salty shenanigans pt1

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Requested by Freddy101

Fed up with all of Lila's lies, Marinette decides it's time to have a little fun of her own. And it gets even better when even Adrien is all in for pouring a little bit of salt on the liar's wounds.


"I'm going to throw a party for Lila."

Everyone that was sitting at her table froze, including Nino, who had his spoon full of pudding hovering in mid air and only inches away from his open mouth. Alya looked just as shocked, her eyes wide and her mouth also agape.

Adrien, however, simply kept his gaze downcast as he continued picking at his salad, as if he hadn't heard what she'd just said at all.

"What?" Alya lowered her fork, looking extremely puzzled, "But you hate Lila."

Marinette pursed her lips and nodded, "Yeah I do. Buuuuttt one of us has to be the bigger person and patch things up, right?"

Alya and Nino exchanged an uncertain look. "Yeah... I guess," Alya unsurely met Marinette's gaze again. "I'm just... surprised, I guess, that you're taking that step."

Marinette scoffed lightly and scrunched up her nose. "And why wouldn't I be?"

"Marinette, just a week ago you accused Lila of vandalism."

"Uh yeah. Because she did. She did graffiti all over my locker. Do you need a reminder? I have pictures—"

"And she explained that it was an accident. She meant to wrap your locker in wrapping paper first, y'know, for your birthday?" Alya scrutinized the ravenette with a look Marinette did not like. "Cause she was trying to surprise you, but her short term memory ruined it."

Marinette wanted to roll her eyes. Short term memory loss? More like long term bitterness. Lila enjoyed holding grudges; she found fascination in getting revenge. She knew exactly what she was doing when she spray painted Marinette's locker, and she wasn't sorry for it.

"Well consider this a 'return the favor' sort of gesture," Marinette smiled, her arms outstretched. "She surprised me, and now I'm simply surprising her in return."

Smirking, Marinette spared a glance out of the corner of her eye towards Adrien when he chuckled, trying his best to suppress a smile.

Alya eyes instantly darted to Adrien, frowning, "Oh? So... are you two planning something?"

"Oh definitely," Adrien chuckled before Marinette could respond. They all turned to look at him, Alya and Nino watching him extremely confused, and Marinette smiling widely, as Adrien extended his arm and reached for the center of the table, wrapping his fingers around the white, salt shaker.

He smiled, twirling the shaker between his fingertips. "I'm going to be bringing the finger foods."

Marinette smiled as well. "And I'll be inviting the guests."

"And I'll be picking the music. What do you think she likes?" Adrien asked with pursed lips, directing his question to Marinette. "Creepy, eerie music?"

Marinette feigned consideration. "The eerie-er the better."

"And the costumes?"

"Oh!" Marinette clapped her hands excitedly, "I've got those all figured out already!"

"Great! Who will you be?"

"That's a surprise," Marinette giggled, "And who will you be?"

Adrien's smug smile was enough to cause her to burst out laughing, and she couldn't help the unpleasant snort that escaped past his lips when he winked. "That's also a surprise."

"Um hello? We're still here." Alya deadpanned, looking between the two of her friends annoyingly. Nino stayed silent at her side, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Right, sorry," Adrien chuckled as he turned his attention back onto her. She frowned at him, even as Marinette also turned to look at her again.

But, she did relax ever-so-slightly. "Is there anything we can do to help?" She asked, gesturing between her and Nino with a jab of her thumb. Nino perked up and his eyes went wide, but his reaction didn't seem to be a positive one.

If anything, it looked as if he'd rather not be a part of any of his friends' scheming.

"I could write something on the LadyBlog?" Alya offered when everyone around the table remained silent. "Would that be okay? Inviting the heroes?"

Adrien worriedly met Marinette's eyes– and she could easily tell he was worried with the way his gaze pierced into hers, almost as if he was silently asking her 'do you have a brilliant plan to get around this one?'

But Marinette simply smiled, nodding at Alya. "That's a great idea, Al. That'd be awesome."

