baby fever

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Requested by @buttercuptheidiot

This is sooooo incredibly late and I'm sooo sorry for how long it took me to get this out. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

When Alya introduces Marinette to a new app that has the ability to take two people and predict what their future children might look like, Marinette doesn't waste such a golden opportunity to see what could result from her and Adrien's photos combined. But when she also gets curious and decides to try it with Chat Noir, she's stunned to find that the results are exactly identical to Adrien's.


"Marinette! You've got to see this app!"

That was how it all started. Whether it was a good thing or not, Marinette had no idea. But as soon as Alya told her she had an app that could predict what her and Nino's future kids would look like, Marinette knew that she had to try it.

She immediately violated Adrien by using his photo without him knowing. After all, she had plenty to choose from. But even despite never receiving his consent, when she got the results, she couldn't find it in herself to feel guilty.

Because their future child looked absolutely ADORABLE !

In the final results, she received a picture of a little boy who had golden, blonde hair just like Adrien's, but who had blue-bell eyes like her own. The baby had fair skin, cute little dimples, flushed, freckled cheeks, and the cutest little smile she had ever seen.

Marinette immediately fell in the love with the simulated image.

It was quickly saved to her camera roll, and from then on out, Marinette couldn't contain the smile that pulled at her lips. She obviously showed Alya, who gushed over the photo herself and even claimed that the baby would one day really be her future nephew. Even Nino agreed, claiming the kid would probably be the cutest thing to ever exist.

However, things got awkward the moment Alya decided to tell Adrien about the app. Adrien actually downloaded it, and Marinette almost choked on her soda when Adrien asked her if he could use her photo just to test it out.

She never got to see the results to that test, though. Adrien went about his day with a huge smile on his face, testing it out with anyone who would let him just because he thought it was fun.

Deciding to follow in his footsteps, Marinette decided to try it on other people too.

Which was her first mistake...

For some odd reason, her first idea was to try it on Chat Noir. It only took her a few seconds to pull his photo off of the internet and merge it with her own.

Marinette found herself smiling at how silly the idea was. If Chat Noir were to find out that she was actually trying to see what their potential future children could look like, he'd have an ego boost for sure. She could already picture his signature smirk, telling her alter-ego, Ladybug, that it was no coincidence their simulated kid was so cute. Of course, the whole idea of even using his face in the first place was meant to be a joke in itself.

But when the results finally came through, Marinette eyes almost bulged out from their sockets.

Because the results were exactly identical to Adrien's.

Of course, the first idea that popped into her mind was that the app had malfunctioned... which is why she tried another photo of Chat. But when the results remained the same, she decided to try it again but with another photo of Adrien's. And when the results still remained the same, she wanted to believe the app was simply rigged.

But gosh dang it, she wanted her simulation to be real!

She couldn't stop thinking about the identical results though... even as her nighttime patrol with Chat Noir rolled around. She hardly acknowledged his over-the-top bow and his flirtatious wink, or the not-so-subtle way he tried to kiss the top of her hand.

"Evening, Bugaboo." He said in a sultry voice. It was his greeting to her every night. "How are you this fine evening?"

Ladybug looked up at him... and for the first time ever, she actually struggled for an answer. The moment her eyes met his, the image of their simulated child resurfaced in her mind, which only caused her cheeks to flush a shade of red against her will.

"Are... are you blushing?"

"W-What?" Ladybug stammered, completely snapping herself out of whatever reverie she'd gotten herself into. "No! Of course not!"

"Oh my god..." But Chat Noir was already grinning so wide, there was no way she would be able to convince him that he'd been seeing things. "You are blushing. Because of me?"

See? An unnecessary ego boost.

"I am not blushing you dumb cat!"

He quickly reached out and took her hand in his, running his thumb over the top of it. For some reason, she found herself unable to pull away. "Your cheeks are as red as your suit, LB. Don't be embarrassed... I... I think it's cute."

She frowned at him. "It's hard not be embarrassed when you won't stop pointing it out."

