it."

"Where did you say he was, again? And for how long?" Lila asked, brow furrowing in concern.

"He's in Germany. He's gone for the entire summer." Marinette sighed, moving her hand from Lila's to rest her head on it.

"That's far. But it's been like two months already." Lila noted, digging through her bag for her phone.

"I know." Marinette sighed dramatically.

"I mean, he doesn't look like he's not having fun." Lila said, pulling up Adrien's latest photo shoot.

"Don't say that." Marinette groaned out.

"Sorry, but look." Lila said, showing Marinette the picture of Adrien beaming, hands clasped with another model.

"I'd be having fun if I was in Germany, too." Marinette sighed, looking up to the picture.

"Oh, no, Lila, why'd you have to show me that one?" Marinette asked, face changing to even more exhausted.

"It's the first one I saw." Lila lied.

She'd picked this specific one to make Marinette envious. Or upset. But Lila'd prefer envious. "Oh, Lila, you don't think he'd rather be with... her instead of me, do you?" Marinette asked, eyes wide.

"I don't know, but some of these pics seem kinda... risque." Lila shrugged.

She flipped to a picture of the model pressing a kiss to Adrien's cheek while he laughed bashfully. "Oh, no, Lila." Marinette said, standing up.

"Do you wanna go home?" Lila suggested, grabbing her things.

"Yes, please. I'd rather not have a breakdown in public." Marinette said, pulling her purse on her shoulder.

The two set off, bumping into each other as they walked down the sidewalk. "Lila, do you think he likes how he poses with those girls? They are like super attractive." Marinette said, reaching up to cup her cheek.

"Well, you know the saying." Lila said bluntly.

This was why Marinette had wanted to talk to Lila. Always blunt. "Which one?" Marinette asked.

"Y'know, 'if it's not the same zip code, it's not cheating'?" Lila shrugged.

This was only helping her dreams along. "What?" Marinette said softly.

"I mean, he could've kissed any of those girls, you'd never know." Lila said, putting an arm around Marinette.

"Do you think he did?" Marinette asked.

"Bonjour, Mister Dupain, Miss Cheng." Lila waved, taking Marinette up the ladder.

"There's no promises, Marinette, but how long before the distance gets to you two and he gets paranoid? I mean, it's not healthy if you're questioning each other's faith." Lila said, gently stroking Marinette's hair.

The last thing Lila wanted was to see Marinette hurt. But if it hurt Adrien in the process, what did Lila have to complain about? He'd learn to stay away from her Marinette. "Oh, Lila, do you think that's true?" Marinette asked, rolling into fetal position and sliding against Lila.

"In my experience, it happens. Why do you think I don't date boys?" Lila said, pulling Marinette to her side.

A moment later, the implication of her words sunk in. Did I just...? I basically just admitted that i'm not straight! Lila panicked.

Marinette, in her emotional haze, missed the assumption. "Oh." She said, tucking herself tighter.

"Hey, it's okay. He'll be back... eventually." Lila said, keeping her voice concerned.

Marinette didn't catch the unimpressed glare Lila shot at a framed photo of Marinette and Adrien. "I guess so." Marinette said, glancing hopefully up at Lila.

She leaned forward and planted a kiss on Marinette's forehead. She had been planning to continue, insist that Adrien had for sure cheated, but seeing Marinette hurt stopped Lila. "Thanks, 'Li. For dealing with me." Marinette said, wrapping an arm around her friend.

"Of course. I love you, 'kay?" Lila reminded.

Marinette would probably never understand that Lila didn't just mean in a platonic way. "I love you too, Lila." Marinette sighed softly.

"Marinette!" Sabine called then.

"Coming!" Marinette called back, standing.

She held out a hand to Lila. With a smile, Lila took it and stood, relishing in the fact that neither girl let go until they had to lower themselves down the ladder. Lila went first, turning around to see something she'd rather not have. Holding in a groan, Lila scowled. "Yeah, mom?" Marinette asked.

She turned to face the door, breath catching. "Adrien!" Marinette squealed, running over to embrace the boy.

"Marinette!" Adrien responded with a laugh.

Before he could plant a kiss on his girlfriend, Marinette dragged him up the ladder into her room, beckoning to Lila. Lila knew she should have declined, but something about making Adrien feel uncomfortable kept her there. "I missed you!" Marinette gushed, planting a kiss on the boy's forehead.

"I missed you more!" Adrien challenged, catching Marinette by the lips.

What should have been a polite two-second kiss turned into an impromptu make-out session. "Ahem." Lila said, crossing her legs from her place on Marinette's computer chair.

"Oh! Lila, sorry!" Marinette said, pushing Adrien off her.

Lila raised an eyebrow, watching as the two in front of her shared several looks. How their bond was so deep they could have an entire conversation through looks, Lila would never understand. "Uh, hi, Lila." Adrien started awkwardly.

"Adrien." Lila said, unimpressed.

"....Is it okay if Marinette and I-"

"No." Lila said, stopping Adrien from fully phrasing his question.

"But you didn't even-"


Adrien looked taken aback, turning to whisper something in Marinette's ear. "Lila, could we please have some... ahem... privacy?" Marinette tried.

"Alright, Marinette. Ask him about what we talked about. I'm going to head home." Lila said, stalking over and planting a kiss on Marinette's forehead.

Before she moved away, she shot a pointed look at Adrien.

That night, Lila cried. She cried until her eyes were red, and she cried until her pillow was soaked through. She cried until three in the morning, because that was when there were no more tears to shed, no more sobs to muffle. She lay still, thinking of Marinette, sorrowful. But she wasn't sorry that Marinette was happy. She was sorry that she couldn't be the one to make Marinette happy.

She was sorry that she couldn't just tell Marinette.

But most of all, she was sorry because she was scared.

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