"What?" Adrien squeaked, looking at Marinette with wide eyes. "But what about—"

"It'll be fine." Marinette assured him gently. She quickly offered him a look she knew only he would understand; a look he quickly recognized as 'we'll talk later'. "Anyways, go ahead and alert the LadyBlog," Marinette directed towards Alya. "Getting the heroes involved will definitely make Lila feel... mmm... special."


"Marinette, what were you thinking?!" Adrien caught her again after their fifth period, clasping a hand to her shoulder. "Getting the heroes involved? I like the enthusiasm... but that's risky."

"How?" Marinette turned around to face him with a smile on her face. "We're already dressing up."

"Yeah, okay. But I wasn't planning on being Chat Noir."

Marinette's smile turned confused. "You weren't? But you said your costume was going to be a surprise."

"It is!"

"Well, there's no point in keeping it a secret anymore, so what was it?"

Suddenly, Adrien's cheeks flushed a bright red. "It... I was going to dress up in the banana costume." She snorted at that, which earned her a frown. "Don't laugh! It's not funny!"

"Is that the only costume you have?" Marinette giggled into the palm of her hand, despite Adrien's prominent and disappointed frown.

"Yes." He admitted.

"Adrien, forget about being banana-man and just come as Chat Noir."

Despite his flushed cheeks, Adrien smirked from ear-to-ear and took her hand into his, kissing the top of it. "I'd rather match costumes with you any day, m'lady. So deal."

Marinette smirked at him. "All right, don't get too cheeky. I need your brain to be focused enough to help me."

"I'm focused," Adrien's lips brushed against her skin, his eyelids fluttering up to meet her gaze. "But since this is distracting you, I'll stop."

"Ha-ha-ha," Marinette deadpanned, despite the wide smile she was wearing. "We need to come up with a way to lure Lila in. Have any ideas?"

Adrien straightened his posture and grinned, "Is that even a trick question? All I have to do is tell her I'm going, and that will be enough to reel her in."

Marinette moved forward to wrap her arms around Adrien's waist, snickering as she leaned her head comfortably on his shoulder. "Hook, line, and sinker."

When Adrien wrapped his arms around her to return her embrace and playfully squeezed her hips in response, it was enough for her to know that he didn't disagree.


When the time for the party finally arrived, Marinette didn't know if she would be able to contain herself when Lila arrived. Bit when the brunette finally did step through the double doors of the school, arm linked with Adrien's, she found herself smiling despite how much she wanted to punch the brunette for hanging all over her boyfriend.

"You seem to be very calm for someone who can clearly see that Lila is hanging onto Adrien like a leach."

Marinette turned her head to find Alya suddenly at her side, who was eyeing her a bit skeptically. Marinette shrugged her shoulders. "So?"

"So... hello? Where are you right now? Because the Marinette I know would never be passive about this."

Marinette shook her head and chuckled, "Don't be dramatic, Alya."

"Dramatic? She's practically drooling all over Adrien's arm!"

"She is not."

"Whatever," Alya rolled her eyes. "The point is, she shouldn't be so close to a taken man."

"Are you implying Adrien shouldn't be leading the guest of honor into her own party like a gentleman?"

Alya offered her best friend a deadpanned look. "You know that's not what I'm implying."

Marinette's smile was wide as she chuckled and reached over to pat Alya's cheek. The brunette pulled back with a look of confusion. "Don't worry about it, Alya." Marinette said, "Everything is going exactly as planned."

"It is?" Alya questioned as if there was something she was missing... and she was. The ravenette could tell she was severely confused.

"Yeah." Nodding, Marinette's smile twitched ever-so-slightly when she caught Adrien's eyes from across the room. They shared a knowing look before he winked at her and began to make his way over to her, Lila still hanging onto his arm, and the sight had Marinette's smile widening. "But hold in your gossip for later, because they're coming this way."

Alya didn't have a chance to say anything more. Adrien approached the duo with a wide smile, and the girl on his arm seemingly had a wider one. But her smile was sinister, and directed at the ravenette, as if she were saying 'I've won'.

Marinette couldn't help but return the smirk. If only Lila knew who was really going to win tonight.