He offered her an apologetic smile, but she knew deep down, he was still amused about the entire situation, if not proud too, that he had been the cause of her blushing. "Why are you embarrassed, M'lady?"

"As if I'd tell you." Ladybug scoffed.

"Oh c'mon now, don't be like that. I'm your partner and best friend. You can tell me anything."

She forced herself to look away from him, her blush only intensifying when she realized he was still holding onto her hand. Her thoughts just wouldn't stop circling around the photo of her cute, simulated child; their cute simulated child. The same simulated child who just so happened to be hers and Adrien's simulated child—

Oh my god. What if Adrien and Chat Noir were the same—

"Let me guess then." Chat Noir once again shattered her thoughts with a flirtatious chuckle. "You've finally fallen for me, haven't you?"

"I— don't flatter yourself—"

"You... accidentally farted in front of someone?"

"Don't be ridiculous!"

"You were having sex and accidentally used the wrong name."

"Chat Noir, I swear to god—"

"You accidentally walked into the men's restroom?"


"Well if you don't tell me, I'm just going to keep guessing~" Her feline partner practically sang, his smirk only stretching further at the sight of her rising agitation. 

She was so close to ringing his neck.

"You had a date." He said suddenly, a finger raised in thought. "But he wouldn't kiss you cause you guys chose Italian, and he doesn't like garlic breath."

"Chat Noir, that scenario is so stupid and random—"

"And just so you know..." Her partner actually had the audacity to wink at her. "Garlic breath does not perturb me. So... just something to keep in mind."

"Chat Noir!"

"What?" He laughed, ducking his head when she finally moved to take a swing at him.

"If you don't stop with all of these ridiculous assumptions—"

Her annoying feline companion chuckled, remaining crouched on all fours as he looked up at her mischievously. "I think I finally figured it out. You choked on your lunch in the lunchroom, and your fellow students had to perform CPR... all the while it's being recorded by everyone who's got their phone out, and soon enough, the whole incident took an entire page of the yearbook."

Ladybug simply stared at him, and it wouldn't take a genius to realize she was entirely unamused. Chat Noir stood to his feet after he realized he wouldn't get a response out of her that time, and he chuckled softly, reaching forward to take her hand once again. "Okay okay, I'm sorry. That's the last one, I promise—"

"I think we would make cute babies together!"

She hadn't meant to blurt it out so bluntly, or at all for that matter, but it was out before she could stop it from rolling off the tip of her tongue. Her hands quickly flew to her mouth, her eyes widening as she watched Chat's do the same, his shock clearly evident. They stared in silence at each other for what felt like a century, both of them too shocked and embarrassed to really say anything else that would be further embarrassing. She watched as Chat Noir's cheeks flushed and she was sooo tempted to tease him for it as a valid payback for all of his teasing.

But before she could, Chat Noir's response had her choking on air.

"I agree."

Her eyes only widened further, and the cough that robbed her of all her breath only further fueled her embarrassment. "W-What?"

"W-W-What?" He mimicked her shocked response, his stammering worse than hers.

"You... you said you agree."

He nodded slowly, a sheepish grin slowly pulling at his lips.

"So... so you used the app too?!"

"Hey! Don't you dare judge me. So did you!"

She couldn't even argue with him on that. If she tried, that would just make her a hypocrite.

"So... we both used the app on each other." Ladybug said slowly.

Chat Noir chuckled, "I'm honestly surprised that you even considered trying it on me."

Stubbornly, she folded her arms across her chest and huffed, turning away from him with a raised chin. "Don't let it get to your head. I was just curious."

Chat hummed at that, his smile still wide and prominent. "Our simulated baby is such a cutie though, isn't he?"

Ladybug couldn't help the smile that pulled at her lips then, because Chat Noir was right. Their simulated baby was the absolute cutest thing to ever exist and she was almost entirely certain it was an inevitable sign. She turned back around to look at him, her smile matching his. "Yes, yes he is."

He winked at her again. "You know... just say the word and I will happily help make him real."



I had too much fun with this one 😆


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