"This was incredibly nice of you to put together for me, Marinette." Lila's sweet, sickly voice, for the first time, was music to Marinette's ears. "I wasn't aware you cared about me so much."

"Oh, I can't be given all the credit," Marinette gestured to Adrien, who was wearing a wide smile of his own. "Adrien helped so much. I couldn't have done it without him."

Lila looked up at Adrien, who was already looking down at her. "That's so kind of you, Adrien."

Adrien patted Lila's hand, which was still tightly gripping his skin. "You deserve it, Lila. You've been through a lot."

Marinette suppressed rolling her eyes.

Finally, Lila released Adrien from her 'hawk-like' hold and stepped forward to place a hand onto Marinette's shoulder. "I'm glad that we are able to get along, and put the misunderstandings of the past behind us, Marinette."

Marinette titled her head and smiled, "Same here, Lila."

Suddenly, music began to play in the building, and Lila perked up, spinning on her heel to face Adrien again. "Oh! I love this song! Adrien...!" She extended her hand out towards him. "Will you dance with me?!"

Adrien grinned and raised his hands in a surrendering manner. "I'd love to... but I have to finish setting out the food. How about a rain check later tonight?"

That seemed to please Lila. She shot another smirk at Marinette. "Yeah," she said sweetly, though her gaze never left her adversary's as she spoke to Adrien. "I'd love that."

And then she scampered off, heading towards the floor to dance with some of their other classmates.

As soon as she was gone and out of earshot, Adrien's smile fell and he faked a gag. Marinette had to suppress a loud snort when Adrien reached into his pant pocket to pull out a bottle of germ-x, flip open the cap, and apply some germ-x onto his arm.

"What?" Adrien asked when he caught her grinning at the sight. "I don't know where she's been."

Marinette giggled into her hand. "She probably carries diseases."

The ravenette snorted when Adrien offered her a very deadpanned look in response. Despite that they were both in this together, she liked teasing him.

As Adrien rubbed his arm, he bit his lip to prevent his smile was surfacing. "The things I do for you."

Marinette snickered, "Don't be cheeky, babe. The night is not over yet, and it seems you and I still need to go get properly dressed."


When Ladybug and Chat Noir vaulted through one of the open windows in the school, all of their classmates cheered for their arrival. Including the guest of honor, who apparently couldn't seem to believe that the heroes were there for her.

Ladybug placed her hands on her hips and smiled confidently, especially when students began to pull out their phones and take photos. Alya was one of the first to pull out her phone, and was already streaming a live video.

Lila was beaming so wide, it almost made Marinette feel bad for what she was about to do. Almost. But this was Lila Rossi. She deserved humiliation... no matter how many akumas would come about because of it.

So, when Lila pushed her way through the crowd and practically invaded their personal space, Marinette was more than ready to give Lila a taste of her own medicine.

"Ladybug! You're here?!" Her eyes moved over to Chat Noir. "And Chat Noir! How did you hear about my party?"

Ladybug turned to look over at her friend, who was grinning behind her phone. "Alya was very adamant about how special tonight was going to be on the LadyBlog."

Lila whipped around, squealing when she found Alya in the crowd. "Al! You didn't!"

The nickname only Marinette used for Alya made the red superhero flinch, but Chat Noir was there to put a hand on her shoulder before it could evidently blow her cover.

"I did!" Alya exclaimed, squealing just as annoyingly, "Surprise!"

Ladybug glanced away, thankful that she had her partner by her side. Otherwise, she would probably be crying.

She didn't realize Alya and Lila were so close.

Chat Noir cleared his throat, and when the girls turned to look back at him, he grinned, "And what a surprise it is, huh! Considering this is the closest you will ever get to a celebrity." A few students surrounding the heroes laughed when Chat Noir flexed his bicep.

Ah, Ladybug thought, and glanced up. When she met her partner's eyes, he offered her a flirtatious wink.

So he was already starting their plan.

Lila scoffed at that. "As if. I'm probably more of a celebrity than you are."

"Oh yeah?" Chat Noir challenged playfully, "I bet I know more celebrities personally than you."

Ladybug suppressed a laugh. She knew for a fact that Adrien Agreste knew more celebrities on a personal level than Lila Rossi did.

Lila rolled her eyes. "I'm willing to bet you don't. My parents have taken me all around the world, and I've met many celebrities who've become close friends with my parents, and therefore, me."

Chat Noir faked a yawn, which earned him an annoyed look from Lila. "Spare me the pleasantries, and start listing some names."

The students surrounding the heroes made a loud oooh which had Lila Rossi spinning on her heel to glare at them all. By now, everyone had their phone out to record the scene, and Lila was not about to let her so called 'reputation' be tarnished in front of a crowd.

So, Lila did what she does best. She lied. "I know Prince Ali—"

"What him?" Chat laughed as if he had expected better. "I met him a long time ago at a holiday party I was forced to attend. We've been close friends ever since."

Inwardly, Ladybug smirked. Technically, her boyfriend wasn't lying. He did meet Prince Ali for the first time at a holiday party his father had dragged him to.

And he and Ali were so close, that the prince himself had agreed to help with their little plan.

Lila glared at Chat Noir. "Well... we're also very close. So close that Prince Ali got me tickets backstage to have an interview with Jagged Stone."

"Jagged Stone, huh?" Chat Noir was amused. She could tell with the way his tail flicked back and forth from behind him. "So, you know him too?"

"Oh yes," Suddenly, Lila was grinning, as if she now had the upper hand. Little did she know. "You know, Jagged Stone wrote a song about me."

Chat Noir folded his arms over his chest, feigning surprise. "Really? I've never heard it before."

Lila, who held her head high, smiled, "That's because his manager, Bob Roth, wanted to have me play in the music video before the song released."

"Ah," Chat nodded as if he understood. "So you know Bob Roth as well?"

"Is that even a trick question?" Lila asked as if he was stupid. "Of course I do! He wanted to sponsor me– said I had the most wonderful voice. But I told him I couldn't."

Ladybug grounded her teeth together. The nerve Lila had to lie like the wind was repulsive.

Thankfully, her boyfriend knew how to keep his composure much better than she did. "Why couldn't you?"

Lila shrugged and began to examine her nails. "Because being a model is already enough work as it is. You know, Gabriel Agreste even said I'm one of his top models."

Ladybug was impressed when Chat Noir didn't even flinch. She supposed he was just that good at keeping a straight face. "It's funny that you mention Gabriel Agreste," he said rather slowly, "That's the one person I can't say I'm very familiar with."

That had Ladybug frowning slightly. The double meaning behind his words didn't go unnoticed by her.

They did, however, go unnoticed by Lila obviously. So she giggled loudly, "So I suppose I win then?"

Chat Noir pursed his lips. "Perhaps I'm not the one who should be the judge of that." And then he stepped to the side and gestured to the front doors of the school. "How about we ask them?"

Everyone turned to look over at the double doors of the school, where three men stood. One was Jagged Stone, the other, Bob Roth, and the third, Prince Ali. And neither of them looked very amused.

From the corner of her eye, Ladybug spared Lila a glance, only to find that the brunette had gone pale.

Ladybug's lips twitched slightly into a smirk.

Prince Ali was the first to speak up. "I never bought you tickets to see Jagged Stone in a concert. As a matter of fact, I barely know you at all."

"And I never wrote a song about you!" Jagged exclaimed, a bit irritated, "You aren't rock-n-roll enough!"

Bob Roth, however, simply lifted a brow at Lila. "Who are you again? I've never heard you sing before in my life."

All of the students surrounding them watched with wide eyes, unsure of how to respond. Lila's eyes were blown wide, and for the first time ever, Lila Rossi had nothing to say to back up her lies.

Ladybug hummed knowingly, a wide smirk on her lips as she stepped forward and lifted her arm to rest her elbow on her partner's shoulder. "Well," she huffed out a laugh through her nose. "It looks like Chat Noir is the winner."


I don't know how much I like this one, but let me know what you guys think! Maybe I just need someone else's opinion on it lol.

Also, I'M SO SORRY for how long this took! I still have a list of prompts that need to be written out, so please be patient with me!


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